Now, That's Just Good Business

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Characters Involved:

Kympa Shy, a smuggler

Arden, Marry, and Zeek, gangsters spoofed by Vannon

Vannon, a Reaver

Zaichrad, Kympa’s partner

Halyard Village: Dock

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Halyard Village ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

The dock of Halyard Village is nothing extraordinary. Simple planking runs up

the beach a distance, beyond the point of high tide. The dock extends out

over the water a goodly distance, technically deep enough for a ship the size

of a small merchant ship to tie off. However, this is the exception rather

than the rule. Most of the ships that dock here are small fishing vessels,

carrying no more than a handful of beasts. At the very end of the dock there

is a wider platform, covered gazebo-style, with open sides.


In the foggy dark that blankets the docks, very little activity can be seen. Night time isn't the most active of periods, after all, which makes it perfect for Kympa's needs. The hare stands a hop's length from her ship, wrapped in her cloak with the hood drawn, her weapons intact beneath it. Zaichrad is no where in sight - all of the sharp and pointy things she hides beneath her layers of cloth are nothing compared to the deadliness of her friend, after all, and he - like a hidden dagger - is best left out of sight until necessary. Wouldn't want to scare the costumers off too soon, would she? No, the bird is insurance. Several crates are stacked on the deck of her small vessel, and the wood and supplies scattered about that would suggest that she's been working on repairing its hurts in her spare time. She shuffles her boots against the dock, checking her pocket watch impatiently. Late. How typical.

Then in the darkness of the warf three figures slink their way towards the tiny ship. A brown furred fox leads the way, one with a scar under his left eye. He is dressed in a black and red clothed waist coat. His 'associate' to his right is a very large reptile both in height and girth. The obese monitor lizard is ironically the least prepaired for the colder weather. Dressed in a simple jacket that barely hides the tribal markings running up and down his neck.

Last but not least is a simple rabbit with her long ears banded together by a bracelet. It's so nice to know that villainy can run a multi species crew.

It isn't easy to mistake the group as the one she is here to meet - look how villainous they look! Kympa takes a step forward, raising her paws and throwing back the hood of her cloak to discern them. "Evenin', mates. I take it th'night has fared you well?" They always seem to come in threes - it gives a nice sense of security over the poor, lone, smuggler she's sure. "What brings you t'these parts on this gloomy night? Business, perhaps?" She grins, disarmingly, opening her paws wide to them. "Aren't you cold, mate?" She asks the lizard.

The heavy set lizard merely looks up to the hare, cleaning off his own eye with his forked tongue.


"And a good night to you as well lass." The fox replies with all the charm his species is known for. "And, perhaps. Depends on what you are selling." He says with a sly smile. The rabbit turns, glancing every so often at the warf around them.

The trio look tense, even for those engaged in shady back room deals. Even teh fox nervously twitches his ear to any sound that comes form the warf.

"Wish I could do that." Kympa nods to the lizard, her paws finding her pockets. "Oh, I deal in this an' that. Anybeast here go by the name of Arden?" Her gaze passes back and forth over the trio, her eyes narrowing. "I must say, though, you lot look mighty peaky. What's got your tails in a twist?" Her own, large ears now twist this way and that, though her own nerves have less to be wary of: her lookout has rather sharp vision. Maybe less so in the dark, that is, but still sharp enough for their needs.

The fox chuckles to belay the hares fears. "It's our job to be peaky lass. This ain't a town made for us shady types anymore. It's contested territory between the Long Patrol trying to clean it up and rather...unsavory types. Both of which do not tolorate compitition. So if we may, hurry along." The fox moves to board the ship while the lizard and rabbit stay put.

Off in the distance, just beyond their sight, a long grey fox trots along in the fog and darkness. He whistles a merry tune as he carries a bundle tucked under his arm. A fancy red rug.

