More Chats From The Cell...
Zork Has finally managed to loosen the chains from his wrists so they just lay on the floor and rubs his swollen wrists afterwards.
Not too far away in the corner of the room a young brown fox sits with his head leaning against the wall. Bandit is still well rounded but less so than before. The fox whines, "So....hungry...." The fox looks over at all the slaves he is locked in the room with. He has to remind himself once again that beasts are friends...not food. "Y-you awake Zork?"
Zork looks at Bandit, "Aye..I be awake, you ok Bandit?"
The fox cackles in laughter, "Other than being trapped in a little cell and living off a bread and water diet I’m just fine!" The fox whimpers, "I don’t know how much longer I can take this..."
Derean slowly opens his eyes from the little corner of the cell that had basically become his home. He silently becomes aware of two beasts talking, and he simply watches them for the moment, his thoughts still conflicted.
Zork frowns "Ya" He gets to looking around.." Wait a second ere'...something’s wrong"
The fox leans forward, "Yeah something’s wrong! I haven’t eaten for days!" The fox pulls at his ears, when he opens his eyes again they shake in an odd twirly way, "I can’t stand it! I’m so hungry I could eat....I could eat..." Bandit stops and stares, passing an odd look at Zork.
Marek groans as he gets up and rubs his head, apparently he was thrown in the cell, and his wounds from the recent battle were not tended to.
Zork would slap Bandit but hears the groan, and so turns and his jaw drops open when he sees Marek
Derean looks over to Marek, hearing the groan as well. He frowns slightly, not quite recognizing the new neighbor. to him at least.
Marek opens his eyes. "'re in here. Good morning Badger, fat one....other cellmates"
The fox's crazy green glowing eyes flash between Zork and the stoat. "Oh! You're alive! That's great!" He says to Zork, "Can I eat him?"
Zork folds his arms over his chest, it’s clear, he don't like Marek as he speaks to Bandit, "That would be unwise Bandit, he would give you a bad stomach ache"
Marek laughs. "Of course the Fat Fox would want to eat me, even after I attempted to save his life" He gets up. "I cannot say it's a pleasure to see you again, Badger. But nevertheless I don't have an option as to who I am put in a cell with'”
Derean raises an eyebrow at the seemingly deranged Fox, and speaks for the first time, "Are you alright Bandit?"
Zork makes a fist but then relaxes it and just glares at Marek, "I don't trust ya, keep that in mind"
Bandit chuckles in a not so pleasurable way. "Why does everyone keep asking me that? I'm fine! honest!" The fox nervously twitches every so often. "And you did such a wonderful job saving me Marek, I had the matter handled until you butted in!"
Marek can't stop laughing. "You wouldn't have had the matter handled even if ten beasts came to help you Bandit that was a lost cause and a trap" He starts pacing around the room. "Now I see that the badger has already gotten one chain loose, and if we want to escape we need to calm down, come up with a plan and work together" He gets up in Bandits face. "Do I make myself clear, fat one?"
Zork has both chains off and off his wrists as of a short while ago anyways
Despite Derean's mood, he can't help but laugh at Marek's treatment of Bandit since he wasn't quite sure whether he liked the fox or not himself.
Marek blinks. "Correction.....both chains loose, that'll make things easier" He sits down. "Now...what's the plan?"
The fox takes a step back at first then growls himself, he steps away from the stoat crossing his arms, "We escape. That is the plan. We made some weapons from that staff Nightfur threw in, some rock filled flails made from stone filled shirts wrapped up in a ball."
Derean tilts his head curiously. "Well that's certainly a surprise t' me, but then you did show me the staff.."
Zork frowns a bit at the broken staff, but it's done and over with. He gets to looking around as he speaks "The chains..weapons also" It then dawns on him what’s wrong. "Where is..Starlight??"
Marek nods. "Makeshift weapons works for me" And he shrugs. "I have no idea where Starlight is, or who Starlight is, my only concern is the death of every slaver in here"
Bandit holds up his hands saying, "Well don’t look at me. I didn’t eat her! I swear!" The fox doesn’t know why he feels compelled to clarify that.
Derean's eyes go wide at the mention of Starlight's name, and he draws his knees close to his chest, looking like a memory had just triggered.
Zork studies Bandit as if trying to see if he is telling the truth, "Then, wot happen?"
