Quinten Log 123 - 07 08 2006
RW Abbey: Infirmary
Several beds are lined against the red sandstone walls of the Abbey's Infirmary. An examination table, separated from the rest of the room by hanging blankets, rests against the far wall. Tucked into a small alcove is a sizeable workbench with various containers for mixing and preparing medicinal compounds. Against another wall is a desk for use by the Infirmary Keeper. A curtained off alcove behind the desk hides a locked door to the Infirmary's supplies and linens.
The main infirmary is mostly empty there are no patience in and the healers are outside enjoying the sunshine it seems. A single habbit dressed hare is slowly sweeping the floor.
Foxglove is on laundry duty again, not seeming to mind though as she climbs the stairs to the infirmary, basket of clean linens resting on her hip. She peeks inside, making sure there's no healing procedures happening before slipping in. Fox sends a glance towards Quint, nose crinkling for a moment before heading towards the back cabinet to put the sheets away.
Quinten looks up as someone cmes inside and raises an ear in greeting. "Goodday Ma'am." He bobs his head and rests the broom on one shoulder, moving over to pick up a dustpan and brush.
Foxglove's ears twitch, glancing back towards Quinten with a smile and a dip of her head. Finishing with the last of the linens, Fox sets the basket aside, withdrawing a book from her habit sleeve to write in, holding it up for Quint to read afterwards. 'Afternoon sir. Are you one of the Long Patrollers?'
Quinten peers at the note and nods his head, "That i am ma'am Quinten is me name." He bobs a sketchy bow.
Foxglove grins, tossing some of the dirty towels into her basket before moving closer to the buck. She watches his lips, before jotting down another reply. 'Tis a pleasure to meet you Quinten. I'm Foxglove, second novice here at the abbey.'
Quinten reads the note again and nods his head smiling, "Well i guess you know i'm a first level novice here." He moves to sweep up the pile of dirt into the pale and looks up agian, "Need some help with all that?"
Foxglove bobs her head, grabbing up a few more dirty linens before turning back to the buck with another written reply. 'Yes. I heard it from one of the other novices. I hope your enjoying yourself so far.' At his question, she shakes her head, smiling again. 'No no. I can manage."
Quinten chuckles softly and nod shis head moving to put the broom and pan back into a cupboard. "Oh i am having a lovely time ma'am, Brother Keiran and me have been working on the plans for the Belltower we got from Brockhall."
Foxglove's ears perk up, pausing in her collecting to give the hare her full attention. 'Oh, how wonderful. It'll be nice to have the Belltower back again. The abbey looks quite odd without it.' Fox writes, taking a seat on a nearby cot.
Quinten smiles and nods his had, "Well i have not seen the abbey with the bell tower, i'm hoping i can help the Brother get everything ready so building can start. Imagine what it will be like to have things going up, scaffolding and brick work."
Foxglove nods, going back to collecting various linens from the counter and cotsides. Shifting the basket to her hip once again, she goes to writing in her journal nose crinkled for a moment. 'I'm sure it shall be quite a site. Hopefully, we can find some beasts to help to build it.'
Quinten reads the note and nods, "Welll i am sure the Long Patrol will help, and the squirrels nad otters of Mossflower, they have always helped the abbey in the past with building projects."
'That is very true. Well, the abbey will be very appreciative of your help.' Fox writes, glancing off towards the hallway with a faint frown. 'Sorry, but I should be getting the rest of the laundry to do. It was nice meeting you though.'
Quinten nods his head and smiles, "Take care ma'am was a pleasure to meet you, see you around?"
Foxglove smiles. 'Of course. I'm usually somewhere in the gardens or gatehouse.' She writes, dipping her head before slipping out into the hall.
Quinten nods his head and smiles "Ok ma'am see you around and the gatehouse...i've been in there a couple of times looking at scrolls."
- Change Scene - Several Hours Pass
RW Abbey: Open Ground
The Open Ground is a place for feasts, good times and just general social meetings. The wide-open space allows a large group of beasts to gather upon the plush grass and chat. But it also allows access to many places of the abbey, towards the walls of the abbey is the Bell Tower. Notable abbey defenders graves alongside the plot of land the massive structure takes up. A staircase shrouded by a case of stone allows one to make their way to the busy infirmary. The large brass lined doors to the lower dormitory are also evident from this position.
