Recolligo Astrum History

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

One constant thing throughout history is theater: People love to be entertained.

Recolligo Astrum was founded by Jinoh Skipaw, a boisterous young otter with a passion for arts and shenanigans. He spent several seasons gathering his troupe, training them, and perfecting his franchise; he always aimed to collect the young and talented and hone their skills as they grew, creating a knot of vastly talented beasts.

In this manner Recolligo Astrum traveled, constantly picking up new recruits and losing the older ones - the ones who finally wished to take their money and settle down. Jinoh was starting to grow old himself, and had begun trying to find options for a new director once his end came. Enter into the picture Aden Quien. The troupe was spending the night in an inn near her hometown, when vermin set fire to the settlement: Beasts scattered, whole families were slaughtered, and the tiny two season dibbun was put in the care of her two older brothers as they strove to escape. They were separated, somehow, and terrified Aden found her way to the friendly circus-beasts, with their colorful cart and cheery outfits. She was only a child, and they were kind to her: So she stayed with them, forgetting her parents and her brothers and the rest of the world she was leaving behind.

Jinoh raised her as his own, and passed on everything he knew - hand molding the perfect replacement for himself.

The circus continued on successfully for several more seasons, until Jinoh knew his time was coming. He declared the actors free for a year - he told them to find new beasts to train and recruit, and to 'find themselves'. The otter, cheery, noisy, and social went away to die quietly, peacefully, and alone.

The year ended, and the performers flocked back to that rickety, colorful cart to find that Aden Skipaw was to be directing them from then on; armed with a few changes, new rules, and a new direction - revamping an old tradition to fancy a younger generation, and honor an old friend.
