Marek and Lee vs. Bandits (Redemption Of Marek)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki
Outside a sign swings on a rusty creaking frame above the doorway of the tavern depicting a faded painting of what appears to be three rather rich looking skeletons slumped over a table around a black chalice, perhaps such a thing could be taken as a warning but it doesn't appear to work on the locals. The noise within on a normal day is usually heard before the door is even opened and only rises in volume when one actually steps inside.
There are the typical qualities of a tavern within, from the bar to the chairs and booths and the odd drunk who never seems to move it's the little details which encourage a patron to pay his tab if he likes his fingers. One look at some of the staff or customers might give the impression but the room is decorated to the fiercer tastes with bones, mostly skulls cropping up here and there to fill a gap on a shelf or decorating the walls above the doorways, fireplace and bar, a pair of axes joining the one over the fire with some signs that they've been yanked off to join in a fight a couple of times. Some of the comfier chairs are lined with fur and very rarely one might be found with a few pointed bits of bone to decorate the back. Despite the looks there is entertainment and fun to be had, some form of music usually played on a small stage in the corner and at least one bouncer usually tries to keep the peace while beasts gamble, drink and be merry.
A small door behind the bar leads out the back to the kitchen and cellars while one wall has been opened up in a wide arch to increase the space off into the next room where what seems to be a wooden fence with gates on either end has been set up as a fighting pit as further entertainment and something to bet over.
Exits: [UP] Stairs, [K]itchen, [F]ighting [P]it, [Out]

Scioto walks into the tavern after checking on a couple guests he has at the Inn and sits down in a chair he normally sits out, "I think the two Redwall beasts are staying at the inn, which is probably best, I rather not have more news of trouble"

Zaram is bartending and Marek is once again sitting a table reading a book. "Perhaps, but we must investigate these bandits"

Scioto nods as he looks over at the book curious but decides to not worry on what the book is, "Yes find out who they are and what they are up to."

A cloaked figure enters, shaking snow from his cloak. "Now that's a voice I'd know... anywhere. Ye've gotta lot of nerve ta be 'ere in Mossflower again." He lowers his hood, glowering. "I've 'alf a mind ta challenge to a duel, mate," the otter says.

Marek sighs as he puts down his book. "Can a beast not read his book in PEACE, Mr. Lee. I have had quite a large number of interruptions and it does not do good for my thinking" He emerges from the table, dusting off his tunic which is now clearly plain and weathered. "I assure you I mean no harm, Mr. Lee. I am simply investigating some bandits who may have connection to a rather sinister figure who we would all do good to be rid of" He turns to Zaram at the table. "Get, Mr. Lee an ale, Zaram. I am sure his journey has left him quite parched"

Scioto looks over at Lee as he enters, "I know I failed to mention Marek was here, there is another issue I failed to mention which is more important, not that the abbey may care..The squirrel Oak is..well he is dead"

Lee frowns at Marek. "*Wot* bandits? I cleared out Mossflower weeks ago." He sits down, sighing. "Oak, eh? Can't say as I'm all that upset. When did this 'appen?"

Scioto says, "I do not think these bandits have been around more than a few days "

Marek thinks as Zaram passes around ale. "Thank you, Zaram....It has been a few days, Mr. Lee, and these bandits appear to be rather organized. I believe they are connected to a mouse named Irinevok who has bur- *ahem* burned down my village along with all who lived in it. I do not believe that he is done, and I believe he will target Mossflower next, especially when he discovers I am not dead" He moves a paw towards Zaram. "Oh and this, Mr. Lee. Is Zaram" The mole waves. "He is my assistant, and honestly makes quite the bartender". The mole smiles at that. "Tank you zurr, moi I getz u anyding mizzer Lee?"

Scioto says, "There is reason to believe they may be why that Zee is missing, then not sure why they would want that beast."

Lee hmms, looking the mole over. "Ale, I suppose, thank ye." Tapping his fingers, he shakes his head. "A fire-starter? Those are dangerous sorts. No doubt *you* did something to gain 'is ire, Mr. Marek... 'Course, we know yer track record, don't we? So why should I 'elp ye clean up yer mess?"

