Quinten Log 101 - 25 04 2006
~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%< The River Moss >~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%
The waters of the great River Moss soak you through as you move out
into its lazy flow. The waters are far from clean and clear here, though,
the river has picked up much dirt and dust on its way to the sea. This
has turned the water's color to a pale and dirty brown. Everyso often
the movement of a fish can be detected in the water or on the surface,
but they seem to be keeping away from the beasts in the water for the
most part. The trees that over hang the river weave a tight mesh and
block out much of the sun light from either side, even in the winter
months. This lends a sort of calm and relaxed aura to this part of the
river as it nears the Old Stone Bridge that allows beasts to cross the
river without swimming in it.
"Yea, yea..." Dandelion mutters sourly, and then sneezes again. At
least this time he doesn't curse afterwards. "Hope 'ere's some soup
left..." he mutters as soon as he can speak again.
Flaxpaw smiles. "you watch that the dibbuns don't get too close to that
fire, and I'll go see. how's that? maybe bring some tasty thing back
for the rest of us too.
Ben is laying near the fire napping being a lazy kitten cat.
Shrew voices can travel a relatively long distance when singing in
unison. Steadily upstream come rowing the Guosim, belting out another one
of their cheesy, albeit infectious, rowing ballads, gruff voices singing
/almost/ in synchronization, and not quite in the same key.
Alrendo the albino bard is perched on the railing of the dibbun raft
fiddling with his harp and watching the camp, his ears pin back as he
hears the shrew voices and he chuckles softly "Ahhhh guests for dinner"
he murmurs "I wonder if we have enough fish"
Flaxpaw stands and wanders off to find food,pausing at the sound of the
shrews, then catching sight of Al, and heading his way, throwing a
quick salute.
Maxine yips softly looking at Dandelion crawling a little closer her
tail wondering dangerously close to the fire but not going in as she
curls up near him.
Pulling his blanket tighter about him, Dandelion gets up and shuffles
over to the otter bard. "'ello." he mumbles, and then sneezes again.
Ben is sprawled out near the same fire as Dandelion was at and the one
Maxine is near as well.
The shrews' song gets louder, and finally falls apart in raucous
cheering, presumably the end of the song. Rounding a bend in the river, the
logboat carrying all the shrews comes rowing upstream, with Belliger at
the helm.
Alrendo looks up at Dande and is about to greet him when the hare
sneezes, he holds up a paw "Ey up matey how'd you get a cold?" he sets the
harp down and reaches for the bucks paw "Let me have a look at ye" he
glances at Flaxpaw as she salutes but otherwise ignores her for now.
If Dande is here, then the dibbuns are not being watched near the fire.
Flax shoots an irritable look at him. was going to ask the odd otter
not to tell major Jarril about the incident yesterday, assuming th lt.
hasn't already......she turns on her heel and goes back over to the fire,
sitting near Maxine. "scoot a bit away from the fire there, little
Dandelion wipes his nose. "I went swimming yesterday..." he mutters.
"Was cold in the water, I guess..."
Alrendo nods his head "Ack well that was a bit silly, still we'll
soon boil that out of you" he raises a paw "Roan bring me the wooden flask
will ye, an a beaker." he then grins at the recruit and winks "This'll
sort you out," he stands up and waves a paw at the Gousim "HOOOOO HEAVE
TOO GOUSIM!" He bellows over the water "WE got vitals aplenty to share"
Soon enough, the shrews are near enough to see the encampment, all the
shrews halting their paddling for a moment to return the greeting to
Alrendo with high waves and a rumble of "Ahoy"s. Belliger orders them to
keep rowing, and they do, finally working towards running up on to the
Ben is sound asleep noting waking him easliy/
Maxine yips softly watching the other beasts quietly her eyes dropping
down some as well.
Dandelion sneezes again, barely having time to turn his head away so as
not to sneeze directly at the otter. "So how come you don't catch
colds...?" he asks, sullenly.
Flaxpaw watches the two dibbuns going to sleep, then props chinnon her
paw, looking into the fire, kinda sad now that she thinks no one's
looking. her ears are back a bit, though, listening to the shrews arriving.
Alrendo takes the flask off on his fellow otter and pours out a
measure of dark green liquid into a beaker "Here drink this matey, an we
don't get colds cause we got all this on" he tugs at his white fur "Its
oily and waterproof so we stay warm" he smirks at the Log-a-log and waves
a paw "Its good to see you Log-a-Log Belliger, come on ashore and join
us, maybe you can help us herd these land loving hares to redwall
Belliger paddles furiously, until the logboat is up on the shore, and
he retrieves a rope from inside the boat, tying it off to a
sturdy-looking rock on the shore, eyes turning towards Alrendo. "Good ta see ye,
too. Wot, we got a li'l party goin' 'ere without us?"
