Rescue Time

From Redwall MUCK Wiki


This clearing is reminiscent to the meadows to the south of Redwall Abbey, yet strangely different in its unusual silence. No birds seem to banter in the trees surrounding its tall grasses on three sides. The well-traveled road to the west is barren, at the moment. Mossflower looms silently to the east, north, and south.

Exits: [W]inding [P]ath, [L]arge [P]ath, [D]irt [R]oad, [I]nto [M]ossflower [W]oods

Leon is awake as he looks around the clearing.

Antonio sneers as he looks at them, “I think I will head North, no need to stay around here, sell ya to a slaver thar and be rid of ya, then find the hare and slay it, hares make a great stew, and no they don’t cook it, they are it.”

Cera whimpers at this and would hide but can’t sadly and looks at the ground.

Zork is close to the clearing, he found the campsite first it would seem, he gets close to the tree and cuts the ropes quietly and whispers to them, ”Hey, it’s me getting you out of here”

Cera whimpers at the voice, stranger voice, she struggles and feels the ropes loosen and goes to bolt.

Antonio spins around and goes to grab the dibbun by her cloak, “Hold it right thar brat!"

Leon blinks and listens, “Zork?” He frowns as Cera is grabbed at and goes to finish getting loose

Zork springs into action and snarls at the rat, he aims a slice with his large sword he used to cut the ropes and aims the slice at the rat’s side, “Ya not touching that dibbun!”

Antonio grins and draws his blade and makes a cut down and at the badgers shoulder area, he misses grabbing Cera and waits for a chance again.

Leon watches and frowns, “Cera?..Cera!” He calls out looking for her.

Cera is behind a tree now and then goes to rush towards the road.

Zork gets a deep cut into his shoulder, luckily not his sword arm but still hurts and gets his back a little when he moves away, he narrows his eyes at the rat.

Antonio sees Cera and again , he smirks at the badger and the blood now on it…”Stripedog hurt..huh stripedog” He gets a gash to the side and one on his arm.

Leon looks for his healer bag, finds it and frowns at his lack of supplies, then it’s not like he planned this trip so he did not think or have time to check the bag before he left the abbey.

Cera is grabbed and hisses, she claws and bites down hard on the rats paw!

Antonio yelps and drops the dibbun, his paw pours blood now ”Ya Brat!..Ya die!” He gets out two throwing daggers and throws them at the dibbun.

Zork moves quick, he gets between the dibbun and the rat, one dagger grazes his side, the other hits him in the chest, he gasps and tenses up in pain and blood pours from the wound, he gets a look of surprise when he sees the dagger and is a little unsteady on his foot paws now dropping to his knees and drops his sword, his vision swirls

Cera keeps running faster and faster making a bee line to the road, then the abbey!

Leon gasps “Zork!” He rushes over and quickly looks at the damage and holds pressure to the wound, “You’re..lucky, missed vital organs, hold still needs done slowly”

Antonio goes after Cera

Zork looks at Leon, “De..lass…help her..leave me here.”

Leon shakes his head, he looks in his pack, one bandage and he uses it, slowly he gets the dagger out and applies the pressure to the wound till bleeding slows as this is the worse of the wounds, “You would be dead if that hit any further left or right..” He tears off a long strip of his cloak and wraps it around the wound tightly, the one bandage underneath for pressure. “Stay, still need to find Cera!” He gets up to find the dibbun

Zork frowns, “Won't ’be..a..a problem” He passes out.

Leo does not go too far, he takes a wild guess she went to the abbey and prays she found it and will alert the guards, a sparrow sees him he calls it down, “Go..Cera Needs help and Zork is in the clearing” The sparrow nods and heads off to the abbey and Leon heads back to the clearing.

Rowan It wasn't terribly hard to find the clearing that the rat had come from. There was a small trail of blood after all. He pushes aside the branches with a paw before covering the bleeding wound on his arm again with his paw.

Zork is laying in the clearing a bandage tightly wrapped around him on his chest, seems he was tended to a little as supplies were low, he is also passed out right now.

Rowan seeing the badger he rushes over to his side and lightly shakes him. "Wake up mate, please get up!"

Zork gives a weak groan and slowly opens his eyes about half way,.."R..rat..look out." He is a bit out of it right now.

Rowan slaps his paw lightly at the side of the badger's head "I got him don't worry, come on mate, don't go into the forest."

Zork starts to close his eyes and the slapping jolts him a little "Dagger...hit me and slice..back, think..he got blood..stooped little tried lad"

Rowan asks, "Zork, he is taking care of, prisoner I defeated him, where is Leon?!"

