Marek....has a mental breakdown? (Redemption of Marek TP)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki
FV:Houseing Area(#180521R)
This is the houseing area of Ferravale. The homes look to be in good shape and each are made of a strong wood and have simple roofs, a couple homes are large than others and a couple smaller,other wise most are the same size depending on number of beasts living in the home. A small gravel walkway leads to each home and a couple large poles keep oil lamps burning at night for light on the main pathway. A path heads back to the center of town.
Exits: [Mo]re [H]ouseing, [A]nother [H]ouseing [A]rea, [N]ightbreath's [H]ome, [D]imas's [H]ome, [E]ast

Scioto is doing some normal walking around the village, checking on beasts and making sure all is going well. The sky is cloudy with clouds but it has yet to do anything yet but blow some cold winds.

Marek walks beside Scioto, cloaked to disguise his identity, with Zaram trotting along behind him. The weather seems normal today, but normal is hardly what is about to happen.

Scioto speaks quietly as they head away from the market area, " I am debating on mentioning Oak's death to the abbey, he wasn't totally liked there and I also have yet to mentioned you, issues I am uncertain how to deal with the right way"

Marek nods under the cloak, although how Scioto could see that is beyond logic. "Of course. But surely such events are bound to be of the abbey's notice soon".

Scioto nods "Maybe, Oak did make the abbey rather upset a couple seasons back as you probably recall, yes he helped later..somewhat." A guard comes running over "Sir..Sir the bar tender's house is on fire! Come quick" The cat frowns " Isn’t some beast doing something" The weasel guard nods "A few have buckets and such, we think the chimney may of been clogged or...just come" So He starts over to the houses quickly, luckily the bartenders house is a little down a path, away from other homes, the only house by it is empty right now.

Marek raises an eyebrow. "How? Did the beast drink himself into flames?" He shrugs and motions to Zaram. "Nevertheless, this fire could destroy the village, grab a bucket Zaram we have work to do"

Scioto is already heading on ahead of the two and frowns as he sees the fire, it has only so far spread to the empty house but the wind could cause further issues as the fire looks to have started in the back of the home where the bar tender kept a lot of ale and wines and such, the cat starts to gather a couple more guards to join in the bucket line to get the fire out, he looks up at the cloudy sky as only light, barely there snowflakes flick through the air.

Marek and Zaram join the bucket line supplying much needed water to surrounding area, hoping to stop the spread of the fire. "Dis'e noi lookun to gud, Mizzer Scioter. Yonder foir moight zoon be spreadin loike.....well, a foire"

Scioto rolls his eyes at the mole but he knows he has a point as the fire is out of control and the shed in back, where it maybe started makes a loud kaboom noise as the rest of the ale, well goes up in flames as more water is placed on it, another less loud noise is thunder..thunder? Yes it can happen in winter its thunder snow as it does start to snow a little more, and it’s mixed with sleet and cold rain and the heat of the fire melts it further over the two houses and the shed. The fire is still going but is starting to slowly get under control now.

Marek seems to be rather jittery, but manages to supply water, but as the rain begins pouring down it becomes clear that the threat is essentially over.

Scioto looks over at Marek and raises an eyebrow as he watches the fire slowly die down, the two homes are a total lost and the guard comes over "Seems a log fell from the fireplace and..and started the fire, the bar tender was asleep maybe when it started either way I am afraid to say the old fellow didn’t make it." Scioto frowns at this new and nods "Rope off the two homes. Anyone else hurt or..".

The guard shakes his head "No sir..".

"Dismissed" The chieftain says as the guard nods and heads off , and now he turns to look at Marek, he knows the stoat enough to know he is rarely jumpy.

Marek walks off with Zaram. "Let’s get inside, we'll catch our death our here, Mr. Scioto" Within a few minutes, he is already at the tavern once again


Outside a sign swings on a rusty creaking frame above the doorway of the tavern depicting a faded painting of what appears to be three rather rich looking skeletons slumped over a table around a black chalice, perhaps such a thing could be taken as a warning but it doesn't appear to work on the locals. The noise within on a normal day is usually heard before the door is even opened and only rises in volume when one actually steps inside.

There are the typical qualities of a tavern within, from the bar to the chairs and booths and the odd drunk who never seems to move it's the little details which encourage a patron to pay his tab if he likes his fingers. One look at some of the staff or customers might give the impression but the room is decorated to the fiercer tastes with bones, mostly skulls cropping up here and there to fill a gap on a shelf or decorating the walls above the doorways, fireplace and bar, a pair of axes joining the one over the fire with some signs that they've been yanked off to join in a fight a couple of times. Some of the comfier chairs are lined with fur and very rarely one might be found with a few pointed bits of bone to decorate the back. Despite the looks there is entertainment and fun to be had, some form of music usually played on a small stage in the corner and at least one bouncer usually tries to keep the peace while beasts gamble, drink and be merry.