Ben shifts opening his eyes a little looking around the area still
purring loudly.
Maxine is nearly asleep its about that time she falls asleep for her
afternoon nap anyways as she curls up next to Ben having to listen to
Ben's loud purring it lulling her to sleep if you would believe it.
Jarril has disconnected.
Dandelion takes the beaker and eyes it suspiciously before taking a
deep, long swig... and immediately starts couhing, his eyes watering.
"Ewwwh!" he exclaims.
Flaxpaw is snapped out of her thoughts by the arrival of Joss with an
otter maid. She smiles quickly, and clears out, both of them look like
they could use to sit down a bit, and the little ones will be looked
after. Flax looks around the camp, especially in the direction of the
officers' camping area, then wanders off away from the bank, go find some
quiet place to do some practice. And try to avoid being teased about
ending in the river yesterday.
Alrendo nods to Belliger "not a party as such" the albino calls out
patting Dande on the back "Come on recruit drink it all oop its good fer
ye matey" he turns back to Belliger "Helping Colonel Zoe escort her
recruits to redwall, your welcome to join us of course"
Grimacing, Dandelion drinks up the last of the fluid, making a couple
of faces while the stuff settles. "Ngh." he squeals. "If that doesn't
help, I dunno what will..."
Belliger nods a few times, turning to the Guosim. "Aye, I'll be 'long
fer the ride. No 'arm in it, I guess." He eyes Dandelion curiously.
"...Ah, got a bit o'sickness, aye?" He chuckles at the hare's expense.
Dandelion isn't in a mood to be the butt of anyone's jokes at the
moment. "Got a cold." he mutters, sniffling and wiping his nose.
Al pats Dande's shoulder "That'll fix ye right up young un you'll see"
he nods to the shrew leader "Aye matey he went swimming in the river,
got a chill, baking it out of im, you should see these recruits a right
andful worse en the dibbuns, i mean we lost one to the river yesterday
and had to rescue her, that one there" he points at Flaxpaw
Belliger nods, crossing his arms across his chest and grinning at both
otter and hare. "I guess ye'd need tha Guosim's 'elp ta keep 'em in
line? Can't 'ave any more unruly beasts roamin' 'round Mossflower!"
Maxine is sound asleep curled up not far from where Dandelion was
sitting a few moments ago.
Ben looks around and meows softly as he still purrs loudly watching.
Flaxpaw isn't quite far enough away that she's unaware of being pointed
out. She slumps a little as she walks. Great, and she was doing so
well. She sighs, never going to impress anyone at this rate
Alrendo smirks back at Belliger and winks "Aye your help would be
welcome in keeping them in line, been teaching em how to pole rafts, fancy
showing some of em how to row a logboat Matey? Their officers seem
mighty keen on the idea of them learning new skills" he waves a paw at
Flaxpaw "Recruit get on over here and meet the Log-a-Log"
A rustle in the bushes just off to Flaxpaw's side starts suddenly.
It's soft and not very obvious, but it seems as if a vermin is about to
step out of the bushes, seeing as the only things immediately noticeable
are colorful tattoos splayed over bare forearms and two long,
machete-like blades hacking through the undergrowth with wild abandon. The rest
of the creature is thrown in shadow due to dark clothing.
Belliger looks over the recruits that he can see, and nods. "Look like
they're needin' some water-goin' skills... Aye, I can teach 'em 'ow to
navigate tha river in a logboat. From th'looks of 'em, though, I don'
know if'n they can 'andle it!"
Ben keeps on purring as he looks at the offices not paying head to
anything just keeping his lazy kittne rear planted.
Flaxpaw begins to turn reluctantly back to join the others by the
river, then stops, eyes on the bushes, and paw going to her dagger. She
blinks, hesitating....
Dandelion tugs his blanket closer about him and goes to find someplace
to sit, still sniffling.
Chuckles and motions to Flaxpaw again "Get over here recruit" he turns
back to Belliger "I'll check with their officers but i think i could
probably assign you a bunch of em Log-a-log, those who haven't got the
hang of the poles yet"
Maxine is curled up near Ben and near the fire sleeping contently
having just fallen asleep.
Flicktail moves to check on the little fox, bringing over his blanket
to make sure she is warm,
Belliger grins. "I'll be sure ta work 'em 'ard. Movin' those logboats
ain't easy, though we'll 'ave ta fit 'em in a few different ones...
Don't want these big hares sinking me vessels, ye know?"
Ben is laying watching flaxpaw as he suddely lets out a Loud hiss as
his paws go to his dager as if to sound a alarm or something.
Flicktail's ears perk as he looks over "Ben? woo gave you a dagger?"
moving towards the dibbun
Flaxpaw's ears flick back at the sound of the otter calling her, but
she is more focused on the movement in the bushes. Thought she was going
off to be alone and now there's a....something in her path.