Pristine, blinding-white snow covers the wide expanse of unadulterated ground that the Abbeybeasts merely dub, the open ground. Faint pawprints, from the last snow, can be seen and sharper ones, obviously more fresh, are overlaid those. Each facet of the snow glows and sparkles with its own unique light, each snow crystal touched a different way by the sun above -- even if there is a faint cloud-cover over it all. A sharp breeze scents the air -- laden with figid cold and the faint freshness of newly-fallen snow.
The sun shines brightly down on the open ground and is actually beating down on the black hare that is seeking shade under a densely leafed tree. This seems to not be doing much for Jakk as he is panting, glaring up at the sky as if it is all to be blamed upon it. Yes! It's your fault dangit! He shifts to try and get the large habit off, which is a bit dirty at this moment. However, he fails to realize this may make it worse for the uncovering of more darkened fur.
Quinten comes strolling into sight from around the corner near the infirmary stairs, he's stripped to the waist himself, wearing a pair of baggy white trousers. He has a hoe in one paw and appears to have been off gardening again. His paws are dusted with dirt and soil but there is a smile on his muzzle and he seems quite happy.
Ear twitch. Jakk's attention turns to Quinten, then he scowls a little and goes to stand up and hurry towards the older recruit. "I /hate/ it here. Too damned hot all the time.." He takes in Quint's appearance, then lifts a brow.
Quinten looks at the younger buck and smiles, "Hey Redwall might be hot but imagine how much hotter it woul dbe on the shore....though there would be a breeze at least." He runs a paw through his head fur heedless of the soil he leaves in his fur. "Still at least i'm out of that library for a bit...it is very stuffy in there."
Jakk folds his arms, ears tipping back. "Where do /you/ come from, aye? The shore's always cool. A lot cooler than this, definitely." Poor black furred buck. "And then the mountain.." He follows along beside Quinten as if trying to use him for shade.
Quinten chuckles and is not much use as shade really, the older buck is still as short as he ever has been. "I am from the Grasslands, near the base of the great western mountains. So we used to have breezes from the mountains but it was still warm." He glances at the buck and tilts his head and smiles. "Have you been down to the cellars?"
Jakk looks curious, shaking his head up at Quinten. "No. Why?" Pause. "They got drinks down there right?" A smirk forms and then he gives an all-knowing grin to the older recruit. "Uh huh." And then he remembers he's annoyed at the weather. "OH geez.." Flop. Roll. He's trying to get as much dust and dirt on him as possible.
Quinten chuckles softly watching you roll your dark fur becoming splotched with golden dust and dirt. "It is also cool." He stops by a shed door and opens it placing his hoe and the basket inside it. "In fact it is the coolest place i know in this abbey." He unwraps his white baggy shirt from around his waist and drapes it over his shoulders preparing to shrug it back on. "I'm done with my chores shall we go get a drink?"
Jakk pops up, ears going rigid. "What kinda drink, aye?" The buck flicks his whiskers dramatically to try and get some excess dust off of the ends. That is when something finally clicks into his sunbaked mind. "Oh. Hey. Why aren't you wearin' a habit?" Seeming as he has to wear one...
Quinten grins and winks "I've been gardening Jakk." He shrugs into the shirt but doesn't do it up just turning to head towards the abbey, sun shining down atop us baking the ground and the air. "I used my mind militarily it makes no sense to wear a big thick stupidly hot habit whilst working in the sun. No one told me i had to wear it all the time."
What? Oh, yeah. Quinten just tried to make him feel stupid. Jakk rolls his eyes and gets up, dusting himself off just a little. "Yeah yeah." That's the only thing stated as he hurries after Quint, who may be short, but the young buck is still smaller. That means he can try to still use him for a sun block a little.
Quinten carries on moving towards the abbey building and grins back at you, "Ahhh come on Jakk you really don't have to wear it all the time." he winks. "No one has ordered me to wear it all the time when outside working.
"Oh, stop winking at me. I'm not a little kid anymore." Jakk has tucked himself up against Quint's side so that the sun hits him less, bent over just to make it easier to be guarded by the other buck. "Bah.."
Quinten hmms and spreads his arms wide ostentiously stretching but in reality spreading his shadow wider for the black furred buck to hide in. "Sorry Jakk am still used to you being the little buck running about the mountain up to mischief. Come on lets go to the cellars trust me it is cool down there."
Jakk chuckles somewhat. "Yeah. But you're not even much /older/ than me either." The buck notices him spread his arms, but doesn't say anything. "Alright... To the cellar then. And if I /ever/ meet my dad I'm gonna hurt him for passin' on his black fur..." Grin.
