Quinten Log 50 - 16 02 2006

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This log is rather long, but alot of fun

Salamandastron: Crafts Room

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Salamandastron *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-

The room which lies before you is perhaps at first frightening in its chaotic appearance. It seems that every manner of thing that could possibly aid in the creation of anything is placed in this room. Obviously, it is mainly a room for the making of clothing, what with the vast amount of materials lying about, as well as the tools needed for the shaping and joining of the materials, but the room is also utilized for other things, though these other areas are separated from the rest. It is a fairly vast room, after all. These areas include a wood-working section as well as a much-used section quartered off for the creation of parchment paper. Also, there is a section devoted to the creation of dyes, as well as inking materials, for writing with.

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

Gabriel has arrived.

Quinten is sat at the back of thhe wood working section, a mutliated block of beech wood on the desk before him, his fur is ruffled and unwashed, his uniform tunic has been abandoned over a cair and he's slumped down starring at a knife in his paws dejectedly

Gabriel gallavants in, skipping, and humming happily to herself. At first she sees no one in the room, but as the rays from the rising sun light up the further corners, the rabbit spots Quinten. With his back to her, she can't see his face. "H'lo?" She ventures.

Quinten stiffens on his stool and peers back at the rabbit, he looks like he's been crying a bit but he snaps his head back around so she can't seem him and grunts out a hello stabbing te knifeinto the wooden block, splitting it

Happy to see it is someone she knows, Gabby swirls over to him, gracefully draping her arm around his shoulders. "Whatcha doin'?" She chirps, looking at the fairly decimated piece of wood.

Quinten knocks the wood over "Nothin...destroying it..."

Gabriel frowns. "Well. Why?" She appears fairly concerned with him, noting his glum demeanor and unkempt look for the first time.

Quinten sighs and sniffs "Nothin...i'm jist a freak...was a thingy of greg....i ruined it...not allowed to like...be friends wid im....Colonel said...so"

Now looking more confused than concerned, Gabriel pats him tentatively. "Er. Not allowed to be friends? I don't understand."

Quinten sighs and pats her ears "tis ok...i just been having wicked thought apparently Gaby...colonel found out...which meanss someone ratted me out to her....an after everyone told me to make sure shhe didn't hear bout it"

Gabriel shivers happily when he touches her as well. "Wicked thoughts? We all have those." She smiles at him. "Think of something else!"

Quinten nods "That's wot i was told...still....not sure wot to do though"

Reluctantly, Gabby stands and prances around. "Do other things! Have fun! Live life!" She comes closer to him. "And be a long patrol hare."

Quinten smiles and nods, he can't help it the younger rabbit is too cheerful for him to remain in a funk over, and he does have to obeuy the colonel, she's been watching him like a hawk

Gabby grabs a piece of broken wood and chucks it out of one of the windows, not even checking if there was anyone down below. "So. Now that d'you want to do?"

Quinten dithers "Uhm...not sure...i'm meant to concentrate on me chores an me lessons....and whenfree do things to occpy me time.." still seems unhappy, and he really is in a real state

Frowning, the rabbit twirls on her toes. "I s'pose that's good. How 'bout you do something /fun/?" Gabby begins to smile, a plan forming. "Let's do something fun, now!" She runs over and tugs on one of his paws, playfully.

Quinten smiles down at her and nods "K...uhm wot...though i should probably clean up...i've not had a bath since yesterday morning...an all me trainins been doubled up"

A bit of a laugh escaping her lips, Gabby sniffs. "Y'know, I was worried that was /me/." She chuckles quietly before tugging him upright. "Clean y'self up! Then we can do something!"

Quinten smiles and picks up his tunic "K...you wait here..." he smiles at her and ruffles her ears before walking out

Gabriel laughs and pushes at him. "You hurry, then!"

Quinten is gone for about half an hour, when he returns he is dressed in a clean uniform but looking a bit subdued, he ran into the Colonel again it seems and got another mini lecture, though when he said he was off to play with Gabby he got a smile a a pat, so confused.

Gabriel has been fiddling with a knife and a piece of wood, and has managed to carve a heart into it. Seeing Quinten return, she blushes and tucks the wood into her pocket. She doesn't notice anything wrong. "So...?"

Quinten smiles wanly at her, ears perking up at bit "Uhm...we got permission to go down to the sea if yu want?"

Gabriel doesn't look too overjoyed at this, but isn't showing it. "Sounds good! Maybe we can find a fun place to explore!" She runs out the door, calling back; "I'll meet you at the entrance, Quin!"

