MUCK LOG 8-16-10

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Characters: Matteo, Byronn, Treaglo, Sever, Amethyst, Scalen

Location: Redwall Abbey Larder

Redwall Abbey: Larder

Byronn takes a step back and his paw twitches for his sword. "what are you doing here?" the mouse narrows his eyes.

Sever's toothy smile grows wider at the mouse. He stands up tall on two legs, towering even at his age, "Eatingss."

Byronn shakes his head. "there is a kitchen for eating in, not in the larder like some savage" byronn frowns and draws his sword. "why are you looking at me like that?"

Sever keeps his teeth showing. That forked tongue flicks out at him, and black eyes reflecting Byronn's image, "You ssmellss good."

Byronn tightens his grip on his sword. "Get away from me, I sliced off a foxes paw and I'm not afraid to cut yours off."

Sever's tongue flicks. His head lowers down more toward Byronn, and his eyes stare straight into the squirrel's. That hefty, muscular tail whips behind him - making a very loud crack against the floor, "Where'ss the paw, Foodss? I thinkss you're lyingss."

Matteo wakes up, popping up from behind a stack of crates just time to see Byronn level a sword on Sever. "Oi! Calm down, huh? Sevo's not gonna hurt you!"

Byronn closes his eyes for a brief second. "Go ask Anba Hor about it, I'm sure he keeps it with him, creep that he is" he looks at the other mouse. "He calls me food and you want me to just calm down?"

Sever's smile turns to a teeth-filled grin as he looks back toward Matteo, "He'ss hurting creaturess. Can I bitess?"

Matteo straightens, tugging on one of his big ears. "He's joking, matey. Sevo's just full of jokes, aren't you?" He ribs the monitor, nudging the creature with an elbow. "No, matey. No biting."

Byronn keeps sword out but lowers it slightly. "I only fought him to save my friend, he doesn't belong in this abbey." he raises an eyebrow at the mouse. "You're friends with this...lunatic?"

Sever's eyes narrow. His head, and those teeth, thrust closer to Byronn, "Lunaticss? I should bitess you, Foodss."

Matteo steps right in between the monitor and the other mouse. He puffs out his chest, putting his paws on his hips again. "But your sword away, matey! You're among friends. Namecalling won't get you anywhere either."

Byronn sheathes his blade and stares coldly at the lizard. "Among friends? He's a lizard! He'll eat both of us!" he sighs and sits on a sack of flour. "I'm just a little shook up from last night"

Sever's lips curl upward. However, he doesn't move when Matteo steps in between, "He sslicess pawss, Matteo. And callss namess." That tongue flick, and a smile with no warmth in it toward Byronn, "And ssmellss goodss."

Matteo just grins at Byronn, practically beaming. "Now you can't know that, matey! Not anymore than you can know whether I'll eat you too." He looks back at Sever, giving him an understanding look. "I know, Sevo. But he's not our enemy." He turns back to Byronn. "Are you, matey? Name's Matteo! And this here's Sevo."

Byronn frowns "You won't touch me, and my name is Byronn." The mouse pours a canteen of water over his bloody paw.

Sever corrects, "/Ssever/." Those black eyes focus in on the wound. Some small teeth filled smile appears, but at what?...Anyone's guess.

Matteo shoves a paw out for Byronn to shake. "Byro! Pleasure to meetcha, matey. You hurt?"

Byronn looks at the paw cautiously and shakes it briefly. "it's nothing, just a tiny gash" he holds his injured paw out which is bleeding and festered.

Sever sits down on his haunches. There's that toothy grin. "Ah. It sseemss fair. You takess pawss. And lookss at yourss."

There is a brief scratching from somewhere along the faded walls, then silence for a moment...then two tufts of ears and a long bit of bushy tail pops up behind a barrel. A face follows, and Treaglo's eyes stare at Byronn very intently. "What are you doing??" She says in a very low, urgent whisper. She glances to the other beasts, realizing she probably looks very odd behind the barrel.

Matteo scrutinizes Byronn's wounded paw. "Ouch, matey. You might wanna get that seen to..." He blinks, surprised by the sound of Treaglo's voice. "Oi! How long have you been there!"

Byronn whispers quietly back. "I heard some noises and I decided to see what it was" he looks at sever and shakes his head. "my paw isn't going anywhere, I only need some salve and bandages which are in my pack outside"

Sever suddenly stands up to his full height again as Treaglo appears. Those teeth appear beneath his smile. Suddenly, he snaps his jaws at Treaglo - not anywhere near actually biting her, but it makes a loud SNAP.

Treaglo stands up quickly gives a half smile to the mouse. "Er, jus' got here." Then, with her eyes staying on the other two, she leans her head slightly nearer to Byronn and continues her almost inaudible whisper. "You /know/ you can't go...'outside', Byronn." She gives a quick look of worry to him, then winks as if desperate to make her seem...inworried.

