News and Escording A Ferret Away From Redwall..
- A quick little role play as Benar. He told a couple ottewrs from Camp Willow to take a captive , Quickarrow, to Ferravale and then he got some news from Zaram on happenings recently..---
RW Abbey: Abbot's Chambers
The Abbot's chambers are a warm cozy set of rooms on the ground floor of the Abbey. The main chamber has large airy lead-lined windows that look out over the Open Ground of the abbey and beyond that the fields were they grow their crops.
The furniture in this initial chamber consists of a large desk and two bookcases by the windows. There are a pair of comfortable arm-chairs set up before the snug fire-place and a couple of chests tucked beneath an expansive side-board.
There are two doors off this central chamber, one leads into the Abbot's simple yet comfortable bed-chamber. Large well made wooden bed, wardrobe, pegs for hanging items on and a small chair positioned by a small fireplace with a wash-stand in one corner. The other door is always kept locked and the Abbot likes to keep it a mystery as to what is in there.
Exits: [Hall]way
--A little while before Benar goes to his office and is at the gates of the abbey—
Quickarrow struggles under the Camp Willow otters hold and glares at the abbot.
Benar stays calm as he speaks, “Take this ferret away from our gates. He can be taken to Scioto to be dealed with, as we are not a place that holds captives. The ferret Quickarrow is not welcome at the gates, nor inside.”
Quickarrow laughs, “Your pay for Scioto lives? Then again cats do have 9 lives, I wonder how many Scioto has of those?” He chuckles.
Benar frowns and looks to the two otters, “Take him away please.” He walks back inside the abbey and to his room.
--A couple hours later—
Benar is at his desk looking over papers when he looks at the door and stands, "Enter please" He says as he will worry on the stack of papers tomorrow.
Zaram enters as he looks around the room and nods to the abbot, “I came to bring some news and a request if I may ask" He speaks very good common for a mole. "Thaar was a book zurr Marek requested your recorder fix and he was checking on that and maybe if he and her could talk on whats mentioned it .Also news of your head guard being at the infirm in Ferravale zurr...he was injured but was helped and tended to by could ask ya friar as he was there, also Lee himself could tell ya also zuurrr."
Benar listens as this news is given and frowns, "Wait, who all is in Ferravale?" He shakes his head "I heard about an attack from a couple Camp Willow guards, but not whom was injured...also as for this book, I am afraid I was not told about it, only Sister Zinnia would know. But if there is trouble on the road she will not go there alone, I have already had to banish a ferret from our gates, we do not deal with such things and the ferret was taken to Scioto for him to deal with."
Zaram answers this "I can have a guard go with me back to Ferravale zurr and help keep an eye on Sister Zinnia. Also I am zure Scioto could have some of his guards escort Lacota and Krystal back, I am afraid Lee will need ta stay a little longer zurr. There be also a couple mice...the master healer and his mate, Sciotos guards could help them back as well."
Benar sighs, "Yes that will be good they need to get back as soon as possible, I do not wish to have any beasts outside the abbey if there is trouble. Sister Zinnia can have her meeting and be escorted back, if need be after the others are. Please keep me updated. I still do not fully trust Marek as he has tricked us before and he was told this. The abbey gates are still shut to him and he is not to enter without my permission only, which only I can give. I hate to sound mean but he has more than once harmed beasts from the abbey before and outside the abbey, he has even caused trouble in Ferravale more than once. But will we see by his actions if he has changed and I will get Lacota and Lee's side of the story on what happen in the fight."
Zaram nods and bows "Of course zurr, thank you Zurr. I will do my best as I am Recorder of Ferravale now and hope both the abbey and Ferravale can keep up to date on whats going on around us both and keep each other updated, maybe even both recorders keep one another updated even if it’s in letters."
Benar nods "This sounds like a good idea." He sees the mole to the door and then gets back to his pile of paperwork.