Alrendo chuckles softly and nods "Oh aye, i've got me otters watching
those pushing our rafts up stream, it does me heart glad to see em
sweating away and learning"
Flicktail room-pages, "o.k. DInner just got called, I should not be
long but suffice itto say Flick will devend teh camp and will die before
letting something happen to Ben or Maxine".
Maxine shifts and opens her eyes a little at the sound of the hiss and
blinks looking around she crawls closer to flicktail seeing its him as
she looks at Ben then back to flaxpaw.
Marsuvees steps out of the foliage suddenly, blades drawn and sticky
with sap. Blinking into the sudden not-green light, he glances about, his
pupils slowly growing smaller. Tipping his hat down, he smirks at
Flaxpaw, and tips his hat to her. "Ach, a good day t' ya, ma'am." Glancing
about at the camp, he yawns and stretches, before noticing her somewhat
concentrated look. "I didnae scare ya, my daughter, did I?"
Belliger's ears perk, and he shifts his gaze over to where Marsuvees
steps out into the clearing. Blinkblink. Shrugging, he turns back to
Alrendo. "Wot're they goin' ta Redwall fer, anyways?"
Al shakes his head at the odd hare and calls out "Weapons away in camp
please sir" he turns back to Belliger "Some exchange deal or something,
their recruits are going to train as Novices and some Novices are going
to train as recruits, something along those lines," he looks at them
"Still they seem a good bunch, if we can get em some water skills i'll be
Flaxpaw smiles at Marsuvees, saluting just for good measure. "didn't
scare me, sah. nice to see you again." she looks back at the shrews and
otters. "oh, dear, think that otter chap's goin to make me get back on
one of those rafts or somethin..."
Dandelion is slowly starting to feel better, not having sneezed in
quite a while now. His nose is still running though, and he keeps wiping it
with his paw as he sits, still a little too dazed to do much.
Marsuvees glances at Alrendo, frowns, and takes out a small canteen of
what is marked "200 proof Alcohol". In smaller lettering, "Do not
drink" is printed neatly just under the other words. Taking out a rag, he
pours some of the clear liquid onto his blades and begins cleaning the
sap off. "Ach, apparently, ships be popular fer upriver trips." He
snorts. "Slept in. Might's well join ya, lass." One blade clean, he snaps it
back into place. "D'ya know 'ow lost I got jus' then?" Shaking his
head, he sighs. "Dun't wanna deal with no more bushes."
Flicktail reaches down to pick up Maxine...and hodl her...snuggling her
as hisother hand reaches for Ben
Rhowena has connected.
Alrendo glances towards Dande "Ye feeling better young buck?" he
calls out
Flaxpaw smiles at Marsuvees. "Well, sah, yes, I suppose ships are
popular....it's just, ended up in the river yesterday." she watches the
blade cleaning. "got lost, sah? haven't you been travelling with the
Maxine curls up continuing her nap worn out from the early morning and
Ben just keeps on purring as he crawls up closer and lays next to
Flicktail purring to his hearts content.
Flicktail wavies overto Alrendro "Er...Sir... comemeat me dibbuns?
Alrendo waves a paw to flicktail "Later i need to get this lot moving
again" he turns back and nudges a LP lt. can you call your recruits
over, i want to get us goin"
Marsuvees flips the last blade into it's fore-arm sheathe. "Eh? Oh, no.
I, er, overslept th' day we were to leave." He pulls down his sleeves,
hiding his weapons effectively. "An', well, 'eaded inland a the river
to avoid trouble. Got lost for an hour or two." He flicks a leaf off his
pierced and cut ear. "Luckily, ya'll make a lot a noise." The March
hare grins. "Ya met wi' no problem, ri'?"
Dandelion frowns at the notion of getting on the rafts again, still not
feeling very well. But he dutyfully gets to his feet, blanket still
snugly around him, of course, and goes to get his gear ready.
Flicktail strokes Ben's ears
Flaxpaw shakes her head. "no, sah, no peoblems." then she sighs as the
Lt. calls them. "Well, sah, can't ignore an officah. stick to wotever
raft they put me on, sah, sure it'll be an adventure."
Rhowena looks adoringly at the fox and the cat and sits next to them.
Flicktail wavies to flax paw "go get em recruit...I got a bet goin yer
e best!
Ben purrs loudly as his ears are scratched. oh how he loves his ears
being petted.
Maxine yips softly in her sleep curling up head againist Flicktail.
Flicktail keeps the dibbuns near em
Marsuvees purses his lips, suddenly distracted as he stares over at the
shrews. Belliger, specifically. Tipping his hat over his eyes, he
grins. "Righ', righ'," he hums distractedly. "I think I'll 'ave a chat wi'
that chappie right there." He padding off towards the shrew, he keeps
away from the water for the most part. Then, as if in forethought, he
motions for Flaxpaw to join him, before turning his attention back. "Oy,
Flaxpaw, wot's this I 'eard as I came in? Ya fell in th' water?"