"Well, works for me, then." She doesn't /totally/ buy it, but its her business to never totally buy it. She dips her head politely to the two beasts remaining on the dock, and hops aboard her own ship, giving the boxes a pat as she boards. "I assume you'll want to inspect these beforehand?" She lifts a crowbar from the floor next to the stack of crates, and taps the lid of the topmost one. "Just for my own confirmation, you know how these things are, what is it you lot are looking for tonight?" Her voice is hushed, but still chipper and friendly. "I'll also need to see the coin that was agreed upon." She gives an apologetic smile. He knows how these things are.

The fox leans over the edge of the crate, looking at the many rolls of fabric in side. He thrusts his paw gently into the fabric, pulling it back when he cuts himself on a bladed weapon. Shaking his paw he giggles as he digs further to find bags of forged coins under the weapons. "Capital lass. Capital. Here's your payment." He turns handing the hare a bag of forged coins. He waits for a moment before laughing, "Sorry, couldn't resist." He reaches into his pocket, drawing a bag of his own gold and begins to hand it to the hare.

Meanwhile the grey fox on the warf comes to a stop on the edge of the dock where he can just barely be seen. Still huming he unfolds the rug before him revealing a rather large long bow and a small bundle of arrows. "You musta been a beautifull babyYyYyYy." He sings as he stings the bow. He twirls it and then strums the string like a fiddle, "Da da dah do." Shaking his hips in a make shift dance the fox notches an arrow to the bow. "Da da dah do...bam." Vannon let's the arrow fly.

The bolt sails across the warf, striking the gold pouch and carrying it away from Arden's open paw. Vannon was actually aiming to kill the beast but, hey, he will take an awesome shot like that. Even if it's a mistake.

Arden of course lets out a high pitched yelp far too panicy for a beast in his job.

"Funny joke." Kympa laughs, tensely, though it comes out in earnest as the actual coinage is offered - and promptly shot away. "Oh for pete's sake..." The hare gives the fox a shove, trying to get him down to the deck. "Get /down/!" She hisses, before putting her fingers to her mouth and whistling into the night. A few seconds pass before the night is rent with the soft and subtle beating of massive wings, and the hawk is on the scene. Zaichrad descends with a shriek, swinging low over Vannon with the aim of ripping the bow from his arms and dropping it to the ship's deck. He circles, gaining altitude with several smooth strokes. Kympa, eerily calm, turns to the fox with a small smile. "So, just who might be shooting at my ship?"

"Some call them the Reavers...they...kind of own the territory here..." the swift fox hisses as he hits the deck, taking cover behind the crates. "But how did they find us here? We took precautions, we were carefull we..." He pauses, turning to the hare. "/YOU/." Arden quickly draws a small rapier from his coat, "You sold us out you little cotton tail scoundral!"

Back on the warf Vannon chuckles. Ah it felt good to be behind a bow again. Nothing get's the message across not to conduct business on THIER docks like a quick arrow flying up their nose. A few more ought to hammer the point home.

And then the hawk comes like death from above. The fox looks up eyes wide with terror. Hawk! Hawk! His grampa was eaten by one! And his cousin...and one sibling...or perhaps it was an eagle. They never did find out. Vannon let's out a yipe as the bow is snatched away from him, causing him to land onto his fluffy tail.

"I most certainly did not." Kympa growls, glaring down the end of the rapier before leaping back and, in one motion, yanking her crossbow free and loading it, leveling it at the fox. "Zeek!" The hawk is there, swooping low along the ocean's surface, a talon brushing the waves and sending up a stream of spray. He crashes to the deck of the ship beside his friend, snapping his beak shut near the fox. With the bird on the armed fox, the crossbow is now aimed over the docks towards his companions. "So, I get it - sometimes these things happen. Sometimes someone slips and...Sometimes things just happen. Now I know /I/ didn't, and I know that my associate here didn't either - ain't that right, Zeek?" The bird titters low in his throat, before turning his great eyes towards the retreating fox and taking off once more.

The swift fox's eeys glaze over with fear as his jaw drops. He falls to the floor of the ship, cowering at the sight of the bird of prey. "Z-zeek! Zeek!" he shouts, repeating the birds name.

