Riches to Share?-Jedrick Log

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Halyard Tavern: Main Room

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Halyard Tavern ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Warmly lit by torches along the walls and lanterns set upon the many tables

scattered around the room, the main room of the Halyard Tavern is an often-

populated area. One corner of the tavern is taken up by a stage, about a

foot or two higher than the rest of the floor, where live entertainment

performs, while circular tables, both large and small, are set up in front

of the stage, spreading out into the center of the room. Meanwhile, around

the perimeter of the tavern, booths are set, and, of course, the obligatory

bar rests against the far wall, a bartender or barmaid always on duty.


                               Visible Exits:

[K]itchen [O]ut to [E]ntrance

[C]limb under a [T]able


The afternoon seems normal, and one wildcat seems to have acquired a good amount of stolen gold and jewels, "Way too much to move on one's own of course, just laying there for the takin'" He grins as he speaks with some rats and a couple stoats, they seem to like the wildcat, hey he brought them ale! He sips his own as well. His cloaked tag-a-long is not with him today

In the back of the tavern, away from the joy and revelry of the bar Rioko sits with her face resting on the table. How can she have fun when she has to WORK?

The sight of the wildcat causes her to sit up though. She recognizes him alright. She's been trying to find a long patrol hare to listen to her and turn him in! Well...that's mostly true. She's been trying to find /A/ long patrol hare. If she just turned in the wild cat to any old lawmen they would just thank her for her time and be on their merry way. No, Rioko wants a REWARD for all her troubles. Her tail twitches though to the sight of how much money he appears to be spending.

"Win big at the games I see?" Rioko says as she trots over.

Jedrick looks over and grins "No seems a shrew found some treasure, that he no longer needs so I took some. There is more in a cave on the shore, not that any others there need it" He chuckles and drinks his ale, a bandage on his arm, that’s barely seen from his tunic sleeve." I have a couple days of free time."

The foxes tail twitches from delight. That's the magic word. Treasure. "Treasure?" Her tail thumps against the chair behind her as she leans against the bar, "What kind of treasure we talking about. Ore? Or 'yar har me maties let us burry our pirate loot here.' kind of treasure?"

Jedrick smirks "Gold..spices, some, I took a little of all, and some jewels as well. I didn't take any need. See I was out hunting someone who thought they could run away, so they have a couple days to think hard on their actions"

The fox's tail twitches harder. "You don't say?" The vixen rests her head on one paw against the bar. There is a hunger for gold in her eyes, "Sounds like quite the haul for one beast. Sounds like it’s too much to carry out by yourself. I do wonder how you coup with the knowledge that it's just sitting there...unguarded...for any looter to just walk across." The fox looks at her claws, "Pity you don't have /someone/ to help guard the loot and carry it out..."

Jedrick looks at the vixen as he takes a long drink of his ale " you have a way to get more of it..moved?? I would have help but he disobeyed me and is unable to help me"

The vixen chuckles darkly. "I might be able to help." Hook line and sinker taken Rioko then says, "I will need to know what I'm working with first though."

Jedrick looks around and leans in closer "What you’re working with? I already told ya.....treasure, it’s a small little place, sort of off a trail by de boat docks area, maybe a hour or so up shore"

The fox grins mischievously. She leans into whisper. "You will need to show me. I might know a couple of trustworthy beasts who can help...but none of them are here." She leans back, gesturing to the pack of drunken vermin about the tavern

Jedrick looks around and shrugs " Most beasts here would not know what to do with riches, one saves it...guards it and uses it to gain much" He takes another long drink "Maybe I will gather more and let you...have the rest, after I head off on a possible trip, see I grow restless here and so does my pet." He chuckles "Me and him could get a boat to anywhere"

A small voice in the vixens head tells her that this would be a bad idea. That she should focus on keeping the cat here with his 'pet'. Felicity would not be pleased if she found out Rioko let her quarry get away because she refused to report his location to anyone all for a reward.

Then again, Rioko is getting rather tired of being under the Long patrols thumb in halyard...and money was involved.

"Oh I'm fairly sure most here would squander it...after stabbing you in the back for it." Rioko says sweetly with a smile. "but hey...if you need a trust worthy worthier, Rioko is yer fox."

Jedrick is quiet as he nods "You should keep in mind, any trying to stab me could end with your life ending, I am not afraid to kill..I have killed just this morning in fact, a shrew who thought he had me...beat, he made the mistake of turning his back on me, his last mistake in fact."

The vixen manages to gulp without breaking her smile. "Oh, don't you worry about that. I can see you are a beast who doesn't take kindly to nonsense." Leaning her back to the bar Rioko slaps her tubby stomach, "I'm a simple beast really. Just make sure my belly is fed and keep my wallet fat and you won't ever have to worry about such problems."

This is all going to end in flames she thinks.

Jedrick chuckles, "A beast who likes riches as much as me I see, well...." He grins and lays in front of her a couple jewels, he has others so why not share, "I can show you more soon, maybe at dusk...the only thing guarding it is dead beasts and they surely don't need anything in there"

The foxes eyes widen, if one were to look close enough they could see the little cash signs that appear in her head. Badger? What badger? Who cares about a badger? The jewels disappear as quickly as they materialize. "Where do you want to meet?" Says the greedy grey fox. It's the only question she asks as it is the only one that matters now.

Jedrick grins, "Perhaps the tavern or the dirt path may Rioko. I take what I want and leave you the rest, I don’t need as much as in that cave, and some things could be sold even for even more coins. Me and my pet will leave town soon, go elsewhere....maybe further downstream or ...well not into Mossflower, then there is Collinsel ...perhaps there"

The fox nods her fuzzy head. "You got yourself a deal mister." Free money! Thinks the fox. Of course the wild cat could just be baiting a trap for her but...FREE MONEY!

