Now do you still remember the way to Salamandastron?

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

RW Abbey: Library

The library has never looked better in seasons as shelves have been

repaired and so have tables and chairs. The once empty sleeves now

have more books in them and not only that the books are in an ABC

order and arranged by subject to better find what one is looking for.

The beautifully crafted windows are well cleaned.

This gives the library plenty of light during the daylight hours. The

room has a high vaulted ceiling. The flagstones of the floor are cool

and smooth, and echoes are sometimes heard when beasts walk. Brass

lamps containing short, fat little white candles provide enough light

for reading. Some books are still being mended but being working on

getting on the shelves. The backroom is even very clean and organized

as well. Books were found in the attic and some from Ferravale were

added that the Ferravale beast had maybe two copies of something so

gave Redwall one of the copies for the Redwall library, all in all a

lot of hard work has done wonders for the library.

On an Oakwood desk is the charter laying inside a clear glass case for

all to see. The glass case keeps it safe and clean. Some other chairs

large and small, wooden and soft, have been placed in varies places

in the library and a pile of covers and blankets sit in one corner

with a few pillows as well.


[G]reat [H]all [M]ap [B]ookshelf [B]ookshelf of [W]oodland [L]ore

[B]ookbinding [R]oom [H]istory [B]ookshelf [B]ookshelf of [B]iographies

                      [P]oetry [B]ookshelf    [B]ookshelf of [S]tories


Abbey Charter

Zinnia has been mainly in the library most of the time, least she is not locking herself in the book binding room, ok she did for a couple hours, but now she just stays in the main area keeping track of inventory of crops and stuff as its picked and collected and put away, well someone had to help and she sort of just decided to do it and it gives her an excuse to be up here and say she is busy, cause well she is. She has also been very quiet and not talking much unless she feels it's important. She is almost done with the latest lists and double checks them as she sits it down off to the side and looks around as if debating weather to dust or something.

Benar has been busy, overseeing the harvest, managing books and the Order and talking to Brothers and Sisters about all sorts of things. Now though he has taken a whole morning out to come and see Zinnia. The door to the library opens and the Abbot looks inside, "Zinnia are you around?"

Zinnia answers, "I am in here." The tone is simple, "Did you need something Abbot Benar?" She asks in a simple quiet tone of voice, she is sitting down in one of the chairs and been all since after breakfast.

Benar strolls in all the way, shutting the door behind him, "Yes I just wanted to check to see if you’d have the harvest inventory for Elmef soon?"

Zinnia nods and points to the paper, "I have been keeping good track of it, as long as a novice or order beast brings me them and I write them down and look over them a 2nd time to make sure all the lines and crossed lines..and all is counted. It's keep me busy."

Benar says, "Excellent, thank you my dear," he moves over and looks at the list then turns to his recorder, "However I really came to talk to you. Is there anything I can do for you? You've been locked away inside this library for over two weeks now."

Zinnia frowns a little and then clears her throat "I am fine and I am recorder so it's my job to be up here." She keeps any emotion out of her voice, “I have been sleeping fairly well and..eating ok."

Benar says, "Mmhmm that sounds like all the signs of someone hiding from the world to me Zinnia. Which... is not a good thing. You cannot shut yourself away from the world."

Zinnia shrugs " not think I am hiding, just been in here a lot. Did you need me to help with anything else?"

Benar says, "There was something but no it is of no matter. I can see you are still in need of time to grieve and recover."

Zinnia stands slowly, "I am fine." Well that’s not totally the truth." I could help with something else, maybe get out of the library if it’s upsetting beasts that I am in here so much."

Benar reaches out and places a paw on her arm, "It doesn't matter where you are Zinnia... you are hurting inside. Please... allow us to help you. You've shut yourself off from the world, from all of us, we all care for you."

Zinnia allows his paw to stay where it is as she sighs, but she does avoid frowning, "Help?" She asks and is otherwise quiet, " I..don't know, would say I could leave a while but that would be frowned on most likely."

Benar smiles "Ah now there I can help you, there is... a message I need delivered, I'd only entrust it to a member of the council and it'd let you get away for a bit."

Zinnia looks interested but she doesn't return the smile in her mind there is nothing worth smiling about, "What is the message and to where, I could do that and could even have a best go with me maybe...but please not Flicktail, he is..too ..annoying offence.."