Or perhaps he is shouting for the burly monitor lizard to come to his rescue. Who knew the two would share a name? Drawing a dagger from his coat that looks small in his claws the lizard comes up the gang plank, trying to jump onto the bird and stab at him.

The rabbit boldly comes to the fox's rescue with a short sword in paw as well. She however hesitates at the top of the ship. Do they really pay enough to get herself killed over? She thinks as the lizard leaps into an attack.

"C'mon fellas, wrong move." Thankfully her payment was already scattered across the floor of her ship, courtesy of the Reavers. Maybe she /should/ be in business with them. She squeezes the trigger on her crossbow, sending a bolt at the monitor lizard's feet: A warning shot. The hawk has taken off after the assailant who blew the operation, rapidly gaining ground before swinging low, massive talons stretched open, aiming to scoop the grey fox from the very streets. "Alright, bird feed or satisfied customers; you decide." Taking another step back, she loads another bolt into her crossbow and swings its aim between the hesitant rabbit, the lizard, and Arden. "C'mon, Arden. Do you think that I would double-cross you? When you were ready an' willing t'give me the payment? That just isn't good business sense." She speaks quickly - she doesn't like offing her customers, at least when she doesn't have to.

The lizard takes a step back hissing at the hare. He begins to advance on the hare.

"Zeek." Arden calls out, still clutching his sword tightly. "She makes...sense. And we don't have enough time to stand around squaking about it."

When the lizard doens't respond Arden shouts in a louder voice. "Zeek. Enough. We don't have time for this." The lizard turns to the fox, hissing dangerously before he eases up.

"So sorry about the confusion." Arden concludes. "We seem to have been made either way...if you take us south you will find a peer to dock at. It's an old abandoned smugglers site, and should let us unload with out further trouble." THe fox thinks for a moment, "I'll toss in a tip for your trouble..."

The archer however is not so lucky. Not that Vannon believes in such things but for a lack of a better term he is having a bad string of luck tonight. "No! No! No! NononononononooOoooOoO!" He yelps as the talons wrap around him and as the ground quickly departs from below him.

"Nice name." Kympa winks at the lizard, considers the tense group a moment, and then lowers her crossbow. "Alright, works for me. And, by the sound of it, we may have a few answers soon!" She adds, pleasantly, her gaze turning skyward as Zaichrad soars into sight, clutching the screaming fox in his talons. "All aboard." She nods, still chipper in her tone, to the rabbit and the lizard as she passes them, leaping ashore to untie the ship. Zeek swings low and hits the deck, pinning the unfortunate fox to the wood beneath them. "Good job, bud." The hawk's partner grins, fondly regarding the hulking behemoth of a beast. "His name is Zeek too, isn't that funny?" She waves at the lizard, calmly disregarding the fox pinned aboard her ship as she leaps onto the deck, whistling softly. "No sails tonight, you know the drill." She tells the hawk. He opens his wings wide, his eyes twinkling with a grin that his avian physiology doesn't quite have the ability to reflect. "He's going to kick us off a bit, best to get down." She advises her business partners.

The gangsters take note of the warning, bracing themselves as the ship is given a little 'boost'. "Remind me to get us one of those..." Arden replies before turning to his fellow fox, still pinned to the deck. "Not only is it a back up sail he can catch unwanted beasts and dispose of them all in the same go...that will teach this reaver trash to shoot arrows at us..." The fox growls.

What in the blazes is a Reaver? Thinks Vannon. He gulps, quite audibly. "Well hello there! Don't m-mind me if I just drop in. I followed your bird here, can you keep me?" Vannon belts out a loud nervous laugh.

Standing at the rudder, Kympa laughs. "Oh, not at all, mate. Welcome aboard - how can we help you tonight?" She asks Vannon, conversationally. "Afraid I didn't catch your name, mate. Mine is Kympa, Kympa Shy, and I believe you've met Zaichrad." The hawk's wings propel them at a surprising pace as the hare steers. To Arden, she laughs. "Afraid friends like Zeek here are hard to come by - we've been through hell an' back together, and I'll take his company over anybeast else's. Best mate in th'world - and one helluva business partner." In reply, Zaichrad hums a note, barely opening his beak. It's almost a purr, certainly not the kind of sound one would expect from his kind. The feathers at his neck fluff as he shakes his head at the flattery, clicking his beak softly as his wings continue their steady beat. He clutches the deck with each propulsion, lifting slightly each time, and the action is scarring the wood terribly. A few feet in front of him, two iron hooks have been hewn into the wood - most likely for this very purpose; at least when there isn't a hostage involved.

