Militia Attack! Part One
This is a battle scene between Liam Grey, Rorgan, several npc travelers including a weasel, ferret, cat, and bat against the Mossflower Militia. For those who don't know the Militia is a slightly disorganized group of woodlander beasts who hate Vermin. They have made a few appearances before in attacking vermin on the road or those with vermin. They stay away from cities and villages though. We also experimented with the in game dice rolling app as well to determine the out come of attacks which I will also post the out come.
Rorgan controls the militia in this scene, i control the travelers for the most part.
It's a fine wondrous day...for the middle of winter. And by fine and wondrous we of course mean its a raining sleet and down pouring out over the moss flower woods and those beasts unfortunate enough to be caught out in it. Normally the trip between Ferreval and Redwall takes about half a day, but with the rain pouring on so heavy the roads have become mud and slick. A party of travelers consisting of six beasts, a cat, a weasel, a ferret, even a bat, an otter and a Pine Marten, have found themselves in a bit of a bind. The merchant ferret's cart has become stuck fast in a rut and despite the best efforts of the weasel and cat, the cart has stuck fast. Liam has been sitting on the top of the tarp covered cart for some time watching the proceedings.
Rorgan, the aforementioned otter, looks around, the sleet stinging his face and body where hisarmor does not protect, but he does not seem to be bothered by the cold. He looks down at his right arm, holding it up to his view and watching his jet black fur blow in the wind. Ever since he had regained the use of his arm a day or two ago, he had been happier than ever, but he quickly realized that the feeling in his arm would not return. It was a bit disconcerting, but he was able to cope. The otter looks at the rest of the party and walks back over with a sigh. "Well now what do we do?!" He shouts over the howling wind.
Liam chuckles as he hops down from the cart, "We are getting no where fast trying to pull the cart, we need to find some sticks or bushes to toss under the wheel for traction." The bat, who was also ontop of the cart, is trying to sheild her self with her wings from the sleet, "What we need is some shelter!" she chirps. The ferret hisses in reply, "I'm not leaving my cart out here for any beast to pilfer bat!" the pine marten narrows his eyes to being ignored by the beasts and so turns to Rorgan, "And to think, I could be back in Ferraval eating my fill of pancakes and drinking mead, but no, I had to go explore Redwall before the storms hit. Don't want to miss out on all the fun right?"
Rorgan shrugs. "I can tell ye I'm not enjoyin' this either." He says, scanning the landscape. "They brought me along as an escort, so they instantly deemed me too dumb t' ask fer advice." He merely seems content to stand back and watch the other three beasts bicker with a bit of amusement. The amusement, though, was likely from watching them suffer from a cold that couldn't have affected him less.
Liam shivers in his thick green coat. Despite the amount of insulation he has put on in the past month, both from clothing and diet, the sleek pine marten is certainly feeling the bitter cold this morning. He looks up but the sky is filled with dark grey clouds as far as the eye can see. "Don't let it get to you. This ferret isn't too keen on taking my advice as well, or the bats. I guess we are just along for the ride."
Rorgan nods, constantly looking around. "I'm just worried about where we are. I've had...bad experiences in this area, and I'm not too keen t' relive them. If they would listen t' me, I would tell 'em that, but, as it stands, we'll just have t' be cautious.
The pine marten chitters in laughter, "Don't I know it, you know, this is the second time I have tried to get to Redwall, the first time the caravan got ambushed by some bandits, I even got ambushed by bandits on the way to Ferreval! Militia they called themselves," The pine marten shakes his head, "Remind me why I want to see the world?"
Rorgan chuckles along with Liam. "Aye, remind me t' tell ye the story o' me first encounter with the militia." He says, smiling with mirth.
The grey and black furred ferret merchant approaches the beasts finely, He has one paw resting on the hilt of his rapier while the other keeps his hat from blowing away, "We can't get the cart free and even if we did we can't travel through a storm like this." The bat's ears perk up, "You mean we get to find shelter?" in response the ferret sighs, "Yes, we need to find shelter."
Rorgan remains silent more to keep himself from saying someting stupid, though he continues to look around. Suddenly, a shadow seems to flit across the road, and his right paw grabs the bow sitting on his shoulders, waiting for use. His left paw quickly shoots back and grips an arrow. Laying the arrow on the bowstring, he pulls the bow back and holds the point, trained on the area he had seen the shadow in.