The Lt. is marshalling the recruits now, getting them back into their
poling groups. Detailing a group to the Gousim as well. The otters are
rounding up dibbuns and herding them towards the dibbun raft whilst thwe
Long Patrol is breaking the camp down.
Flaxpaw blushes. "yes, sah, blasted pole pulled me in, sah." she shoots
Alrendo a grumpy look, and salutes the Lt.
Flicktail wraps Ben and Maxine and himself all in one blanket
Alrendo Waves a paw "Come along Flicktail join us on the dibbun raft" he turns
to eye Flaxpaw and whispers to the Lt. who nods and raises a paw "Recruit
Flaxpaw over here," she then turns to Dandelion "Your off duty for
now Dande, get on a raft and settle down"
Marsuvees doesn't look amused, or suprised, or anything else for that
matter. The fighter simply tips his hat back a bit. "Well, these things
'appen, eh? We're all bound ta mess up once in a while. Grace is taught
because others might pick ya up, and Hope is taught cause ya always
look for a way outta yer mistakes and habits." He moves his hat a bit,
then nods at Flaxpaw. "They're callin' fer ya."
Flicktail carefully get's Maxine trying notto wake her, and holds Ben
on his hsoulder..moving to teh dibbun raft
Ben keeps purring loudly as is head wonders around looking at all the
activity a little lost and confused but safe.
Rhowena carefully follows Flicktail, hoping the dibbuns won't give her
too much trouble.
Flicktail looks to RHowena "did ya ear...Alrendo says I be a otter
Rhowena says, "I eard. Congrats!"
Flicktail asks, "what do I get me webed footpaws?" he chuckles"
Flaxpaw smiles "Grace an Hope, eh? yes, sah." she nods, hesitating for
a moment before joining the other recruits. she looks back at
Marsuvees. May be an odd March hare, but he's quite kind....makes her feel
better, all that about Grace and Hope he says.
Rhowena says "Next week I think" and laughs.
Flicktail asks, "and e chlate born fur?" he winks"
Dandelion smiles faintly, and shuffles on board a raft, tugging his
pack, and his spear with him.
The Lt nods to Flaxpaw "You'll be joining Alrendo on his raft, he says
he wants to teach you how to steer to see if you can keep your mind on
that and keep you out of the river today" she then turns to hand the
recruits over to belliger and his Gousim. Alrendo smiles at Dande and
nods "You rest up you hear"
Rhowena replies "Oh, maybe a month fer that" and laughs harder.
Flicktail says, "ohh I see a month... does Ineed e rudder too? be a
shame ta give up me big fluffy brush...." he flicks his tail about"
Dandelion sniffles. "Thanks." he mumbles to the otter, and settles down
someplace where he's out of the way, tugging a little at an ear.
Alrendo's daughter Tema clambers over the raft and sits down next to
Dande "You ok Danderecruit?" she asks enthusisasticly as the other
dibbuns pile onto the raft.
Rhowena says to Flicktail "Yes a rudder, ye can't steer without one. Ye
get it with the fur."
Marsuvees smiles as she walks off, then slowly turns away and frowns.
Moving towards Belliger, he tips his hat at him. "S'cuse me, my son, but
yer takin' the recruits up the river, righ'?" Flicking his ears at the
wooden boats. "Reckon ya can manage all tha' weight?"
Maxine keeps sleeping quietly as she is carried around.
Belliger claps his paws together and heads back to the logboat.
"Arright! Yer gonna 'afta wait a bit, 'cause one logboat won't be 'nough ta
hold all youse. I'll be righ' back!" He grabs a few other shrews and is
about to head off, when Marsuvees grabs him. "...Aye, if we got 'nough
logboats we can 'andle tha weight." He almost seems insulted by this. :P
Ben keeps looking around staying wraped up with Maxine.
Flicktail eyes Rhowena's rudder
Flaxpaw nods, and salutes the Lt. smartly, drawing herself up. "yes,
right, pay attention today an stay out of the river, understood." she
look sover at Alrendo, and walks over to stand in front of him, another
sharp salute to him. "sah, 'pologies 'bout yesterday, sah. won't happen
The sniffles are getting a bit better, and Dandelion has his eyes
completely open for the first time in a while. Well, almost completely open.
He looks around a bit, watching the goings-on.
Marsuvees flickers an ear again, then nods and holds out his paw to the
shrew. "I'm Marsuvees, an' I assume, since yer yellin' orders, that yer
the one leadin' this merry pack to Redwall, righ'?" He blinks out over
the others. "Since I'm a bit late, an' I'm a bit confused an' tired,
I'd like ya ta tell me which boat I might ride on."
