Quinten Log 57 - 22 02 2006

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Salamandastron: Level Two

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Salamandastron *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-

You are in a medium-sized circular 'room' from which several passages

branch off. Each passage fades off around a twisting corner, winding

around in the bowels of the mountain. One passage, however, hardly more

than a short, straight hall, ends abruptly with a large wooden door - the

forge room.

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

Miyrr stumbles out the door to the main dorm, still working on the last few buttons to her uniform top. "Dern thing..get.." *pop* A button flies across the room.

Quinten is walking along the corridor from the direction stairs, looking wide awake even if he has tousled head fur, he spies Miyr and waves hello "Good day Miyrr"

Miyrr smiles at Quinten while holding the top of her uniform closed. She walks over and picks up the button. "Mornin' Quin. Sleep well?" she asks as she starts digging in her day satchel. "I know I have a needle in here somewhere." she says continuing to rifle through it's contents. *Ouch!* *sigh* "Found it..." She begins sewing the button back on while trying to remain modest.

Quinten chuckles and shakes his head at her "Glad you found it Miyrr, i had a good sleep, been up since five working in the kitchens then went for my morning run" he shakes his left leg dislodging the sand

Miyrr puts the finishing touches on the button and quickly fastens it before putting the needle away. "Just got out of ma bath after my own run. 'was about to head to the Infirmary. Have you seen Taye this morn? He was after all supposed to go with us." she asks.

Quinten shakes his head "No i've not seen him this morning" he leans down and shakes the bottom of his trousers to dislodge the last of the sand "We can always wait for him? or to head down ourselved?"

Miyrr chuckles, "Lets give him a few, he's a regular patroller now so who knows what important task the major has in store for him." she says gesturing and standing at attention.

Quinten grins and leans against the wall "Yes he's always running about doing something important, bet it beats kitchen duty"

Miyrr shrugs, "Eh, kitchen duty isn't /that/ bad. Some of the singing...well that's another story." she says laughing loudly. "I've done of my best thinking peeling vegetables." she adds.

Flaxpaw wanders in looking rather disgruntled. "'lo, chaps."

Quinten smiles and nods "Oh i don't mind the vegetable peeling, its the getting covered in charcoal and dust when cleaning out the ovens"

Miyrr smoothes out her uniform, "Morning Flax, what's up?" she asks concerned by Flaxpaws apparent ungruntledness. She sets her satchel down next to her. "Oh my yes, the ovens. It takes for/ever/ to scrub that out of my fur." she says shaking her head.

Quinten grins at Miyrr "Don't i know it and every time i go into the kitchens, its /oh quin your small enough clamber inside that one and give it a good cleaning out/ he shakes his head and grumbles before waving at Flax "Morning Flax cheer up there"

Flaxpaw smiles a bit "Ahm not sure Ah wouldn't give em a boot if I was you Quin." winks "Ah'll be alright soon as Ah wake up an remembah Ah wanted to come here, though Ah did think there would be more fightin an less polishin."

Miyrr chuckles, "In time lass, we all get fighten' trainin' around here." She yawns and stretches once more before leading up against the wall crossing her arm about her chest.

Quinten smiles and winks at Flaxpaw "Now i'm not that silly, if i tell them to shove it they'll just treble my duty period down there" he then glances at Miyrr and shrugs "No sign of Taye still..."

Flaxpaw regains her good humor "Ahm sure Ah'll have more than enough of all of it before long. So, what's for eatin, chaps?"

You say, "Ye've missed breakfast is between seven thirty and nine""

Flaxpaw's ears droop "lack-a-day, Ah'd best learn to roll mahself out of bed on time..."

Miyrr pats her own tummy, "Yup was /de/licious this morn, there's usualy leftovers they keep out for beasts that can't make it. " she adds trying to instill hope to solve Flaxpaws belly rumbles.

Quinten laughs and grins "I'm surprised you could sleep in after our normal wake up call" he smiles at Flax and nods "Ya if your quick you can snag some of te left overs"

Flaxpaw perks up "oh, good show!" looks a little sheepish "Ah did wake for the morning call, but Ah was scrubbing such a quiet cornah. Ah'd best go hunt the kitchen out."

Flaxpaw follows the passage that leads down to the First Level.

Quinten smirks as Flax paw leaves "I'll stick my head in tomorrow morning and wake her up, take her down to breakfast with us"

Miyrr nods, "Sounds like a plan, she seems like a good sort. hmm, well maybe we should head on up to the infirmary then? Seems like Taye is otherwise occupied." She pushes her self off the wall smoothing out her uniform once more.

Quinten nods his head "Yeah good idea Taye's probably off doing ahundred other things with so many others injuried"

Miyrr nods and turns to head up the stairs.

Salamandastron: Infirmary

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Salamandastron *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-

This is the infirmary for the long patrol. This room is one of the most

well lit rooms in the whole of Salamandastron, with several candles placed

strategically along the shelves and cupboards. Many wooden beds line the

walls of this room, each outfitted with impeccably clean white linen

sheets. This unfortunately limits the walking space in this room. Where

there are not beds there are shelves and cabinets that hold a variety of

different medical equipment, mostly needles and bandages. A single stone

sink is firmly lodged into one of the counters. The sink is not fancy, in

fact it is quite awkward. It is a necessity, nonetheless. An open closet

is in the corner of the room, storing a surplus of compact cots, in the

unusual case of mass injuries. The room usually has several nurse hares in

it, roaming around tending to various injuries.

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

With: [IC] Farren [DYN] One eyed, Longpatrol Major, Jarril Black Fleetpaw.[DYN] Zoey. (Zoe_Lang) [DYN] Coping? Me? (Ender)

The door to the Infirmary opens. Miyrr walks in with a slight smile as she looks about taking the scene in. Cots filled, healers busy. She walks up to one of various healers that looks to at least be somewhat in charge, "Recruit Miyrr, wishing to volunteer Ma'am." she states with a somewhat joyful tone.

Quinten follows Miyrr inside and walks up behind Miyrr and salutes as well "Recruit Quinten here to volunteer as well"

The surprised look on the healer give way to a pleasant smile, "Alright you two, you can start by making sure everybeast is as comfortable as they can be. Don't a go waken' em up now. ya hear?" she says before going back to tending to the dressing of the hare on the cot before her.