"Indeed I have! I've met his talons at the very least. As long I don't meet the inside of his stomach, well, that will be all fine and dandy then." Vannon continues on. His voice cracks with fear despite his best attempts at remaining calm. "It would totally ruin my day to be eaten. I'm Kydo, Kydo Vannon. But feel free to just call me Vannon. It's a nicer name, ya know? Who has the name Kydo anyway? What kind of parrent names their kit Kydo. It's almost like Fido..."

"Lovely, you caught yerself a chatty one. I'll trust you can take care of him yerself after we land...speaking of which." Arden points to a vauge shape along the shore line in the fog. "There is the smugglers warf. If you would kindly drop us off there, I would be much abliged..."

"Of course, mates. And you - Vannon, nice to meet you, well, I'll deal with you in a moment, after we get these nice beasts ashore.” The hawk tucks his wings to his sides as they glide towards the shore, Kympa holds the rudder steady as they approach. After a moment, the ship bumps, gently, against the wharf. "Need help unloading your purchase?" She steps away from the rudder, grinning wide. "And you, uh, mentioned a tip for transport...?" She waggles her eyebrows.

"I think we are good. Thanks. Marry, help Zeek with the cargo." Arden says as he grabs a second sack of coins from his coat. "Yes, about that tip..."

"Huzzah! I can only hope that by delt with you mean giving me some of these fancy coins laying about the deck. They are nice and shiny, good quality for conterfit coins." Vannon pipes up causing Arden to glance at the captive vulpine.


"The coins about the deck...they arn't real. That...that matters right?"

"Well...we are shipping fake coins but..."

"No no no. These coins, right there!" vannon twists, pointing to the coins scattered about the floor from the bag that he himself shot. "I've seen those coins about town before. Some band of idiots tried to toss them around, set themselves up as rich folk before people caught wind of the act. Never did find out what happened to them. I do remember there being a hare and a brown fox with them..."

Arden smiles, rolling his eyes. He drops down to his haunches to tap vannon on the forehead, "I see what you're doing. It won't work. You can try to devide us as much as you want. You are still fish food Reaver." He stands up, nodding to the hawk, "Or is that bird food?"

THrough the myst a small group of beasts can be seen approaching the docks, a couple of weasels, some ferrets, a few lizards.

"Ah, geez..." Kympa bends low, pinching several of the coins from the floor of the ship and inspecting them. She sighs, shaking her head. "Zeek, let's go." The hawk's wings spread again with an angry screech and several hard beats of the massive appendages rip the ship from the load off point. "We had a deal, you lot." She whines, and with a flourish pulls three throwing daggers from her belt. "Now, you have 5 seconds to give me /real/ coin." She says with an apologetic shrug; the hawk bends, low and threatening, over the trio - and then takes off, leaving Vannon against the deck. "You!" Kympa barks to the grey fox. "Get below deck. You may have just bought your life. So, you three, how is this going to go?" In her other paw, she pulls loose her short sword from her side. "You may be able to take me out, but you and I both know that you're no match my associate." The hawk screeches an earsplitting note as he circles, swooping low over their heads before rising once more.

"Uhhhhhhhhhh..." Arden begins, not quite sure how to answer, "Uhhhhh well you see, its a real funny story. Get her. You won't be-lieve what I have to tell you. Get her. You see, funding an a small army to rival the Reavers and the LP and the guards isn't cheap and WILL YOU BOTH JUST GET HER!" Arden draws his sword, stepping back as the monitor lizard rushes forward to swipe his claws at the the hare even while the rabbit is still drawing her short sword.