Alrendo chuckles at Flackpaw "Aye well i told that Major chappy about
it and he suggested i put you to work on something else so today you
learn how to steer, come on we are on this raft" he points at another
raft, not the dibbun one this time "I'll teach you how to steer"
Belliger watches as six or so other shrews head out into a logboat to
fetch more logboats. "Well, ye really can't tell much of a difference
'tween any two o'tha logboats. Pritty much, they're all tha same, though
if'n ye want, ye can 'ave tha biggest, since ye asked so kind an'
'that major chappie?' As in Jarril? oh, dear, no avoidning him knowing,
then. Flax turns bright red. "steerin, sah? yes, sah, if you say so..."
Ben slowly falls asleep with Maxine, laying his head down next to hers
staying warm with the blanket wraped around him and her resting
Marsuvees furrows his brow slightly at the shrew, not sure of the small
creature is being sarcastic, or if he himself is simply paranoid.
"Hmm." Shrugging, he rubs his nose. Apparently, he really doesn't know the
practical differences of boats. Or anything remotely nautical, so he
actually closes his eyes, swings his paw around abruptly, and points at a
boat. Coincidence upon coincidence, it's Flaxpaw's. :p Tugging his hat
down over his eyes at Belliger, he nods abruptly. "Thank ye, my son."
Alrendo Looks around as he leads Flaxpaw onto the large raft loaded with hares
and otters "Ok then Belliger your lot ready yet? The rafts are loaded
up" he looks ahead where the skippers Raft with the officers on it is
already casting off.
Flicktail sits withhis dibbunes RHowena and at the foot paws of Flaxpaw
Belliger raises a brow at Marsuvees's method of choosing, and shrugs.
"Fair 'nough. Arright, shrews! Hares!" He barks out commandingly, a
surprising volume from his small frame. "See these logboats comin' towards
shore? Yer gonna load into 'em, an' yer gonna learn to navigate one up
tha river, 'till we start gettin' farther away from tha abbey. Yer
boat'll have a small crew o' Guosim ta make sure yer doin' it right. Let's
'ead off!" He gives a wave and nod to Alrendo, and walks towards the
shore to supervise the loading of logboats, which, in itself, can be a
difficult task.
Maxine wakes up some and yips at Flicktail wiggling a little as she
looks around to see whats going on a little scared at first not knowing
whats going on.
Flicktail holds here and strokes teh foxe's back... letting her look
aroud the boat "it's all roit I be ere
Marsuvees pads off slowly towards Flaxpaw, hands in his pockets.
Stopping briefly before her, he gives her a wink. "Guess we'll be shipmates,
eh?" Hopping nimbly on board, he nods at the others, ignores the seats,
and huddles against the bow wall. Promptly pulling his hat down over
his eyes, he seems about to fall asleep.
Rhowena smiles to Flicktail. He's doing really well with the dibbuns.
Nods as Marsuvees jumps on and orders the otters to cast out, the
recruits begin to pole them out away from the shore "OK Recruit hold the
tiller with me" he lays his paws on the large pole used to steer the raft
Flaxpaw grins at Marsuvees, the odd hare actually makes her feel a
little more confident, then turns her attention to Al, paws resting near
his. "yes, sah."
Maxine yips softly looking around her head eventually rests on
Flicktail's chest softly something in her paws wraped up with her and the
blanket its the doll Parukk got her before they left.
Dandelion gets up on his feet carefully, looking around a bit.
Belliger room-pages, "Okaaaaaay. I'm confused now. Is Flaxpaw or isn't
Flaxpaw on a logboat?".
Flicktail makes sure the doll stays with her.... while handing Ben warm
coat he wnet and got
Ben naps being one lazy cat.
The rafts are moving upright slowly now, recruits poling against the
current, a collection of recruits have been assigned to Log-a-log
Belliger nad his Gousim to learn how to paddle Logboats and the last raft with
Alrendo, Flaxpaw and Marsuvees on it is hanging back to let the Gousim
catch up.
Belliger grimaces as one over-anxious hare almost tips over a logboat,
but sighs in relaxation as it doesn't happen. "Grab yer oars!" Belliger
hops onto a logboat, and grabs one himself. "Now, we're gonna shove
off, an' once we're on tha river, we'll be goin' against the stream, so ye
better be ready to pull!" At that, the first logboat leaves the shore,
and the shrews aboard that one try to time the hares' strokes
perfectly. Two, then three, then four of the logboats shove off, then finally,
the last. After a few seconds of trying not to capsize the boat, the
hares actually manage to make significant progress upstream. "Pull, and...