Being as quiet as he can and Jarril can be really quiet when he wants to be, he has managed to sneak into the infirmary without making a sound and just leans back against the wall near to where the door is with his arms crossed and watching over the room.

Quinten nods and moves to the other side of the room, stopping at each cot to arrange blankets and pillows, to murmur a query at those who are awake seeing if they need anything, handing them a drink or getting extra pillows, its not until he turns to grab some blankets from a chair that he sees the Major and salutes

Miyrr smiles and nods, "Yes ma'am." She looks about for those that are awake and seem to been fidgeting. She walks over to one of the bucks, his arm bandaged up royally. She grabs an extra blanket and rolls it up before heading back to his cot. "There we go. ok lift it a little higher." She places the rolled blanket to give the arm some support. He nods in thanks. Miyrr smiles. "Ya need anything jus hollar." she says before looking to the next poor beast.

Jarril just gives a nod back but isn't saying anything at all, he's just watching the recruits do their thing, the major not that noticed in the room for the time being.

Quinten stops to talk to a doe, her chest is wrapped in bandages, leaning down he listens to her and nods moving to get another blanket and lay it down over her legs

Miyrr makes her way around the room, a blanket here, a pillow there. She seems to have noticed something as she glanced over one of the worse off. Shaking her head she walks over to one of the healers and whispers something quietly to him. He quickly finishes up what he was doing and takes a look at the one mentioned. He quickly go about redoing some of the bandages. Miyrr continues on.

Quinten sits down on a stool next to a bed and takes a bucks paw patting it and talking to them softly, looking very worried at how clammy their fur feels

Miyrr stops for a moment and places her paws on her hips as she looks about the room. With a deep breath and a smile she makes her way to whoever needs her help. She stops for a while to sit, giving comfort, telling a joke or two or sometimes just listening to what they have to say. Some smile, some laugh, some just grump. It matters not to Miyrr, she keeps on smiling all the while.

Jarril see's the door open and a hare come in, nodding his head, he takes a note, looks at it for a moment and then whispers something back before seeing the buck nod his head an leave again. After which, Jarril becomes what Jarril is, a hare that stands there and says nothing for the time being.

Quinten is still sat on the same stool leaning in closer to whisper to the buck, he raises his head and waves a healer over, they stop by the bed and whisper something to them both, placing a paw on Quinten's shoulder they both remain still listening to the bucks breathing slow, he smilesup at them mumurring something else

Miyrr glances over to the door when it opened and just now noticed the Major. How long has he been there she wonders. She makes her way over to where he is standing, salutes and in a soft voice, "Morning, Sir." She lowers her paw.

Jarril smiles back. "Morning, anything I can do for ya?"

Quinten smiles at the buck in the bed and sighs as he falls asleep, standing up he shuffles over to Miyrr and nods to her "Hey Miyrr....cuse" he slips past her to stick his head into a cupboard"

Miyrr takes a step to get out of Quin's way before turning back to the Major. "Not at the moment sir, just been volunteering my time till I'm cleared to return to training, sir." Ah yes, the recruit in her is showing. It's been a season since she took her leave to handle her family matters but she still remembers her training.

Flaxpaw has arrived.

Jarril nods his head back at Miyrr. "Ah, good, well keep up the good work now, won't you?"

Quinten backs out of the cupboard again holding a small bowl in his paws, he goes to sit down on a stool and starts to crush herbs into it with a pestle, looking up he frowns at the buck he was just sitting with and looks away again.

Miyrr nods with a smile, "Yes sure." She salutes once more and turns to return to her task at hand. She sees Quin and makes her way over to him putting her paw on his shoulder. ""vrythin' alright?" she askes looking over the poor buck.

Quinten shakes his head still crushing the herbs slowly "No....they don't think he's going to make it." he flicks his ears back and looks over at the bed then glances at the Major

Jarril doesn't move, nor say anything. Although the healer that had told Quinten is talking to Jarril in a hushed tone and the major just nods. "I'll be right back." Turning around he heads out of the door and leaves the room as the healer comes back over to where Quinten is and talks quietly. "The majah is going ta find his sister."

Quinten nods his head and sighs holding out the bowl of crushed herbs for the healer to take "Ok...anything else we can do?"

Miyrr nods giving a gentle squeeze to Quin's shoulder. She reaches down to brush the hairfur of the buck. "Poor lad." She smiles and nods to the words the healer spoke.

The healer shakes his head. "Just make that medicine ready, then give it to him." He blinks and heads off to another cot again.

Miyrr moves off to help a poor doe make it to the makeshift privy they've set up for those that can move at least somewhat. The doe is putting most of her weight on Miyrr as they take slow steps behind one of the exam partitions.

Quinten nods his head and adds water to the mixutre of herbs and moves over to sit by his head and try to encourage him to drink it, without much success

Coming back into the room, Jarril is with a rather gasping doe who looks like they had run the entire length of the mountain, still wearing boxing gloves, Jarril helps to take them off as he nods his head gently and watches her move to where the cot is that Quinten is at. Not saying anything, Jarril moves away and sits down at the chair by the desk, remaining silent.

After a time Miyrr helps the doe back to her cot and helps her get comfortable once more. She see's Quin having trouble getting the medicine down. Miyrr finds a clean cloth and makes he way to sit beside Quin. "Can I help, my mum got to a point she couln't drink either. I know a trick." she reaches her paw out for the bowl.

Quinten nods and offers the bowl to MIyrr "If you can get him to drink it thats good..." he moves to one side and smiles at the sister "He'll be ok...i'm sure of it" he turns and hurries over to another buck whose about to dislodge a beaker of water, helping him to get it

Miyrr smiles at Quin. She takes the very tip of one of the courners of the towel and dips it into the medicine soaking up a small amount. This she takes in her paw and squeezes a few drops of the medicine into the bucks mouth, "There we go. Not to fast so he wont choke, It takes time but it'll get it in 'im where it needs ta be." she says to Quin before repeating the process.

