Marek Learns of Zarola's Death(Marek's Revenge TP)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

RW Abbey: Abbot's Chambers

The Abbot's chambers are a warm cozy set of rooms on the ground floor of the Abbey. The main chamber has large airy lead-lined windows that look out over the Open Ground of the abbey and beyond that the fields were they grow their crops.

The furniture in this initial chamber consists of a large desk and two bookcases by the windows. There are a pair of comfortable arm-chairs set up before the snug fire-place and a couple of chests tucked beneath an expansive side-board.

There are two doors off this central chamber, one leads into the Abbot's simple yet comfortable bed-chamber. Large well made wooden bed, wardrobe, pegs for hanging items on and a small chair positioned by a small fireplace with a wash-stand in one corner. The other door is always kept locked and the Abbot likes to keep it a mystery as to what is in there.

Exits: [Hall]way

Marek has kept the room untouched for the most part. He right now relaxes in the chair he has brought up here, one of those real nice and soft chairs. He has some reports on the desk given to him he has yet to look over.

Lee knocks at the door hesitantly, then waits for a reply from within. He isn't looking forward to this...

Marek raises an eyebrow at the knock and folds his paws on the desk, "Do enter" He says calmly and waits to see who it is.

Lee pushes the door open and steps in. He stands before the desk without speaking yet.

Marek looks at the otter, "What is it you want?" He looks him over and speaks, "You don't have Hudson's head yet, so what do you want Mr. Lee?"

Lee clears his throat with hesitation. "Ummm...sir... I have...ah, some...bad news, so ta speak..."

Marek looks at Lee, watching his every move as he then speaks again "I do not like waiting on news Mr. Lee, either say something or leave my room, no one is allowed in here...well one beast" He grins "Lorimis is. Now what is this news?"

Lee frowns. "Zarola... is dead."

Marek keeps his paws folded on the desk and stands slowly stareing Lee down, "And when did this happen? Who is the one to punish?" He keeps his temper down, "Do answer my questions Mr. Lee and I best like the answer or.." He frowns "I do not wish to tell Abbot Lorimis why the room is suddenly..messy, do speak"

Lee gulps audibly. "Sir... She were in the Infirm, with a dagger! About ta stab Zork ta death. There were nothin' else ta be done but ta stab 'er meself, before she killed 'im! Ask Fargo! He witnessed the whole incident!"

Marek places his paws behind his back as he listens to all this, "Someone mentioned the badger was in the infirm..not how he was?" He grows quiet" So Zarola is dead and you killed her and the fat weasel watched?"

Lee gulps again. "Ummm...y..yes sir... She tried ta kill Oz, Zork, Lorimis, an' even me daughter Starlight on more than one occasion... an' last night she were about ta viciously Murder Zork while 'e were unconscious... an' completely 'elpless."

The door opens and Lorimis walks in and then pauses at the sight of Marek and Lee, "AH.... Lord Marek, Lee..." His voice goes very flat when he says Lee. The abbot's tone dripping in offended outrage at the sight of the traitor.

Marek draws his sword, but he doesn't do anything with it but run a finger across it, "She never was good at..telling me what she did, maybe I won't let any more monitors work for me. But do update me about the blacksmith. " He adds after a while, "I do know Abbot Lorimis and a dibbun were elsewhere in the abbey for a while, not where." He looks over at the Abbot" Ahhh Mr. Lorimis, I and Mr. Lee here were having a lovely chat, do have a seat if you like"

Lee glances at Lorimis, nodding curtly but not speaking to him. "I will keep ye informed, sir... And I do apologize for, umm, dispatchin' Zarola without informin' ye first, sir. If there 'ad been any other possible option... But Zork were in imminent danger." He clears his throat. "If I may ask, sir... who will yer new second in command?"

Marek narrows his eyes at the otter, "You didn't answer my question Mr. is the blacksmith? As for Zarola well, I will ask the fat weasel what happen and maybe the Blacksmith as well and get back to you on my decision."

Lorimis says, "Thank you Lord Marek," he glides over to a chair, dignity and poise as he moves with a soft glide and seats himself. "If you ask me Lord Marek he isn't a trustworthy otter, he betrayed me. He'll betray you next no doubt.""

Lee frowns. "Sorry, Lord Marek. Zork is...not well. 'E won't wake up, 'is breathin' is labored. He ain't gettin' worse, but 'e also ain't gettin' better, sir, an' none of the 'ealers 'ave any idea wot be wrong... Wotever it is, it be very serious, sir."

Marek nods "Well..I if you will excuse me I have some beasts to speak to and based on their responses Mr. Lee...I will decide your fate, good day" He walks out and seems to not care if Lee is there, yeah Lee can watch Lorimis and make sure the abbot behaves.

---I had to go--

--- Added this part as what happen after Marek left is important and no I didn't role play in this part below just Lee and Lorimis but its still important to the TP------

Lorimis says, "It might help if the Master Healer hadn't been forced to flee for his life. Then maybe something could be done for the Blacksmith."

Lee sighs, slumping against the wall, waiting until he's sure Marek is out of earshot before replying. "I fear for Zork... 'E looks ta be in bad shape..."

Lorimis says, "Yes I have been in to see him I am worried about it"

Lee frowns. "I think Leon may know..."

Lorimis says, "Leon might well know but he can hardly come back here now can he"

Lee sighs. "No, 'e can't... Maybe Leon 'ad some books about healin' an' medicinr?"

Lorimis says, "There are plenty of books on healing and every order member is trained in basic healing arts but whatever is wrong with Zork is beyond what we can learn in books or with our meager skills"

Lee pounds the wall beside him with his fist. "Wot are we supposed ta do, then, Father?"

Lorimis says, "I don't know Lee." he stands back up, "I can't do anything, I've tried, the Master HEaler has been driven away by the vermin and can't come back.... I am at a loss"

Lee looks down, and chokes a little. "If Zork dies, I don't think I could stand it, Father. He were the first beast I met when I first came 'ere, an' 'e been good ta me ever since..."

Lorimis says, "He will not die Lee, he is a strong beast, a Badger, he'll pull through, Martin will not let him leave "

Lee nods. "Thank ye, Father. Yer right."

Lorimis says, "It will be ok Lee you will see"

Lee would suddenly get up, and if allowed, hug the abbot, trying his very best not to break down in tears. He has been bottling up his true feelings about the entire situation for a long time now.

Lorimis squeezes Lee back in return as they hug then step back, "You are doing a good thing Lee.... even if it doesn't feel like it right now"

Lee shakes his head. "Yer right, it doesn't feel like it... I feel like I'm losin' me mind, sir..."

Lorimis says, "It'll all be worth it in the end Lee, you'll see, you must have faith my friend."

Lee nods. "Thank ye, sir. I'll remember that when things seem really hopeless."

Lorimis says, "That's the best Lee and I can always be talked too if you can catch me alone like this"

Lee nods again, taking a deep breath. "I'll do me best ta take back Redwall... I promise."

Lorimis says, "Thank you lee... now we should go we cannot spend too long together"

Lee nods. "Aye, yer right, sir. Be safe, Father."

Lee leaves the room.