Pull! Keep 't up, there ye go!" Belliger calls out to the hares on his
Flicktail looks to Rhowena "it's ammazing ow these dibbuns atach em
selevs to ya
Alrendo turns to Flaxpaw "You see how it is done?" he asks her
helping her to steer the raft, think you can keep us straight and in line
with the others? I want to start us a rowing ditty."
Maxine yips softly and rubs her head gently on his chest as she rests
watching and listening safe and secure.
Rhowena nods, hoping the dibbuns on the raft won't literally attach
themselves to her.
Flaxpaw nods. "yes, sah, think so, sah." she really concentrates.
Flicktail rests his chin lightly on the Vixen's head
One of the recruits in one of the Gousim logboats is paddling slowly
up after the others, struggling to get into the rhythm of things, he
starts to loose it, rocking to much and starting to cause the boat to
rock a bit
The shrew at the helm of that particular recruit's logboat grabs at the
edges of the logboat and leans against the rocking. "'ey, you! Quit yer
movin!" Another shrew, closer to the recruit, glares at him nervously.
"C'mon, stop messin' around!"
The recruit yelps as he's shouted at having a hard enough time of it as
it is, he drops his oar which lands with a splash. the recruit yelps
and stands up "I'll get it ok" he shouts back and leans out over the edge
Ben shifts her head a little watching around her, tail curled up the
head of the doll pokeing out of the top of the blanket wraped around her.
Maxine shifts her head a little watching around her, tail curled up the
head of the doll pokeing out of the top of the blanket wraped around
"No, you idio... AAACK!" As the recruit leans over, it's enough to set
the boat off balance, and it capsizes, sending the two shrews and the
six hare recruits onboard washing into the river Moss.
Belliger spots the capsizing, and curses under his breath. "We've got a
capsize, Guosim!" Then, he realizes something. Every logboat is
occupied with novices.
Dandelion completely forgets he has a cold, and jumps to his feet,
taking a couple of steps toward the water and the capsized boat before he
remembers he's not that good a swimmer, and stops.
Flicktail keps some milk handy for Maxine
The recruits from the capsized boats are managing to stay afloat but
they are being slowly carried off by the current back down stream. The
trailing raft slows further as the polers are ordered to ship their poles
and hold her steady "Need a hand Gousim?" Alrendo calls back to
belliger, "We've got swimmers here"
The Log-a-Log is already barking out orders, growling to every hare.
"Recruits! Just keep rowin' as ye are, an' don' try anythin' funny!"
After this, he dives into the river, as well as every other shrew, leaving
the recruits to nervously keep their boats steady, looking to each
other in a sort of awed fear as the shrews from the capsized boat work with
the other shrews to try and grab some of the hares and swim them to
safety... Which proves to be difficult, as shrews are quite small. Over
the ruckus, Alrendo's offer is unheard.
Maxine blinks watching the fiasco go on she giggles watching.
Alrendo curses and leaving a coupe of otters in charge of the raft
leads a crew of six otters into the water, aiming for the recruits and
the shrews, they cut under the water aiming to come up next to the
Dandelion stays where he is, just watching the spectacle for now.
Two of the shrews are able to swim one of the recruits towards the
shore, but other hares, who happen to be poor swimmers, just sort of
scramble, kicking and flailing around in a panicked state, one of the shrews
getting a kick in the gut and the wind knocked out of him. Darn hare
An otter pops out of the water next to one of the shrews and the hare
he is trying to calm, coming up from behind he takes his arm "Wooah now
calm down aye've got you" the otter holding station with his rudder,
similar scenes are playing out around the other hare/shrew groups
Ben yips softly and squirms looking up at Flicktail smelling something
on him.
Maxine yips softly and squirms looking up at Flicktail smelling
something on him.
Flicktail blinks confused at maxine "wot be it there little un?
Log-a-Log is able to grab at one of the hare's ankles, and tug him into
him, ducking under an unintentional flailing swipe at his head to grab
the hare around the waist, just barely. Kicking as hard as he can, he
starts swimming towards the shore, coming up for breaths every once in a
while as he makes his slow progress.
Maxine gently pokes at him with her nuzzle looking for the milk he has
Alrendo leaves the otters to help out the other hares and starts
swimming towards the Log a log, he reaches out his paws to help him in
towing the otter towards shore, looking at him under the water and grinning
All the while, there are some very confused recruits simply rowing
their hearts out and looking at each other very nervously. "Ya know wot ta
do?" "No, can't say I do, wot."
Belliger is able to shore the hare with the help of Alrendo, and
without wasting any time, goes back to help two other recruits haul a hare to
the shore, tugging on him and trying to get him over to the bank
without too much trouble.