"Wrong." Kympa grunts as she flings the three daggers, one after another, at the monitor lizard. "Now, love!" She calls skyward, and on cue Zaichrad flashes towards the ship, wings pinned at his sides as he barrels downwards. "This was going /so well/!" The hare pouts, swinging her sword as she steps back to allow the hawk room to work his magic. He swoops aboard with a scream, talons spread, above the fox and the hare, aiming to pin one or both of them beneath him with bone-crushing force. "Why did you have t'try and screw me? Are you serious? We /all/ coulda walked away from this!" She rants at them, angrily.

Arden only survives by tossing the rabbit to the hawk. She screams as she crashes into the deck with a loud CRACK, rendered unconcious. "Holy..." Arden, the brave beast that he is, attempts to flee by tossing himself over the side of the ship.

As for lizardy zeek each dagger hits the lizard in the belly and chest...and he keeps coming, driven now by anger and pain as each blade sinks halway into his rough scaly hide. A dagger in each paw the beast slashes for her neck while thrusting the second blade towards her heart!

THe grey fox archer...rolls onto his stomach and claps his paws over his head. "GAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" He shouts.

"GET. BELOW." Kympa shouts at Vannon, slashing her sword back and forth at the oncoming lizard. She jerks backwards as he slashes at her neck, and she holds her steel erect, pointed at him, hoping that he'll just impale himself and make her life easier. But, if anything, Kympa Shy is thorough, and with a grunt, she yanks the dagger free from the holster at her thigh, swinging it with the aim of burying it in his side. The hawk leaves the crumpled rabbit where she is and turns his attention to the water. Looks like he's about to go fishing. With a gleeful shriek, the great wings are spread and he throws himself overboard, talons plunging through the icy waters, seeking out the furry beast trying to hide himself among the waves.

With startled cries and shouts of anger the beasts on the docks can only watch as Arden strugles with the bird's talons as the fox is lifted out of the water, the hawks claws digging into his side and upper leg. He tries to slash at the bird with his saber, even trying to bite the beasts leg in pure desperation.

Zeek the monitor lizard deflects the sword with one dagger but can not move in time to avoid the hares second blade as it digs into the rolls of flesh padding his side. He let's out a horrible shriek. Although softened by a cushy city life style the monitor proves himself the capable warrior he is by pressing the attack, raising his free hand for a deadly doward strike.

His head snaps backward, face contorted in pain as a third blade impales him in the back.

Completely ignoring the hares commands the grey fox leaps forward, plunging the fallen rabbits short sword into the monitor, just above the tail. It sinks in only a few inches, stopped by vannon's own lack of muscle, causing the reptile pain but not bringing him down.

But it does leave him exposed for a brief moment...

And with that, Kympa has the opening she needs to throw her weight behind her sword, plunging it into the lizard's middle. With the fox in his talons, Zaichrad screeches angrily, rising slowly into the air. As he ascends, he cries out in pain and annoyance at the fox's desperate defenses, finally reaching an appropriate altitude, he gives the fox a look - it probably would have been a smirk, had he been capable - and then he lets go. Bye-bye. Back on the deck of the ship, Kympa is panting, still clutching the hilt of her sword, though the dagger is left on its own, sticking out of the lizard's side. "You definitely just bought your life, Kydo Vannon. An' for the record, I like your first name."

"Duly noted..." Vannon gasps as he leaves the sword where it is, mostly because its stuck. He is glad he threw his lot in with the hare and not her enemies...

The reptile let's out an estranged gasp as the sword slices through his belly button, digging deep into his innards. He falls to his knees, breathing and panting heavily, clutching at the blade peircing his gut.

High above Arden let's out a long shriek until he meets his finally end on the cabin. After all, it's not the fall that kills you but the sudden stop at the end. That and...splattering your vital juices across the hard wood roof a ship cabin. That too.