Quinten grins back at Jakk and laughs, "Well Jakk having sandy fur is a heck of a lot nicer trust me on this." He opens a door back into the abbey and steps aside to let you pass him. "Who is you dad anyway?"
- Change Scene
RW Abbey: Wine Cellar
The wine cellar is cool, dry, and dimly lit. It is a very large, low room, extending far back into the Abbey's underworks. The vast space is almost entirely taken up by rack upon rack of wine bottles and ale casks, barrels of all sizes, and shelves of flagons and stoneware flasks. For all the space available, the drink here only fills a small part of it, and most of the barrels still stand empty. There have been obvious work efforts occuring here recently, and the cellar is, if emptier than seasons past, cleaner than it has been in a long while. The further corners of the cellar are hidden in shadow, and consist of many nooks and crannies.
It is when they are in the cellar that Jakk finally begins to talk to Quinten again, dusting off his arms. "I don' know. Mom just said he left. And /she's/ not got black fur, so...." He shrugs, ears tilting back as he looks around at anything but the other buck.
Quinten nods his head and decides it may be in his best interest to shift topics, he points to a small firkin. "How about that one? I think it has one of the abbey beasts fizzy cordials in it."
Flaxpaw happens to be on the way to cellers herself, from the look of her, she may be in search of a cool, out of the way place to sleep rather than a drink. Erf. She sees Quint and Jakk, and stops in the doorway.
Jakk seems interested in this. "Like the strawberry one?" The hare starts towards the container to tap at it then try and see what is written upon the wood. However, when he looks back at Quinten, he sees Flax's silhouette in the doorway. Grin. "Afternoon!"
Quinten has leant over to try and make out the writing on the firkin, He is dressed in baggy white trousers and an unbuttoned white shirt. His head fur is tussled and has soil in it from his time spent gardening. "Hello Flaxpaw." he raises a paw and then turns back to the firkin. "This is Raspberry fizz apparently."
"Quint. Jakk. Afternoon." Flax gives both bucks a nod, big grin going back to Jakk. "Raspberry fizz, hmm? Sounds...refreshing."
"That's even better." Jakk states as he looks back down to the firkin, trying to get the whole thing off of its stand as if he is going to carry it off and store it somewhere. At least he seems to be feeling better out of the heat of the sun. "C'mon down, Flax. Can have some!"
Quinten places a paw on the firkin to stop Jakk from hurting himself, it may be small but its full and it weighs at least half a ton. "Hey i can tap it from here, if you move it about you might ruing it." He smiles at Flaxpaw and flicks his ears, "Yes come and join us."
Flaxpaw's paws have found the habit's pockets, and in spite of the flo flop of her sandles, she manages to saunter down in a 'too cool for words' sort of attitude, one ear flicking slightly at Quint. "sure, thanks." She positions herself on the other side of Jakk from Quint, kinda lounging against a barrel.
Jakk lifts both brows about Flax's sauntering, watching her until she is at the side of him. The buck looks her up and down with a flick of his whiskers, not paying much attention to the reprimands. With his arms still almost around the firkin, he however isn't lifting anymore. Just straightens, letting it go. Blink.
Quinten moves down to a table and rumages around, the buck soon comes back with three mugs a mallet and a spigot. He is bare-pawed so his footsteps mack very little sound on the cool stone, though he does leave a trail of dried soil beind him. He kneels down nad positions the spigot and begins to hammer it into the bunghole.
Flaxpaw gives the younger buck a grin, then watches Quint, suuuuper relaxed. "Whatcha up to, Jakk? Aside from the fizz?"
"Escapin' the heat. It's too hot around here.. Especially.. for me." Jakk gestures to his arm, where the fur is obviously black like most of him. Quinten's hammering gets his attention easily enough and this is watched with some form of vague interest.
Quinten smiles as he finally knocks the bung in and drops the mallet onto the ground. Holding a mug underneath he turns the handle and there is a fizz and a hiss of escaping gas before a bright red liquid pours out. "Aye i feel sorry for you Jakk this weather is not pleasent at th ebest of times even worse for someone with your kind of fur colour."
Jakk nods, soaking in the sympathy as he gives a serious, sorrowful look. The hare leans against the firkin more, sighing. "Aye. Maybe if I shave myself it'll be better?" Cause he's obviously desperate in the fact that he needs to get out of the hot temperatures. Haha
Quinten frowns and holds out the full mug to Jakk his other paw holding another mug under the tap and filling it. The liquid fizzes and the scent of raspberry is thick in the air now. "Shaving is not the answer Jakk...though maybe i could tinker with my fur colour powder....we could turn you into a light shade maybe?"
