Redwall log-Chat in Great Hall

From Redwall MUCK Wiki
    • ICLY happen around Septermber 28th***

Redwall Log: Involved: Oz- papa Oz and caretaker of the dibbuns at Redwall Abbey Lilymoore- Abbey resident Lacota-Abbey Friar and a Brother in the order of Redwall -Spoofed dibbuns

RW Abbey: Cavern Hole

This room is slightly smaller than Great Hall, but still of a size large enough to accommodate a great number of gathered beasts. A large fireplace is set into one of the walls, and there are a series of small tables and chairs near one end for beasts who are eating late, or simply prefer the smaller tables for their meals. Cushions and blankets have been set in one corner. A short flight of steps leads up to Great Hall, and along the walls of the stairs, going both ways, the word 'Redwall' has been carved into the stone.

                  [G]reat [H]all

Oz is sitting in his chair, a couple dibbuns are in his lap and they look asleep, he is having some mint tea and relaxing a little bit while some older dibbuns are in classes elsewhere.

LilyMoore comes from the direction of Great Hall, carrying a basket of freshly picked flowers under her arm. She slows down when she sees the badger, and carefully creeping over, she smiles and says quietly, "Hi, Papa Oz! Boy, they sure look comfortable."

Oz smiles as he takes a sip of the tea and sits down the mug on the table "Naps are a good pastime sometimes, how are you today Lilymoore, having a good day?" The napping dibbuns are twin moles, maybe 1/2 season old.

LilyMoore nods and sits at the badger's feet, laying her basket of flowers beside her on the floor. "Yeah, it's been a great day. I've been helping pick Autumn flowers for table decorations. Here, have one," she adds as she hands him one of the flowers to 'look' at. She smiles at the baby moles; they're so cute!

Oz smiles as he takes a flower, "I bet the leafs are falling and are brightly colored by now, all the reds and oranges and some yellow colors. I always did like Autumn, even if some say nights are a little cold"

LilyMoore nods. "Yeah, all the leaves are gold and yellow and red and orange and brown, falling to the ground like so many huge snowflakes. *happy sigh* I love Autumn......" She goes to rest her head on the arm of the badger's chair, smiling dreamily. There is a basket of Fall flowers on the floor beside her, ready to be delivered to decorate the dinner table this evening.

Oz chuckles “I remember the dibbuns made a scrapbook of colored leaves once, then anyone could make one if they wanted to. They also had some flowers in the book as well, and I know pumpkins are about to be harvested, unless that’s already started"

Lacota comes in from the direction of the kitchen, a basket of vegetables slung over one arm. "Good morning, Oz, Lily. We've got a fine harvest this season. Just look at this." He holds up a perfect carrot. "No spoilage. Superb."

LilyMoore looks up at the badger. "Leaf scrapbook? I've never done that. Is it sort of like Nana's plant books, except instead of drawings of the plants, it has the actually leaves in it?" Turning to the Friar, she waves and says, "That's great! I've been trading messages with Blisa with our bird friends, and she's written that the harvest is going well in Ferravale, too, which is good." She stares hungrily at the carrot. "Yes, it does look dreadfully nice, doesn't it?"

Oz smiles "Well...maybe, it’s mainly different types of leaves and colors a sort of memory of Autumn sort of more than a type of leaf to remember book, something for fun and its good the harvest is doing well in both here and Ferravale"

Lacota nods, and sets the basket on a nearby table. The squirrel is not quite as reserved as usual, a good sign, surely. "Yes, I think this particular carrot will make a splendid carrot cake....With that sweet icing every beast seems to like... Hmm..." He taps his chin with a finger. "I think I have just the recipe around here someplace..."

LilyMoore sighs. No hope in getting the carrot to snack on. Phooey. Although she does brighten up at the mention of getting a slice of cake out of the deal. "Maybe my Mom can help you. She's good at cooking, and she's been saying that she'd like to help you more in the kitchens....although I don't think she's knows how to make carrot cake."

Oz listens as he gets his tea and takes another sip" I am guessing the kitchens will soon have pumpkin items as well soon"

Lacota glances at Oz. "Pumpkins? But of course. Pumpkin pie is quite good in October, of course..." He ear-perks at the mouse maid. "Your mother? Hmm... I'll see about talking to her, then. I can always use more helpers in my kitchen..."

LilyMoore smiles, happy to have helped. "She has some recipes that she sometimes makes as a snack for my family. She uses the fire in the Infirmary, though, as well as plants she gets from Mossflower." Still wanting a carrot, she adds, "And I like pumpkin things....Blisa once gave me some pumpkin tea when I visited her a few seasons ago." While Scioto was still alive, she refrains from adding.