Kympa steps away from the dying lizard and, in a move of pity, pulls her crossbow from the cubby she had stored it in to steer, and fires a bolt straight at the side of the lizard-Zeek's head. There is still the rabbit to deal with...With a sigh, Kympa looks at the mess that's been made on the roof of her cabin. "Zeek, we're going to have to clean that up before we pull back in at Halyard." But the rabbit..."What are we going to do about this one, love?" She calls up to the bird, who is already lifting the deceased fox from the top of the ship, letting his body hit the water with a wet 'smack'. Zaichrad descends to the main deck - a rather awkward journey when done without the use of his wings. He shrugs at the rabbit, poking at her with a talon. "Seems like their group is back there on the shore. Want to just send her back?"

The surviving fox glances at the crowd of beasts on the shore, yelling and ranting and shouting at the ship. "If nothing else you could always just cook up a nice pot of-" He glances back, realizing who he is talking too. "Or just send her back to her buddies over yonder. Yeah, that works too." Vannon gives the monitor lizard a light kick to the tail just to make sure it really is dead. The beast was stabbed 5 times and still kept coming after all.

"Monitors taste better I've been told. Make better boots as well." He rubs at his nose before placing his paws on his hips like he has accomplished a great victory. "So....this is totally awkward but, uh, sorry about shooting at you. Just a friendly warning shot, that was friendly and totaly not aiming to take off your head heh heh." His voice turns into a small whimper as he rubs his paws together, "You're not going know..." he runs a paw over his own throat, "GRK! Cause you promissed twice not to know. Not that I don trust ya but..."

"Well, I have a few questions for you..." Kympa is replying as she scoops the rabbit up and passes him to Zeek, who takes her in one of his claws before taking off once more, bearing the rabbit to shore and dropping her, roughly, among her angry outlaw companions. Kympa climbs up on her railing and cups her paws around her muzzle. "We've spared your friend as a show of good business - we did out part of the deal, and your lot thought it would be wise to pay us with forged coinage. Now, the hawk and I don't blame all of you, of course, and hope that this won't dissuade you from deals in the future. /Proper/ deals!" She hops back to the deck, clapping her paws together. "Get us a bit further from the shore, hun." The hawk grasps the metal handles, and flaps them further out to sea while Kympa climbs to the top of her cabin, pulling a mop up with her. "Alright, Vannon, so I appreciate your help, but there is the matter of the attack. Who was it that had you go out to our deal? Zeek, can you get this wet?" The hawk releases the hooks and flaps up, snatching the mop free and dunking it in the sea before returning it as Kympa sets to cleaning the blood from their ship.

The hawk releases the hooks and flaps up, snatching the mop free and dunking it in the sea before returning it as Kympa sets to cleaning the blood from their ship.

The fox gulps, tapping his paws tenitivly together. "WeeEEeEeell. About that. No one ordered me persay, I just found out about the deal going down in our territory and well, decided to give you lot a friendly reminder about going through propper channels before engaging in your shady nefarious back room dealings." Vannon glances at the monitor lizard, "But I'm sure we can over look this small transgression, just this once. And can I keep the monitor lizard? A-asuming you wern't going to use him? I can...make him into a decent pair of boots, right? Probibly a belt too!" The fox laughs, inwardly pictoring the look of Jaksor's face if he brought a monitor lizard back and claimed he killed it by himself.

"Well..." Kympa hums, scrubbing at the blood soaking into the wood. "I'd like to have a word with y'boss, if possible, to hear these new - ah - rules that seem to be in place. I've been runnin' deals in this town for seasons, but I've been gone for a good while so I would like to catch up." It would be a safe assumption to think that this is code for 'go where the money is'. Satisfied that the cabin is clean enough to avoid attention at the docks, she jumps back to the deck and resumes her position at the rudder.

"You mean you want me to put you up in a meeting with Jaksor? Pfft," He begins to laugh, wiping tears away from his eyes. Jaksor would skin him alive if he found out about this little bunder. But...if he tells Kympa that... "I mean, sure. No problem. Me and ol' Jak's go way back. I mean, I'm the right paw guy. Yeah head enforcer I am." He makes a big show of showing off what little muscle he has with a heroic pose. That should give her even more reason not to have her deadly hawk drop him from the stratosphere. "Just drop me and ol' uggly here off at the nearest dock and I'll arange everything for ya. I'm...sure Jak would like to talk to an obviously tallented smuggler like yerself!