Zork tries to look, well best he can in the clearing.." on wound and all, rat chased Cera..and also low supply.." He frowns as he starts to close his eyes half way.

Rowan slaps the side of the badger's face again "You’re not going back to sleep, we are getting you back to Redwall, can you walk?" He groans as he tries to rest the heavy badger on his shoulder.

Zork groans.."Tried...maybe..sort of walk, least missed vital..vital organs, still hurts"

Rowan groans under the weight as he tries to walk forward with the badger. He looks around for Leon as he does.

Leon had been gone a very short time, worried look on his face as he didn’t find Cera, not that he can fight well."I..did not find her"

Zork is awake, well not all the way but enough to where he can walk a little, but still leans some on the otter as some pain shoots across him.

Rowan looks over as he hears Leon. "Help me move this big oaf back to Redwall, I took down the rat, Cera is safe mate."

Leon goes to help, "Careful, he was hit in the chest with a throwing dagger..if it had gone an inch any direction he be a dead badger right now"

Zork frowns, “Pain....and weak and feel like rather just sleep,...sleep good..r...right?"

Rowan shakes his head moving the badger slowly. "Sleep is bad, don't sleep mate."

Leon frowns, "Yeah, not good idea, we need to head to abbey"

RW Abbey: Infirmary

Several beds are lined against the red sandstone walls of the Abbey's Infirmary. An examination table, separated from the rest of the room by hanging blankets, rests against the far wall. Tucked into a small alcove is a sizeable workbench with various containers for mixing and preparing medicinal compounds. Against another wall is a desk for use by the Infirmary Keeper. A curtained off alcove behind the desk hides a locked door to the Infirmary's supplies and linens.

Exits: Infirmary [Rec]overy Room, [H]ealer's [D]ormitory, [O]pen [G]round, [Hall]


Zork is brought into the infirm and laid on a cot as healers see and start to quickly tend to him, the pain helps to keep him awake. He has a cut on his shoulder to back, the wound to his chest and a sprang arm, he keeps his eyes open about halfway.

Rowan removes his cloak and quickly presses his back to the wall before it can be seen as he starts to inspect the gash that the rat slashed across his arm.

Leon helps but getting bandages and healing herbs, he nods "Clean the wounds,..good and mix those herbs for the swelling and it will help stop infection, ok.." He looks at Rowan and walks over to him to look at his arm, he frowns as he has a headache but must tend to them first.

Rowan blinks lightly at Leon, "Just a scratch by my standards, take care of the important things first mate, the rat won't cause no more trouble."

Zork tenses up in pain as wounds are covered in herbs and bandages but the healers, he gags a little at a mixture given and groans as they work on him, watching them through half-closed eyes, least he is in good paws now.

Leon nods, he holds his head and signals a healer to tend to Rowan, "Help..the otter" He makes sure all Zork's wounds are checked, he lets a healer help bandage the wounds, he checks the arm and places it in a sling and steps back as if a little dizzy.

Rowan looks over at the healers as they bandage his arm. "You can't stop me from swimming mates."

Zork lets the rest of the bandaging happen, he needs rest but first he is checked over, being awake for now is good till they know he is ok.

Leon frowns, "Dont..know if will mess up swimming..where is Cera and..the rat?."

Rowan says, "Cera is somewhere in redwall, rat is very injured and locked up in the cellar I think of the gatehouse."

Leon frowns, "Cellar in kitchen, gatehouse has no.." He drops to his knees, "Cellar.."

Rowan says, "I'm not completely sure where they put him, didn't say, I ran off to find you two."

Leon nods slowly, "Somewhere..a guard to watch.." He stands and starts to head to the door and stops holding his head and passes out.

Rowan catches him and helps him onto a cot.

Leon is placed in a cot and checked, he wakes to hear the otter, he nods, "Ok..hope Flicktail or Lorimis know..D..Dorarose, needs to know I am..back"

Rowan nods before sliding to the floor to sleep with a paw propped up by his bloody sword.

Leon says, "Sword...needs in gatehouse"

Rowan raises a brow lightly "I just had a fight that was almost to the death we are both at Redwall, please let me keep my weapons about me while I rest."

Leon frowns, too tried to argue he simply nods, "Ok..fine, tried from no sleep pass 3 days almost"

Rowan nods patting the spot next to him as he falls asleep.

Leon is already on a cot, he closes his eyes knowing it’s safe to sleep now.