Benar chuckles softly, "I couldn't send Flicktail with you even if I wanted to." he stands up slowly and strolls towards the door, "But no it'd be too cruel to ask you to go away so soon after everything"

Zinnia frowns for a couple seconds and then goes to follow Benar, one of the few beasts she would follow outside of the library as she nods "Yes the last couple weeks has been....well.." She doesn't say, saying would only bring emotions right now she rather not have." I am willing to still help Abbot Benar, and I an sorry I have been in the library so much...there was just...well reasons"

Benar stops by the door and places a paw on her shoulder, "I know, my dear friend I know. I... have had my reasons as well. We all deal with it in our own way, I've been focusing on my work just as you have been. I should have been there for you more."

Zinnia nods "It’s...ok, being Abbot is a very busy job."

Benar says, "Sadly so, but I should have taken the time Zinnia... now do you still remember the way to Salamandastron?"

Zinnia blinks, well that question surprises her, "Yes, I remember it very well, and even a slightly safer way. And that it's a 3 week trip to get there..well give or take a couple days either way, one could move a little faster maybe by the river and avoid the swamps, which trust me would avoid, and I know where any berry busies are, an area to fish and a place where we saw the couple apple trees. And there is always maps to double make sure, maps are important" Wow that’s the mostly she has talked in 2 weeks.

Benar smiles softly to himself, he knew giving her a project would help, it's a nice distraction, "Oh good you have maps? Excellent, I need someone to take a message to the Badger Lord for me. But I really shouldn't ask you to go. I mean you probably want to stay here."

Zinnia shakes her head "I would be very..pleased to go, I rather get away from the abbey for a while." A frown forms now as she rethinks a couple weeks ago but she forces the memory back into her mind, "Please I volunteer to go, and you can pick one other to go with me...a best that can fight well maybe"

Benar says, "Well only if you are sure Zinnia, like I said it needs to be someone from the council. We need to inform the mountain officially that the Abbey has a new Abbot and make sure our friendship still stands." he flicks his ears and curls his tail back and forth, "As for whom else to send.... perhaps Lee or Dora Rose."

Zinnia thinks "Maybe Dorarose could go, Lee is head guard after all and yes they should know about Lormis and..." She stops there "And other stuff as well, like Silverstorm being Blacksmith and I am sure. I know the way and been there before and...well no one could say I am being -locked away- if I am on an important trip such as that. When would I be leaving...well me and Dorarose?"

Benar says, "Hmm not sure they quite need to know who our blacksmith is, but I will write a message for you to deliver to their Lord. As for when I am not sure yet, if you leave too late you'll not get there before the snow happens. So after the feast is as late as I would suggest and you may need to stay until Spring. I'll write that in my missive"

Zinnia nods "Maybe in the next couple weeks then, it should be soon to give time in case it takes longer than before for any reason. You can start the letter today and work on it over the next few days even. It would be good to get there before snow and have maybe a good few days or even couple weeks before the snow. I was likely not going to the feast anyways and I rather be almost there by then"

Benar smiles "Not so fast Zinnia, you certainly are not leaving before the feast, that'd be wrong. We ... I have something planned to honor Zork and you need to be there for that. You should have time to reach the shore if we give you a proper send off the day after the feast."

Zinnia nods "Alright then Abbot Benar and..I can be there."

Benar says, "Thank you Zinnia, I know it is a long, difficult journey but we need to stay in touch with our friends and allies in the mountain of badgers."

Zinnia nods "Yes and I am sure they would like to know like said of Lorimis and others can even send notes if they would like. I am unsure what else could be included the note or notes."

Zinnia says, "Your need to talk to Dorarose soon also, I am sure she be ok with going and I would make sure we both stayed on the path to get there."

Benar says, "Yes I need to have a talk with her, a long talk, there is a lot I need to tell her."

Zinnia just nods.

Benar says, "I've got... messages from well... it is of no matter. But messages to pass on"

Zinnia nods " Any message can be brought to Salamadastron that’s needed." She looks back to the library and then to Benar again, "and I will spend less time in the library if that’s what you would like.."

Benar asks, "Spend as much time in the library as you need Zinnia, just make sure to come out for meal times again"

Zinnia nods "I will Abbot Benar." For now she excuses herself to go to her room, where she gets some needed rest.