Marek shrugs. "I know nothing I did to gain his ire other than simply being vermin, Mr. Lee. Or perhaps a leader. We are dealing with a creature that thrives on chaos. Even in my conquering days, I was always about order more than chaos" He takes a sip. "And on that note, Mr. Lee. I don't expect you to believe this, but I am least somewhat. I've never been a Saint, Mr. Lee and I never will be, but times have changed, and so must I"

Scioto says, "He has changed Lee, a couple..let’s just say talks have proven this but right now we need to figure out who this bandit group is, they did attack two Redwall beasts that were on the way here. No one was hurt badly thank goodness"

Lee crosses his arms. "You're correct. I don't believe it." He looks over Scioto. "But for now, these bandits are priority number one. Wot Redwallers were attacked?"

Scioto sighs "I sent a note whom was here, in a room in the inn and how both are fine. One had a leg injury but forgot whom it was now. Not a deep one think was from an arrow glazing I was told."

Marek puts down his ale. "Mr. Oz and Mr. Leon, they were looking for this badger who is apparent Mr. Oz's uncle. A rather talkative badger according to Mr. Scioto's account. These bandits, are lead according to Mr. Oz's accounts by a beast named Coldclaw, whom if I remember correctly used to be a member of my horse...some loyalty he had. If this Irinevok has converted my entire horde then we may have ourselves quite the battle on our hands, Mr. Lee. A battle that I intend to be on the winning side of"

Scioto shakes his head as he drinks some of an ale, "WAY talkative, he probably talk the vermin to death, but still we should go soon to find this bandit group"

Lee sighs. "Yer 'orde is still causin' me trouble, it seems... I need to inform the Abbot before any drastic action can be taken. Starting a battle is not somethin' ta be done lightly...At the very least, not until I can scout out the group an' find out wot I be up against."

Scioto says, "Maybe we should go on out to the road, see what we can find out" He stands making sure he has his sword."

Marek slams his paw down on the table. "What we dealing with Mr. Lee, is a situation that we cannot simply scout out. We must rid ourselves of it before it spreads. These bandits may be tied to a more sinister purpose, I have already lost my home, I will not lose it gaain!"

Lee frowns deeply. "An' I repeat, I do not 'ave the authority to start a war without Abbey approval. I can clear out vermin, I can kill thieves, an' arrest mercenaries, but if wot yer claimin' be true, this is bigger than somethin' I can deal with by meself. I need me guards as backup, an' I need ta inform the Abbot."

Marek nods. "By all means, inform away, Mr. Lee"

Scioto says, "Well me and Marek can both go with you to the abbey, maybe try and find out something to see just whom they are"

Lee stands. "Alright. Then we should go."

Dirt Road: Before The Bridge
/[][]=============== Mossflower - Before Old Stone Bridge ===============[][]\
You stand before the old stone bridge that starts off the North Path.  Willows stand like lazy sentinels by its sides as the waters of the River Moss flow lazily under it.  It was said that this bridge was created by the beasts of Mossflower to stand forever and allow those beasts from the north to come and visit the south.  In the distance you can see the tall peaks of the northern mountains and almost feel the chill northern air.  Stepping onto this bridge means leaving the safety of Mossflower behind and confronting the wonders of the Northlands
Exits: [W]est to Ferravale, [S]outh, [E]ast, [N]orth onto bridge

Marek stays along the path heading towards the road and keeps very alert as he walks, his cloak on right now, “I know some things of mouse I mentioned and am willing to say more at a later time, weather this bandit group is in some form working for him this we need to find out soon."

Scioto stays close by, his blade on his back for now but he can easily get it quickly if needed.

ColdClaw is not too far off the path, along with another weasel, a couple rats and a hidden archer slightly elsewhere. He has been looking for a beast and looks quit peeved, "I don't care if it’s blind, he hit me with a staff I will find him and KILL him"

One of the rats frown “But...umm Strip dogs are dangerous" The other rat adds "Most are, the one isn’t so dangerous he just talks too much"

Lee has his hood up once more, paw resting on his sword hilt. "I doubt very seriously any bandits would be foolish enough ta attack three armed beasts in broad daylight out on the road... Still, let us make haste back ta Redwall. I 'ave good scouts that can scour Mossflower an' tell us ev'rythin' we wanna know."