Amethyst had been in the kitchen pestering the good abbey cooks til one choose to send the rat to the larder after some vegetables to get her out of the way. Teh rat opens the door and steps into the larder, the door closing behind her. The blind healer grips her staff tighter hearing other beasts in the large room. "Who's in here?!" she calls out in an authoritative fashion. She's hoping that her status as a healer will keep whoever it is from attacking.

Treaglo also blinks with a tiny start, belatedly, at the lizard's snap. She hears Amethyst call, but doesn't say anything yet.

Byronn nods and whispers to Treaglo. "I know, so I've got to try and sneak into the infirmary and get supplies or else go back to the orchards.." the mouse suddenly cringes and grabs at his paw and collapses from exhaustion and loss of blood.

Sever whips around as a new creature enters. His heavy tail, however, brushes a large number of items off the shelves, causing a sudden load commotion of clattering. He speaks in his raspy whisperish voice, now in a growl, "Foodss!"

"Yeees, there is food in here. Unless you're referring to me. In that case I'd have to disagree," the rat states getting ready to strike out at the one that just spoke with her staff if it tries anything.

Matteo is struck by a sudden thought. Though this sudden activity is tempting, the mousethief can't stay. "Oi, I've got to scoot. Sevo, you stay out of trouble! Don't you all mind him either. He's all bark, no bite! Until we meet again, mateys!" And off the mouse goes, nimbly passing Amethyst on his way out.

Sever steps closer to Amethyst. He stands at his full height - quite a towering size for one so young. There's that pointy tooth filled smile of his, "You foodss."

Treaglo suddenly jumps to a defensive position, for some reason, when she sees Byronn collapse. She scoots over to him. Her eyes are slightly frantic as she babbles, "Um, um, I'll jus' take care o'him..." Then she looks up to see the other mouse gone, and the others seem to be distracted. "Huh." She lifts

Byronn gently against the back wall behind the cover of the larder...stuff. Then she straightens and walks slowly over to the rat and lizard. "Er...'scuse me liddle pal, but she pro'lly doesn't taste good..." She goes and stands by Amethyst and looks the lizard up and down with a small, friendly smile.

The mouse thief is very lucky he didn't get whacked, but the rat doesn't view him as a threat right now. The lizard on the other paw seems to be one despite the mouse's parting words. The rat has no trouble aiming as he's right there and lands a solid thwack to Sevar's skull, right between the eyes. This is followed by several more blows unless he moves. If he does she may follow to continue her attack. It is not usually in her nature to attack a child but if the child is dangerous enough ... the rule is better safe than sorry.

After the first whack, Sever suddenly rears up. His chest inflates, making him suddenly significantly larger, and an extremely loud hiss emits from him.

Treaglo goes wide-eyed and faces Amethyst with surprise, though she can't see. "Ameth...uh, Bluefin, or whatever you wanna be called, I don't think that's sucha good idea! Please...don' don't mean any harm, do you...?" She looks to the lizard pleadingly, indicating for him to say something reassuring so she'll stop.

Amethyst stops hitting the lizard but keeps her staff between them trying to push him away with it. Poking him probably isn't a better idea than hitting him was but sadly his stunning display of fearsomeness was mostly lost on her due to her lack of sight. Also the fact that somebeast who sounds very much like Treaglo called him 'liddle' suggests he may not be as dangerous or smart as the rat previously thought. This information does not stop Amy from scowling at the lizard.

Sever thrusts forward suddenly, moving to chomp his teeth down on the staff.

"You're not helping your case any. And I liked that stick," Amy says trying to keep a grip on the staff. If she loses it she'll be at a disadvantage. "Any help from a certain squirrel would be very nice about now," she adds.

"Hey!!" Treaglo shouts suddenly. She stares hard at the lizard. "She can't see you, she jus' thought you were don't need t'go 'bout biting her staff. She needs that. Plus she's your elder, so have a liddle respect, ok?" Her face turns from heated to more expectant of the lizard, with her eyebrows raised. The squirrelmaid glances at Amethyst from the corner of her eyes.

But since his jaws connect, Sever chomps. Hard. Jaws that can crack bones have no trouble snapping through the wood. And after that mission's accomplished, he rears up again. Those beady black eyes are blazing, teeth showing, and he's hissing loudly, "I BITESS! I BITESS" And he snaps his jaws, making a resounding SNAP. His tail, likewise, crashes against the floor.

"/Calm/. /Down/." Treaglo watched the lizard's fit, a little taken-aback, but she still stares at him. Right through him. "We're not going t'hurt you. And you /don't/ need to bite anyone. Aren't you friends with that nice mouse that was jus' here? We're on your side, for acorn's sake! Please, it's ok." Her eyes are patient, a little annoyed, but patient. She offers a paw to the lizard, before Amethyst changes her mind and hits him anymore.