Quinten smiles once the buck has his beaker of water and moves back to look down at the buck sucking on the corner of the cloth "Thats a neat trick...i hope it works.." he takes his paw and frowns its colder then before "I really do..." he nods to Miyrr as she's handling this he moves off to offer help to someone else, trying to remain proffessional and not get too attached

Miyrr nods, "ya can do it with broth too to give em nourishment." she says as Quin moves off. She continues the process of slowly administering the medicine. Dip, squeeze, dip, squeeze. Memories of her trip home. Her poor mum so ill. She remembers sitting by her bed for hours doing this same task. She sighs once and continues. She smiles and talks quietly to him as she's doing so. Telling him about how beautiful the snow was last night, how it made the sunrise this morning spectacular and other hopeful thoughts.

Quinten has gotten to the end of the row and is leaning on the wall sipping from a beaker and speaking quietly to a healer about a does broken arm and how the splint has slipped, the healer moves off to help sort that and Quinten returns to Miyrr's looking down at him "He looks...so pale.." he murmurs sadly

Miyrr strokes the head fur of the buck again and nods, "I think a fever's set in." she says quietly as she continues to give the medicine.

There is a gasp of worry from the sister who is hovering by the bed, Quiniten grimaces and hurries to get a healer,"

Miyrr continues stroking his head fur and telling him all about her run back to the mountain. How beautiful the trees were and all the birds migrating. About the streams and waterfalls she passed. Even about the food she ate and the fresh berries she stumbled across. Hang on, lad, hang on. The medicine about a quarter gone now. she stops for a moment so he can catch up.

The buck jerks suddenly throwing his blankets off as his hind legs kick out, he emits a strangled gasp kicking the end board of his cot, he then sags down again sweating profusely, the healer who Quinten was half way too comes running over, after a moment they nod "its taking effect try to hold him steady"

Miyrr catches the bowl just before it spills. Still stroking his headfur she talk calmly to him, "It's alright hun." She helps hold him with her other paw so he doesn't thrash too hard. Miyrr looks up to the healer, "Do I need to keep it going in 'em?" she asks hurriedly.

The Healer nods "Feed it all to him," he looks at the sister "Then i want you to stay with him, if we're lucky he'll make it through the night, if he does that he'll be in the clear.." he then points at Quinten "And recruit i need you to go get me some fresh bandages from the store"

Miyrr picks up the bowl, "Can ya grab me a nother cloth before ya go Quin? this one hit the floor when he thrashed." She looks around to see if she can spot one closer to her.

Quinten nods and grabs a clean cloth from a pile and passes it over to Miyrr "I'mgllad your back Miyrr...." he looks around and nods "and i'm glad we volunteered, scuse me now" he heads out to the sotre room to get bandages

Miyrr takes the cloth, "Thank ye. Me too." she says going back to giving the buck his medication.

Jarril gets up after finishing his work on the table and heads out just as silently as he entered.

Quinten returns after about twenty minutes carrying a whole load of bandages carried in his arms, slipping past the exiting Major

Miyrr hmms, maybe about halfway now, she thinks to herself looking into the bowl. The bucks thrashing seems to have quieted down some. A good sign. She continues talking softly between the buck and trying to get the sister involved, some quiet laughter and smiles. She talks as if the buck is standing right there awake and whole.

Quinten grins over at the three of them and hands out bandages then hurries over to help replace the bedding around a bucks.

Miyrr sets the bowl down for a brief moment. She stands and stretches wide twisting her back to loosen it up some. She picks the bowl back up and sit's back down dipping the cloth again the medicine before squeezing into the bucks mouth.

Quinten is busy changing sheets on most of the beds now shifting wounded so they do not have to get out of bed

Miyrr is sitting next to a really bad off buck wring medicine into his mouth with a cloth. Quin is going about changing bedlinens

Miyrr smile and nods at something the sister said. "Yes, I agree." She pats his head fur this time. "I'm sure he's be happy to know that." She continues dipping the cloth. almost gone now. She wrings the corner with both paws so she doesn't loose to much of the medication into the cloth.

Quinten smiles at a doe with a broken arm as he replaces the covers on her pillows and moves to change the blankets as well

Ender sidles into the room, attempting not to be seen by the nurses. They always make a big deal when he enters, and he isn't in the mood. The rabbit sees Zoe's cot, smiles slightly, and walks towards it, stumbling towards Miyrr and almost hitting her before getting back on track.

Quinten turns when he sees Ender enter and nods at him

Flaxpaw opens the door and enters the room, looking around. "I thought I heard voices. oh, dear, can I help?" she asks the room at large, her eyes following the rabbit, who she seems to have followed in.

Miyrr dodges the rabbit grabbing the bowl to keep it from spilling again. She smiles and shakes her head before dripping the last of the medicine into the bucks mouth. "There we go.." she says pleasantly. Although the buck is still sweating some it seems his fever is subsiding. She strokes his headfur once more before standing up with the bowl. She smile at th sister. "The chair's all yours. Keep talking to him and letting him know you'r about." She moves to the basin area to clean up the cloth and the bowl.

Quinten finishes changing the bedding on the last occupied bed talking quietly to the injured doe lying in it, he then starts to head for the Colonel's bed, he's been told to change everyones bedding and that means her aswell

Fortunately for Ender, Zoe is actually in her cot. And what is she oing? Resting? Never! Instead, she has several reports spread across her lap, and she's pouring over them in detail, her spectacles teetering on the edge of falling off the edge of her nose, and a quill perched in her paw. To make notes. Mm-hm. Despite her apparently motivated attitude, she doesn't /look/ very energetic. She still looks pale and tired, but at least she's cleaned herself up and her bandage looks fresh. Go her!

Quinten walks up to one side of Zoe's cot and salutes "Colonel ma'am sorry to disturb but we have to change your bedding"

Flaxpaw walks carefully over to the sink, washs her rather dusty paws, she checks and looks over her at Zoe when she hears Quinten call her Colonel, then finishes rinsing her hands, and begins to roam the room, tidying.

Ender looks at Quinten. Of course he's about, he seems to always be near the old rabbit. However, undaunted, Ender walks to Zoe's cot and looks at what she is doing for a moment. "That looks, erm, horribly boring. Care to do, erm, something else? I can relive you of some o' that, eh?"