Marek speaks "One never knows Mr. Lee and we yet to know just how many beasts we are dealing with or how much of a threat they are." He keeps alert as they walk listening to sounds around them. “And it was around the lunch hour your friends arrived at Ferrvale or rather after and mentioned the random attack on them"

Scioto says, "I rather not see any trouble start up again, we don’t need trouble. I am just wondering if they have anything to do with Oak. Oak mentioned knowing something but he was also afraid of something and that beast was rarely afraid, I think Oak was on his way to the abbey when we found him dead, an arrow in his throat and that was a little south of the Black Gull"

ColdClaw smirks as he hears voices and looks towards the beasts on the path from where he stands, he holds up a paw to the other weasel and two rats, “Well looks like we have beasts near our little campsite, we should greet them warmly boys." He then walks out with one of twin blades drawn and grins, “Well well what hav' we here then" He snaps his fingers for the others with him to surround the"

Markalaway is on his way back to Ferravale when he hears voices and slips into the shadows of the woods and watches from a distance, for now that is he watches.

Lee sighs heavily, not out of fear... out of annoyance. "Bah, why'd ye 'ave ta be correct, Marek? Honestly, this *does* get so very tiresome." He regards the weasel with disdain. "Seriously, yer a waste o' me time. Don't ye think I'm busy enough killin' vermin like ye? Ye just keep comin' back for more." His paw remains on his sword hilt.

Marek starts to say something else to Lee when he sees Coldclaw and narrows his eyes, "Well if it isn't a beast I just spoke of moments ago." He draws his blade as he studies the beasts surrounding them and looks for any others. “Seems we have a fight on our paws."

Scioto growls slightly as he speaks "I do not know who you are weasel but know this if you are looking to cause trouble in Mossflower, you'd best turn around and head back where ever your from now while you have a chance."

ColdClaw chuckles as he looks them over and chuckles more at the voice he remembers "If it isn’t Marek, do you know I have been offered a lot of gold for your head, to bring back as prove of your death and I will be very happy to remove it from your shoulders this very night, isn’t that right boys?" The two rats nod as does the weasel and a fox that enters from the woods. The archer is still around but tries to remain unseen." Then some beast I have been offered gold to keep alive...not sure applies to any beast here though"

The beast in the shadows , creepy in his own right, lets the shadows help him as he studies the where abouts of the beasts both from Ferravale and this bandit group. Mainly an eye on bandits as he spots the archer in fact and lifts up something he is carrying to slam into the back of their head.

Lee's grip tightens on his sword hilt. "Ye must be ColdClaw I've 'eard so much about. 'Ow good of ye ta join us this afternoon." He scans the other bandits, before returning his gaze to the weasel. "Lissen, mate, I'm in a very big 'urry as ye no doubt 'aven't realized, an yer bandit friends are wastin' me time time I'm afraid, so 'ow 'bout I kill ye now so we can this over with an' we can be on our way again... Like I said, such a terrible 'urry..."

Marek stays calm but gives Coldclaw a deadly glare, "I assure you Mr. Coldclaw your find it very hard to kill me that easly as many have tried and failed at it over the seasons. Perhaps you can answer us a question or we can just fight, do you know of a missing badger by any chance. Something tells me you know something."

Scioto grips his own blade as he looks at the beasts around them. “We don’t have time for this, I say we clear the road of these pests and get on to the abbey."

ColdClaw smirks again as he looks at the chieftain, "You’re the chieftain of Ferravale, you can stay alive the others well..oh?" He looks to Marek, “The old stripe dog oh yes he is in our camp, can't say he will stay alive much longer see we were told to find an old looking badger as our group needs him see...this one was the wrong one and trust me I will be glad and happy to kill him, more so than killing you though it too will bring me joy Marek. Then we can..borrow a certain blacksmith, make him work for us and well can’t say all the details now can I that would ruin surprises now wouldn’t it"

The archer doesn’t see the shovel hit him and slumps to the ground, very lifeless indeed as the shadowy beast slips forwards and stays by the tree line counting the rest of the beasts to himself.

Scioto listens as the weasel speaks, "Blacksmith?" He growls low again disliking the fact they are surrounded close to the river.

ColdClaw says, "Yes Blacksmith, for making and repairing weapons and armor and such, but that’s after your dead or captured and your surrounded so give up."

