Right Before The Winter Feast!!!!(Feb13th 2014)
RW Abbey: Great Hall
The Great Hall of Redwall Abbey. Countless paw falls have echoed from these stones, and untold numbers of feasts and merry gatherings have been held here. A table, not nearly so grand or large as its predecessors, but quite functional for mealtimes, rests near the center of the hall. Chairs exist here aplenty, and they are all of a matching set. High above, the stain glass windows give the Great Hall a beautiful appearance. The glasswork is exceptionally done, crafted by a skilled artist. The floor is clean and swept. A fire is kept burning in the fireplace at almost all times of the day and night, and there are several more comfortable chairs and cushions set up here, of varying sizes. One looks large enough to easily accommodate a badger.
The Tapestry hangs proud and tall, and while the rest of Redwall may still bear the scars of natural disaster, this most famous of Redwall's relics remains unharmed by beast, time, or the elements. The figure of Martin the Warrior seems to be watching over his own with an unchanging, kindly gaze.
Soft light is slowly beginning to filter in through the stained glass windows high above your head.
Exits: Abbey's [Li]brary, [K]itchen, [C]avern [H]ole, [B]reezeway, [En]try, [Stairs]
a message (board) with notes tacked to it
Zork peeks into the large room as he is in his wheelchair; he lets some others go into the Great hall first before he will enter.
Thorn has gotten changed and cleaned up, somewhat, she still has the red dye on the tip of her headfur, but otherwise she has a light blue dress on and her headfur is less spiky right now. She also has sandals on her footpaws.
The Great Hall of Redwall Abbey is decked out in fine style. Several tables are set up, laden with every type of food imaginable. Five different types of cheese, three different stews, four types of salad, scones, rolls, biscuits... On one table is a very large helping of Deeper'n'Ever, Turnip'n'Tater'n'Beetroot Pie, a mole favorite. Another table has no less than five different fish dishes. And, there's also the dessert table, holding numerous pies, a huge cake, several puddings, tarts, honey, jam, and other sundry treats. Last, but certainly not least, is the drinks table, laden with casks of every drink imaginable, from October Ale, to Raspberry Fizz, to Elderberry Wine.
Thorn smiles as she looks around and remembers to stay out of the way of passing beasts whom are busy sitting all this up.
Lee enters, with his wife Streamheart, and their son, Konrad, who has learned to walk on his own by now. "Oy, look at all that fish, me darlin'."
Streamheart nods and Lee helps her to find a place to sit. The female otter is quite obviously pregnant.
Zork enters the great hall and looks around as he leans back in his chair, he then spots Thorn and moves over to her carefully, he shakes his head once as may be a little hard to move around too much, so he reaches back and gets his cane in case he needs it and stands up from his chair after putting it basically where he will probably stay during the feast and walks over to Thorn, who isn't too far away from him and stops beside her, "Hey Thorn.."
Lacota enters from the kitchen, barking orders to his helpers. "Careful now, Stewart. Don't drop that pie! Angelo! What do you think you're doing? Get your fingers out of that icing, this instant!"
Thorn turns around slowly and smiles when she sees the badger and goes to hug him, "Hey..." She says quietly. “I was away and...well back now."
Lee waves. "Oy, Zork! How are ye today?" Kondrad starts to wander off, but the bigger otter quickly catches him. "An' where do ye think yer goin', Konrad, hmm?" He laughs good naturedly, lifting his son up off the floor.
Zork chuckles, "I can see that lass." He grins as he looks to see others starting to come into the room, but he must likely won’t be standing for too long as he uses the cane now and nods to Lee, "Tis a good day."
Lacota likewise nods to the badger. "Good morning, Zork. Taking it easy, I hope?"
Thorn smiles, she seems happy to be back among her friends and chuckles at Lacota a little, "Today looks like it will be great!"
Zork nods, "Well it should be lass." He waves to Lacota "Not ta worry, just standing a wee little bit, I can walk some ya know ya worry too much."
Lacota hmms. "Perhaps..."
Lee carries his son to Streamheart, and sits beside her, kissing her cheek.
Krystal peers around a corner, this is the first feast she has ever seen and so seems unsure of joining in or not. A lot of beasts she hardly knows is here and some she doesn’t know at all is here.
Thorn tilts her head curious, “Why would standing too long brother you?" She asks the badger, she is curious and has been away 1/2 season, she knows some things but not a lot of things.
Zork smiles and pats her on the head, "Nothing for ya ta worry on...sides taday be a day fer fun and good food."
Lacota waves to Krystal. "I was hoping you'd come join us!" He smiles happily. "Please, I would be honored by your presence, Krystal."
Krystal smiles and walks over to Lacota, "I..all this is so much and I am unsure of whether I should stay or not for feast. I have never been to one." She moves a stray headfur piece and looks around slightly nervous.
Lacota smiles, and hugs Krystal gently. "Trust me... You will enjoy it."
Thorn nods "Right..just seems some things have changed since I was gone." She looks around and spots the wheelchair and blinks.
Zork nods, he rises an eyebrow and looks over at the chair and grins leading her over "Tis me chair..see..places on de back for me cane, and when needed tools. De arm rests have a place ta hold a flask of ale and maybe like candy nuts.." He sits down to show how the seat goes up and down and grins again, there is even padding as he gets comfortable again," I fixed up an older chair ta fit me needs...hee hee"
Krystal smiles and returns the hug, "I hope so Lacota..I want to still feel welcome, as this is my home now."