Zoe_Lang's eyebrows raise. Mm? She looks up, peering over the tops of her spectacles so that Quin - and then Ender - aren't just big blurry blobs. "Sorry?" She glances down at the mess of parchments, then back up at the recruit. "Can it, uh. Wait?" Her eyes shift to Ender, then. "... Uh. Somethin' else?" Obviously she is not the best at switching from work mode to other creatures mode.

Quinten shakes his head "Sorry ma'am healers say everyones beds are tae be changed now they said including you"

Flaxpaw stops to fetch a glass of water for an injured buck

Ender looks at Zoe, another smile playing on his lips. "Y'can't live without, erm, having fun. That's something I did know how to do, erm, when I lived...elsewhere, eh? Give yourself a break, I'm sure this, erm, can wait.

Zoe_Lang wrinkles her brow at Quinten. "Well. I hope yer not plannin' on movin' the more /seriously/ injured. If ya do, those healahs'll be hearin' a thing or two from /me/." Tsk. She starts gathering up the reports, then, shuffling them off the bed and setting them on the bedside table. Sending a frowning glance at Ender, in the vein of, "Can you believe this?" Zoe shifts her legs slooowly around 'til they're touching ground, grabs her staff, and stands. Sloooowly. Her leg's starting to stiffen up pretty bad. "Well, End, it seems yer in luck. I've been kicked outta m'bed and away from m'work. What'd ya have in mind?"

Flaxpaw continues cleaning this and that quietly.

Quinten salutes "Already done all tha other beds Ma'am, just yers tae be done now" he begins to strip off the sheets and blankets as soon as Zoe is up "Will nae be long now"

Miyrr returns from washing up. More people helping. Maybe volunteering is contagious. She pads her way over to Quinten and stands near him, "No ma'am only those fit ta move as the healah tells us to." she says with a smile.

Ender: looks a bit worried. He hadn't counted on her actually saying yes, he was just letting her know he cared. "Er." There was the rec room, with the ever-present temptation of alcohol, or, or the library. Maybe? But that might present a dangerous walk down a flight of steps. "What'd you like, erm, to do?"

Miyrr jumps in to quickly help Quin with the bed linens. Awkward moment for sure.

Flaxpaw has left.

Quinten shakes his head "Sorry ma'am can't let ye leave the infirmary ye've still not been discharged, orders are to get right back into bed when i'm done"

Zoe_Lang leans on her staff, looking quietly from one recruit to the other. "So... what're the two o' you doin' about the infirmary? Yer not healin' re-" Quinten's words surprise her into raising her eyebrows. "... cruits. Ya /are/ aware that 'm the senior healah, aren't ya?" Blink-blink. /What/ is going /on/, these last couple of days? Folks ordering her about left and right these days!

Ender is also very surprised. Quintens words are shocking, did he get promoted while the Halyard trip was going on? He wheels on Quinten and is about to give him what-for when Zoe speaks. Ah, yes. There's the good ol' seniority being enforced. "Dare say she's right. Best not, erm, be arguing with the Colonel in her den, eh?"

Miyrr whinces at Quins comment. ouch... "Ma'am, We volunteered ta help. I'm still waitin' for the ok after my physical to get back to trainin and figured, I should help where I can." she says respectfully.

You say, "Volunteered ma'am, me and Miyrr together we wanted tae elp out as best we could an sorry ma'am tha just what aye was told by the helears ma'am""

It's something of a repeat of yesterday. First there's a nose, clearly not lapine in origin. And then there's the rest of the body, leaning in, a tense but clear grin visible on her muzzle. Farren's headfur is so mussed one my suspect she's only just woken up.

At Quinten's reply, the Colonel grunts noncommittally. "Aye, well. That's all well in good fer the privates in here, lad, but ya don't tell a Colonel when she's well 'nough t' come or go." Oh no you do /not/, because then they lecture you. XD Tsk. She turns to regard Ender. Ahem. "What would ya say t' a spot o' dinnah? M'sure one o' these fine recruits'd be willin' t' bring some up." And she looks pointedly at Quinten. Mwahaha.

Ender nods at the Colonel's words. "Can't say I usually turn down the offer of, erm, food, Miss Francis. Should be fairly, erm, good, if we send the right recruit. One who is used to kitchen duty, eh?" The rabbit also looks at Quinten, but it is a kind glance.

Quinten salutes and swallows "Sorry ma'am...aye didn't know tha aye'll remember it for future refrence sorry ma'am just trying me best to help out"

Miyrr almost lets out the giggle she's stifling. "We'd be happy ta bring ya some dinnah, Ma'am." she says trying to help Quin get his rear outta the fire.

Zoe_Lang is just on her way to relenting with a grin when there's a call from one of the cots. "Colonel! We could use yer help ovah here!" And that effectively ends her grin. Zoe looks from one creature to the next, and finally to Ender. She shakes her head and shrugs. "Sorry, End. I guess we'll have t' reschedule that date, eh?" With a tired grin and a nod to all, she turns and limps heavily over to the task at hand.

Ender instantly deflates entirely. The rabbit turns to leave, sees the marten in the doorway, and immediately wheels around. Dash it all. "Er. So what've you been doing, erm, while I've been gone, Quinten?"

Quinten salutes Ender "Well sah not much appened realy, training, working out, getting in trouble woth the colonel mnearly every other day

Zoe_Lang has left.

Miyrr shrugs, "Well guess the trip to the cafe de la hophop will have to wait." she says with a chuckle. She goes over to where the sister is to check on the buck.

Farren sidles in through the door, though not that far--in fact, she remains just inside, toying idly with the jeweled dagger on her belt and looking more than a little uncertain, though her grin still remains.

Ender is listening carefully, but can't really tell if the marten entered. "No need to salute. 'M not part of you patrol, eh? And how did you, erm, get in trouble with Mis...with the Colonel? Can't have done something that, erm, bad." Though he says this,

Ender gives no indication that he wants to hear about Quinten's suffering, his mind seems elsewhere, and, indeed, it is.

Quinten nods "Well its all sorted now sir so nothing tae worry aboot"

Somewhere on the muck, Niveus has connected.

