Member List
What the title says.
Function: Leader
Armaments for Job: Personal Preference
Job entails:
The duties of a Leader generally include, but are not restricted to, coordination/planning/execution of missions, networking clients, locating possible clients, holding things together generally. The Nightblades are a potent weapon if wielded with forethought and wisdom; leaders are the wielders of the weapon. This position is not open at this time for others; however, I am thinking of choosing a second-in-command.
Function: Spy
Armaments for Job: Knives, daggers, etc.
Job entails:
Advanced intelligence is necessary for conistent victory. The Spy is tasked with making sure Darkwatcher gets a sufficent amount of such information. Stealth, trickery, speed, and quick thinking are the traits crucial to the effectiveness and survival of a Spy.
Function: Fighter
Armaments for Job: Throwing blades, swords, shortbows, spears, knives, dirks, or the ever-popular daggers, just about anything
Job entails:
The core of the Nightblades--indeed, of any organized fighting group--is a group of skilled, well-trained Fighters with (mostly) conventional equipment and (mostly) conventional tactics, though the latter is rare in occurance when we're talking about beasts led by Darkwatcher. Warriors will be chosen for this position if no others are available or applicable, or if they're especially powerful in toe-to-toe ordinary warfare. Strength, obedience, agility, ferocity, and self-preservation instinct are all important elements of a good Fighter.
Positions Open:
Armaments for Job: Personal Preference
Job Entails:
I don't care who you are, what armor you have, what weapons you bear, what skills you hold, eventually you aren't going to duck quite fast enough, eventually your parry will be off, eventually you won't avoid it in time, and WHAM! Your life is in the paws of a Healer now. Knowing this, Darkwatcher scouts whenever he can for a suitable beast for this position, preferably one with at least competent fighting abilities as well. Dexterity, agility, speed, levelheadedness (Even when the arrow volleys are giving you an unwanted haircut), and knowledge of biology and herb lore are central to the role of a Healer.