Quinten Log 26 - 11 01 2006

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Salamandastron: Recreation Room

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Salamandastron *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-

The recreation room for the army of the Longpatrol. Here soldiers come to

relax after a hard day's work and the officers come for a game of cards or

a quick drink by the fire. The room is quite large, having to deal with a

lot of hares at one time. Along one wall there is a large worktop with

some cuhsioned stools lining one side of it. On the other side of the

worktop there stand many kegs and bottles, lined so that they can be

easily opened by someone standing on the inside of the bar but well out of

reach of the rowdy hares on the other side. There are a few woollen cloths

on the bar and mats in front of each stool. The next thing nearest to the

bar are the round tables, each with 4 chairs around and a lantern in the

middle of each one. There are a couple of slightly larger oval tables with

8 seats around, obviously for larger crowds. The other end of the room is

littered with armchairs, comfortable armchairs, each pair with a small

table in between. The armchairs are near the fire, used to heat the room

and provide extra comfort for the relaxing soldiers.

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*


LP's LH Board


[DYN] Not just any old hare... (Darklett)'s a Long Patrol Major!

[DYN] Taye

[DYN] One eyed, Longpatrol Major, Jarril Black Fleetpaw.

Meanwhile all that is going on, one of the hares from Jarril's patrol heads towards him and sits down at the stool to the table and begins to chat, with the major nodding his head slightly from time to time. "Well, I haven't decided yet..." Few moments later, the major frowns. "Well, I don't care what he thinks, it's my decision on that one." Leaning forward, he gives a look to where the bar is and then back again. "Okay, okay. I'll sort it out." He frowns and nods. "Alright, I come ta a decision on matters in two days time or after that whenever I find a colonel." He leans back in the chair and see's the other hare get up and walk off again while he looks to see how the drinks are coming along.

( Te door opens and Quinten sticks is head around the doorjam, he goes wide eyed as he sees the Major and starts to back back out again, moving his paw to pull the door shut behimd him )

Taye nods his thanks, leaning forward with chin in paw as he watches the drinks be prepared. He turns to glance at Darklett. "So... ya given any majah ordahs yet?" Ah ha, ha. He made a funny. Cough.

Terrance blinks as he approaches the entrance to the rec room just as Quinten closes the door. You hear a quick conversation muffled by the door before Terrance pokes his head through. Not seeing any vermin he walks all the way in and then walks to an unoccupied table out of the way after nodding to any beast who takes notice of him.

Darklett lets out a nice, grateful sigh as Neville sets the three rather sizeable ales before him. Shoving one to Taye, he nods and mutters a thanks to the bartender, turning over his shoulder to go carry a mug to Jarril, seeing the last parts of that conversation, then the other hare getting up and leaving. Hesitating just a moment, he stands and carries the drink over to the other major. "Why don't you come sit at the bar with us, eh?"

Tossing out a smirk to Jarril as he sets the mug down near him, he turns and heads back to the bar, just in time for Taye to utter that -terrible- pun. He groans accordingly. :P "...No, not really. Waiting for that, still, heh." Drink, drink!

Quinten watches terrance walk over to a table and as no ones shouted at him or himself he scurries after him peering over at the Majors and Taye,

Jarril doesn't reply back but stays sitting comfortably at the table and away from most of the bustle of hares pushing to get their orders in, the major smiles and begins to take swigs of his ale quietly.

Terrance looks towards Taye and then scratches at his cheek. The cut that used to be there is all but healed, the remainder of the scab not too visable. "Hey there Taye" the fighter recruit calls out before noidding to Quinten.

Quinten looks at Taye then at terrance and sits down in a chair folding his ears back "am...i even meant to be in here?" he asks worriedly the small hare looking out of place

Terrance room-pages, "that's nodding at the end -.-".

Taye does indeed drink! Heartily. He pauses long enough to consider the unsociable Jarril with a tiny frown. Ah well. He spies Quinten and Terrance in this glance, however, and to these two he waves. "'Ey, Terr!"

Terrance looks towards Quinten and offers a reasuring smile, "Aye chap, ya can be in 'ere if ya like." He then looks back towards Taye, "How's it been goin' chap? Haven't seen ya around much, eh wot."

Darklett sips at his mug, just grinning to himself. He'd actually gotten off his promotion high, but Taye restarted the whole thing with that whole fascination thing before. So, forgive him if he's a little spaced out in daydream land. :P Sip, sip.

Quinten shuffles on his chair and looks about idly at the bustle of hares, ears standing up to trying and make out conversations from the background noise looking rather silly as his ears barely reach up to Terrance's shoulder from his sitting position

Taye shrugs, tipping his mug to Terrance in a 'cheers' motion. "I've been around. How ya been, how ya been?" Pause. Oh! "I've been a'right, thanks." He thumbs a paw at Darklett over his shoulder. "Look-it him! All shiny 'n' new with the majah badges. Fancy that, eh?" He grins widely.

Terrance chuckles and nods, "Aye, I was there when tha colnel gave the shiny stuff ta 'im. Ya should o' been there for the speech the mess hall demanded" he says with a grin. "Been doing good myself. Tom and gang keep at least a staff lengths away from me now."

Darklett is still caught up in his own daydreams, casually sipping and staring off into nothingness, until he hears Taye say 'majah,' darting him to attention. "Hm? Ah-... uh, yeah, heh." He drinks a little more meekly, turning his head about and shrugging humbly. "Was a pretty good speech, wasn't it? Was it? I don't... really remember." Lots of drinking that night, see. :P

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