Miyrr talks to the sister briefly and pats the buck. "Looks bettah then earlier he does." She moves to another cot to help a doe with her pillow and to get her a drink.

Quinten yawns and pads to the cot just behind Ender to start changing the bandages around a bucks waist, keeping his ears pinned back towards Ender

Ender decides he had better risk it, and turns for the exit. He glances at the marten, glaring hard, before attempting to slip by her.

You room-page, "dodged the ender bullet once more"

Flaxpaw has arrived.

Farren lifts both paws and scoots back a step from the door. "Hey, m'not going to melt no matter how hard ye look at me."

Quinten glances at the marten and raises a paw "good day to you there miss, anything we can help with"

Flaxpaw stops fussing with thises and thats to look at the marten as well.

Miyrr stands hands on hips as a the number of cot occupants are dozing off. She nods, still smiling as she has all her time here. "Was good ta voem do this." she says wiping her brow.

"Nothing like a good bit o'work to brighten up the day." She pads over to where Flaxpaw is standing, "Sorry didn' day hi earlier, was a bit runnin ragged there for a while."

Ender stops and looks at Farren. "The amount of respect I'd expect from, erm, you. The Colonel

Ender stops and looks at Farren. "The amount of respect I'd expect from, erm, you. The Colonel's busy, eh?" He doesn't continue walking, but merely stands there, as if waiting for something.

Quinten eyes the marten and shrugs moving over to Miyrr and Flaxpaw "Wot say ye both? we done fer now? seems there all dozing off"

Flaxpaw smiles at Miyrr "no worries, this place is full, isn't it?"

Flaxpaw nods to Quinten.

Farren's whiskers give a tiny little twitch. "Ah, well, just my luck I s'pose. But mate, ye want me t'be nice and respectful, it'd be a nice gesture if ye stopped tryin' t'kill me by lookin' at me."

Miyrr nods, "It sure is. Glad ya cam ta help. Seems the rest of the healah's appreciated it." Hearing the marten's comments Miyrr grins.

Turning slightly red from irritation, Ender tries to remain as polite as he possibly can be. "Kill you by looking at you, eh? Seems that's what, erm, I'm relegated to /while/ I'm inside the mountain." He glares at this, emphasizing 'while' as hard as he can.

Quinten is half listening to ender but decides not to say anything to him, he glances over at Miyrr and Flaz "Well wot say we call it a day? we're just getting unner foot now tha everyones fallin asleep

Farren shrugs. "Y'arright, s'pose it was too much to ask. No worries, mate, carry on." She musters up yet another grin, though it's clearly forced, and crosses her arms over her chest.

Miyrr nods quickly to Quinten. "What ya say Flax want ta go grab a bite I'm sure they're serving now at the cafe de la hophop." she says playfully.

Flaxpaw says, "Ahm glad Ah could help." Flax gestures towards Ender and Farren. "Aye, we'd best knock off, and AH am absoballylutely famished!""

Quinten shales his head "Thats the oddest name fer the mess i have ever heard."

Ender still didn't move. He wasn't going to back down. "Carry on? Oh, thankyou. I have your, erm, permission to carry on? Alright, eh?! I shall! Many thanks, ma'am. I can, erm, carry on, now." He almost laughed, then didn't, realizing whom he was talking to.

Miyrr laughs, "I'll tell ya what though it's alot beddah then trail food." gestures to the door. "Shall we?"

Flaxpaw nods and heads for the door, shooting the rabbit a worried look.

Farren squints for a moment at Ender, one end of her mouth twitching upward. "Y'welcome."

Quinten laughs and heads out of the door intending to head down to the mess, he waits just outside for th edoes and smiles at them

Miyrr nods to the Marten and to Ender, "G'day Miss. Sir." she says before heading through the door.

Ender watches the hares filing out. Grrr...why were vermin even allowed in here? They shouldn't be. "So. What do you want?" This is spoken as coldly as possible, without any caring. Well...maybe a bit.

Salamandastron: Dining Chamber

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Salamandastron *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-

This is the dining chamber for the mountain of Salamandastron. It is a

veritable cavern, the necessity of feeding so many hares making the room

so big. Dominating the room is a huge banquet table made of solid oak.

Nobeast knows how such a venerable object came to be here, but its

presence is undeniable. Smaller tables skirt the outside of the room,

each sitting near a large torch burning brightly in its sconce. The chair

at the head of the table is different from the plain maple chairs that

occupy the rest of the room - it belongs to the Badger Lord. The massive

object is graced with a carving of the very mountain it is in, with the

sun setting over the sea.

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

Quinten leads the way the mess, lunch appears to be mostly over recruits cleaning up and shipping things back to the kitchen, left overs left on a large table to one side, Quinten makes his way over to it nad starts to load up a plate with food."

Miyrr stops at the door just long enough to take a deep whiff of the wondrous food smells. She follows in behind Quinten loading up a plate with various sweets and savory's. Her plate being filled sooner then Quins she heads to one of the long tables that still seems to have a full pitcher and clean beakers. She pours herself a beakerful and digs in.

Flaxpaw Flaxpaws follows the other two, determinedly loading her plate even as the food is cleared, and joins Miyrr at the table. "mmmm, this looks yummy!" Flax sets to enthusiasticly.

Quinten grins at Miyrr and is being fussy, once he has a full plate he pours hismelf a beaker of cordial and settles down nexxt to Miyrr and grins "To lunch" he grins

Miyrr raises her beaker to *clink* "Ah yes. Ta lunch!" she takes a bite or two. "I'm glad we did that. I have a mind to go back after dinnah for a bit or two." she says taking a long drink.

Quinten grins and nods "Yes i'm going to go back up after dinner myself to carry on helping out...as soon as my classes are done for the day"

Flaxpaw manages a "mmnfph" around her lunch and nods

Miyrr grins at Flaxpaws enthusiasm, "Great food isn't it." she shovels down another bite before taking a breath.

Quinten grins and nods "yes it is some of the best food we have i always ejoy lunch more then dinner or breakfast"

Flaxpaw nods "splendid!" then Flax looks down at her dusty clothes. "Ahm a mess, Ah oughtn't to have sat down at table."

