Quinten 155 - 02 03 2009
Tameus shakes his head, looking down the beach, his ears twisted back and fists clenching. "That.. that's /stupid/," he mutters, backing up a step, eyes squeezing shut. "'e shoul' /know/ .. not t' go 'lone.."
Magramba room-pages, "What is wrong with this place? It doesn't tell me when people get here. XD".
Brenden get to the two and nods towards Tam, "Oi...Wot's goin on?" His tone conveys concern for the leveret.
Magramba says, "It doesn't /matter/ now, Tam. What matters is what we're doing to help him, not what we could have done to stop it." A glance goes to Brenden. "Hey.""
Another hare wanders down from the mountain to see what is going on. His maroon jacket making him stand out against the sandy shore. It's the newly appointed Long Patrol Recorder Quinten. "Tameus..." he inclines his head to Brenden, "Healer Brenden and.." he peers at the squirrel, "Don't I know you?"
Tameus takes several breaths. They're shaky, and he looks like he's about to cry. Brenden and Quinten get a vague look. ".. da'. 'e was .. taken. By vermin." He looks at Magramba. "Tell me .. e'erythin'."
What do you want to whisper?
Brenden glances at the other hare, "Don't know 'im, but Ah saw 'im at th' abby when we's theah." He kneels down beside Tameus and puts an arm around him, "We'll find 'im Tam, don't yah worreh". Anger passes over his features and he looks up at the squirrel expectantly.
Quinten's ears come up and he stares at the squirrel. "What! how! He's the Recorder of Redwall you can't tell me he was wandering on his own for Vermin to kidnap!"
As far as Quinten's greeting goes, Mag looks up from where he's kneeling in the sand. "No idea. Hares tend to all look the same to me." Then his attention is back on Tam. "Two nights back, y' father and Darcy, the healer, decide to go look at the ocean. She's never seen it before." The squirrel rocks back on his heels and sits down. "I was going to go with them, but it'd been a bad day, and I wasn't in a very good mood." His head hangs a bit. "I went back to the camp to keep watch for Sivaine. We went out the next day to look for them, but all we found was tracks in the sandy soil." The warrior looks up. "They were gone, taken by ship."
Tameus pushes Brenden's arm off of him, gritting his teeth, on the verge of tears. His little hands are curled up in fists. ".. we. We haft' fin' 'im. I /haft'/ fin' 'im!"
Brenden blinks, then gets excited, "Dahcy was taken too?!" His paws immediately go to the hilts of his sabers.
Quinten stares, reaching out to place a paw on Tameus' shoulder, "You are too young, Colonel will never let it. We'll get a patrol out to find them toot sweet. I promise. But right now... we need to tell the Colonel her sons been kidnapped along with miss Darcy."
Tameus doesn't even correct Quinten on the familial link between Harper and Zoe. He takes another breath, which it really several, all hitched together inside his chest. "Like 'ell 'm not goin', 'e's /my/ da'!" the leveret argues.
Magramba glares at the two older hares. "You go ahead and alert the Colonel, but let's let 'er speak for herself, why don't we? "The kid's father's been abducted, and the first thing he hears is 'you can't help.
Quinten sighs and rubs his muzzle, "You are right Mister squirrel. Sorry just.. .we've all been looking forwards to harper and now this.." he plucks at his coat idly. "But you are right, please... we should go inside and report this.."
Magramba stands, the hare's apology making him no less hostile. "And m' name's Magramba." A glance goes to Tam.
Brenden stands up, "Did yah say 'at Dahcy was taken?! Come on...smahtly now!" Apparently this hare is getting about as distressed as Tam, if not more so.
Magramba clenches his paws impatiently. "That's what I /said./"
It would be hard to get more distressed than Tam is right now. He's trembling, hugging himself, taking short little breaths and shaking his head. "Shouldn'a left, shouldn'a /left/ 'im.. Quint. /Quint/. We haft' fin' 'im, an' save 'im, an'. .. an' 'e /needs/ me!"
Quinten looks heaven ward and then freezes nad looks to Magramba, "I know you... Magramba... you where here before... the day I was promoted, after the vermin?" he peers at the squirrel. He then stoops down and picks up the shaking Leveret. "We'll find him, we'll bring him home and then we can give him a good telling off."
Magramba spreads his paws wide. "How in blazes does that matter?! Who /cares/ if you know me, I'm /nothing./ We need to get moving, they've got two days on us already."
Brenden puts his paws over his eyes and turns, taking a few steps away, "No no no...." he mutters under his breath. He looks down at the sand, his arms now crossed over his chest. He basically growls out, "I sweah on mah life...Ah'll kill any beast wot 'urts 'er and 'Arpah." He looks at Quinten with fury in his eyes, "Do me a favah. Tell Lieutanant Taye 'at Ah've gone on tah staht lookin. Magrambah's right, they's got time on us."
