Oh, noes! Zinnia has asthma! :O Good thing Angela was nearby!
Sorry to Zinnia and Lee about the typoes. RL stinks :(
RW Abbey: Attic
It is extremely dark and gloomy in here. Below your feetpaws, you can feel a shape in the floor; it's roughly rectangular. Upon closer inspection, you see that it is the trap door. The dust is thick in here, and your movements disturb it. The grey stuff rises in clouds. It makes you sneeze and cough.
Standing still, the dust slowly settles again. Your eyes become accustomed to the darkness, and you can make out a grey thin light towards your right. Feeling along the wall, your searching paws feel a gap. You can probably squeeze through it.
Exits: [A]bandoned [R]oom, [T]rap [D]oor, [G]ap in [W]all
Zinnia the badger. Angela the mouse. Lee and Streamheart, otters.
Zinnia is in the attic and has been the last couple hours. She came up here to get the last few books, only to find out more were in a chest she also finds, but half of them are damaged by, well al lot, she coughs a little as some dust gets into her nose and mouth and closes the trunk, she can tend to those later maybe, if they are useable or fixable. She goes to pick up the pile she does have and trips on an old chair leg and falls backwards right into a stacked pile of odds and ends and this falls all around her, also in the boxes of odds and ends is a lot of dust as she starts coughing more.
For some random reason, Angela has decided to brave the stairs and come up to the upper floor. She's exploring, looks like! Tappign her staff on the floor and against the walls, she wrinkles her nose and sneezes at the dust she's stirred up. Hearing a thump, she looks up and notes the coughign sound from abover her. "'Ello? Are ye alright up there?" she calls out, shufflign over to the ladder that leads to the attic.
Zinnia goes to stand and place some things back into a box, she does have a sort of neat and orderness to her as she feels she can't leave a mess. "I'm...ok" She coughs a little more and sneezes as dust gets into her nose and goes totry and use an old broom to sweep up the dust she herself caussed into a pile and this only makes her cough more and gasp a little. She frowns and decides maybe she can just get some fresh air and there is a window here right? She starts to go over to it and goes to push away a couple boxes that are filled with dusty scolls of some sort that are covered in dust and also water stained and starting to be dust themselfs and this bo would be the one to fall on top of her head. She isnt hurt but now she is covered in very old dust and coughs worse and gasps as if starting to have trouble breathing.
Angela has reached the bottom of the ladder and is now scrambling up it as fast as her arthritic joints will let her. "I'm comin', hold still, girl, you're makin' whatever's happenin' worse!" She reaches the attic and sneezes 5 times as the flying dust gets up her nose.
Zinnia hears the voice and goes to dust off her head getting most of it off, but in gasping manages to just get more into her lungs and this doesn't help her as she sits down on the floor and tries to get a breath, something more than just a small one and, well this causes a bit of panic as she remembers a short time maybe a little over a month ago and tries to calm herself and fails badly.
Angela hobbles over as fast as she can and kneels by the badgermaind. "Calm down, 'oney, it's alright. I've seen this afore. Focus on my face. Don't think of anythin' other than my face and what I'm sayin'. You're gonna be fine. Trust me. The first thing we've gotta do is calm you down, and then we'll get you to the Infirm, alright? Now don't worry, I know 'ow to 'elp you, just trust me." He voice is soothing and calm, and her face is a perfect mask of peace that hides her tension and worry.
Zinnia looks at angela and takes a couple gasps "But..can't...breath." She is still young at 8 seasons, just barely or just about an adult beast here here soon. But not being able to breath and her chest feeling tight scares her and it shows andshe is even shaking a little, but she does manage to stop shaking by at least a little bit and coughs a couple times.
Angela pulls out a canteen and a hankerchief. Pouring water from the canteen on the cloth, she goes to gently clean the dust off the badger's face. "I know, I know, but panicking isn't gonna make it any better. It'll only make it worse. Hush, now. At least you can say somethign now. Keep focusing on my face and my voice. I'll get ye through this if it's the last thing I do!" She smiles to lighten her words.
Zinnia frowns, she is still worried and coughs again and takes a couple deep breaths. One is really hard to take but the other is a little easier and she does try to focus and calm, and it works some, also not trying to talk seems to help her as well. She still is having some trouble breathing but its not as bad as before, its eased maybe 50% of what it was. Her eyes water some as she looks like she had started to cry but doesn't
Angela smiles. "There ye go. Very good. Now, I need you to slowly stand, and we're gonna go slowly and carefully down to the Infirmary, where I'll give ye the herbs ye need. Alright?" She stands, groanign slightly as she leans heavily on her staff. "Just keep focusing on my voice and where you're putting your feet and ye'll be fine."