Lee throws back his cloak, revealing his face in the process. "Ye so much as set foot *near* the Abbey, an' yer a deadbeast." He starts to draw his sword now, which is very apparent. "Begone from Mossflower, or taste the sting o' me sword, coward. This is the only warnin' yer gonna get from me."

Marek shakes his head, "From what I remember I don't think that Blacksmith would be of much help to you Mr. Coldclaw." He looks ready to start fighting Coldclaw right now.

ColdClaw looks at the otter as a grin forms, “Is that a threat river dog and you have no choice in the matter, besides I have ways of getting what I want." The others with him get closer to them. “This should be most enjoyable."

Scioto glares at the weasel "I am not one to surrender to anyone, I demand the release of the badger and for you and this group to head back North or where ever it is you have come or regret this day." He steps closer to Coldclaw as he speaks.

Markalaway speaks in his creepy voice, "Well I say you listen to them, then whom am I..Friend? Foe? I assure you I am no friend to a threat of Mossflower oh and I regret." He rethinks his words as he moves again, closer "Wait no I don’t..your archer as joined the dead." He quickly goes to another tree. "You shall as well if you choose to stay weasel, release these beasts or pain comes swiftly."

Scioto jumps slightly at the voice and catches a quick glimpse of Markalaway, his attention off for a few short seconds.

ColdClaw uses this as a chance to nod, the fox sends a knock out dart towards the chieftain, and he speaks" I don’t fear attack!"

Marek narrows his eyes and slices at one of the rats that get too close to him, he angles his blade and fights with seasoned skill.

Scioto feels the dart hit him in the neck and pulls it out, he mutters a couple choice words before the darts takes effect but not before he kicks the other weasel fairly hard. He walks backwards into a tree and slips into a sitting position before he completely passes out.

Lee draws his sword fully and lunges toward ColdClaw. "I did warn ye... Too bad ye refused ta lissen!"

"Shadows should be feared, oh yes they should " The beast know as the Ferravlae undertaker then revels himself and steps in front of Scioto and looks at the weasel that with Coldclaw, probably making him wet himself “Greetings.." He then sends the shovel straight to the weasels head.

Marek frowns as he sees Scioto pass out and once again slices at the rat that seems to not give up on attacking him, he is a little creeped out by Markalaway but tries to not show it as he stays alert for other beasts.

ColdClaw slices with his cutlass at Lee, he would fight Marek but Lee is closer. He aims for Lee's chest and upper right arm. He sees the other weasel meet his end and cusses loudly, he is losing men and this can't be good as he calls out to the remaining beasts, a couple rats and the fox "Retreat! Go back to camp you fools..forget the Ferrvale chieftain or Marek for now, we can settle this at a later time." The weasel goes to retreat sending the fox to block the otter and stoat if need be, as well as that creepy rat that seems on the side of the woodlander and Ferravale beasts.

Scioto remains, for now, unconcious.

Lee's upper arm is sliced, but his mail stops ColdClaw's cutlass from inflicting a fatal wound to the otter. "Let 'em go! We can chase 'em later..."

Marek growls now and slices at the fox, a move rarely blocked very well and starts to give chase to Coldclaw as the fox falls dead to the ground, he stops letting Coldclaw run off and looks at Lee , "That may of been an unwise more Mr. Lee" He walks over and checks on Scioto and picks him up, "It appears Mr. Scioto is under the effects of a knock out dart, we should get him to the abbey or back to Ferravale, I will let you choose Mr. Lee"

Markalaway watches as the bandits rush off and looks to the beasts here, "I will be getting back to my graveyard, Sara needs a rest after this and I do not think we seen the last of those beasts." He is then gone just as quickly as he came.

Lee sheathes his sword, and looks up at the sky. "Hard decision... It'll be dark soon, though." He sighs. "I need a scout, to follow our weasel friend's tracks... To Ferravale. I know a good scout there."

Marek nods, "Word can be sent to Redwall Mr. Lee on what has happen and where you are, let us go before they decide to return" He heads to Ferravale carrying Scioto "I will have Zaram and Mr. Leon tend to the chieftain, to make sure he is ok."

Scioto doesn’t look to be waking anytime soon, maybe in a couple hours. He will be fine once he wakes up as he is just under the effects of the sleeping dart.