Oh The Stuff To Talk Of..(Marek's Revenge TP)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

--- The Group is on the way back from the great badger MT., but Anomen is not having a Great Day----

Anomen walks along with the Redwallers, but he, Benar, and Lacota are a little ways away from Zinnia and Treesong, what’s separating them? Lots and Lots of hares!

Barley walks quietly as he adjusts his pack, as they seem to get further and further away from his home he seems to get less and less talkative than he was

Anomen been quiet as well, most likely different reasons as he walks up to the hare, "You act like you rather of stayed behind, or maybe it’s just me, I do have my mind on other things...that’s none of your business by the way." Yes he seems to want to get that point across.

Benar has been walking rather then marching so has wound up nearer the back of the group then the front as they travel along but now he walks forward to catch up to Anomen and Barley.

Barley looks at the squirrel, "Well chap I wasn't jolly well asking ya, wot?" He sighs, "And if ye must bally well know tis the first time I been this far from my home, not the adventurous sort but needed as a healer don't ya know and all that." He shakes his head as he looks over at a taller hare, "And He dragged me along...Uncle Bo..annoying"

Lacota' has drifted to the back as well, near Benar, actually, but mostly keeping to himself, lost in thought.

Anomen lets out a small chuckle, probably the first in a week.." That’s funny..I mean" He sighs "Sorry..I had a brother like that, every time father wanted us to look for vermin he drag me along for...oh company"

Barley shrugs, he looks back at Benar and Lacota, "Well tis not all that bad, and...thar be herbs along the way that be most helpful, one can never have too many healing herbs"

Benar says, "Healing herbs are always useful and I am sure your skills will be need Barley when we reach the Abbey." He frowns, "I am just glad we are on the move at last."

Anomen nods "Yeah." He looks around and sighs guessing the other two are further up ahead as he walks," Getting back, lot will happen..umm" He looks to Benar, "Benar..I was..never mind, not important really, it can wait."

Barley smiles "I am fairly skilled, can’t say I be de best, wot. I am skill learning some things. But I know a lot of healing like willow bark good for headaches and wot not,..and herbs go all over meadows, along rivers and ponds...some in one place only and others grow all over"

Lacota' frowns a bit. "I hope every beast at home is still ok..."

Anomen seems lost in thought as he looks ahead of them, Treesong probably talking with Zinnia most likely, the squirrel kicks a rock, "Yea..sure they fine."

Barley frowns and speaks to the closest beast "Wot de bally well wrong with ya friend chap?"

Benar looks at Anomen, "What is bothering you Anomen? You can speak to me and Barley "

Anomen looks to Benar," I..it’s nothing just..well it’s hard when one doesn’t talk to another in a week"

Lacota' peers at Anomen. "You really need to tell her your feelings, chap."

Benar nods his head and sighs, "It'll be ok Anomen, have faith and trust in your friends"

Barley hmms "Did you make some beast mad and yeah bally well bad to avoid talking for a week, not good chap"

Anomen nods "I..guess, besides more important to get home and get done what needs to get done, not worry on less important things."

Benar says, "You are wrong Anomen, having something to look forward too, to focus on beyond the fighting is important."

Barley looks between them and mainly stays out of it.

Anomen nods "Yes to our home being back look forward to that, which I will help do. Get it back"

Benar says, "Yes get back our home and then afterwards you should talk to the girl"

Anomen frowns, "She doesn’t want to talk to me, she has avoided me the past week she.." He sighs as he lost sight of her now, "Well..up ahead somewhere."

Lacota' nods in hearty agreement. "Aye, you better not let her slip through your grasp, or I'll give you a stern talking to, young man."

Benar says, "You shouted at her, go to her, apologies, she is a warrior maid Anomen, you cannot expect her to sit idly by and be a house squirrel"

Lacota' says, "Indeed, Anomen. Go to her, she'll listen."

Anomen shakes his head at the friar and looks at Benar, "What do you two know! He then looks down "I..I’m sorry, forgive me just." He slows down, "I..don't want to lose her...I love her"

Lacota' frowns. "I know more than you can guess, son..."

Benar says, "You will lose her if you cannot accept her for who she is Anomen... If you truly love her you will fight alongside her, keep her safe but accept her for who she is"

Anomen frowns "How do I do that sir? I worry"

Benar says, "You are allowed to worry but you must not try to stop her from doing what she was born to do"

Anomen nods "You are correct, maybe I am just worried, she will be fine I mean she won’t be like right in the front of all the fighting"

Lacota' says, "Just let her be herself, and things will be fine."

Benar says, "Indeed you'll see it will all work out Anomen, now then I must go speak to Sebastian and his officers, I will see you all alter" He raises a paw and heads off .

Anomen nods "Alright"