Quinten smiles softly at Flaxpaw "No more then me after this morning in the kitchens"

Miyrr points over to the wall on the side with the line of buckets, scrub brushes and mops. "Tis alright, they got beasts to handle that." she says taking another drink from her beaker.

Flaxpaw grins "aw, dirt earned by work's alright, most of my muck was earned poking my nose where it ought not have been. Ah did a bit of explorin after Ah found a snack this morning."

Quinten chuckles and nods "Oh well i remember doing that meself when i got here, it took me ages to find my way around"

Flaxpaw nods, and finishes her lunch. "speaking of exploring, Quinten, Ah've got to find mahself an offisah, and Ah had best be off. Maybe I'll see you later on."

Miyrr leans back from the table some patting her belly, "Ah now that's better, no more rumblies." Contented she picks up a pastry and pulls small bites off of it savoring it greatly. "I do hope that one buck makes it. Seems his fever broke there." she says

Quinten smiles and nods "I hope so too he seemed to be doing a bit better then before but still its touch and go it seems"

Miyrr nods, "Just remember if ya get in that situation again the cloth trick works. I spent the bettah part of a month nursing mum that way." she says taking a drink.

Quinten nods his head "Ok i'll remember it..in fact i may go back up and check on him...i...kinda know him"

"You can drip broth that way too. Hmm I think I already mentioned that. Oh well. Guess I'm more tired then I thought." she says popping another bite of pastry into her mouth.

Quinten nods "I think i'll ask if i can feed him later on"

Miyrr smiles, "Sounds like a grand idea. The Major didn't seem to know anything about my re-assignment. I may have to do speak with the Healer or the Colonel to see what I can find out."

Quinten nods his head "yeah hopefully they'll let you start training again soon"

Miyrr refilling her beaker, "Yes, I hope so too. I don't mind helping out but I would love to get back to running."

Quinten grins "fighting is me joy, i can't wait until Zeraph is well enough to box again"

Miyrr shakes her head, "It's going ta be a long time from waht I heard. He's bad off." She drains her beaker and sets it back down onto the table.

Quinten nods her head "I know...but at least he's in vetter condition then that other buck, his names Velos i hope he pulls thorugh the night"

Miyrr nods, "Yeah me too." She looks off at the other hares wandering about and all. "I can't imagine how many we lost with the cots that full." she hates to think about it that way but seemed to need to express it sometime.

Quinten sighs and leans back "I'm trying not to think about it...."

Miyrr stretches, "I was too, but I can't help ta wonder."

Quinten polishes off lunch and with a goodbye to miyrr heads out to a class, he's not gone long before he walks back in, class

Miyrr alsmost shudders at that though. How many did she know that fell. ugh! "Such a shame." she says shaking her head.

Quinten sighs and his ears pin back "Much to many Miyrr....much to many"

Miyrr nods and pops the last bite into her mouth. "Well, enough of those thoughts." she says brushing the crumbs from her uniform and paws.

Quinten nods and finishes eating the last of his salad and grins "Yes enough of that talK"

Miyrr chuckles, "We could move on to other seemingly stressful subjects or I could go on about how wonderful Taye is." she says in a more playful manner.

Quinten smils at you "Hearing about how good Taye is, is nice though i'm sure i'd like to talk about Gabby or hhow Greg's going to beat me up"

Miyrr laughs, "Well of course you would like to talk about Gabby, but Greg? why would he want to beat you up? Jealous? I really don't know these beasts."

Quinten sighs "Not jealous...but i was kind of dreaming about bucks...but then The colonel set me right...Greg hates me"

Miyrr looks puzzled but for some reason still made sense. Dreaming about bucks...hmmm. I do that, what's wrong with that? "Ah." Stupid thing to say really. "To bad, you're good sort." she says

Quinten smiles at you and hangs his ears down "Sorry Miyrr....never mind tis me own problem and i have Gabby"

Miyrr is completely lost now. Gabby, yeah. "So, yeah. tell me about Gabby? who is she? what she do? all the good stuff." she asks seemingly interested.

Quinten smiles "She's a rabbit, Enders great grand niece she's a season or so younger then me"

Miyrr smiles, "Oh my, what does Ender think of that. Worried about that cane of his?" she asks giggling.

Quinten lowers his ears further and sighs "Ender doesn't know...an an....i'm woried he'll go mad when he finds out"

Miyrr shakes her head, "You just love finding trouble now don't ya."

Quinten sighs "I guess so....i wish it was not mine"

Miyrr laughs. "I bet you do. I'm sure it will work itself out." she says hopefully.

Quinten sighs "I always fall into trouble and i don't even try it...."

Miyrr pats Quin on the shoulder, "Look at it this way, You always make it though."

Quinten smiles "I hope so Miyrr i really do...i hope i can manage to graduate as well"

Miyrr rolls her eyes back, "You worry too much," she stand up and clears her plate an beaker. "I'm sure you will. Me on the other hand, once the major realizes just how far I am behind. I'll be running my dern fool legs off." she says giggling.

Quinten smiles over te table at her and nods "Ye bet you got a whole seasons worth of work to catch up on" he sighs and slumps down on the table "I juust want to know when i can try out and do my exam.."

Miyrr nods, "yeah, it's alright. I don mind being the last to graduate. I gotta head start on the next batch and all. Oh! i was going to tell you. I finally got that sling figured out. I can hit just about anything I want to now." A big grin come across her face, "What else was I to do while mum slept. I'd have a good hour to two a day ta practice."

Quinten smiles and nods "Me juavelins are still fine, and i'm getting real good with the sabre AND at boxing i'm turning into a right ole champ"

Quinten stands up "Wot say we head back up to the infirmary?"

Miyrr smiles, "I knew you would. It took me for ever to learn to compensate for the eye. I still have to take moment to get the distance. I can pass that test no though so not as much a worry." she thinks for a moment. "Ya know I bet that's what they're up an all about the hold up. My eye. I'll have to talk to the healers when things aren't so up int he air."

