On the Run

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Stubb, Hactor

Location: The Thorn and Shadow: Cellar (Collinsel)

(Sometimes Club)

Continued from “Barflies and Bunnies”.

The strange figure descends the stairs to the cellar, then, having scanned the room with a sweep of his head, he sweeps back the hood from his face. Stubb stands, his face draped in shadow, in the cool dank of the room. His ears are pricked, twitching with every hint of sound that trickles down from above. His cheeks are hollowed, and his eyes have sunk dramatically since he last was seen.

"Stubb?" the old tod says in surprise. "By the claw! What's happened?" Hactor would've been iritated by the theatrics of all this, if it hadn't been fot Stubb's state. It was very apparent to the former warlord that something had happened. Something bad.

Stubb wobbles on his feet and only regains his stability by taking a seat on a sticky cask. "Oi'm in trouble, ma'e. Bloody lucky oi found you, though." He runs a paw over his head and stares vacantly forward.

Hactor looks over his shoulder to be absolutley sure they're alone before leaning forward and asking, "What kind of trouble? What?" He was almost afraid to ask the question, knowing that whatver it was, it obviously wasn't over. And that it would come to effect all of the group.

Stubb sighs. "Member dat fing oi was buildin'?" His darkened eyes meet Hactor's. "Da fing oi tol' you an tha lizard abou' back in Roonga'e?" He shivers. "Turns out oi ain' de only one seekin ta rebuild i'."

Hactor's mouth hangs slightly open, his mind trying to comprehend this. "Your bloody joking?" he asks rhetorically. He takes a deep breath then begins to pace slowly back and forth, stroking his beard in silent thought. Finally he stops and his good eye meets those of Stubb as he asks, "Syubb you have to tell me. Did you have any enemys begore we met?"

Stubb breaks his gaze to scrutinize the floor, where a lone spider is hunting. "Aye. Fought oi'd a shook 'em boi now, though." He shakes his head. "Fought oi'd left 'em behoind in 'Alyard."

Hactor nods and only gives a grunt in reply. He too stares at the floor still stroking his beard in thought. Not looking up he asks grimmly, "How long do we have?"

Stubb heaves another breath, and this one bears on it the hint of a whimper. "Can' say. Dere a strange bunch, dis lot. Don fink dey 'ave nuffin' ta do wif Halyard, or oi moight a bought 'em off wif some a tha coin oi got off dat Abbey beast." He looks up again. "Seem loike fanatics, a'most, dis bunch. Coupl a dem been followin us since Roonga'e, so dey know us. All a us. An oi wagah dey'll take as many a you as dey needs to ta get me coopera'in'." His head sinks into his paws. "Bloody 'ell, ma'e."

Hactor growls in frustration at this terrible news, glaring at the wall. Finalley he wraps his one arm across his chest, which if he had two ould be taken for crossing them. He then sayes determindly, "We'll bet em! If we escape by tha cover of darkness, perhaps in the wee ours of tha morn, we can slip away."

"No." Stubb's jaw is set. "No, ma'e. Oi can' go wif you. If oi do..." The weasel swallows heavily, and his Adam's apple temporarily displaces some fur along the length of his neck. "If oi go an sneak away, dey won' neva stop. Dey're everywhere. Loike a order or... socie'y. No. Oi got ta go back. Only chance oi got is ta help em foind what dey wan'."

Hactor narrows his eye, his own jaw becoming set. "Well then," he begins slowly and careefully, "If that be tha case, then we'll get the others away in toime. As for me, I'm goin with ya. And there's not a dammned thing ya can say ta change me mind." Hactor also relizeds if the group and he and Stubb seperate, he would have to once again say goodbye to his daughter w. This causes him to feel a pang of sorrow. But it doesn't show on the old todd's features.

A resounding thud shakes the timbers that support the floor above, shaking free the scurf of accumulated dust from the beams. Stubb is on his feet again in half a moment. "What in tha..." His hollowed eyes cast wildly about, waiting for the other shoe to drop, but no further noises sound from above. "Well." The weasel gingerly returns to his sticky seat. "If oi can' convince you otherwoise..." He nods soberly. "Oi'd be glad to have you."

Hactor flenches at the thud, and eyes the ceiling. After he's content that nothing serious has happned he looks to Stubb and smiles saying, "And I'll be glad to grace ya with my comp'ny." He chuckles a bit at his own joke.

Stubb offers a strange grunt in lieu of a chuckle, but it is clear enough that he means it as an expression of gratitude. "Oi fink dey'll be missin' me soon an' come lookin'. Only managed ta get away dis toime on account a some ceremony dey've go' goin', an oi wagah i' won' last long now..."

Hactor nods. "Right," he begins heading for the door. He opens it and gestures with his head up the stairs.

"You'll foind me in tha temple, in tha park," Stubb says in a hushed voice charged with urgency. He rises, adding, "I's best if we go separate. And..." He looks thoughtful. "Give Angus moi best, bu' don' let on where oi've go' too. Oi don' wanna come between him an 'is boy again. Be'ter for 'im no' ta know abou' moi trouble."

Hactor leaves up the stairs.