Lacota smiles again. "I'm glad you feel welcome."
Thorn looks over at the chair, and walks around it even before saying, "Well, its certainly different that’s for sure"
Krystal smiles warmly, "I am glad I decided to live here, I don’t think life would be the same had I chosen to live elsewhere"
Lacota pats Krystal's shoulder. "It...certainly wouldn't be the same..."
Krystal keeps her smile "Well I..I would of missed you had I left but I love it here. I have a small amount of friends now and..slowly gaining more friends, yes a couple here still I am unsure of but..well it will just take some time is all."
Lacota smiles. "I would have missed you as well, Krystal.
Thorn looks around as some things start to calm just a little and its almost time for the feast to start.
The door to the great hall opens wide, letting air from the outside as well as the sounds of an argument. "...I'm sorry but that's the rules."
"Well it's a stupid rule!" comes the reply.
Two beasts enter the Great Hall. One is a very sour looking hare, a white furred beast wearing the traditional garb of the Redwall Guard. The other is a fox with thick brown fur and a very obese yellow underbelly. Xia the vixen crosses her arms as she enters. "It still doesn't feel right, having to turn in my halberd to you...you guards. I bet you are dulling the blade with all your peace and good will towards all."
"Sorry, but no weapons in the abbey miss."
The fox threw out her arms, "But I feel naked without a weapon on me!" The hare raised an eyebrow to the fox who wore a cloth vest and short, leaving much of her legs and considerable midriff very exposed. "Riiiiiight. Anyway, here is the great hall. The feast will start shortly. Do try...not to eat anyone before then." With that the guard leaves, very much aware of the hateful glare being bored into the back of his skull.
Zork had fallen asleep in his chair, hey it has cushions so it’s possible! He hmms and looks over at the yelling coming from the entry of the great hall and yawns as he sits up better now. “Wot goin' on now?"
Krystal nods and suddenly tenses at the sudden noise and looks ready to leave the room when she sees the unknown fox enter, but she stays very close to Lacota.
Thorn looks to the doorway and goes to sit down in a chair nearby.
With Great Hall laid out for a feast it is a warm, cozy haven against the thick snow drifting down on the other side of the stained glass windows. There are 4 long trestle tables running the length of the abbey laden down with the finest food and drink the abbey produces. At the far end in front of the tapestry is the High Table where the Abbey Elders have their chairs where Zork is relaxing in his chair, currently the only elder present. Benar is the next to appear though he skirts the Abbot's table to head over to his daughter, pausing by Thorn, "How are you doing today Thorn, ready for the feast?" Sister Matilda is the next to appear slipping into her chair before Abbot Lorimis himself walks down the stairs and slowly makes his way over to his chair. He shuffles along step by step as Abbey beasts spot his arrival and move to take seats on the benches lining the tables.
Thorn smiles and hugs Benar, "Today is a very good day, guess choice perfect time to be home again"
Leon enters the room, with his family beside him and nods to beasts as he sits down and his family sits down beside him.
The fox almost very nearly cusses the hare guard out but remembers where she is. She could care less about cussing in an abbey, but doing so while being one of the few vermin in an abbey full of woodlanders? Xia isn't THAT crazy. "Jackwagon." She mutters under her breath. The heavy set vixen then strides across the floor, large bushy tail swooshing slowly behind her. She finds a place to sit at one of the tables. Leaning her muzzle on one paw she drums her claws against the wood with the other. For the length of the walk Xia took to get here from Ferraville , Redwall better live up to its rumors .The rumors about the food...not the ones about its vermin killing ways...
Lacota was already in great hall... He decides to remain by Krystal as opposed to sitting at the head table, however.
Oz makes his way into the room, he nods for the dibbuns with him to sit down and has a Sister Jenn to help keep an eye on the dibbuns as he goes to sit down as well.
The dibbuns sit down and stay on the best behavior for the feast and wait.
Lee is seated with his pregnant wife and son.
Leon is seated with Dorarose and their children Lillymoore and Caleb. Caleb even helped in the kitchens some today as he smiles.
Krystal stays calm with all the gathered beasts here, she feels safe with Lacota nearby it seems.
Lorimis waves to Oz as he comes in and smiles, "Hi Oz, how nice to see you," he leans over to hug the Badger's arm fondly as he sits down. Benar meanwhile slips into a seat next to Thorn and looks around happily. "Lacota has done a brilliant job this time, this all smells delicious." and indeed the scents are rising, the pies and flans and salads and fruit juices, cordials and ale... it all smells rather good! Lorimis looks around seeing who else may be arriving but doesn't stand up to do his speech just yet.
Oz smiles "Greetings Abbot Lorimis."
Lacota pulls out a chair for Krystal, near to the head table. "May I offer you a seat, Miss?"
Xia doesn't feel safe at all! She feels hungry! And very out of place! All these woodlanders about make her un comfortable for reasons she doesn't even understand, and she is fairly certain a dibbun is staring at her. The fox is just thankfull she has yet to see any birds. That would be...awkward. Given her new line of work.
The smell of the freshly made food does seem to calm her nerves a bit, and make her drool. And nothing is more calming than the site of a preditor with sharp teeth who begins to drool in hunger. Mindfull of this Xia chuckles nervously as she wipes off her maw.
Krystal smiles as she sits by Lacota.