Quinten smiles and nods following after her "Ok Gabby..." he doesn't run, doesn't feel up to it, is moody and angsty teen, confused too but he's trying to follow orders

- Moving Scene -

Salamandastron: Entryway

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Salamandastron *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-

This is a small, raised platform in the side of the mountain upon which

you can see down to the small niche in the mountain. Cunningly designed,

this precaution allows one from this vantage point to 'see' who is

standing outside without being detected.

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

With: [PRV] Giddy (Gabriel)

Gabriel is bouncing from paw to paw, chilled by the coldness outdoors. She's wearing a sweater of some sort, not the prettiest thing. Peering down the passage, Gabby wonders if

Quinten is even planning to come.

Quinten is soon in sight, wrapping a cloak about his shoulders and moving towards Gabby, carrying another cloak over his shoulder "Uhm hey gabby i was told to make sure you wear this"

Gabriel takes it carefully, worried by Quinten's actions. "Are you alright? You're really...sad."

Quinten smiles and hugs her suddenly "I'll...be ok Gabby....just got to follow orders"

Gabriel stiffens immediately at his hug, his arms preventing the ease of motion she is used to. The rabbit fights back an instant reaction to claw at him, but then, very slowly, she lets her tenseness drain away. But she doesn't return his affection. "Don't just follow orders. Fun! Fun! Fun-fun-fun-fuuuun!"

Quinten chuckles and shakes his head stepping back and frowning, wondering why she tensed up so much at the hug, something else to worry about great "Well lets go have fun then...i know a place"

Gabriel laughs, swings her arms in a mock imitation of a soldier. "Lead on!"

Quinten shakes his head and leads the way out towards the niche "Well lets go on then Gabby its a rather fun spot"

Western Shore

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shore ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Soft sand cushions you as you walk. To the south a lone mountain stands at attention, guarding the seashore. Curls of smoke grace the sky as they escape from the top of the looming mountain. The sight is breathtaking to anybeast. To the west the sand meets the glassy sea.


Quinten arrives with: Gabriel

Quinten leads the way out of the mountain and north up the shore a short ways, trailing along the edge of the high tide line

Gabriel is humming a quiet marching ditty to herself, showing no signs of noticing the passing ground. She appears very used to walking, and waits for Quinten when he stopd.

Quinten stops by some rocks and grins "Here we are" he points at the hole in the ground I thought...we might explore in there"

Gabriel looks into it, and grins. "This is /exciting/." She looks again, and then at

Quinten, slightly worried. "You first."

Abandoned Burrow

Perhaps ages ago, this burrow was dug into the dunes. It must have been a skilled digger, as the walls of dark sand still seem sturdy enough to last another few seasons. The actual tunnel itself ends in a small, rounded room with a low ceiling - not even enough for a mouse to stand. Clearly no more than an escape from the sun to sleep, the burrow is as empty as, perhaps, it always was.

Quinten arrives with: Gabriel

Quinten leads the way slowly down into the burrow and sniffs, whiskers twitching, he stands up and looks around with interest "Well this is not as muc fn as i thought it might be" he pads a bit furter into the dark

Gabriel also uneasily stands, her ears brushing the roof, knocking some sand into her eyes. "CAVE" She stops, looks up, and grins. "Oops." The rabbit squints at the dark in the back, her eyes adjusting. "Is there anything back there, Quin?"

Quinten keeps padding down the small tunnel "Its a small tunnel...come see looks like somebeast used to live in here"

Gabriel walks closer, her shoulders brushing against Quinten's, trying hard to keep her ears down low. "This is odd..." She murmurs. "But a good hideout. We...you...should come here when we're sad or something!" The rabbit smiles, ever chipper.

Quinten smiles and sits down slowly, reacing out to take her paw and tug her down too "Yeah...its a good place to come hide out"

Gabriel takes his paw and sits. "So're you doing better? Is the Colonel really that /mean/?"

Quinten nods "No...not mean....i think she's just...worried and concerned...i'm just not sure what to think....one set of adults told me one thing now she's tellin me another"

Gabriel tilts her head, wondering. "Welll...I would listen to what the Colonel says. Unless my Grandpa Quincy said otherwise." She begins to laugh, but decides this isn't the right setting. "I don't know what exactly is wrong...but...I don't know, you're really smart. You know what to do."

Quinten nods his head and sighs "I'm gonnna try and follow the colonel's orders...and i think if i asked your granpa he'd have a heart attack"

Gabriel smirks. "He isn't that bad, I don't think. And neither is your problem, I'll bet." She sighs, not really liking to be kept in the dark.