Magramba sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Did'ja not hear a word I've spoken. They've got a bloody /boat./"
Quinten glares over at the squirrel, "And what direction do you suggest? Did they sail north? South>? Did they sail to some form of Pirate island? Do you know what direction the boat went in?" He looks at Brenden, "You hold paws right there soldier. Running about willy nilly will get you nothing. If you are going anywhere you need to go back to where they were taken and find out if anyone saw anything, birds, hidden beasts, if we do not know what direction they sailed in it means nothing. find out what direction they went in and I'll bloody steal Sidney's boat and sail after them!"
Tameus holds onto Quinten with his arms around the buck's neck, shuddering, tears slipping down either side of his muzzle. "Will y'.. will y' all jus' stop /yellin'/!" he snaps at the group.
Brenden glares at Magramba, "They 'ave tah put inta port somewheah." Then he looks at Quinten, "Tell me tah wait?" Then he gets ahold of himself when Tam asks for the yelling to stop, "They've got Dahcy. Ah'm gonna go and find out wot Ah can. No time tah wait fah ordahs." Then he looks back at Mag, "Wheah weah they when they's taken?"
Magramba points down the beach, sick of the attitude the hares are giving him. So much for getting helpful help. "A day's journey that way."
Tameus gives Brenden a look. "Stop. Y'r not goin' nowhere 'til Zoe d'cided what's t' be done. Tell 'im, Quint." His voice is gruff and his face is flushed with upset, fingers clinging tightly to the Recorder's shoulders.
Quinten strokes Tameys ears gently, "I outrank you Brenden, don't make me order you back to the mountain." He points at his epatulets. "These might not mean much most of the time but you are going no where until the Colonel speaks and gives orders. I'll make sure your on the team that sets out after them. But running away will only mean we are scattered. We are not vermin to loose our heads we are the Long Patrol and by jove we'll act like it."
Too late. As soon as Brenden heard where they were taken, he was already off in that direction, patting himself down to take a quick stock of the supplies he had on him. Swords, check. Medical supplies, check. Rations, no check, figure that out later. He was moving at a quick walk down the sand, rank be damned, he was more or less in love with Darcy, and the vermin that took her were in for a nasty surprise when he found them.
Tameus stares after Brenden, and his muzzle forms a grimace. "Brend'n! What 're y' /doin'/!"
Quinten stares at Brenden and would go after him but has a leveret in his arms, he touches Tam's arm. "Let him go... I don't think anything short of tying him up would stop him." He calls out, "Come right back with what you find out Brenden." he then lowers his voice and lets his ears droop down his back.
Brenden hears the two call out and is silently thankful that the other hare didn't try to physically restrain him, right now things would go badly for the both of them if that happened. He picks up a quick jog. A days journey down the beach, need to hurry.
Tameus just looks dazed and.. probably six or seven different kinds of unhappy. He shakes his head. "We haft' tell Zoe. We haft' figure out what'a do." His gaze directs to Magramba again. "An' y'.. y' haft' tell me e'erythin'. Y' were wit' 'im th' whole time comin' 'ere?"
Magramba glances up, over to Tam. "Yeh. Yeh, I was."
Tameus says, "Tell me what 'appened comin' 'ere. Why'd 't take s' long?"
Magramba shrugs. "Basically everything that could possibly go wrong... did."
Quinten keeps silent for now, just holding Tam and letting Magramba speak.
Tameus nods, still hanging on Quinten, but Magramba has his attention. "So tell me."
Magramba sighs, glancing towards the darkening sky and the emerging stars. "Well... First, we tried to spend the night in an abandoned cottage until a sea of spiders came out of the basement, driving us into the hail storm. Then, we were attacked by a giant wildcat."
Quinten blinks, "Oh my.. that is not a good omen to start a journey on."
Tameus blinks as well, ears twitching. "... oh." He glances at Quinten. "Da' 'ates bugs. 'e ate a crick't once.." He gives Magramba a 'keep going' gesture.
Magramba says, "While we were being attacked, your father was off being the king of all frog-dom, enjoying all their delicacies. When we finally found him, a vole invited us to his house, which turned out to be a trap. He drugged us, stole our things, and left us in his cave in the dark. From there, we went to a brewer's village Harper knew about. He and Darcy won third in a dance contest, and Harper and I suppressed a bar brawl." He pauses. "Well, I got thrown out the window. But your da' stopped it, anyway. Mostly.""
Quinten coughs back a chuckle, this is sounding more and more like a typical day out with Harper by the minute. "Mmm unsual for voles to drug folks.. buyt then there are all sorts of folk out there."
