SO Much For A Quiet Day...

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

FV:Town Hall:Chieftain's Office

This is an office where the Chieftain does some of his work. A large desk sits in the room and has varies important papers on it. A chair is by the desk and a window looks outside.

Exits: [H]olding [C]ell, [B]ack

Scioto is at his desk finishing up a report and then stands to stretch as it’s been a long day for him. In fact he may just take the rest of the day off.

The door opens and in walks a wildcat. He slowly closes the door as he looks at Scioto "Sorry bout the guard at the door. He is alive, just a little knocked out “ He grins as he walks closer "I am Zurrgg and I have but one simple question, do answer.” A smirk forms on his lips. “where is Marek?"

Scioto blinks as the door opens and arches an eyebrow, he lays a paw on his sword as he speaks. “What is it you want and it may be wiser to leave my office . And I only ask THAT once"

Zurrgg chuckles as he pats a very familiar looking crossbow, “But I just got here, where is the excitement of that . Besides with you being the chieftain I am -sure- you know where he is. See I want to give him a message and personally if at all possible so you gonna tell me or regret not telling me?"

Scioto narrows his eyes. “Wait, you’re the wildcat that was in my village before so the answer is No." He now draws his blade "You have very little time to leave before I make you leave"

Zurrgg just chuckles dryly, “No one makes me leave" With A growl he lunges at the chieftain, aiming to send a punch into his shoulder, and a quick sweep of the foot paws to try to throw him off balance. This done with quick surprising speed.

Scioto has little time to move to a better position before he is knocked backwards and loses his balance with an oooff. But as he falls he swings his blade at the other cat’s chest.

Zurrgg growls, the blade slides across some chain mail and he narrows his eyes as he turns his paw, "Not to worry your only be unable to do much for a couple hours, long enough for me to get some info." He quickly will do small jabs before the cat can hopefully react. These temporarily lock up main muscles like the arms and legs.

Scioto goes to block and manages halfway to block before some jabs connect and then more as he tries to move to swing the blade and finds he can’t, this only peeves him off rather than worry him, "Going to regret this" He says in a warning.

Zurrgg smirks, "I don’t think so." He goes to grab Scioto by the back of his cloak and then drags him over to the cell, "Oh look a place to stay a while" He takes him inside and lays him by the far wall and calmly walks out, locking the cell and smiles coldly then walks over to toss the keys into a corner of the front of the room..WELL out of reach. He turns to face the chieftain before he heads out "This was fun, but I plan on doing more to Marek and then everything he cares about. So…vile really to suddenly care. To have a heart..." He chuckles "Maybe I can fix that, permit like. I am sure someone will figure you’re late for something...enjoy the rest of your day" He then just walks off. He even is polite and closes the office door on his way out.

Scioto can't really fight back as he is basically locked in his own cell. He does get a glare in as the wildcat leaves, so much for enjoying half a day off.