Setting Sail - The Western Shore

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Characters: Aikuen, Kentar, William

Location: Western Shore

They have finally managed to make it to the ocean. The great waves of the western shore. Splashing up against the sandy white beaches. And Aik makes an executive decision to make camp for the rest of the day. Even though they didn't have lunch yet. And spend the rest of the day lounging by the water. Eating. And making merry. Plus he wants his kids to learn to swim in salt water. Which is completely different ball game then fresh water. The cart it set up above the tide line. And a small fire brews just behind it. To ward off seekers on the ocean.

Kentar and Sebastian have been talking about each other for most of the day as they make it to the water. The badger hums a little and looks around as he sets the cart down and helps set up camp. He sits down and starts to get a fire going as Kentar comes up towards Aik. "I like him." he chuckles. "Nice badger." He nods.

Aikuen is standing in front of the cart. Well. More leaning against the cart. Watching his kids play in the sands from a distance as he waits to make sure camp is one hundred percent. He looks toward the stoat as he approaches, "He is nice. Kinda odd. For a badger. But. Hey. Maybe we can be just as lucky sometimes too!" he chuckles.

Kentar chuckles a bit and nods. "Yeah." he then hums. "What do you mean kind of odd?" he asks, tilting his head slightly. "We're all kind of odd for what we are!" he laughs.

Aikuen snorts and pokes the stoat, "What am i huh? Im not odd. At least. I am what they call a woodlander. And don't you forget it!" he snorts and laughs.

Kentar laughs a little and grins. "You're very, very odd, Aik." he nods with a smile. "Don't worry. We're all odd...but why is Sebastian odd?"

"You mean other than th 'not killing all of us, except the otters, on sight'?" Will asks coming up behind the stoat.

Aikuen nods, "TrueTrue. But im odd... in a good way!" he chuckles, "Cause he is a badger you hasn't tried to kill/mace us yet. Glad that he hasn't. Truly i am. Still find it odd though." he nods toward the the rat, "Oh aye."

Kentar ohs and hums. "I see." he nods and then looks to Sebastian. "Yeah. Actually, that's true." he thinks. "Wonder why he hasn't killed us yet...oh well, never mind that!" he chuckles.

William shrugs, "Maybe he's a nice badger." Not that that makes sense as all the 'nice' badgers in history still killed 'vermin'.

Aikuen shrugs, "All i know. He is a good beast." he nods, "He will make a fine edition to the crew. I wonder what Garnet though of it. When she found out that she would be in charge of him in the galley." he chuckles.

Kentar laughs a little bit and grins. "She told me to ask why you can't keep him out on deck!" he laughs. "She's scared of him. Mostly scared anyways." he nods.

Aikuen snorts, "She wont be saying that when she finds out how many she will have to cook for. She will be begging us for help. Begging us." he grins. "She will be glad for the help Seb will bring."

Kentar smirks a bit and nods. "Yeah." he chuckles a little bit and hums. "So how many are we planning on hiring?" he asks, tilting his head to one side. "And are you paying them or am I?" he smirks.

William grins, "Can't you just see her ordering him about?" The rat chuckles picturing the stoatwife waving a wooden spoon at the giant badger. At the mention of pay the rat looks between the two. He'd assumed Aik was paying for the ship and all it entailed but as long as they don't expect him to pay anyone he doesn't care who's paying.

Aikuen hrms, "Oh... I say... At least 15... Maybe more. Depending on the size of the ship. But i have a pretty good estimate on what size its gonna be..." he laughs at Will before going to shove the stoat lightly, "Ill be paying them you great silly. Unless you want to of course. No fur off my back" Now. Back to that picture that Will put in his head.

Kentar hums a little bit and tilts his head slightly and thinks. "What sort of ship are you getting with a crew of fifteen?" he asks with a laugh, shaking his head slowly.

"Weren't we getting a fishing ship?" Will asks as he thinks that was what Aik had said but the otter may have changed his mind. It's not like the rat knows anything about ships or crews.

Aikuen hrms and pulls out a receipt. One that he got from the otter a while ago, "Take a look at this beauty" he tosses the scroll (look Golden) toward William. Before explaining, "I plan to get this ship. Or... Something similar. A Corvette class ship. But its more than just that. True. It can be used for war. But mostly for trading. At first i did want a fishing troller. Then i was like... What the heck! You only live once!" he chuckles, "Thats why the small sized crew."

William looks at the scroll, well actually the picture and writing on the scroll. "You sure we only need fifteen beasts t crew er?" the rat asks having a little trouble figuring out just how big a ship they'll be getting.

Aikuen takes the scroll back. Putting it back on the cart in a safe place, "15 or so. Might need more. But no more than 25 will probably be ever needed. This is not a big boat. And extra beasts. Is extra weight. And extra gold..." he nods.

William nods, "Hope the rest of the crew you want is as ... understanding as the badger."

Aikuen nods and chuckles, "Hopefully. If not. Im going to enforce. You play not nice. I dump you in the ocean miles and miles from everything..." he laughs a bit, "And then i wont pay them. Hahaa But yes. I have Kentar Helping me find a swell crew. Im sure it will be just fine!"

William says, "So long as he stays on our side we could always have th badger toss em over board for us."

Aikuen nods with a smile, "Another reason why i hired him. Gotta have muscle to keep things... Well. You know. In order. So to speak." he hrms, "But same for him i guess. We could eventually over power him. Eventually." he nods somewhat.

William says, "Hope so. I don't want to fight a badger if I don't have to."

Aikuen chuckles and nods, "Well Aye. Me too. That's not something i tend to look forward too. But given what the badger has shown us so far. I think we will be just fine..." he nods, "Though we might have to worry about food though. Ah, we will just buy more then!" he chuckles.

William nods, "So we're headed west to the shore and after we get the ship just were ever?"

Aikuen chuckles and points down shore. As they are already on the shoreline, "Tomorrow. We will head south. Over a small hill. And into the harboring city. Of Alcadia..." he rubs at his head, "Im sure you remember it. Then after we get the ship. We island hop to one place. THEN island hop to another before sailing back to Alcadia" deep breath, "Then back home and such." he chuckles as he goes ontop of the cart to get a nice nap, "Now. Im gonna let you mull over where the harboring city is. And im gonna catch a few Zzz!" he grins before closing his eyes.