Tameus can't help it. He smiles, just a tiny little one. "M' da' was a... Frog King? An' 'e was in a /brawl/?"
Magramba grins a bit himself, scratching the back of his head. "Surprised me too. Anyway, then he tried to play football, which was bloody hard. I kinda tackled him, but he deserved it." The squirrel shares a private grin with himself. "Then we crossed the Bridge of Death, and your father... sort of fell in."
Tameus's brows lift. "Bridge'a Death..? Fell 'n /what/?"
Quinten chuckles, "He cannot help it this time, "You should never let harper near water.."
Magramba twiddles his thumbs vaguely. "Uh. The river. He fell in the river. But don't worry, I climbed down the side of the cliff and dragged him out." Moving on. "That's basically the last exciting thing that's happened before this."
Quinten sighs, "It sounds like an adventure.. under happier circumstances it'd be something to sit by the fire and enjoy."
Magramba says, "Oh, and the hamster village. Evil little things."
Tameus's brows are kind of high on his forehead, expression perplexed. His fingers fidget with the collar of
Quinten's tunic. ".. 'amsters? ... 'e fell off a /cliff/?"
Quinten blinks "A village full of evil hamsters?" he seems flabergasted by that idea
Magramba shrugs his shoulders.
Tameus is frowning thoughtfully. "An' now 'e's been caugh' by pirates."
"Not to mention the kitten, which I believe is evil. They're taken with it's 'cuteness.' And yes. Unfortunately, yes." Way to ruin the happiness, Tam
Quinten sighs, "Indeed... but we will get him back, have no fear of that."
Tameus tilts his head. "A... what."
Magramba puts his paws apart to indicate a height. "Kitten. 'Bout that big."
Quinten looks at magramba, "You found a kitten? As in a baby cat?"
Tameus looks /rather/ confused by this. "A.. /kitt'n/? Where'd 'e get a /kitt'n/?"
Magramba glances at the mountain shiftily. "Uh. Found it. And they decided to keep it."
Quinten chuckles, "well that is a good thing, if it was an abandoned child it probably needed someone to look after it. I assume the vermin took it?"
Tameus bristles a little. "/Keep/ 't? Who d'cided t' keep 't!"
Magramba shrugs a bit, not wanting to get his friend in trouble with Tam. "Well, I don't know that they'll /keep/ it keep it. It was just... alone."
You say, "Aye like I said see Tam, they where just looking after a poor abandoned Dibbun.""
Tameus's eyes narrow, and he shakes his head. "Stop sayin' /they/. Why d' y' keep sayin' 'they'?"
Magramba looks the leveret in the eye. "I say 'they' because I mean 'they.' It wasn't just your da' and me."
Tameus shakes his head. "I /know/. Siv, an' miss Darcy too," he says, leaning into Quinten's hold. ".. so where's Siv then?"
Quinten sits down on the sand, just holding the leveret in his paws and sighs, "I wish there was something I could do right now."
Magramba says, "She wasn't exactly clear on that. Back to Redwall, it seems." A glance goes to Quinten. "Y'could alert the Colonel."
Quinten nods his head, standing up. "Yes.. but i do not know if she is in yet. She might have gone out on one of her walks with Ender. I'll go check."
Tameus looks down the beach again, and huffs out. "Let's go fin' 'er. We haft' figure out what'a do t' save 'im."
Quinten stands up, "Indeed. we'll do everything we can Tameus. Magramba sir would you come with us?"
Magramba closes his eyes with a sigh. "She's well on her way by now."
Tameus shakes her head. "I mean Zoe. I don' care 'bout Siv. She left, she doesn' care. So let 'er go."
Tameus shifts and pushes his hands against Quinten's chest. "Lemme down, 'm goin' inside. Haft' get ready t' go rescue 'im an' all."
Quinten would try and point out that the likelyhood of Zoe letting a 4 season old leverett go anywhere is next to nil. Tameus is likely to wind up cooling his heels with Quinten in the mountain. but right ow he sets the hare down. "Lets go back in together."
Magramba picks up the ashen stave. "I'm coming in, you know."
Tameus glances at Magramba, and nods. He heads away from the two of them going inside with a quick pace.
Quinten strolls towards the mountain, the recorder keeping pace with the squirrel.
It's not a stroll, then. Magramba's pace is impatient and business-like, the stave pushing down in the sand with each step.
