Quinten 157 - 10 03 2009
Salamandastron: Forge Room
- -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Salamandastron *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-
You are in a fairly large room, the walls rising up around you hewn from
solid rock. In the center stands a colossal object - the forge. Steam is
constantly rising from the forge due to the intense fire burning within.
The typical accessories are set around the perimeter of the forge:
billows, tongs, and a large bucket of cool water. Lining the walls are
finished and unfinished items ranging from great battle-axes to little
forks. A large ventilation shaft is above, raised higher than the rest of
the room to permit the rising heat to escape. Because of the flames the
room is well lit, although quite warm. Over in the corner of the room is
a small pile of raw ore just waiting to be molded into some implement or
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Gregorian chuckles back and even throws in a grin "Might have ta find a moment ta stop by and rectify that. Scope out the place. Ya can't go throwin' around size at me though. Ya a badgah, nature that makes ya big, can't take credit for that. Besides! Ya evah hear that size ain't everythin'? Mastah of the small and fiddly I am"
The heavy door to the forge is pushed open and a short buck pokes his head around the door. It is quinten, he's accompanied by a tall gangly looking doe, the two of them carrying a stack of metal plates and a screw between them. "Hello? Anyone about?"
Talisin gives the hare a grin, "I'll take credit where I can." Then he crosses his arms in front of him, "And you're more than welcome to come down and see my shop," he starts as if he were going to end the joking. "See what a proper forge looks like," he finishes with a wide grin. He turns his head towards the voice briefly.
Gregorian snorts in good humour "This place will have been around before somebeast even thought of Halyard" he looks round to the door and lowers his voice a little "They've gone blind, can't see the big badgah" he's off at a limp second later, headed for the other hares "Wot's all this then?"
Talisin follows the hare around to help if it was needed.
Quinten sniffs and slips inside, "Ah.. Sir Talisin!" he bows, "How is the lady Astrid today? Well I do hope." he then grins at Greg and spreads his arms, "What can I say, clearly all the reading I have been doing is going to me eyes. They went and made me recorder." He ducks his head as the doe swipes at his ears, "Oh... and this is Private Trador, friend of mine." his ears perk upa nd he grins, "Maybe one of you big solid forge beasts can help me with a problem?"
What do you want to whisper?
Gregorian is still eyeing the metal when Quinten starts talking to him and it gets him moment to glance back, smirking a second later "I heard. I think whole mountain must have heard by now" Trador gets a nod "Marm" and he looks back to the metal again "That's wot I was wonderin'"
Talisin smiles at the recorder, then shakes his head, "Just Talisin please... And Astrid is sleeping as far as I know. She was up very late reading." He smiles at the young doe, "I'm Talisin," he offers. "And what is it you need help with?"
Trador smiles a pretty smile at the badger, whilst quint rubs at the base of his ears, "I need this book press fixed.. it's rather old and worn and not been used in seasons. But it is the biggest one we have." he sets the pieces of metal down, they all look old and well worn. he then holds up the two pieces of the main screw. "It snapped... if you can believe it." He glances at Talisin, "Ah I hope the reading was good.. I need to get you those books... and explain why i was acting so weird yesterday."
Gregorian reaches out for one of the halves of the screw, hooking his stick over one arm so he has both paws free to inspect the broken end "Mmm. Well. Screws are a pain. Got ta get them just right or they won't fit the hole. Hm. See how neat the break is" going to take the other half off of him, hold them both together and look it over.
Talisin looks at the machine that was being shown, "Hmm. Wouldn't be too hard to reforge pieces with these as templates. I'd say just remake the whole thing so it's as strong as the day it was built." Then he glances up at Quinten and nods, "I would like that very much. Especially why all..." then he casts a glance at the two other hares, not sure what he would be allowed to say. The hares were strange when it came to matters of Badger Lords and Ladies.
Quinten smiles softly, ears twitching, he glances at Gregorian, "Lord Bludstripe's Grand-daughter is visiting us. Miss Astrid, so should you see her... be sure to extend her every courtesy." he hands over the othr part of the screww, it is twisted at one end where it broke and sheered off one side where it fell.