Marek is examining the wall trying to see loose places to get rock. "The fat one tells the truth when he is scared, terror can be the weapon of the warrior. He is clearly not lying"
"I'll show you terror you little weasel!" The fox growls. Bandit leaps at Marek. "I'll turn you into swiss cheese you stoat!"
Derean makes a small unexplainable sound from his position in the corner, his mind still stuck on the mention of Starlight.
Marek steps aside as Bandit crashes into the wall. "You amuse me, fat one"
Zork watches and looks at the otter, "Do you know something bouts Starlight?"
With a yelp Bandit crashes into the wall. He slumps to the ground and whimpers softly in the darkness. "...ow.... I...I needed that..."
DoraRose stirs in the dark corner she's sleeping in and groans, her blue eyes slowly opening. She look around blurrily (her eyesight still not fully recovered from her concussion), then she blinks again and sits up, calling, "Hey...hey! You two...stoppit!" She stands, wobbles, and sags against the wall, holding her left (and injured) temple with her paw as a splitting headache attacks her.
Marek nods. "Yes, now we need to stop arguing and work together" He starts picking small amounts of rock from the wall. "But we need to hide these weapons....but how?”
Derean looks over at Zork, and simply nods, feeling not all there. His paw goes up to rub his head slowly.
Zork watches the otter, " Well talk, where she be?"
Braxton opens his eyes as he stays by the wall, wait he is still in here? He frowns.
Marek has been ignoring the goings on trying to discover a way to hide weapons. "Ah yes" He discovers a piece of cloth in a corner. "This will be excellent for hiding weapons, we can hide them here. Then find our way to the storage room when we break out and get our normal weapons back"
Bandit growls from where he lays, "Fine. I promise not to try and eat" The fox sits up on his haunches, shaking his head clear of the pain of running head long into the wall. It doesn’t help much. He turns to his side and sighs when he sees Derean have one of his 'moments'. "So anyone have any ideas about how to use said weapons to escape? A few broken sticks and rocks won’t help against armor and swords.”
DoraRose looks slightly sick, but she manages to stumble forward and latch hold of the adult badger. "Wh....what's going on here? Who are all these creatures? I think I recognize them....but...I don't know..." She winces and holds a paw to her head as the pain gets more intense, and she fights a wave of pain-induced nausea.
The otter passes out.
Zork sighs as the otter passes out and then helps Dorarose, "Dorarose, ya need ta lay down lass and recover still"
Braxton frowns "He..he left me in here..why?"
Marek throws some stones underneath a cloth. "I do believe this will be excellent for hiding weapons" He lays down. "Now if you excuse me, last night was not pleasant for me, I need some rest" He falls asleep rather quickly
The fox snaps his head around to face Dora. "Dora! Oh you won’t believe how good it is to see you!" Bandit goes to her side, "Also Zork, meet Braxton. The little dibbun badger there."
DoraRose shakes her head, her eyes wrinkling closed to try and block out the little light that's in here, 'cause it's making her headache all the more worse. They then pop back open when she is addressed by the fox, and she shrinks back against the badger a little. " I....know you?"
Zork looks over at the smaller badger "so Nightfur be grabbing more dibbuns now?"
Braxton frowns at the name Nightfur, "He..he grabbed me long times go..ago"
Bandit looks pained when the mouse doesn’t remember him. In retrospect the last time they had talked was at the training yard when his fur was still blue but..."D--Dora...?" his ears fall flat against his head
DoraRose frowns deeply, obviously confused. "I...remember a fox...with your voice...that looked sort of like you...but he was blue...."
Zork frowns "She got a head wound Bandit, Nightfur did it"
Braxton frowns more, "Nightfur is very bad, very very bad "
The fox whimpers, "aye, Night fur is very bad." He says again, "It’s me. Bandit. My fur was blue for a while for some stupid reason. Maybe...maybe you should sit down..."
DoraRose blinks, her face clearing slightly. " and I fought...with wooden made everything red, and asked me to spare you....and I was mad...they won't let me train LilyMoore to be a warrior....but...Lily can she be my sister and my daughter at the same time?" She frowns again and does indeed sit down, clutching her head with both paws.
Zork answers "I think ya named your daughter after ya sister"
Braxton just stays by the wall, he really doesn’t know anyone here.
The fox chuckles weakly, he says, "That’s right...I thought you were going to make a rug out of me." The fox turns to Braxton and Zork, "Zork. No matter what happens in the upcoming fight, you need to get Braxton to safety."