Zinnia nods, her chest still hurts a little and she still has a gasp here and there as she slowly stands and follows her out. She stirs up a little dust and coughs roughly again and tries to calm herself more as shehas a little more trouble and it passes , but still some trouble but not as much as before. She does get slowly out of the attic and to the infirm
RW Abbey: Infirmary
Several beds are lined against the red sandstone walls of the Abbey's Infirmary. An examination table, separated from the rest of the room by hanging blankets, rests against the far wall. Tucked into a small alcove is a sizeable workbench with various containers for mixing and preparing medicinal compounds. Against another wall is a desk for use by the Infirmary Keeper. A curtained off alcove behind the desk hides a locked door to the Infirmary's supplies and linens.
Exits: Infirmary [Rec]overy Room, [H]ealer's [D]ormitory, [O]pen [G]round, [Hall]
Angela opens the door to the infirmary for the badgermaid. She's been keeping up a steady stream of comments on their way down here. She now hobbles over to the examination table and pats it. "'Ave a seat, dear. I'll get the herbs I need. Oi, you! I ned boilin' water, please." The Novice nods and scurries off to get the hot water, as requested. The old mouse healer begins to rummage through the herbs cabinets.
Zinnia looks around, her breathing is still a little unsteady but she is not gasping for breath nearly as much as she was , but a couple times she did take a deep gasping and coughing breath.."Whats...wrong" She coughs a couple time and frowns as she sits down, stilll worried as she looks at the door and back to the mousemaid again doing her best to stay calm, staying fairly calm has helped her a good deal so far.
As the Novice comes up with a kettle of boiling water, Angela begins throwing some herbs into a bowl. "Ye 'ave a breathin' problem, it looks like. I've seen it afore, just not in one so young. Ye were poisoned a few weeks ago, right? And the poison was in some steam?" She pours the water over the herbs, steam wreathing her head like clouds. Handign the kettle back to the Novice, the healer turns and hands the bowl to the badger. "Careful, it's 'ot. Breathe in the steam and it'll 'elp ye."
Zinnia nods as she tries to calm herself and remember, she breaths in the steam and coughs roughly, after a couple mintues she is able to talk better,"It was in..in tea..took a couple sips and ...and breathed in..fumes and then couldnt breath...woke up in Ferravale infirm a week later feeling weak...but that was then this is now" She coughs and breathsin a little more mananging to calm herself as her breathing gets better.
Angela nods as she begins to make something herby to drink. "Hmm, I was afraid o' that. I'm thinkin'....I'm thinkin' that this poison might've injured yer lungs. 'Ave ye had any trouble breathin' before now? Did ye eat or breathe anythin' else that could've injured ye?" She sest the herby drink beside the badgermaid for her to drink when she feels up to it. It's a deep red in colour.
Zinnia says, "A..couple times when I was dusting I would cough, but wasnt till up in the attic when I...all the dust made it hard to breath and it...it scared me" She coughs a little again and still breaths in the stream of the herbs."
Angela nods and sighs, then gestures at the beaker of drink. "When ye feel like yer breathin' more easily, drink that. It should make ye feel better, even if it won't make ye breathe more easily. It's white willow bark and a few other herbs in strawberry cordial. The cordial should make it not taste quite so bad." She then turns back to the herbs cabinets and begins rummaging around. "I'm gonna give ye the herbs that i used to make yer breathin' treatment. If ye feel that ye can't breathe again, then ye need to mix a little of each with boilin' water and bretah in the stem until ye feel better."
Zinnia nods as she listens, she does go aheadand drink the mixture slowly and frowns "This is just...something to keep an eye on for a little while then?"
Angela sighs and shakes her head slowly. "I'm afraid not, lass. This lasts for a beast's whole life." She hands a little bag with a list of the herbs and instructions for use tucked in with the herbs. "I'm sorry, but you're gonna have ot be careful for the rets of yer life."
Lee walks right into the room and makes a bee-line for a quiet corner. The otter doesn't even bother to stop and greet anybeast. Pausing beside a cot, he grabs a chair and sits, then watches his wife sleep.
Zinnia frowns "What?" She couughs a little, not so good to be tense right now so she goes to calm herslef again and frowns."But..w..what if I..I cant worry any beast if..if happens in front of someone"
Angela goes ot lay a gentle paw on the badger's arm. "Yer worried about Zork, aren't you? I know all about his problem...I'm the one who ordered that he drink white willow bark tea every day. If you follow my advice and stay away from dusty and ash-filled places, ye'll 'ave nothign to worry about. And I owuld suggest tellin' 'im as soon as possible, to reduce his worry that somethin's wrong that you're not telling him about."
