
From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Dethwing, a large black crow, is perched here on top of a table.

Gildor prowels into the tavern. He does not look happy

Dethwing tilts his beaked head at him and seems to remember something. He flutters over to Gildor and squawks. "Greetings, cat!"

Gildor growels slightly "Same to you, Bird"

Dethwing snarls a bit at being called bird, and the large crow's wicked talons are revealed. "Skrawk! I was sent here by my master to speak to you."

Gildor nods and sits down on the floor "very well. speak."

Dethwing pauses, remembering the message. As he relays it, he ironically partially captures Darkwatcher's cold voice. "Skrawk! Master say: I am Darkwatcher mercenary, leader of Nightblade mercenaries. Skrawk! Have been watching you. You are-skraw-rack!--skilled in arts of fighting. Krawk! I now--caw!--have offer for you."

Gildor ears perk "An offer? what kind of offer?"

"Master say--How you like to make much gold, more than---kraw--you could imagine? Roam the land as a---krawkaw!--slayer-for-hire? He say, I offer you a position among the elite--skrak!--Nightblade Mercenaries, famed throughout Mossflower---and beyond---as deadly fighters." Dethwing pauses to take a breath after the long phrase.

Gildor nods "that sounds interesting" he trys to hide his exitment by hooding his eyes "How much gold, for sure?"

Dethwing picks at his neck feathers with his blade-like beak. "Skraw! We paid per job. Krawk-korawkaw! Darkwatcher say to Dethwing to give cat this if you join to...start you off." He unloops a brown satchel from around his neck. It clinks slightly.

Gildor nods "alright. I will join" he eyes the satchel greedely

Dethwing tosses the satchel to the cat. "Good! You follow Dethwing now!"

Gildor jumps on the satchel and puts it on his belt "ok"

Dethwing flaps out the door, gesturing for Gildor to follow him.

--Several Days Later--

As befits his name, Darkwatcher is truly a master of stealth. The spectral warrior silently moves between boulders on the seashore, easy to miss due to his mottled gray cloak and great speed.

Starpaw is sitting on the beach looking out to sea. She is smileing strangly

Darkwatcher appears next to her as if from nowhere. He nods slightly, his masked face betraying no emotion. "You are one of Morgoth's beasts, are you not?"

Starpaw jumps at she sees Darkwatcher, but she trys to recover herself "Yes. why do you ask?"

Darkwatcher checks that his daggers are in place. "I believe we met in Collinsel, at the Thorn and Shadow on the first floor. I am Darkwatcher. Your leader hired my beasts and I to assist in your siege."

Starpaw gets a look in her eyes and she nods "I remeber..." she mutters somthing to herself

Darkwatcher nods. "So...Are you the only beast to arrive?"

Starpaw nods "I think the others are coming someday, soonish probebley." she growels and adds under her breath "unfortunatly"

Darkwatcher's ears twitch. "Why is that unfortunate? Surely more blades will make the battle easy?"

Starpaw nods "of coruse they will. It is unfortunate for resons that...would be best un-said"

Starpaw shrugs "It is partly him...

Darkwatcher laughs coldly. "For a bit of gold, I could.../deal/ with the problem."

Starpaw shakes her head at Darkwatcher "no I can do it"

Darkwatcher laughs, clapping her on the shoulder approvingly. "Ah. A self-sufficent killer. I may have some use for you after the siege ends."

Starpaw rasis an eyebrow "oh?"

Gildor walks over onto a boulder and sits down, looking down at everybeast

Dethwing flies over head, and his 'master' sees the shadows and extends a gloved paw. "Ah...So you brought our friend," Darkwatcher says, seeing Gildor. "I am Darkwatcher, leader of the Nightblades." He turns back to Starpaw. "Yes. As a mercenary."

Starpaw nods "I will have to think about that one."

Darkwatcher turns to Gildor, whispers to Dethwing, and as the crow nods and flies off, he speaks in his ominous yet neutral voice. "I have something for you."

Gildor nods at Darkwatcher, but does not move from his boulder "And as you probebly know, I am Gildor Redriver." He rasis an eyebrow "you 'have' somthing for me?"

Darkwatcher tosses him a satchel of gold similar to the one from before, but a bit smaller. "Take it. It's for showing up."

Gildor catchs the satchel "my thanks." he tucks this satchel into his strang pouch

Darkwatcher begins sketching in the sand using his dagger, Shadowbolt. "And just in time for your first assingment, too. Here's the situation." He uses his other blade, Darkrunner, to indicate Marshank. "We're trying to take yonder fort. We have spy reports that an enemy horde is going to enter it /very/ soon. We have been hired by Morgoth, a cat like yourself, to assist in his horde's siege of the fort. Starpaw here is part of Morgoth's horde."

Starpaw nods at Gildor "at least he remebers my name" she grins and starts to walk toword Marshank "I am going to check out the 'fort'" she runs and is soon lost to sight behind Marshank

Gildor looks after Starpaw than he jumps down beside Darkwatcher "why would this Morgoth want Marshank?"

Darkwatcher shrugs and sheaths his daggers. "Something about being Lord of the Eastern Coast, or some foolishness like that." He snorts and gestures around him, for once betraying annoyance at his client. "Look around you, friend! It's a wasteland!"

Gildor nods "its very true."

Darkwatcher tosses a throwing knife into a piece of driftwood with unnerving accuracy. "But we're getting paid, so who am I to tell him he's a fool?"

Gildor shrugs and eyes the dagger "true, true. He might not take it very well, to be called a fool."

Darkwatcher laughs coldly. "If he doesn't take it well...He'll find it's rather hard to vent his rage on me with my dagger in his throat."

Gildor takes a step back "so, have you ever gotten beat by someone in a fight?"

Darkwatcher checks his weaponry again to assure that all is in order. "Well, I'm still here talking about it,"

Gildor nods and mutters "for some reson I am not suprised"