Quinten grins up at her and nods "Ya...yer right" he kisses her nose suddenly and starts to move towards the light, wrinkling his nose and thinking, trying to decide if it was difference from kissing someone else

Her eyes pop open, and her face flushes. Woah. He.../kissed/ her. She is almost carried away by this daydream come true, but attempts to stand. Gabby falls back on the first attempt, and then staggers towards the back of the hare, grinning stupidly. "Well!" ...she really can't stay quiet for long.

Quinten looks back and smiles before ducking out of the cave into the sunlight, the sea washing over his paws "What?"

Gabriel was taken aback. He barely even noticed? She deflated slightly. "Um. Nothing." She followed him out into the sun, her eyes adjusting again. "Do you need to get back? Can we look about more?"

Quinten smiles at her and tilts his head to one side and sniffs "Hmmm something in here definatly smells nice" he's heard thats the kind of thing your meant to say, "Wonder wot it is" he moves back towards her sniffing and smiles "And no i don't have to run back"

Gabriel titters. "Not me, you great silly. I'm all sweaty from running about." She pushes him away a bit, and scampers out of the cave.

Western Shore

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shore ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Soft sand cushions you as you walk. To the south a lone mountain stands at attention, guarding the seashore. Curls of smoke grace the sky as they escape from the top of the looming mountain. The sight is breathtaking to anybeast. To the west the sand meets the glassy sea.


Quinten arrives with: Gabriel

Quinten walks back out of the hole, covered in wet sand up to his knees, ears pinning back "Well that didn't work wots a chap meant to do next...he's got no idea"

Gabriel is glad to be in the open again, as it allows her to be her usual hyperactive self. She runs in circles around Quinten, not noticing his consternation.

Quinten shakes his head and grumbles its really hard to be angsty and have emotional problems with her running about distracting him by making him want to smile"

Noticing Quinten attempting to either stay unhappy or have some fun, Gabby gets closer to him and takes his paw. "So. Now where?"

Quinten lets her holds his paw and points out across the shore to where the waves are crashing "Over there, come on" he starts to run down the shore kicking up wet sand and forgetting about things for now

Gabriel runs next to him, laughing with joy. "Things are much better here!" She yells over the crashing surf. "I love..." The rabbit stops. "I love being here."

Quinten smiles down at her and skids to a halt leaving a furrow in the sand and laughing, coaated in the wet stuff up to his waist now "Lets build a sandcastle?"

Bending over and grabbing a handful of wet sand, Gabby begins to form it into a ball, smirking slyly. "I think I may have a better idea." She says, chucking the sand ball at his gut when she says 'idea', ducking to form another.

Quinten erfs and falls back laughing sitting in the serf and letting the waves was over him whilst he scoops up more sand balling it iup and throwing it at her retreating form "I say you cad...cheating"

Gabriel ducks extremely fast, as if from experience, and throws her newly-formed ball at the water in front of him, sending sandy froth up at him. She then runs deeper into the water, submerging herself to grab a handful of sand.

- Change Scene -

Shallows - Western Sea (K10)

Wet sand harbors the sharp points of broken shells and skeletons of small fish, the pieces just peeping out of the surface of the sand as well as small treasures, pretty stones and beautiful shells.

Quinten arrives with: Gabriel

Quinten throws up a paw to protect his eyes and stumbles into the water, a wave comes up and washes over him, leaving only his head out, he stands back up and shakes his paw "Ooooh i'm gonna get you" head down he launches after her putting on a turn of seed intent on catcing her

Gabriel swims a bit deeper, and she looks intent on staying afloat more than staying away from Quinten. A few small waves lap at her chin as she watches the approaching hare. A sudden burst of speed from him has the rabbit squealing as she attempts to swim out farther, but she feels a paw on her leg.

Quinten has hold of her and tugs her back, he quickly wraps his arms around her waist and swings her around "Gotcha"

Kicking hard, Gabby at first laughs but then begins to pummel him in earnest. "Let me go!" She calls out, barely heard over the waves.

Quinten lauyghs and sets her down in the water and smiles "Sorry Gabby you said to have fun..." he looks confused now, some of those hits hurt

Gabriel breathes hard, her paws reaching the seafloor pretty easily. "I did. I don't...I-" She breaks off and sniffs, rubbing a paw over her eyes, maybe just removing salt water. "Some things...I don't...my fa-" She breaks off again, and walks towards the shore. "I'm getting cold, are you?" The rabbit's teeth are chattering.