The ferret takes a step back as the otter draws his bow, "The blazes?! What's wrong?" Liam takes a step back as the ferret draws his blade. Oddly enough the pine marten doesn't draw his own dagger but gets closer to the cart for cover. "Kacy, you might want off the cart now." The bat nods and leaps off next to Liam. The cat and weasel are still on the other side of the wagon, trying to dig out the wheel and oblivious to the danger around them.
Rorgan rolls dice to see if the cat and weasel are struck by arrows.
DICE 1 d 20 + 0 ROLLED by Rorgan :
Liam rolls two dice, the first is the cat, the second the weasel. They must get higher than a 12 to succeed in dodging the arrows.
DICE 2 d 20 + 0 ROLLED by Liam :
ROLLS: 18 20
Liam wins the roll.
Rorgan narrows his eyes, stepping forward. "I saw somethin'. Some kind o' shadow goin' across the road." At that same moment, on the other side of the wagon, two arrows shoot from the forest at the cat and weasel. They fly through the air like twin lightning bolts to.....miss! Instead of hitting their intended targets, they slam into the timber close to the two creatures, causing both to jerk back and scream in surprise. They scramble around the cart and hug themselves to the side, now on the side where Rorgan is standing. Hearing their reaction and seeing them come around the cart, he turns his head, looking at the two. "Oy! Wot happened?" He demands.
"Bandits!" the weasel flails his arms as he shouts. "With arrows!" The cat finishes. The ferret draws his blade at last, "Bleedin Blazes..." Liam turns to Rorgan, "I really should stop trying to travel," he says as he draws his dagger.
Rorgan chuckles humorlessly as he presses himself against the wagon as well. After a moment, he risks a peek out, telling the others, "Quick! Get behind the wagon afore ye got shot!"
The ferret wastes no time in doing as he is instructed as the bat crawls under the wagon, Liam soon follows Kacy as well, but only to re appear on the other side with the other beasts, "How many do you think there are?"
Rorgan shrugs as he looks out at the edge of the forest. "Not quite sure, though I have a hunch as t' who's attackin' us, and if I'm correct, we're in a whole lot o' trouble." Just as he says this, several arrows come flying out of the woods, making Rorgan pull his head back even as one arrow shoots through the space where his head had just been.
Liam crouches lower to the ground, he chitters something in a foriegn language. The ferret snaps his back to the side of the cart, "Does that answer your question Liam?" he snarls.
Before anything more can be said, a multitude of loud woops can be heard along with the clacking of sticks against each other. The sounds quickly seem to get closer and closer as time goes by.
The merchant growls deeply, "What on earth are they trying to do? Scare us to death?" Liam replies, "It might be a distraction, keep your eyes open and..." The pine marten snaps his head around to the weasel who shouts, "Forget this! I ain't waiting for some beasts to come slaughter us!" He starts to make a dash for the woods behind them.
Rorgan rolls for an arrow attack aimed at the weasel.
DICE 1 d 20 + 0 ROLLED by Rorgan :
Liam rolls to dodge...
DICE 1 d 20 + 0 ROLLED by Liam :
Liam wins the roll
Rorgan watches the weasel run, but makes no move to stop him. "Well it didn't take him very long t' abandon his beloved cart did it?" He chuckles to himself, and a few seconds later, an arrow speeds past the wagon, heading for the weasel, but it seems the weasel had quite the running speed, for he ran out of range rather quickly and so the arrow falls short. Using this, Rorgan spins out from behind the wagon and spots a squirrel reloading his bow along with several squirrels quickly advancing towards the wagon. He draws his bow back and lets loose, catching the squirrel in the chest. The otter quickly scrambles back behind the cart, putting the bow over his head to hang like a sash, and instead pulling his two unpoisoned daggers out. Looking at Liam with a grim expression, he remarks, "I hate when me suspicions are right."
he ferret merchant snarls at his ex weasel employee, "Blast it! Get back here your coward!" Liam only shakes his head, he is struggling to keep his calm demenor. After seeing the attackers he beasts his head against the wall of the cart, "Seriously? Again? That's the third time I've been attacked by militia!"
Rorgan sighs. "Well we need t' brace ourselves. We're about t' have a big fight on our paws" He turns as though to go back out from around the wagon, only to be stopped by the point of a small sword, possibly a rapier, pressing against his neck. A voice snickers and says, "Oh you're right about that, traitor."