A small door behind the bar leads out the back to the kitchen and cellars while one wall has been opened up in a wide arch to increase the space off into the next room where what seems to be a wooden fence with gates on either end has been set up as a fighting pit as further entertainment and something to bet over.

Exits: [UP] Stairs, [K]itchen, [F]ighting [P]it, [Out]

Scioto follows the stoat to the tavern and looks around as he looks right at him, "Upstairs to the, but of you if need be" It’s not said harshly but in a commanding better listen to me tone as he heads on up himself knowing Marek will follow or least he better follow or he will come back down to drag him up himself.

Marek doesn’t question the chieftain and stands up slowly and goes on to the guest room without a word and sits down in one of the two chairs in the room looking at the floor silently.

Zaram follows and once in the room sits down beside Marek.

Scioto does glare at Marek now, “Ok, what the SEASONS is the matter with you? You suddenly want to go back inside, you’re nervous and you’re quiet. If you’re up to something I swear your day will end badly!”

Marek remains starring at the floor and shrugs slowly, he shivers as if it’s cold in the room and finally speaks, “I in the morning Mr. Scioto” His voice sounds like he is trying to force himself to stay calm, it’s clear he is trying to avoid talking as he folds and unfolds his paws in his lap.

Scioto shakes his head “No you will speak now.”

Marek keeps silent and then let’s what he has tried to keep back, keep down, out. He starts sobbing out of control and manages to stop long enough to speak, “Irinevok showed up…first he just killed guards and then he was caught, he tricked me and said he help me take over, over Mossflower, which I am no longer interested in or interested in the abbey either and when I told the mouse he looked and even more upset. The mouse called me a fool” He stops to let loose a sob, tears are clearly going down his face” It had been a few months since the first incident with Irinevok, when he was first caught trespassing in my fortress. Although I was proud of Irinevok’s innovation and skill, I could not help but be disturbed with his bloodlust. I myself had bloodlust once, but scores of battles with Ferravale, Redwall, Nightfur and The Long Patrol as well as many others had taken all that away from me. Although I kept my complexion in public, these events had changed me. I was beginning to regret my decision to let Irinevok live.”

Scioto sits by the wall and listens closely and looks in shock as the stoat starts crying in front of him, it sort of freaks him out a little in fact but he still listens.

Marek goes on as he gets a tissue from Zaram who has been quiet threw out all this. “ Like I said I told Irinevok I was no longer interested in take overs and land and told him to leave, which he did after an argument and I went on a trading mission with Ruingate leaving my 2nd in command in charge, me ,Zaram and 5 guards went to Ruingate and were gone but a week but we..we ..returned” The stoat twitches now and lets out another pained sob and this just as he had just calmed himself.

Zaram stands and lays a paw on Marek’s shoulder” Zurr you bei’ okay?”

Marek shakes his head no, that he isn’t ok, but takes a deep breath and tells his story, “Fire..all over, broken homes, dead. ..Not just my former horde beasts but innocents as well, some woodlanders lived in the 3 village I made into one. Even a small group of woodlanders lived there. Innocent beasts woodlander and vermin..old and young, all..dead. Homes and marketplace and the fortresses in total ruins…” He shivers badly now. “And a couple assassins were still there and killed 3 out of five of my guards before I managed to kill the two assassins and flee with Zaram and my other two guards both injured and I ran into Oak who told me..more of what happen.”

Scioto listens quietly as Marek talks, he nods for him to go on.

“Total..chaos, ruins and only a couple survived, a water vole and a weasel, but they died shortly afterwards. That mouse did it, did it all with beasts he had before and those who he talked into joining him from the village, he laid the village and fortress to total ruins. Murder and pain, he took no slaves as he killed all for no reason what so ever than just do it..just …” He swallows and looks to be having a mental breakdown getting all this out, “I sent Oak ahead warn Mossflower and Oak did least tell you some things, anything else dyed with him when he was killed and I bet he was heading to warn the abbey when he was struck down..that mouse is still coming…coming to here one one..” It’s here he passes out.

Zaram gasps and tries to get him onto the bed.

Scioto quickly goes to help and looks at Marek and then Zaram, “Maybe it’s best he rests, I have never seen Marek like this before and that worries me.” He starts to think, is it possible? Has Marek changed for the better?

Zaram nods, “Right zurr…Marek bei needin’ rest”

Scioto nods and walks to the door and goes into the hallway, but before he heads off he bids the mole a good night and then heads downstairs into the main part of the tavern for an ale.