Quinten blinks and nods setting out after her towards the shore "Of course Gabby sorry....i didn't want to bring up bad memories" he places a paw on her shoulder to stop her as we reach the shore, waves lapping around our feet "Its ok..i'll look after you" and then as its what seems like a good idea he kisses her again...quickly

Gabriel's face is drawn, something totally unusual for her. She doesn't flinch at the kiss or the paw, and seems almost about to hug him. "It's alright. I'm...thankyou. Thankyou, Quinten."

Quinten hugs her himself quickly and smiles "Thank you too....see i'm not a monster...that'll show the colonel..." he smiles down at her again and laughs "and your my friend Gabby"

Gabriel takes Quinten's paw, shivering even more now. "I'm glad. About everything." She smiles again. "Now...brrr...let's go back to the mountain."

Quinten nods and starts up the shore paw in paw with Gabriel, still thinking deeply about everything, wavering from side to side of what to do

- Change Scene -

Salamandastron: Niche

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Salamandastron *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-

You are next to a niche in the side of the mountain, which blocks out

everything to the west with its immense rocky bulk. Just barely visible

is a small fissure in the rock, through which it looks like you could

'enter' the mountain.

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

With: [DYN] Zoey. (Zoe_Lang) Quinten arrives with: Gabriel

Gabriel is shivering even more now, and has dared to put a paw around Quinten's shoulders, trying to stay warm. They're a site, covered with nasty sand/mud, and csoaking wet.

Quinten has moved to place his own arms around Gabby's waist, ears pinning back and shivering, he still has a slightly confused look in his eyes but not seeming to mind holding the younger rabbit.

Gabriel is grateful to almost be in the mountain. "W-w-I need to go to the sauna, I think. Or the baths. Thanks for the fun time, Quinten. I really loved it." She brings her face closer to his, and almost brings herself to kiss him, but stops and pulls herself away.

Quinten isn't sure what to do when she draws nback and decides to not kiss her dithering and nods "Sure...we can go up and get clean..best to do it before anyone sees us or we will be in trouble" he then kisses her standing just outside the niche when he does it

Gabriel scurries inside, very confused, excited, cold, and dirty.

Quinten follows after, thoughts turning from te afternoon to how he's going to get to the bathroom before walking into an officer and having to explain why he's in such a state

- Change Scene -

Salamandastron: Baths

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Salamandastron *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-

The bath areas of Salamandastron span several individual rooms. There is

a large central common area with bowls and tables hewn directly out of the

rock. These 'bowls' are used for washing faces and paws at mealtimes and

in the morning. On opposite sides of the cavern are two wooden doors.

One has the word 'males' carved into it and the other 'females'. Another

section sits almost directly above the forge - a sauna. This area has a

wooden door so that the evaporating moisture does not escape the room.

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

Quinten arrives with: Gabriel

Quinten is leaving the male baths, wrapping his plain white top around himself, long baggy sleeves trailing along behind him, he then stops to start doing up his belt

Description set.

The door to the sauna opens, and a head pokes out. When the rabbit spots Quinten she quickly scampers into the female baths, a towel covering herself. After a few minutes, Gabby emerges, her clothes slightly damp, steam rising from the top of her head, looking rather silly.

Quinten waves a paw at Gabby, running his other one thorugh his head fur and slicking down his ears "Hey clean now? that sand is a devil to get out of our fur"

Gabriel grins stupidly at Quinten, still slightly dazed from the way the day has progressed.

"Er.  Yes, it certainly took a while.  I'm sure you had a worse tim e of it."  As she says this, she pretends to pitch a ball at him, like she had at the sea, and laughs.

Quinten laughs in return, seeming to be genuinley happy at the moment, either that or he's hiding from facing anything else "I'll get you next time just you wait and see"

She laughs a bit more before tugging at her slightly clingy clothes. "Whoo! That sauna is something! If you do get me, at least I have something to enjoy later, right?" Gabby smiles at this, genuinely impressed by the mountain's seemingly limitless luxuries.

Quinten shakes his head "Lucky you, you get to lounge around all day and not do any chores i should see about gettin gyou some chores to do" he winks at you

Gabriel dances around merrily, attempting to make the air dry her. "I think I'm fine, thank you very much, Mr. Quin." She also winks.

Quinten laughs "No need for the mister Gabby, Quin will do fine" he moves towards te door, all weight clothing offsetting his tan fur

Gabriel smiles as Quinten leaves. He really is a gentlemen. She glances back at the sauna, before deciding she really needed a rest. Following him out the door, the young rabbit skipped down to the dormitories.

Quinten heads out of the baths to move on down to the kitchens to start his tour of kitchen duty

End Log -