Flicktail holds the milk for teh vixen letting theothers take care of
the situation, no one seemsin danger
Alrendo swims out after the hare who has been swept the farthest
downriver, he and another otter grab hold of him and drag him through the
water back towards the bank
Belliger pulls the hare onto the bank, and searches for any more hares
in need of help. "Can we git a count? 'ow many should there be?" He
mumbles under his breath, squinting against the water dripping into his
Alrendo wades out of the river and eyes the recruits counting "I
think we have them all, six wasn't it?" he looks at the Log-a-log "Sorry
about this belliger, didn't expect to have this kind of trouble"
Maxine greedly takes the milk drinking it a little thirsty and hungry
at the same time but the milk helping her hunger and thirst.
Flicktail says, "oi there slow down yer gonna turn it inside out"
Rhowena nervously watches the scene in the river from the raft.
Log-a-Log waves his paw, shaking some of the water off his fur, and
looking down at his drenched clothes. "Ah... Shoulda expected it." He
looks out to the river, where three boats of only recruit hares are
maintaining a steady pace on the river, keeping their boats stationary.
"...Now we 'elp them."
The albino eyes the river, red eyes flashing, except for the logboats
and his raft the rest of the flotilla has moved around a bend "Aye your
right there Log-a-log want me to com eout and help?"
Somewhere on the muck, Taye has reconnected.
Maxine keeps up drinking finnaly slowing down a bit and going slower
taking her time as she watches the otters and hares all over.
Shaking his head, Log-a-Log already spots some shrews moving out to the
logboats for that very purpose. "Ye might weight it down too much an'
capsize another one." Downriver, the capsized logboat turns a bend out
of sight. "...I'll 'ave ta go get that'n later." After that, he dives in
and goes to help with the effort of getting the recruits' logboats
equipped with knowledgeable shrews.
Flicktail asks, "silly are arn't ay Maxine?"
Alrendo eyes the logboat drifting away and details an otter to come
with him and tells the rest to stay with the wet recruits and get some
hotroom rum into them to warm em up as they shiver from the cold.
Dandelion rubs his arms a little for warmth, happy to have his blanket,
and an excuse to stay under it.
Little by little, the boats are back as they were, if not a little more
wet on the inside from the dripping rescue shrews. After getting only a
moment's rest, the Guosim go back to barking out orders to row harder,
to catch up with the others. Of course, the hares are hesitant, but
they do so.
Maxine nods her head giggling at them finishing the milk finally as she
Flicktail turns Maxine to gently pather back
Hanna comes in from upstream, just walking and humming a bit. she is a
bit shocked to see so many beasts, hares, shrews, otters and all. she
reconizes a few faces but must everyone seems busy so not wanting to
distrack she merely wacthes for a bit.
The otters with the rescued Recruits begin the trudge up river to where
Alrendo's raft is nosing into the bank to pick them up. Meanwhile
Alrendo and his companion return from around the bend catching up with the
Log-a-logs boat "sorry Belliger its gone down the current, we can't
catch it as it is"
Flicktail gives Alrendo a thumbs up, hs own arms full of dibbuns
Looking down into the water where Alrendo swims alongside his boat, he
shrugs while rowing. "No problem. I'll jes' git it later, like I said.
We got more back at tha camp."
Alrendo nods his head and looks ahead "Mind if we hang on until you
catch up with the rafts?"
"Not at all," Log-a-Log responds, shaking some more water out of his
fur. "Jes' go ahead an' grab on, mebbe kick a li'l ta help us upstream."
The leader shrew looks at a recruit falling out of rhythm, and shouts,
"'ey, quitcher daydreamin', yer makin' us crooked!" The recruit rights
himself, but mumbles under his breath, rolling his eyes.
Alrendo chuckles and holds onto the rear of the boat, kicking his
paws to give it an extra boost "So Log-a-log how do you think the hares
are doing? think we could make em proper hotroot swilling, shrew bread
baking argumentative waterares?"
Laughing at Alrendo's question, regardless of the fact that there are
recruit hares /right there,/ Log-a-Log calls out to the otter, "Not a
chance in alla Mossflower, Al. Mebbe one er two of 'em, but I wouldn't
guess any more'n that." Some of the recruits look indignant at the
Log-a-Log, but the shrew seems to shrug the looks off.
Alrendo laughs softly and splashes in the water giving the boat a
shove "Ye don't say Bell, well we'd best make the most of em whilst we got
em here, i intend for em to learn some useful skills at least."
"Aye, I guess. Reckon they could learn a li'l discipline... 'ey!"
Log-a-Log shouts at that same recruit as he begins to addle again. "Wot'd I
tell ye? Quit yer daydreamin' an' row!" The hare complies, but is
looking more and more irritated with the shrew.
Al frowns at the hare "I'd say that uns gonna do something in a minute
Log, might want to head of a mutiny there" he grins at his friend and
winks "Now wot do ye make of our rafts" he nods at the otters rafts
poling up river, "Not much are they"
"I'd say they're better fer tha hares." A few of the recruit paws shoot
out to keep the agitated hare from doing anything. Log-a-Log smirks,
looking into the water at Alrendo. "Prob'ly nowhere near as fast, but
much easier ta use, from th'looks of it."