Gregorian nods slowly as he carefully looks the screw round "Would be easiest but if it's missin' bit or it's deformed it's not goin' ta make a mould that'll fit" he shakes his head and offers the twisted part to Talisin "Just look at it, all twisted up. Just have ta use the bits away from the break and fix it if it gets stuck part way through" his eyes go back down to the bit of screw he's still got in front of him, squinting at the end as he idly listens to Quinten "Right. Astrid. Mentioned her" a small frown before he finally looks up "Lord Bludstripe?" sounds curious. Before his time, not big on the reading.
Talisin narrows his eyes very slightly, then leans down to whisper something to Quinten. When he straightens he falls a little more silent, taking the piece of screw to examine it. After a moment he speaks up, "I might actually have a mold already from my fathers shop. Screws are a pain in the neck...don't know if it would be the right size though."
Talisin whispers, "Whatever you hares have in your heads about Astrid, don't pressure or push her towards any of this Badger Lord or Lady stuff. At least let her get her head around what she learns about her family first. Please...as a favor to me." to you.
Quinten lifts his long ears, listens to Talisin then reaches out a paw to rest it on the badger's arm and whispers back to him, before turning back to Quint, "Old Badger lord, now... i have this." he holds up the plate tha tthe screw is
You whisper, "I understand sah... it is just important to us.. if she is the one. Well.. we won't push, at least I won't. If she is the one... she will know it when the time is right sir."" to Talisin.
Gregorian raises a brow slowly and gives Talisin a look out the corner of his eye. Hmm. A blink and no more said on it. Back to work. Right. Screw, plate, mold. All thoughts back in order he's not about to exactly be kicked out of the place in favour of badgers right now anyway. He shakes his head "No...no, see this screw" screw gets held up "Will have been made to fit this hole" nabs the plate to hold up "Probably good many seasons before ya fathah's time if print is that old" the wonders of living in a time before mass production and standardize sizes. He offers the plate back to Quinten "Put that lot down on the work bench ovah there" pointing before has free paw for his stick again "See wot we can salvage from the screw and make a mold out of that. Should fit. Any mistakes can file out"
Talisin lowers his voice and replies to Quinten, "And she's important to me, regardless." He was sure Quinten would understand what he meant by regardless. Then he takes in a deep breath and nods his thanks before giving Greg a nod, "Perhaps. Still though, it shouldn't be too hard as long as you have the right tools."
You say, "She be important tae all of us ah be hoping sir. now then" he moves over with Trador's help to set down all the bits of the broken book press. "Here we go, it'll be great if you can fix it.""
Gregorian smirks faintly at Talisin's comment and gestures to the room with his stick "Take ya pick, all shapes and sizes" it's a very old forge there are a lot of tools all about the place. He puts his bit of screw down on the bench as well and scratches an ear, think it through some more "Mmm...suppose first see how much still fits then lop off wot doesn't?" glance going back to the badger, the job may be a passion for him on the border of obsession sometimes(He really does know too much about forges for supposed military beast) but he doesn't want to boss about beast with potential to one day be one of his bosses so yes, he's asking the badger.
Talisin looks back to Greg and puts his paws up, "Sounds good to me, but this is your forge Greg. Your forge, your final call."
Quinten smiles, the Buck leans back against Trador, the doe wraps her arms idly about Quint's shoulders as the two listen to the smiths talking. "Well I am sure you two will make it as good as new. I wonder can I bother one of you to look at the window catches in the library too? When you get a chance, they are rusted shut."
What is it about Sidney and not wearing a shirt? Well, he has an undershirt in hand, and pulls this on as he pokes his head into the forge. "Evening lads! And Trador. You just get prettier every time I see you."