Jakk blinks as he stiffens at this suggestion, paw gripping the mug halfway up to his mouth. "What? Wouldn' that be.. like.. permanent though?" Plus the fact that black fur doesn't dye well. You have to bleach it first. "I /like/ my fur. Jus'....not ... how hot it can get."
Quinten is pretty much thinking about this as he fills up the third mug for Flaxpaw. "Aye...we'd have to bleach your fur out white first...and that would have to be grown out. My dye can be washed out with the right kind of soap....so its not permanent." He shuts off the tap and stands up raising his mug to his lips and sipping.
Jakk looks down at his fur and seems to be trying to imagine this. Finally. "Wouldn' I look weird with white fur?" He gives a soft scowl, then shrugs. "Nah. Want this fur color I think." Grin. The buck brings the mug up to his lips all the way, taking a gulp of the drink. However, a grunt then chuckle is given at the fizzing feeling nearly going up his nose.
Quinten is trying not to laugh himself at the fizzy feel of the bubbles in his mouth and up his nose. "Well you'd certainly stand out and the Major might kill me." He grins and raises his mug, "Still black suits you Jakk definatly though i do prefer sandy myself." He gesturs at his own fur colour and flicks an ear.
"Makes me stand out too." Jakk grins, lifting his own mug in an almost cheering gesture. "Against all the boring 'sandy' colored bucks." Another triumphant gulp of the raspberry fizz gets him to start cracking up after it. A mixture of the feeling and his joking insult. He looks towards the doe at the other side of him.
Quinten laughs and has to stop drinking for a moment, wheezing and chuckling trying to clear the bubbles form his nose. "Well i don't need...to stand out....got meself a doefriend already." He holds out the third mug to Flaxpaw. "Come on Flax drink up already it is good."
Flaxpaw takes the drink and sips it, a slight smile then a soft snort escaping her, though whether it's the bubbles or the bucks' comments that cause these signs of mirth is hard to say. She winks at Jakk. "Against the boring bucks indeed. I'll drink t' that." Smirk.
Jakk gives Quinten a look, then shrugs. "Who /wants/ a doefriend?" He goes to settle closer to Flax and snug to her side. "Besides, I've got Flax and that's all that matters." He winks up at the older recruit, giving her a cheeky grin.
Quinten guffaws and his ears flick up, "Well i say breaking news for the next Life at Sala, Flaxpaw falls for cheeky new recruit Jakk, Long Patrol in shock." He grins at Flaxpaw and chuckles, "Trust me Jakk give it some time and you'll be looking at does differently."
Flaxpaw loops an arm behind the younger buck, ruffling his ears softly and chuckling, returning the wink, but her reply is to Quinten. "That'd be a silly thing to say in print, wouldn't it? As I'm not in the way of fallin for any buck any time soon." One brow raises at Quint, and she takes another sip of the fizz, then chuckles. "An our Jakk'll have no trouble with gettin a doe friend when the time comes." Big-sister tone here.
Jakk tucks both ears back, his one paw still occupied with the mug. He seems to be thinking, then clears his throat. "Well, does are.. cute. But.. they're crazy and.. a lot of trouble." He shrugs, still close to Flaxpaw. "Actually scare me sometimes." One look is sent up towards the doe, not minding the ear ruffling obviously. He grins more, before drinking from the mug again.
Quinten sighs and shakes his head in Flaxpaw's direction, "I was joking Flaxpaw, everyone is always telling me to lighten up and have more fun..." He trails off and frowns down the length of the cellars, sighing he sips from his mug again. "Alot of does are crazy Jakk i never understand them myself....but i have Gabriel and we are happy."
"Funny." Jakk peers at Quinten. "You don' /seem/ happy.." Perceptive sometimes, the hare just tucks an arm more around Flax in a hug, before starting towards the entrance of the cellar. This means he has to disentangle himself from the doe's hold. "I have to go though...."
Quinten watches Jakk go and waves a paw, "Take care Jakk." he calls after him before glancing back to Flaxpaw and raising his mug, "I should leave you be."
Flaxpaw shrugs a little, setting her own mug down. "No need, I'm jus' on the way out myself." With that she heads through the door, turning as she goes to comment... "Thanks for the drink, Quint."
Quinten nods to Flaxpaw and sighs leaning against a barrel and starring into his drink sadly, thinking about friendships he used to have.
- End Log -