Change Scene -

Salamandastron: Infirmary

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Salamandastron *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-

This is the infirmary for the long patrol. This room is one of the most

well lit rooms in the whole of Salamandastron, with several candles placed

strategically along the shelves and cupboards. Many wooden beds line the

walls of this room, each outfitted with impeccably clean white linen

sheets. This unfortunately limits the walking space in this room. Where

there are not beds there are shelves and cabinets that hold a variety of

different medical equipment, mostly needles and bandages. A single stone

sink is firmly lodged into one of the counters. The sink is not fancy, in

fact it is quite awkward. It is a necessity, nonetheless. An open closet

is in the corner of the room, storing a surplus of compact cots, in the

unusual case of mass injuries. The room usually has several nurse hares in

it, roaming around tending to various injuries.


With: [DYN] Not just any old hare... (Darklett)'s a Long Patrol Major!

[IC] Farren

The door opens and Quinten pads back inside looking well fed, he smiles at a healer who nods welcoming him back, "Welcome back recruit, glad to see your volunteering doesn't just mean one stint at it, if you would check on Velos for me" Quinten nods and moves over to the buck whose in a really bad way

Miyrr follows in right behind Quinten. She nods to the healer as well and gets going with the various chores helping the ill. She stops by the same buck Quin is near and places her paw on the Sister's shoulder that is sitting with him.

Darklett is laying on his cot, on his back... He's resting now, just like he'd been all yesterday. The sleep is fitful, his facial features and ears twitching.

Quinten smiles at Velos and tries to wake him, his eyes flutter open and he smiles up at Quinten and Miyrr before looking at his sister, Quinten pressed a bowl of broth into her paws "Here, the healer says to feed him this will help him" she takes it off him and looks at Miyrr "Can you..show me how to do it?"

Miyrr smiles, "Sure. Ya just take the corner and dip it in the liquid. Put it to his lips and give it a squeeze like so." She takes the cloth and demonstrates. "My mum taught me when I was just a wee lass. Just a few drops so he dosen't choke." She hands the cloth to his sister and watches her do it. "That right. Just like that." She pats his sister on the shoulder.

Quinten moves over with another bowl of broth and looks down at Major Darjklett, the bowl in his paws this time has slightly more substance in it, vegetables floating in it and a hunk of bread, he reaches out to shake the Major's shoulder "Sah...sah kin ye hear me? Healers say ye got tae eat"

Darklett's eyes flick open, and he almost cries out in pain as the recruit jostles his injured shoulder, wincing afterwards and trying to reach up to instinctively push him away, only finding himself unable, simply disturbing his other wounds, causing him more pain, eyes clenched shut, legs curling up, along with his footpaws, chest expanding as he takes a deep breath to try and quell the pain. Food? Who cares?

Miyrr makes her way about the room offering help and comfort where needed.

Quinten winces and takes a step backwards /oh dear....that didn't go well...damn it what is wrong with him/ the recruit seems on the verge of just throwing the bowl away and running, everything he's touched today has gone wrong, first the colonel now this...

Soon enough, Darklett is able to rest himself, after a long series of deep breathing and closed eyes. "...Quinten," he says, barely above a whisper. "Just... set it down... I'm not... hungry yet... I'll eat it later, just..." Breaths come in and go out of him between phrases.

Miyrr sees the look on Quins face and makes her way to him. She places her paw on his shoulder and just smiles.

Quinten nods and sets down the bowl to one side "Ok sah....." he glances at Miyrr and sighs again "Sorry sah...i didn't know yer shoulder was injuured...you look pretty bad..."

Darklett grits his teeth, speaking through them. "Well... maybe... the -bandages- could have clued you in..." He looks dangerously up at Quinten, like if he wasn't injured to hell right now, he would beat the living SNOT out of the recruit.

Miyrr leans closer into Quin, "Common." she says quietly tugging on his shoulder. She lets go and moves to a cot to help someone turn on their other side.

Quinten sighs and walks away from the Major, following Miyrr "Nothing i do is ever right...nothing i do is ever good enough for em, everything i touch is a disaster" he turns and walks to the other end of the infirmary and into a store cupboard, slamming the door behindhim

Quinten sighs and walks away from the Major, following Miyrr "Nothing i do is ever right...nothing i do is ever good enough for em, everything i touch is a disaster" he turns and walks to the other end of the infirmary and into a store cupboard, slamming the door behind him.

Darklett sighs, ears folding as he knows he... Well, probably shouldn't have snapped like that. But well, it was all reaction. His eyes close, and he tries to get back to rest.

Miyrr walks over with a very deliberate pace to the cupboard where Quin disappeared into. She opens the door and reaches in grabbing Quinten by the ear pulling him to the doorway, "Now look out in the room, What do you see? You see a lot of good hare what you and I have spent most of the day fluffing pillows, changing linens, feeding, cleaning, and even in one case helping save." She takes breath and in a more soothing voice. "Just cause a couple of them grump at you does /not/ mean a dern thing whether you can do anything or not. Now mind ya, if the place was littlerd with bedpans and it /was/ your fault then maybe you have a right to feel bad. Not now." she says letting go of his ear, "Sorry about the ear. I just wanted your attention. You're a good hare, and a great friend. You jsut gotta not take it so personally." She puts her hand on his shoulder. "Now common, I need some help. please?"

Quinten has his arms full of bed linen socannot defend his ears, he winces as he's dragged out by the ear, he folds them both back when Miyrr lets go and nods his head "Yes

Miyrr...sorry i'll behave..its just frustrating, i mean all i want to do is help, i've come up here and volunteered and the only one who gives a damn is Velos...an he's dying" he sighs and looks back at the floor again

Her stern look softening, "and helping you have done. There's a room full hares with clean linens. You did that. I saw you talking to those that are able. You honestly cared for each and every one of them. Don't take what I just did personally either. I've had a wonderful day palling around with you and working beside you. Oh, and it's not about behaving. It's about knowing what you're doing is your best. You know, the whole gotta believe in yourself bit?" she gets a smirky grin on her muzzle, "Now get those ears up right recruit. ya nevah know when a bedpan might strike." she says jokingly.

Quinten's ear perks and salutes "Of course brigadier general Miyrr, master of tha recruits" he grins and bounds back to work, stopping by a cot and leaning forwards filling a beaker with water and handing it to them, he then movees to te next cot, lying on it is Zeraph, he hesitates and looks over at the healer on the far side "How is he?"