Gregorian smirks faintly, he likes that "More about gettin' the job done but I wish" idly talking still as he fits the screw into the plate until it won't go any further and makes a little mark "Do yah know makin' couple of music boxes isn't considered propah? Scrap metal for the most part I swear...Ta be honest think he was more concerned by it bein' a music box. Like the old coot could make one himself" he's rambling, some sort of argument had with a forge beast? Who knows. All the while screw comes out, moves to take Talisin's one, screw that in too, repeat process, find a saw. Part way through the second one his ears gesture to Quinten "Rusted windows sound perfect for badgah sorts, all that strength, get it open no problem" few moments later and he glances round to the door, brow raising with slight ear twitch. Mmkay. Who ordered the half dressed buck? He offers a nod "Aftahnoon" and goes back to work.
Talisin tilts his head to the side at the mention of music boxes. He gets a smile, "Do you know how to make them? Music boxes I mean." Then he nods to Quinten, "I can try and help, then you can show me those books."
Quinten chuckles softly, "I'd love too. but i'd like to be able to close my windows as well as Open them." Trador laughs and whaps one of Sidney's ears, "You... behave!" She laughs and waves, "Well I am off.." And with that the doe ducks out of the room to get back on duty as Quiniten hovers, watching wat Gregorian is doing. "I'd like to air the library out properly. Clean it up properly."
Sidney gives Trador a playful grin, blowing a kiss after the doe as she goes out. "Quuuint. She is not bad, you know that? Nice catch, buck. What's going on 'round here, anything of interest?"
Gregorian pauses, halfway through getting one half of the screw in a vice, little padding, don't want to damage it anymore than it already it, still, right now he's distracted by music boxes "Don't always sound perfect, it's tricky to get it exactly right and haven't had much practice...but aye, I've made a couple" slowly gets on with sorting out the vice and sawing at he talks "Beast had one back home, once see how it works it's mostly matter of playing around till get it sounding right"
Talisin blinks when he notices another hare. He gives a friendly wave, then shoots a smirk at Quinten, "All I need is some oil and I'll have them fixed." Then he turns to Greg, "Could you teach me how to make them?" he asks hopefully. It would make the perfect gift.
Quinten smiles at Talisin and winks at him, "Just joking I really will appreciate it if you can fix them for me." He listens to Greg but really doesn't know much about forges, books is his department. He glances at Sidney and coughs, "Me and Trador are just friends."
Sidney lifts his brows. "Right, mate. Right. 'course you're not." He gives Quinten a grin and a chuckle. "You know in /that/ case I may just try my luck. Figure she might appreciate someone taller than her, eh, bud?"
Gregorian turns to look at Talisin and flops back to lean against the bench, looking thoughtful, trying to make it seem like a tough decision "Hmmm..." he grins "Ah alright then. I expect a free drink though" one ear trains on the other two hare, little amused. Heh, kids.
Talisin smiles broadly and nods, "It's a deal then. Thanks. I'll help Quinten fix the windows, then we can talk about when you'd have time that you'd be able to show me?"
Quinten scuffles with Sid, trying to grab and noogie him, "Yer leave er alone ya rascal! Or i'll set Charlotte on ye." He flicks his ears and nods to Talisin, "Well drop by tomorrow then and we can see to the windows and I'll have those book sout for you
Sidney is like a foot taller than Quinten, and doesn't feel like being tugged far enough down to allow a noogie. His hand shoves against Quinten's chest. "Oh get /off/, arse," he snickers, "and stop calling her Charlotte, she hates that."
Gregorian shrugs a shoulder as he turns back to sawing "I'm free a lot, not on active duty and all. If I'm not here try training room or the rec room" he snorts a laugh "If it's the rec room then judgement call as ta whether should provide that free drink before or aftah show ya" depending on his day's been going and so how many he's already had "I'll dig out my first couple of attempts tonight"
Talisin nods to Greg with a smile, "You show me how to make one, and it comes out great, I'll buy you more than the one drink." Then he turns to Quint, "You don't want me to fix them now?"
Quinten chuckles and nudges Sidney in the ribs as he backs up. "Mmm best not.." he grins, "Astrid would kill us if we are in there making noise with squeaky windows whilst she is trying to read."
Sidney just smirks at the Recorder, shaking his head. "I mean it about the Charlie thing, too. Heh."
Quinten he waves to everyone and slips back out, he has work to be about.