The fox retrieves her glaive from the back corner before heading for the exit. The bartender calls out to the fox, "Rio, where are you going? Your shift isn't over!"

The fox shrugs, cackling as she walks out, "It is now. Now and forever. Tootles!" She cackles madly as she walks out of the tavern.

Jedrick watches the fox head off as he grins and looks at the bar tender, “Relax" He says and hands the bar tender some coin and looks at the tavern, it’s not too busy yet, well any others will miss this "Free drinks on me today"

There is a cheer and drinks are bought as the wildcat slips off, he taps the back of a couple stoats and they follow him. He lets them help him carry some of the loot back to his home, silk and some jewels, coins and a couple jeweled daggers. He also took some herbs and bandages. He left in the cave, slightly hidden now, some other jewels, spices, fine wine and ale, coins and 3 chests of varies coin and jewels, a few swords that may or may not be worth much. Also there was some herbs as well, and a small amount of perfumes. What reward do the 2 stoats get for helping him……they get stabbed in the chest and killed, the wildcat chuckles and enjoys the rest of the day! He will later lead that Rioko to the cave and let her live to have the rest of whats there, he is good mood after all….well for now he is, will he be later tonight? Well…that will just be a wait and see now won’t it......

the next day, very...VERY LATE AT NIGHT

Darkness was starting to overcome the beach. The sky was bright red with grey cloud cover. The waves were starting to churn up as a squall threatens to pass through.

It was possibly not the best time to be out here alone but the allure of money was strong. "I'm gonna be rich, I'm gonna be rich~" The grey furred vixen Rioko does a little 'cha cha' as she walks, using her glaive as a walking stick and wriggling her tail occasionally. "Going to be rich, going to be rich." She signs to herself.

Jedrick is about where he said he would be, standing along he beach looking over the waves as a gentle breeze blows, his ear flicks once when he hears the song and then flatten some as the vixen gets closer. He has added a couple jeweled daggers to his belt.

Seeing the darkened shape of the cat causes the vixen fright, causing her to stop and gasp at the shadowy apparition up shore. Then reconizing Jedrick the vixen stands on her tippy toes, waving her pole arm about in the air, "Ahoy there!" Putting some fire into her step the fox arrives. "Arn't you a sight for sore eyes, tall dark and haunting." She giggles, wiping a tear from one eye. "Where we goin' mate?"

Jedrick narrows his eyes "You need to be careful and quiet is what you need to do ,you simply follow me" And so he starts walking and it is a long over an hour walk up shore and past one area that has some tall sharp rocks of to the side. The wildcat doesn't speak, but he does stay very very alert.

The fox is far too distracted by her own thoughts to be alert. She was following in step with a kidnapper and a killer. She loathed the very thought of him to the point that her heart quickened when ever he came into view.

But the money...

She should have just ran straight to the nearest guard beast and let them know where he was.

But the money...

She should just trip him, or push him into the rocks then save the badger herself.

But. The. Moneeeeeeeeeeeey.

They soon arrive near what looks like a pile of buried logs in the sand, the wildcat right away is digging around one log in the sand and quickly jumps back as the logs roll off what is covered, about 6 logs roll down a slooop looking area, a cave the sand and nearby a torn up, what use to be a row boat. Jedrick grins and looks inside. Inside is the promised coins, gold, jewels...not as many jewel now and bit less coin. Two chests are still full and a 3nd is 3/4 of the way full. He looks around and there is wooden boxes of the herbs, ale and wine and a couple s by the wall.

The vixen steps back as the logs come free. She dares to peer inside. Her eyes widen, ears falling flat. Her lip quivers.

The moneeeeeeeeeeey. It calls to her. It lures her inside. Slowly, paw after paw. Her glaive simply slips out of her hands as she stumbles inside. She drops to her knees, picking up a paw full of jewels. "Don't worry my babies, Rioko is here now." She rubs her cheek against them, practically purring. Then, catching sight of more treasure the beast drops them to go examine another chest. Giggling delight erupts in cave as the fox dances back and forth, finally ending the scene with her sitting next to a crate, ears neck and arms adorned in various jewelry. "I'm in heaven..."

Jedrick watches as the vixen basically dances in joy smirks "You can have all of this, I got what I wanted, besides...I have other means to get coin soon enough and more than enough to get a boat out of this area"

A fancy hat slowly slides down the vixens face, covering one eye. "'re leaving?" He did mention that didn't he? Leaving with the badger...who will live on in Jedrick's 'tender' care. "When are you leaving?" She stands up, jewelry jingling as she does. "Why...why would you leave this all to me?"

Jedrick answers "Well one, too much for me to carry away it would only, slow me down." He says softly and walks closer "And I finally have a way to get out of the area, me and my furture weapon you could say, see he tried to escape, it will be a bit harder to escape when on a boat, and who would he go to in a place he knows nothing of." He stops close by "This.the rest is yours my enjoy it" With that he turns to head on to the beach.

The fox should do something. She should say something. Stop the wildcat. Stab him! She has a spear weapon thingy! Drop a chest of gold on his head! Instead she just watches him leave with out so much as a peep out of Rioko.

After he is gone Rioko turns to her gold, biting a paw as she struggles with what to do. If she leaves all this gold here...will it be stolen? What if she just runs? What if...what if...

"GAAAAAAAAAh!" The fox growls, taking off the hat and punting it with her foot. "The hare owes me big..." She steps out of the cave, first she goes back to covering it up and hiding it as best as she can. Then she looks both up and down shore for the cat, then for the mountain of Salamanderstron. She gulps. There is a chance the hares might detain her again...or just kill her. They do have a knack for that.

"This hare owes me BIG..."