Miscellaneous Things in the Kitchens...
Redwall Abbey Kitchen
With: Redwall Champion Flicktail: fox. Zarok the Smooth: monitor lizard. Novice Ahndia: squirrel.
Flicktail tip paws in
Ahndia finished her chores in a kitchen awhile ago, but she always likes to stay and do more. Now, she is making bread dough, standing at a counter and mixing flour with water and spices. The kitchen noises are loud, creatures cooking, calling orders, and shoing dibbuns out of the way. She doesn't notice the fox- her back is to the door.
Flicktail tries to sneak a little raw dough to nibble..trying to be very sneaky and quiet
Quiet is not hard to do in the Abbey kitchens. Sneaking dough from Ahndia, however- a differnt matter. She goes to smack his paw gently with the back of her long wooden spoon. "Keep your paws away, Flicky. This isn't nearly done."
Flicktail yipes, rubbing his paw giving her big dibbun eyes "but..can't i have a LITTLE...please?
A clatter comes from one of the larger cabinets and then suddenly the door falls open. With a tumble a mass of chestnut brown fur hits the floor with a noticeable thud. Still Zoomy snores onwards as if nothing has really happened. His fur is thick with crumbs from what appears to be his favourite snack.
Flicktail Great martin's wiskas..it's rainng Squirrels
Ahndia shakes her head firmly at the fox, waving the spoon in dismissal as she goes back to the bowl. "Nada! Not until tis done." She jumps as she hears the cabinet explode. "Holy Martin...Wait, is that _the chef_?!" She drops the spoon, leaving her bwol of bread dough unguarded, and hurries over, sidestepping a few dibbuns. She crouches down, seeing if he wakes up. As he doesn't, she calls for an older beast to bring him to an actual bed. She watches as they carry him off.
Flicktail snakes in and snags some doe..popping it in his mouth and looking excessively innocent
Zarok slips in and takes a moment, eyes glazed,to rasp in a sigh and bask in the wonderful aromas of the kitchen.
Flicktail is sneaking raw dow from Ahndia
Ahndia shakes her head in wonder at the chef. What on earth. She comes back to her bread dough, smiling at the lizard. "Hello Zarok. How are you?" she goes to pick up her spoon, and then notices the claw marks and the missing dough...she whirls around and decides to vent on Flicktail. "Flicky! Why? It wasnt done yet, _and_ I already said no. What is _up_ with you and bread dough?!" She sighs and angrily stirs the bowl.
Flicktail blink blinks "I'm sorry but the stuff you make is so GOOD...it's hard waitin..isn't it Zarok?
Zarok waves. "Hiyazz! It smell real good in herezzz, watcha cookin'?" He tilts his head and scurries towards the bowl, nodding in agreement to Flicky's statement.
Ahndia shrugs. "It _should_ taste good- everyone eats it, anyway. Glad you think so, Zarok." She says, referring to his comment about the smells of the kitchen. "I'm making walnut and celery bread currently." She points with one claw at some scones cooling on a rack in the window. "See what you think of those, you two. They should be cool by now."
Flicktail races Zarok to the Scones
Zarok scampers to the windowsill, determined to reach it before Flicktail! "YEEEEEEHAZ!" He lowers his head like a bull and pounds across the kitchen. NOTHING will stop him...NOTHING!!!!!
Flicktail slips and ends up sliding into a stack of dirty pits and pans with a crash
Ahndia claps her paws over her mouth in surprise as they go running, and flicktail crashes into the dirty dishes. She sighs and rubs her forhead, smearing flour on it. "Be careful, you guys. Flicktail, do you need help?" She a-shooes a dibbun as she goes to re-stack the dishes.
Zarok turns back to look, and FWOOM!--he slips, now sprawled on all fours and skidding like a throwing star along the floor, his claws leaving gouges in the surface of the flooring and an awful magnifyed nails-on-chalkboard screeching ensues.
Flicktail giggles getting up covered in splatters fromteh dirty pots "SCONES!" going back for the scones
Ahndia claps her paws over her ears at the sound Zarok makes. "Sheesh!" She mumbles before calling, "Wash those paws, Flicktail!" Ahndia calls. "You were just touching dirty dishes!" Having spent all of her short life either in a kitchen or infirmary, Ahndia has a rather detailed version of cleanliness.
SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE....WHUNK. Finally Zarok's sliding tumble is halted by...a cabinet. Which he smashes headfirst into. And the door splinters in several places and threatens to tear loose from the hinges.
Flicktail Hurriesoverto was hispaws doing it quiskly soe he canbeet Zarok to the warm Scones
Ahndia nods in satisfaction as the screeching stops and flicktail washes his paws. She stands,, leaning on the counter, just watching. "How are you two so _excited_ about this?" She muses aloud. "They're just scones...."
Zarok springs up at the final moment, however, springboarding off the cabinet door--although that completely annhilates it in a swathe of sawdust and splintery bits--and coming to a smart halt by the basin, washing his paws swiftly.
Flicktail exclaims, "they arn't JUST scones,they are YOUR scones! Come on Zarok lets GET em!"
Ahndia chuckles, watching with amusement. "Well, thanks I suppose. And nice paw-washing." She goes back to her bowl, dtching the spoon in favor of kneading with her paws.
Zarok finishes washing his paws and hurls himself to the scones! He impales one on a claw and begins nibbling at it ecstatically.
Flicktail says, "ahh you beat me" Flictail grabs a scome and bens nibbling, offering Zarok a napkin"
Ahndia smiles to herself. "Are they good?" She calls over. "And Zarok...about that cabinet...um. We may have to sweep that outside later..."
"Um...zorry," Zarok mumbles around the mouthful of scone, swallowing reluctantly--it's so GOOD, why must he cease chewing it in order to speak?! 's just not fair...--before brightening. "They _real_ goodzz! Like fishiezz! Real good!"
Flicktail exclaims, "they are delicious!"
Ahndia laughs. "Thanks! I made them earlier- they are part of tomorrow's tea-time. So don't eat them all!" Another squirrel novice taps her on the shoulder and beckons her away, saying that she needs some help getting ingredients for something. Ahndia waves to Flicktail nad Zarok. "Bye you two! I have to go and help out in the larder- back later!" She wanders off, talking with her friend.
Zarok waves. "Byez!" He returns to eating the scones, happily munching away on them.
Zarok is engrossed in the artfully made scones....