Militia Camp part Three

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This scene continues right off of the last. In this scene our finish their daring escape from the group of vermin hating warriors.

Players are Liam and Derrin. Npcs belong to me.

Derrin dives forward at Liam, aiming to tackle the pine marten out of the way. His heart is hammering and his instincts run his actions, rendering him incapable of thinking about his actions.

The pine marten makes a 'GAK!' sound as he is tackled. Several arrows pin them selves to the dirt where the pine marten had been standing. With the alarm going up several beasts are coming out of their tents to find their leader laying on the ground, barely coming around after the thrashing Derrin gave him.

Derrin quickly stands, holding Liam's arm and lugging the pine marten up. "Come on Liam! Run!!" He shouts, practically dragging his friend along with him, his gaze flicking backward to look at the beasts coming from the tents.

Liam makes another wild chittering sound as he is pulled along. Once on his feet the marten begins to run ahead of the otter. As the two dash through the camp beasts come awake in the tents around them. "Derrin? What's going on? Derrin?" A hare asks they zip by. He blinks in surprise that he is running with a pine marten. A group of armed soldiers rush by shortly afterward. Thankfully the camp is small and the woods are not too far away.

Derrin takes a quick look back, groaning as he catches sight of the armed soldiers following after him, quickly gaining on the less than quick otter. He lets out a sigh. "Liam! I need you t' lead the rest out t' the forest! I'll keep the guards away and buy you time!!" He shouts as he slows and comes to a stop, turning to face the oncoming guards.

Liam grits his teeth as he dares to look back, "Derrin! No!" Before Liam is the woods, wide and open with no one to block his way, behind him in the otter quickly being approached by a half dozen militia beasts armed with spears and swords. The pine marten grits his teeth, unable to decide what he should do, stay and help the person who risked his life to save them, or save his own hide. After a moments thought Liam darts into the woods.

Derrin snarls at the guards approaching him as he tightens his fists and readies himself for the impending assault, ignoring the shout from Liam. He was quite unsure as to whether he would be walking away from this fight, but at least he would buy time for his friends to escape.

The militia spread out around the otter, unsure as to what to actually do with him. On the one hand, he had just betrayed them all, but on the on the other they have each come to respect the otter as a friend over time. The beasts settle with keeping him in one place until more militia arrive, which shouldn't be too long from now. As they surround Derrin Tavis comes walking up between them, spitting out another tooth he snarls, "And now you see why I don't have vermin for friends." to his own beasts he orders, "Bind him."

Derrin growls, a low, guttural thing that sits low in his throat. "I wouldn't try it friends. You don't know why I'm here, or why I'm helping the vermin." He says, his eyes looking from one soldier to the next almost pleadingly.

Tavis narrows his eyes, "I think you have worn out that title here. Don't make this harder than it already is Derrin. I will have you killed if you don't come quietly." The mouse's facial features suggest that he does not revel in the idea but won't hesitate to do it.

Derrin smirks, letting his guard fall. "Fine. If you trust yer guards enough t' kill me, then tell them t' kill me now." He says. He knows he is takiing a huge risk, but he figures that he's bought plenty of time. Even if he dies, Derrin knows he wont regret his choice. The shame of what he had become associated with burned inside him so much so that he knew he wouldn't be able to bear facing Rorgan again.

Tavis takes a deep breath, shaking his head in anger and disgust the mouse finely looks back to Derrin, "As you wish." He gestures to his beast surrounding the otter, The hare behind Derrin nods then bashes him over the head with his spear.

Derrin hits the ground hard, on his paws and knees but not quite out yet. The otter attempts to stand, muttering, "Fight me you coward..." but not having the strength to do much else.

"What makes you think you are worth the honor?" Tavis raises an eyebrow. He turns away as the militia falls upon Derrin...

Derrin hits the ground again, the militia's blows knocking him out almost instantly. The last thing he can see is Tavis walking away before his vision fades into darkness.