Lee finally notices the others, but his attention still is mainly on his wife. Streamheart is asleep
Zinnia frowns "But he..worries, he worries more than Uncle Oz does about me I think...and I dont know bout Uncle Zee."
Angela smiles tenderly. "I'm sorry, but this is life. You must tell them before they find out any other way, and then they have to decide how ot handle it." A Novice comes over to check on Streamheart.
Streamheart is completely fine, just sleeping. Lee smiles at the Novice. "'Ello, Miss. 'Ave ye seen me new daughter? She were born just a week ago... Right around the time that Lorimis..." He trails off, then points to a small cradle beside the cot.
Zinnia frowns,"But...why did this happen to me?" She sighs "I shouldnt of went to Ferravale that day..." She starts to cry and then starts coughing roughly again as she is not over her breathing spell fully. She still has some of the steaming herbs and calms again breathing them in again, now is not the time to be upset.She is better in another couple morments and lays down on acot she was beside and frowns,"What about the books and scrolls in the attic?"
The Novice smiles and shakes her head. "No, I haven't." She bends over the cradle and coos softly at the adorable baby otter. Angela shakes her head. "Ye 'ad no way of knowin'. The past is in the past--it's not worth worryin' about. And a Novice can get the things from the attic for you. You don't 'ave to do everythin', sweet'eart."
Zinnia nods slowly, this whole thing with the attic has worn her out and she is soon sleep.
Lee perks an ear toward the others. "Wot about the attic? If there be anythin' that somebeast be wantin' down from up there I can get it. Just tell me wot." The infant otter squeaks softly and looks around with wide eyes.
The Novice smiles in delight and goes to gently put her finger int he little one's palm for her to play with. Angela turns to the Head Guard and hobbles over. "Zinnia was a-gettin' some old books and scrolls from the attic, but I just banned her from up there because of a medical problem. I'm sure she'd appreciate you gettin' them for her."
Lee nods his head. "Certainly. As I recall, though, Lacota had suggested a spring cleanin' of the Abbey from top ta bottom... Not sure 'ow effective 'is plan will be considerin'... Well, ye know. I'll get up there with some novices an' set 'em ta work cleanin' out the dust, an' those books down for 'er." He then grins at the Novice. "Ain't she a beauty? She got 'er momma's eyes." The infant coos and grabs the finger with her tiny paw, and seems enthralled.
Angela nods and sighs. "I still feel like there's more I could've done to help the Abbot...aye, there had to've been somethin' I coulda done." The Novice, for her part, is basically in love as she nods in aggreement with the otter father. "She's adoarable..." she wiggles her finger a little to move the baby's paw around.
"It 'as been quite 'ard ta cope..." Lee replies, the otter suddenly downcast. "'E gave me this job, ye know. 'E trusted me implicitly durin' Marek's takeover. I 'ad his full, and complete, trust, in ev'ry way. I owe 'em a lot, Angela, an' words just can't do it justice... But wot pains me the most is that I never got a real chance to express my full an' sincere gratitude for the authority 'e trusted me with..." He sighs. Meanwhile, the tiny otter giggles and tries to pull the Novice's finger to her mouth.
The Novice gently pulls her finger away from the slobbery mouth. "No, thank you, please don't suck on my finger, that's disgusting." she goes to tickle the bottom of the otterkit's foot. Angela nods and wearily sits on a stool. "'E was an amazing beast. I wonder 'ow old, exactly, 'e was. He seemed older than even me..."
Lee glances about, then says, "Well, I heard, from an elder, that Abbot Lorimis was born just a few seasons after the Great Earthquake, and that was long before anybeast I know of was born." He shrugs at that. The Kit squeaks and giggles, which brings a smile to Lee's face. "Ticklish feet."
The Novice laughs along with the baby, gently pries her finger loose, then lifts her paws high into the air. Bring them down at an even rate, she suddenly and gently goes to tickle the otterkit's tummy. Angela frowns slightly, her brow scrinching up. "I...don't know 'ow long ago that was. Ye say there was an earthquake 'ere at the Abbey?" The old healer has obviously not read up on her Abbey history.
Lee nods. "About... Well, certainly over 40 seasons ago a massive earthquake nearly destroyed Redwall." The baby otter squeaks and giggles loudly, squirming around as the novice tickles.
The Novice decides to spend the rest of the day playing with and holding the baby. Maybe she should stop working in the Infirmary and help with the Dibbuns....although DAB scares her. Angela slowly stands, tapping the end of her staff against the floor. "I really ought to read up on my Abbey history...but first, I should go check on my wasp sting patient. Good day." and off she hobbles, going over to a Dibbun with a bandaged arm...and leg...and face. Wasp sting patient, indeed.
Lee remains with his wife for the rest of the afternoon, eventually dozing off in his chair.
Thanks for reading!