The healer looks up from where he is checking Raph's bandaging on his face, slowly lowering this back down against his cheek. "He's not so good." Seemingly, the hare doesn't appear to think about what affect this might have on the recruit. The Lieutenant hasn't moved since he was settled down. "Looks like the vermin got him this time." This is mumbled out.

Miyrr giggles and looks about to make sure no one important hear her being called a general. She makes her way back into the room and get's back to work.

Quinten nods his head "Ok..." he reaches out to take Zeraph's paw and squeezes it "YOu get well soon you hear me Sir..i can hardly get better at boxing if you don't wake up"

The healer sighs and goes back to his work after glancing at the paw squeeze. To which,

Zeraph doesn't even flinch or react. "I'm sorry." The healer buck mumbles to Quinten, trying to remain sympathetic even after perhaps dealing with this situation a lot before.

Miyrr moves over to Quin, "Looks like we got another one, eh?" she reaches down an strokes his headfur.

Quinten nods his head and releases the paw, just trying to show his support for the wounded officer "Its ok sir...i just wish there was more i could do to help" he glances in the direction of the Major "Should i try feeding him again?" he looks back at Zeraph and then to

Miyrr "They don't know if he'll make it either"

Darklett has disconnected.

The healer moves away from the Lieutenant finally when his work is done, heading off to check on one of the other more crucial cases.

Miyrr pats the Lt. "Ah now. I'm sure the Lt. has more in him then that." she says trying to sound hopeful.

Quinten nods his head "I hope so Miyrr he's one of me best teachers and a friend, i care bout him alot" he nods and moves over to sit at a doe's bedside, she's been asleep all day and is bandaged across the chest, hhe takes her paw and talks to her quietly, se smiles weakly and points a paw at the ceiling.

Darklett seems to have caught some shuteye for a few moments, but he wakes up again, shaking his head with a wince. An eye is given to the bowl. Hrmph. He rolls his eyes back to the ceiling, and shuts his eyes again, in another effort to slip into slumber.

Miyrr sits beside Zeraph for a while and just talks to him. Like she did earlier, she tells him that it's been snowing. Her trip back from taking care of her mum and the run home.

Quinten walks over to Darklett's cot again after the doe falls asleep and peers down "Sir...i'm sorry but they really do insist you try and eat something as your awake," he picks up a spoon "I'm sorry sir"

Darklett takes a deep breath, opening his eyes and looking to Quinten. "...Alright. I'll try to eat... something. Just don't touch me." He turns his head to the side and tries to throw a smile. "Sorry. Ya just... hurt me a bit... before."

Quinten nods his head "Its ok Sir...was my fault can you sit up on your own?" he picks up the bowl and smiles "If not i'm sure Miyrr can help you up easier then i can" he glances at Zeraph "And i don't know if you know sir...bt Lt.Zeraph may be dying"

Miyrr walks by Quin with a armful of blankets. She nods with a big smile as she passes him. She begins to speak be decides to leave him to his moment. He's got guts. She stops when she hears her name, "Need help?" she asks.

Darklett shakes his head. "Can't... really sit up at all. Need a bit of help." He grimaces, looking to Miyrr and Quinten. This should prove interesting.

Quinten glances at Miyrr "can you help the Majuor sit up? prop him up with some pillows? Just i know if i touch him i'll hrt him"

Darklett seems to just now register the last part of Quinten's statement there, and just blinks at the recruit. "...He may be... dying?" He asks, jaw dropped open, even as he lays down.

Miyrr takes one of the blankets and rolls it up. She grabs the courner of the undersheet behind Darklett's head and hands it to Quin, "Ok very gently, lift him up with this just so i can get the roll under his shoulder. Then we'll do the other side." She grabs one of the smaller pillow to place behind him to support his back and keep it fairly level.

Quinten nods his head and lifts as gently as he can, lifting the major up off the bed "Here we...carefully does it" he murmurs to himself before the Major's question filters in and he nods sadly "Yes sir...his head is in a right state and he got a sword through his gut, he's not woken up since Taeura brought him in i think, he's in a real bad way, and we might loose Private Velos too.."

Darklett sits up with the help of the other two, but with some pain... He looks around the infirmary as he is upright, and spots Zeraph, his ears immediately folding over, his features bending in a frown, helped along by Quinten's description. He's speechless, the food forgotten for now.

Miyrr adjust's the Major's pillow so he can see and eat a little easier. "Not sure how comfortable that is for ya sir. Hows that?" she asks.

Quinten places the bowl in Darklet's lap and the spoon in the bowl "He is in a bad way sir...." he tilts his ears as he hears a bell ringing and grimaces "Well thats the end of m y free time sir, i've got a class to go to....sorry i hurt you earlier"

Darklett's eyes stay on Zeraph, the major barely able to look away as Miyrr continues to adjust him. "...It..." He pointedly shoves his attention away from the lieutenant. "It... all hurts, heh..." Smile. As the bowl rests in his lap, even the fake smile can't be faked anymore. Not only is he injured and worried for his friend, but here goes the embarrassment. He moves in to grab the rim of the bowl, but... As he moves his arm, he winces, and forgets the whole action, looking to Miyrr sheepishly.

In her less-than-mobile condition, Zoe is doing what any healer would do in her place - she's preparing poultices and mixtures and anything else that the more active healers might need in their rounds. In fact, the counter has been sectioned off, with each section having a parchment with a name on it, hanging on a nail. Some sections of counterspace are more crowded than other. Zeraph's, for instance, is /quite/ cluttered. There's a lot of work to be done, there. The Colonel is sitting on a stool in front of this very lieutenant's name, head bent to her work.

Quinten looks at Miyrr and nods to the Major, at least he won't be here to watch the major being spoonfed which might make the major less grumpy with him, mans its been a bad day for speaking to officers today....the only one he hasn't upset is jarril and he is quite convinced he doesn't like him anyway.

Miyrr picks up the bowl and sits on the stool nest to the Majors bed. "I know sir. Let me help ya and don't worry I'll never tell." she picks up the spoon and offers some of the broth to the Major.

End Log -