Sagebrush Inn

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Sagebrush Inn is an inn in Mossflower, east of the Dirt Road and south of St. Ninian's Church.

When Sagebrush died, management of the inn passed to Tristram Wytethorn, who changed its name from "Mossflower Inn" to "Sagebrush" and ran it for several years. It is unclear what befell Wytethorn and the rest of the staff, but the inn was abandoned and overgrown when Riverdale rediscovered it some time later.


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  • Riverdale — current owner, though he does not handle day-to-day operations
  • Westy — a diligent young weasel
  • Pierre — the aging concierge



MPI Pillow Fight by Riverdale

Get a room key from Pierre and invite players to an MPI pillow fight!