Oz hmmms "Never heard of pumpkin tea, may have to mention it to Zee, he likes making different types of tea."

Lacota asks, "Pumpkin tea? Not familiar with that I'm afraid, how is it made?"

LilyMoore shrugs. "I think she just made regular tea by soaking the cinnamon and nutmeg and other pumpkin spices in hot water, then added a little bit of pumpkin and honey to it once it was done. It was really yummy."

Oz is slightly curious "Odd.."He states, "Interesting but it is how new things are made, one tries something and likes or dislikes it and others then try it as well"

Lacota hmms, nodding his head slowly. "I am intrigued, intrigued enough to try out this concoction..."

LilyMoore smiles. "I liked it all the times I had it. Once Blisa put chocolate in it, too, but that's super expensive." Looking at the basket, she asks hopefully, "I say, may I /please/ have a carrot for a snack?" Better to ask than to snitch one from the kitchen, right? Right.

Oz says, "I wonder if they still get chocolate at Ferravale, I do know Scioto would bring some to the abbey usually, not a lot of course and it was used for a hit chocolate drink in the winter time"

"I have my own sources for chocolate, you know..." says the Friar, crossing his arms. He fixes Lilymoore a gaze. "Hmm, what? A carrot? May as well, I don't see why not..."

"Yay, thank you!" Hopping up, Lily skips over to the friar, offers him a hug, then holds out her paws, a sweet, innocent smile on her face. It's probably genuine. "How do you get chocolate? Isn't it super expensive?"

Oz chuckles some “Maybe we could have some sort of chocolate dish at the upcoming feast"

Lacota is somewhat taken aback at the unexpected hug, but returns it, regardless, then fishes in his basket for another delicious looking carrot. "It is fairly expensive, but I have a friend that stops over here at the Abbey from time to time. He's a merchant that travels between Mossflower and that distant seaside town called Halyard... He has quite a lucrative business, apparently."

LilyMoore waits patiently for the carrot. "Lucrative? Oh, Halyard, yeah, my Momma told me some about it when they came back from Salamandastron. It sounds interesting, and a little scary."

Lacota eventually retrieves the coveted vegetable. "One carrot, fresh from the garden... As for Halyard... Yes, it is quite a bit different than Redwall or even Ferravale... Quite a lot of hares there, naturally. Not sure I'd be too keen to go back, myself..."

"Thank you." Lily then munches on her carrot, listening to the Friar wide-eyed. "You were there, too? I didn't know that.....when was this? I know you didn't go with Mom and Dad and Zinnia...." She was only barely out of infancy during the Marek takeover, so she honestly has no idea and no memory.

"It was ages ago... Back when Marek took everything over. You probably wouldn't remember that." The squirrel harrumps. "Benar, Zinnia, and myself went off to get Lord Sebastian's help... That shows you how long ago it was... Sebastian has gone and died or retired, or whatever it is those Badgers do when they stop being Lords..."

LilyMoore blinks. "Who's Sebastian?" She remembers NOTHING from that time..... except for: "Wait, was that when I couldn't be with my Momma and Dad because Oz and somebody had me and Caleb and all the other Dibbuns in a dark, scary place?" She remembers wanting her parents and not having them around while they hid in the ruins of St. Ninian's Church from Marek's hordes, but the fear and the dark and the longing for her parents is about all she remembers.

Lacota raises a brow. "You've not even learned about Lord Sebastian? I'd assumed that'd be taught to the dibbuns at least, seeing as that is still not too distant a past." The squirrel shrugs. "Regardless, if you're talking about what I *think* you're talking about, then yes, that is when it was... I only know what was told to me, but apparently you were all kidnapped by a foul feline named... Harold? Horace?... Henry? Eh, never mind... Some beast rescued you all from his clutches, but I really don't know much more than that, sorry... If you wish to know more, I suggest you ask that otter... Think he lives at Camp Willow now..."

Having finished her carrot, the mouse maid looks down at the floor, thinking. "...maybe I missed that class." Intentionally. "Oh.....okay. I’ll think about it." Looking up, she decides to change the subject so she can think about this whole thing more privately. "Can I help you in the kitchens after I take Sister Agatha the flowers for the decorations?" If she can escape.

Lacota nods his head. "Yes, you may. I could use your help with sorting our vegetables to prepare for the feast in October. Tell Sister Agatha I can't do anything without your help, eh?" Did he actually offer a rare smile to mouse maid? It's hard to tell, as he heads back into the kitchen with his basket.

Oz meanwhile had fallen asleep towards tee d of the talking, well hid chair is cozy after all.