Alrendo chuckles "Well they carry enough beasts which was what we where
aiming..." he cuts off abd blinks as the recruit shouts and hurls his
oar at the log-a-log "Belliger watch out" al whacks the boat with his
rudder, hoping to sway the shrew so the oar will miss
The recruit's hare buddies just watch with mouths agape as he hurls the
oar towards Log-a-Log, though with help from Alrendo's warning,
Belliger dodges out of the way in the nick of time, the oar clattering against
the head of the boat. Snarling, the leader shrew glares at all the
recruits. "Keep rowin'! Don' jes' sit there lookin' at 'im!" Belliger's
eyes narrow at the upstart recruit, but for the sake of keeping the boat
from capsizing again, he stays quiet, daring him silently to make
another attempt like that.
Al is swimming forwards trying to get to the recruit before he does
someting, the others are still half watcing half rowing as the rebellious
recruit launches imself at Belliger, aiming to ram into the shrew,
angry at his words. Gousim do as Gousim will, argue, their good at it
The recruits' paws try and latch on to the attacking recruit, but fail
to restrain him as the irritated hare leaps at the Log-a-Log, making
the boat sway dangerously. Thankfully, balance is kept, but there's a
power-struggle going on at the front of the boat. Both beasts growling at
each other, the shrew fakes tossing the hare to the left to put him off
balance, then hurling his weight to the right, sending the unsuspecting
hare into the river.
Alrendo rams into the recruit as he plunges under the water, gripping
him around the waist and holding him firmly, the otter is a big
swimming slab of muscle with some white fur, the recruit doesn't stand much
chance. The albino surfaces and looks at log-a-log holding onto the
recruit "Wot do you want me to do with this one?"
"'old position!" The shrews slow down at the Log-a-Log's order, as the
leader shrew looks into the river. He /almost/ grins at the sputtering
recruit, but somehow restrains it to a smug smirk. "'elp 'im back on
the boat. I'm sure 'e won't be tryin' anything else. Will ye?"
The recruit shakes his head but does shout out "No sah but ye ad no
right tae say those things aboot us ye knoo" Alrendo shakes his head and
heaves the recruit over the gunwales of the boat "Foolish you could have
tipped the boat
"Ah, wot, yer gonna get yer fur all in a mess 'cause of a few words
from a li'l ol' shrew like me?" Belliger scoffs. "'ere's yer oar," he
tosses it to the recruit. "Start rowin', we need ta catch up with tha
Alrendo glares at the recruit, thats another one to report to an
officer tonight, the recruit sits down and starts to row again as Alrendo
starts to push the boat from the back again "Oy aye don't know Bell what
ever are we gonna do with them"
"Drop 'em off at tha abbey an' leave 'em ta fend fer 'emselves, is
wot," Log-a-Log states with a snicker, back to his jolly old self once that
altercation had been dealt with. "I'd say a bit o'life on tha river
would do these 'ares more good than spendin' a vacation at tha abbey, wot
d'ye think?"
Alrendo nods and calls out "Oh yes, i think we should suggest they
spend a bit of time with the Gousim and the Crew whilst they are in
Mossflower, learn em some proper discipline, if they're officers are
ameniable to the suggestion"
Belliger doesn't know what ameniable means, but nods with a thorough
"Aye. Mebbe we can get 'em on their way back, too, ta see if they learned
anythin' o'importance while at th'Abbey." The recruits seem to mostly
ignore the Log-a-Log's off the cuff jabs now, simply rowing in unison.
Alrendo is watching the hares rowing, the rafts and other boats
slowly coming back into sight as we catch up with them "Aye yer right matey,
look at em though their sure getting the hang of rowin, me now i prefer
to be in the water"
Ben is awake and has been for some time as he watches quietly even
tough he is purring loudly.
Belliger nods. "I'll admit, the 'ares are quick learners, if'n
anythin'." Log-a-Log rows steadily in time with the hares, and in no time the
leading boats, which were waiting on the trailing logboat, are in plain
view, and begin to move upstream again, as a fleet, up the river, and
towards the abbey.
Rhowena lies down on the raft for a nap.
Alrendo smiles happily and hauls himself back onto his raft, dripping
wet the white otter shakes himself and looks back at the Log-a-log
"Well this is shaping up to be a right proper trip and no mistake aye log"
Ben meows loudly as he looks around at everyone, he is at the front of
the dibbun raft looking around.
Once Alrendo is safely back on board his raft he moves about talking to
his otters and sending messages to the other rafts, discussing possible
locations they want to reach before the end of the night. Once that has
been done Al lays down to have a nap a tad worn out from his exertions
in the river.
End Log -