"Jaksor's his name, is it? Alright." She laughs, the docks swimming into sight through the inky dark and thick fog. "How can I find you lot? Not that I don't trust you..." Kympa smirks with a shrug, holding the rudder firm as they glide into port, returning to its original position. "I just don't want to - ah - step on any toes, y'know. Nothing shady." She holds her paws up, innocently - she has no ulterior motives here! Pure manners and whatnot. The hawk stalks across the deck, dipping his head politely to the fox - though something murderous hides behind the gaze. Zaichrad is just...kind of scary.

Coming from a long family line constantly assaulted by fox eating beasts Vannon doesn't need to be told twice! He cowers from the bird with his tail wrapping around his legs. "Yeah! We'll find you. Just...uh, hang out here and good ol Jak will send someone to talk with ya." As the boat draws closer to land the fox only becomes more nervous.

"Thanks for, you know, not killing me, and I can't say it hasn't been fun but, can I take my monitor lizard and go now? I really need a good stiff drink after nearly dieng..."

"Aye. We'll be meeting again, soon." Kympa grins. "Thanks for takin' him off my hands. Want to take a crate of goods to your boss as well? Show of good faith." She winks, patting one of the crates, packed full of weapons and forged coins. "If you can, uh, carry all of this." She nods towards the monitor lizard, leaning up against Zaichrad as he comes to stand by her. So warm and cuddly - after the blood has washed away.

"Jaksor's his name, is it? Alright." She laughs, the docks swimming into sight through the inky dark and thick fog. "How can I find you lot? Not that I don't trust you..." Kympa smirks with a shrug, holding the rudder firm as they glide into port, returning to its original position. "I just don't want to - ah - step on any toes, y'know. Nothing shady." She holds her paws up, innocently - she has no ulterior motives here! Pure manners and whatnot. The hawk stalks across the deck, dipping his head politely to the fox - though something murderous hides behind the gaze. Zaichrad is just...kind of scary.

Coming from a long family line constantly assaulted by fox eating beasts Vannon doesn't need to be told twice! He cowers from the bird with his tail wrapping around his legs. "Yeah! We'll find you. Just...uh, hang out here and good ol Jak will send someone to talk with ya." As the boat draws closer to land the fox only becomes more nervous.

"Thanks for, you know, not killing me, and I can't say it hasn't been fun but, can I take my monitor lizard and go now? I really need a good stiff drink after nearly dieng..."

"Aye. We'll be meeting again, soon." Kympa grins. "Thanks for takin' him off my hands. Want to take a crate of goods to your boss as well? Show of good faith." She winks, patting one of the crates, packed full of weapons and forged coins. "If you can, uh, carry all of this." She nods towards the monitor lizard, leaning up against Zaichrad as he comes to stand by her. So warm and cuddly - after the blood has washed away.

The small grey fox considers his options. Being the frail weakling he is the lizard will be next to impossible to carry. So would the box. Then, snapping his claws he get's an idea. "Hey, do you have a dolly? I can stuff one in the other and just push them both back to my boss!" He rubs his chin as he thinks, "But how do we get the box inside the lizard?"

Shaking her head, Kympa claps her hands together. "I've got a cart down below - I'll need it back, though." She asks Zaichrad to go below for the cart, which he hurries to do. "Grab a sheet, too!" She calls down below, through the trapdoor large enough to accommodate the hawk. He drags the wooden, rickety cart above deck and even lumbers it clumsily to the the dock. Zeek also takes the liberty of dragging the lizard across the deck (after Kympa has raided his pockets, of course) and loads him into the wagon. Kympa tosses the box over top, ripping her weapons free of him, before throwing the sheet over the whole ensemble and giving the fox a pat on the back. "Alright, mate, be on your way. And don't burn me on this...Reaver deal, alright?" The hawk stands behind her, not an intimidation tactic at all. "See you soon, mate!" She waves to the fox before patting the hawk on his giant chest. "Let's get this place cleaned up."