Recounting an unwanted adventure
RW Abbey: Infirmary Recovery
This comfortable but spartan room has several small alcoves lining the wall. Infirmary bunks with resting and recovering patients lie in these alcoves, each cordoned off with a gossamer drapery of linen for privacy. The room is lit with oil lamps and the pleasing warmth of a small hearth fire. This room is kept quiet, except for the occasional snore, hacking cough or sniffle of its sleeping infirmary occupants.
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Zinnia the badger. DoraRose the mouse.
Zinnia is in a cot, her leg bandaged and she is finally sitting up in bed. She looks around and frowns, she is not seeing her father but she decides he is probably in his room.
DoraRose is also looking for someone. She pokes her head in and smiles at the badger. "Oh! Hi. Have you seen Leon? I can't find him." She enters the room and goes to sit at the foot of the Recorder's cot.
Zinnia shakes her head, "No, I am sorry, maybe he was in here while I was asleep. " She looks at her bandaged leg and frowns.
DoraRose is sitting at the foot of her friend's bed. "Do you need to talk about what happened to you? To your leg?" She is obviously concerned, and is doing her best to be there for the badger.
Zinnia frowns, "Some...ermine attacked me, he fired an arrow at me and tried kill me, but Bandit stopped him." She fiddles with the blanket, "I...I grabbed this broken branch and, and keep hitting the ermine with it and he chopped the branch into pieces with his swords"
DoraRose listens closely and nods a little. "Well, I think there's nothing wrong with defending yourself. You didn't go out searching for somebeast to fight, right? You fought while trying to protect yourself. I don't think you broke the vow of the Abbey Order. And I'm impressed that you attacked him with a branch. That was very smart. I've know some beasts that would've just attacked with their bare paws. Not the best idea."
Zinnia shrugs, "It was a large branch, with some...smaller branches going out of it.." She frowns, "The arrow hurt, more coming out than when it hit me and...and papa was in here when I was brought in and...he looked scared and went to my cot and almost fell over. But...but at the same time I was glad he...he was there."
DoraRose nods and goes to hold the Recorder's paw. "I understand," she says softly. "It's scary when you get hurt in a fight. If I'm not in the Bloodwrath, I get kind of afraid, too. But it's okay to be scared. And it's okay to not like fighting. And I'm sure Zork was glad that he could be there for you."
Zinnia looks like she is ready to cry, "B...But he doesn't need stress...and...and I...wasn't in...w...what ever Bloodwrath is."
DoraRose goes to sit beside her friend and hold the badger in her arms. "It's okay. I think he'd rather know than have you hide such important facts from him." She pauses, then adds, "The Bloodwrath is a terrible curse. It is usually seen only in badger Warriors, but other beasts can have it, too. It is a horrific rage that causes the beast affected with it to not feel any pain and to be almost unstoppable." She goes to soothingly stroke the badger's middle headstripe. "If I'm ever around, I will do my best to protect you, but you must stay behind me, because when a creature is within the grips of the Berserker's rage, they cannot tell friend from foe."
Zinnia frowns as she listens, she has never seen that before and luckily has never been in it before. She nods, "I...rarely leave the abbey. I...wonder if Papa was ever...ever had it, when he was able to fight that is."
DoraRose nods. "If I remember correctly, he did. We who have the Bloodwrath may seem like the most dangerous beasts to be around in a fight, but I would rather have a Berserker fighting alongside me than any other type of Warrior." She smiles a little crookedly and goes to pat the badger's paw. "But I don't think you have to worry much, since, as you say, you hardly leave the Abbey."
Zinnia nods slowly, she sighs and lays down still letting Dora hold her paw as she speaks, sounding tried, "Yeah...'sides Papa needs me here. So he doesn't have stress and so...will be ok." she frowns, clearly worried about her father, she then lets sleep overcome her .
DoraRose smiles and goes to stroke her friend's head, singing a quiet lullaby she learned from a book in the badger's own library. "You will find me at Noonvale, on the side of a hill...." When the Recorder falls asleep, the Warrior leaves and continues her search for her husband.
Here's the song she's singing: [1] Thanks for reading! :)