Setting up your Character
Setting up your Character
So, you've logged in as a guest! Now what?
Well, you've got to flesh out your character! There a number of values to set on your character: Name, Species, Age, Description, Password, Secret Phrase, and Email.
For inputting your character values, you have two options!
Character Setup rooms.
When you log on as a Guest, you will find yourself in the Welcome Room. At the bottom of your screen you will see three exits. These exits are: [CHARACTER SETUP], [START], and [PORTAL].
If you type [CHARACTER SETUP], you will enter a series of rooms which will take you through each character value. They will describe them much as I am going to do and allow you to set each value.
If you would rather not traverse through the character setup rooms, you can alternatively use the +set command.
The +set command follows this format: +set (setting)=(change). I will give you an example of how each of your character values would be set.
+set name=Bob
+set species=Fox
+set age=Adult
+set desc=Bob is an adult fox.
+set Pword=Banana
+set Secret=What do monkeys like to eat?
Pretty simple, huh? At this point, if you feel you don't need any further explanation of the character values, you can type +pcreate me and you'll be done. However, if you would like a little more information on each of the character values, read on!