-This ends the log and hope you enjoyed, the part below pasted and copied from logger so you all know what happen to the rat Antonio, this below would of taken place between the time the rat ran off after Cera , Leon tended to Zork then went to look for Cera as well as help and the when Rowan came to the clearing injuryed cause of the rat-

Cera rushes to the gate and whimpers, it’s locked but guards did hear her screaming and probably the rat as well."!"

The cause of her yelling is seen shortly, it’s Antonio the rat!

Rowan runs after the rat with a look of pure rage. "Answer me rat! Leave the dibbun alone! Did you kill Shaz!?"

The sally port in the gate is all but wrenched open as several of the Abbey guards hurry out. One of them makes a grab for Cera and bundles her backwards toward the exit as the other three level their spears at the road to try and keep the rat from getting close.

Antonio growls, he comes to a halt and spins around, he is already wounded and narrows his eyes at the otter, "The rat turned woodie...yeah" He pants tried and bleeding from his side and shoulder, the paw bite doesn’t help, "I killed him, hopefully the stupid stripe dog too, will check on it when the brat dies!!" He looks backwards at the spears and grips his sword weakly now.

Cera is grabbed to go inside which she gladly does

The guard holding Cera wastes no time in running back inside and from the sound of boots on the roof-top above more guards and Abbey beasts are getting into place. A couple of heads poke over the battlements and someone shouts for archers as the three guards with spears form a semi-circle before the gate. "You are not coming inside rat."
Rowan slowly walks up to the rat with his hand and a half sword poised to strike. "I'm afraid you will be giving him a rematch in the afterlife, one he will surely win rat!" with that he makes a quick swing at the rat's leg.
Antonio holds his sword at the otter and looks at the guards, "Give me back the dibbun and I will leave" He looks at the otter and chuckles, “Or the otter die that be fun"
The guards shake their head and set themselves, advancing with the spears as the door slams shut. "Surrender... and you will not be hurt. Resist and our archers will fill you with arrows”
Antonio swings his own blade at the otter, aiming at his arm, the otters blade cuts into his leg some as he moves sideways, he is not in top fighting form due to a fight with a badger not long ago.

Rowan winces a bit as a line of blood is drawn over his arm by the blade. Seeing the rat move to the side he spins in the opposite direction attempting to hit the rat with his rudder. "You don't deserve to live anymore you filthy vermin!"

The guards aren't trying to kill the rat but they do step forward to attack and injure him, or wound him so he can be captured, spears expertly stabbing out toward the rat.
Antonio growls low, he rushes forwards towards Rowan and then the rudder hits him and he falls to the ground with an oof, he drops the sword and pants, the spears barely miss him as he lays on the ground now, shoulder and side injury from earlier, and a very bad bite on his right paw, his leg has a new cut now also.


Rowan seeing the rat fall to the ground he leaps upon him aiming to hold the rat's right paw down with his right while trying to stab his blade through the rat's left paw to pin him to the ground.

The Abbey guards have to draw back at that point, they can't stab the rat without hitting Rowan at this point.

Antonio tries to kick Rowan as he is pied down, he says a varies bunch of cuss words and stays down, it’s clear he is growing weaker from blood loss.


Rowan cusses under his breath as his knee is kicked. "You’re lucky I'm not a cold blooded killer like you rat... You will go in a cell... and you will await your judgment, seeing as you admit to killing my friend Shaz you will most likely be killed or stuck in a cell your whole miserable life." As he stands up he pins the paw without the blade in it with his foot paw to guarantee he stays put.

The guards move forward to assist Rowan in taking Antonio into custody, they will bind him and move him to a room down in the cellars if they can

Antonio groans, "Stupid...woodies." He is tied up, bandaged maybe?, he smirks weakly,"You..still have..friends in the woods..hope de one is..d..dead"
Rowan exclaims, "tell me! Who was kidnapped I need a name or something fast!"
(One of the guards frowns, "He took Brother Leon.... and the little ferret Cera... he is still out there somewhere." no bandages, not yet anyway, those will likely come once he is inside.)

Rowan nods his head grimly "Make sure he is locked up tight, make sure no weapons are near him and destroy his things if you please, give him no means of escaping." with that he ran off.

Antonio smirks weakly..."T..the stripe dog..showed up,..fool..throwing daggers faster than..s..stupid...large...swords...." He is close to passing out now.

The guards blink at the otter as he runs then turn to drag Antonio inside, they will lock him up and take away his clothing and weapons and give him a new outfit, a simple tunic and nothing more.