Quinten keeps pace with Magramba, looking up at the bulk of the mountain. "Spring of Lost Family..." he murmurs to himself, speeding up somewhat as he heads for the mountain. Talking with the hares on sentry duty
Salamandastron: Recreation Room
- -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Salamandastron *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-
The recreation room for the army of the Longpatrol. Here soldiers come to
relax after a hard day's work and the officers come for a game of cards or
a quick drink by the fire. The room is quite large, having to deal with a
lot of hares at one time. Along one wall there is a large worktop with
some cuhsioned stools lining one side of it. On the other side of the
worktop there stand many kegs and bottles, lined so that they can be
easily opened by someone standing on the inside of the bar but well out of
reach of the rowdy hares on the other side. There are a few woollen cloths
on the bar and mats in front of each stool. The next thing nearest to the
bar are the round tables, each with 4 chairs around and a lantern in the
middle of each one. There are a couple of slightly larger oval tables with
8 seats around, obviously for larger crowds. The other end of the room is
littered with armchairs, comfortable armchairs, each pair with a small
table in between. The armchairs are near the fire, used to heat the room
and provide extra comfort for the relaxing soldiers.
- -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
You have saved: Recorder Quinten reports that the squirrel Magramba has returned to the mountain with dire news. Harper, Redwall Recorder and Miss Darcy whilst travelling to the mountain have been kidnapped by vermin and taken to sea. As it stands the matter is being set before Colonel Zoe so a plan of action can be worked out to effectivly rescue the kidnapped hares. Healer Brenden it is noted has also broken ranks in tearing off in an attempt to find some sign of them, despire orders to await a plan from the Colonel due to the direction of the boat that took them being unknown. When he returns to the mountain it is asked he be informed to report to Lieutenant Taye or Colonel Zoe. At this time our thoughts shall remain with them in the hope of locating them and a speedy rescue.
Quinten is stood near the main board, the Recorder is dressed in a new uniform with new symbols of rank on his shoulder, pinning a message up on it with a worried frown.
Kegan quietly goes into the room, sitting down slowly after getting a mug of something to get drunk on. "Ello" he greets the other hare.
Quinten turns from the message, "Oh.. Kegan." he brushes at his tunic, "Hi..." he points at the message board. "News... you should know Kegan.... it's kinda important. More so then my promotion."
Kegan hms. "What news?" he asks before frowning some. "Someone say I attacked them while on patrol?"
Quinten eyes Kegan, "No... someone kidnapped the Redwall Recorder and one of his companions. A day up the beach..."
Kegan frowns. "Really?" he asks. "Thats...Not good" he sets aside his Drink and stands up.
You say, "Aye it is not good," the recorder side steps to let Kegan read the board, "Worst news is, with Harper and Darcy kidnapped by sea with no witnesses as to wot direction the boat sailed in.. it's..." he sighs, "Goin to be hard to find them.""
Kegan Frowns. "Thats not good at all" he replies. "That's horrible..." he makes a fist...and punches at something hard...the chair. "I hate...Hate...hate...vermin...I hope we find them...and kill them all" He then fits his tunic properly and sighs. "What's being done?"
Logan steps in from a stint in the training room and walks over to the bar just as he hear's Quiten say this and he raises an eyebrow, butting in. "Wern't they 'th two froom Redwall?"
Quinten nods his head, "Yes they are... the Colonel has been informed, she will let us know the plan when she is ready. So be prepared to move out if she calls for it." he looks back at Logan and nods, "Magramba brought the news this morning. It is... it is bad. But well... without knowing what direction the boat sailed in...makes it doubly hard to track them."
Kegan hrms and just nods before sighing...."I'm ready any time to move out..."
The drink comes up and the huge hare tosses it down and gives a dangerous smile, rolling his shoulders as he does when looking forward to violence. "Och, as ahm Ah! 'ope she gives the orders soon..." He orders a refill then turns to the other hares and questions: "Ow many do we think the LP will send oout?"
Quinten sighs, "I could nto say yet, at least a patrol I should think. But there is only so much as can be done without knowing what direction that boat went in." he punches the wall and growls. "He was my best friend as a recruit! Always there to help! And I can't do a thing... he could be north, or south, or on an island or chained as an oar slave and we have no way of telling... if only we knew"
Logan shrugs and sits down, wiping sweat off his brow. "Quinten, ye should be enough 'o ah wah'rior tae ken that ye cannae do 'em good bah worryin'..." He raises an eyebrow at the buck, reaching for his fresh drink. "It oonly drives ye mad..." Small sip in wait of a reply.
Quinten laughs and nods his head, "Ah knoo... jist.." he sighs, "Well ah ave duties here. Someone has to keep tha mountain runnin whilst tha others run aboot."
The boxing hare shrugs again as he takes another sip of the spirits, not sure of what to say. "Often ah few 'ares, if they ah good wah'rrahs, can do aloot 'o damage to vermin, even a shiplooad." Possible hint there.
Quinten smiles softly, "Oh aye... ah feel pity fer tha patrol that catches oop tae Harper and Darcy's kidnappers. adn woe betide if they break free. Harper may be a Redwall brother, but he is Sala trained." he stands, "I should
- End Log