DoraRose nods slowly, all of this finally making sense. " Leon my...husband?" she asks quietly, perhaps no one heard her.
Zork nods "Yes he is but, he isn't doing so well. He has been very stressed out, worries me seen it before, course..that were different"
Braxton looks at the fox "And goes where?"
The fox nods, "Yeah...he’s been pretty beaten up for you being missing. Don’t worry you will get your memory back eventually”
Braxton frowns and lays down by the wall, crying some as he hates it in here, soon he is asleep.
DoraRose hiccups and raises her head, revealing the tears pouring down her cheeks. "But...but...Leon's dead! He...he was killed when the Abbey burned down..." And now she's mixing up memories and nightmares. How totally awesome. *NOT.
Zork tilts his head and lays a paw on her forehead, does she have a fever, "Abbey still standin' lass last I checked"
The fox leans back a bit away from the mouse, "Yeah Dora...the abbey hasn't burned down and Leon hasn't died..." Bandit is now more than concerned for his mousy friend and it shows on his face even in the dark.
DoraRose does not have a fever, but she is wracked with sobs. "But....but I have memories of...him being so....many....horrible ways...." She hiccups.
Zork says, "Maybe Ya remembering something else lass or bad dream""
Bandit raises an eyebrow, "'horrible ways?' What kind of horrible ways?"
DoraRose sobs, "Bad dream? could" She touches the wound on her temple, then curses harshly (which is very, very, very, VERY unlike her) and weeps, rocking back and forth on the floor. "Curse that Nightfur! I curse him to die as I have seen my husband die! I curse him...!" She falls over on her side as her body is wracked with heart-wrenching sobs.
Zork frowns, "I don’t think Nightfur has killed Leon.."
The fox tries his hand at being comforting for once, he places his paw on the mouse’s shoulder, "Please don't cry Dora...everything is going to be alright." He tries to smile too. In the end all he does is make sure his teeth flash in the darkness under two glowing green eyes.
DoraRose 's sobs quiet down after a while, and she uncovers her eyes and sits up. " Leon's...not dead?" She asks tentatively, wanting to believe it, but not so sure it's really valid.
Zork shakes his head "He is not dead, like said depressed and worried fer ya but not dead" Least he hopes he isn’t as that would be his bad luck to come back to an abbey with no master healer.
Indeed. Especially after the tantrum Dora would be sure to inflict on the abbey beasts at finding her husband dead. "So...why not dry up the tears little lass. We have a plan...of sorts, to escape this horrible place."
DoraRose sniffs and wipes her eyes. " do you propose to escape?"
Zork smiles a little, "Well we got weapons, sort of"
DoraRose 's sobs quiet down after a while, and she uncovers her eyes and sits up. " Leon's...not dead?" She asks tentatively, wanting to believe it, but not so sure it's really valid.
Zork shakes his head "He is not dead, like said depressed and worried fer ya but not dead" Least he hopes he isn’t as that would be his bad luck to come back to an abbey with no master healer.
Indeed. Especially after the tantrum Dora would be sure to inflict on the abbey beasts at finding her husband dead. "So...why not dry up the tears little lass. We have a plan...of sorts, to escape this horrible place."
DoraRose sniffs and wipes her eyes. " do you propose to escape?"
Zork smiles a little, "Well we got weapons, sort of"
The fox nods, "Now we just need a way to use them without getting us all killed."
DoraRose smiles and sniffs again, looking hopeful for the first time in a week. "Good. What kind of weapons are they? Are there enough for us each to have one?"
Zork nods "We will get outta ere; no worries and free all the slaves "
Bandit rubs the back of his neck, "Four sharpened sticks, couple of homemade flails filled with rocks, and our own claws. Now we just need to get the key, or convince the guards to open the door for us."
DoraRose smiles coldly and cracks her knuckles. "I might be able to do that....I just....need some recover..." She presses her paws to her head as her migraine comes roaring back, and she is soon in no condition to converse with anyone.
Zork gently goes to help her to where she can lay down and uses his cloak to cover her up
Bandit shakes his head as he watches the mouse fall asleep. He takes one last look over all the sleeping slaves, imagining them escaping this horrible place, being free again, and making tasty steak sandwiches...The fox has to rub his eyes to clear the thought out of his mind. He leans up against the bars of the cell, one paw on his head, another on his empty stomach. "We...we are going to survive this, right Zork?"
Zork nods "Yes we will and all will be fine again or least as close to fine as we can make it"