Amethyst figures the lizard must be young if /she's/ being called his /elder/. She's only ten seasons old! The only beast she'd be elder to would be the little ones. The rat holds up the broken staff as if were a sword and points it at Sever. Her expression still stern but a little less angry. "No you wont! If you go about eating any beast you like the rest will kill /you/ or at the very least throw you out of Redwall. .... You may not have deserved all the blows I gave you but no youngster's died from a /proper/ canning yet so I doubt you'll be more than a little bruised for a while anyway." The squirrel can intervene if the lizard doesn't want to see reason.

Sever is hissing. He remains up as tall as he can be, and chest puffed out to make himself as large as possible. His pointy teeth are showing, and he doesn't seem effected by the words to calm him. He continues hissing out, "I /BITES/! /I BITES/!"

Scalen slowly limps in to the room, her side bandaged, yet she remains standing tall.... extremely tall from her build. She looks around and sighs a little, seeing the lizard. She walks forward, pulling out her rather large sword and says to the creature, "Look I just got out of a bad fight, and unless you want me to be in another, I'd suggest you calm it down."

Treaglo quirks an eyebrow at Amethyst, then turns back to the lizard and sighs. She'd probably be afraid if he wasn't so young, and if he really intended on hurting them he most likely would've already. She shuffles over the some shelves, grabs a few things, and shuffles back. She holds out an apple, a loaf of crunchy bread, and a big hunk of yellow cheese with nuts in it. "Here, bite this if y'must. Not like you seem, starved, or anything." She eyes the younger one's toned muscles. Then she watches a stoat come in and comment to him. She furrows her brows sympathetically at the wound.

Sever crouches into the back of the larder, now standing on all fours and hissing angrily, "OUTOUTOUT! I /BITESS/!"

Amethyst waits she had been pointing the broken staff at Sever til the new beast entered. As the stoat seems to be taking care of things the rat lowers her staff. Amy half wonders if the lizard is bluffing as he hasn't bitten anything except her staff so far. She had almost opened her mouth to point out there are bound to be some nice things to 'bites' on the shelves but it seems Treaglo beat her to the punch on that one. "Did ya duck in ere t try an get a bite without th cooks catchin ya?" she asks the stoat. The rat frown a little at the lizard. "Out? I came in here for some carrots and I mean to get them before I leave." She lets the broken staff drop to the floor in case he's afraid of being hit again.

Scalen looks confused at first, then shakes her head. "N-No, ma'am. I was kinda... lost." Then she looks back to the lizard, seeming to come to some sort of realization. "Wait a minute, he eats meat and that's what he probably wants." She reaches in to a bag she's carrying with her, pulling out a fish. "Got this earlier," she says, then tosses it to the lizard, sheathing her sword and nodding. "Go ahead, eat it. It's meat."

Sever catches the fish in his teeth - but then simply drops it. He suddenly lunges forward...however, his aim is to use full force to barrel right through the creatures to the open kitchen.

Treaglo puts her paws down slowly eyeing the lizard. She watches the spot where she hid Byronn carefully. She speaks to the stoat, but her gaze doesn't leave the furious moniter. "Er, so there was another fight? Are you gonna be ok? I'm sure Amethyst, or, oh, uh, Bluefin here could help you if you need it...and, um, what exactly are you doin' here, I mean at the Abbey? You seem like you jus' got here..." Suddenly the lizard bulls forward. She stands frozen, not able to move out of shock.

Amethyst had already moved to try and edge along the shelves away from the lizard. However she wasn't quite far enough away and gets knocked down by the bolting monitor. "I think he wants to go pout somewhere alone. .... or cause more trouble." She can't really says as she doesn't know many lizards. "And it's Bluefin. Squirrel isn't the best at keepin names straight," the healer say casually. "So sit down if you need patching up unless you'd rather go chase after that lizard."

Scalen grabs Trealgo and pulls her away from the monitor's path just as he runs by. Slowly, the huge stoat sits down on a chair one too many sizes small for her. "Yeah," she says, leaning against a table. "I got slashed pretty bad ma'am. If you wouldn't mind, I could use some patching up and cleaning." Then she looks to the squirrel. "I'm new here, very new.... just got here today. I was told.... Redwall was kind of a peaceful place, ma'am. Somewhere where an akward creature like me might be able to find a friend, or two."

Amethyst rights herself and walks over to the stoat to examine her. "That so? And you just happened to not noticed the hoarde that's took over right?" The story seems a little odd but maybe the hoarde is recruiting or something, after all they /did/ let Skipper in. The rat removes the bandage and cleans the wound with supplies from her healer's kit. "Mind explaining how you got cut up?" she inquires now dressing the wound. A bit of mushroom rubed over the edges numb them to make the sew up a bit easier.

Treaglo taps her chin as she glances to Amethyst as she works. ", after you're done, I need a few patches as well." She points to her burned footpaws, a pierced shoulder, and her sliced shins, then thinks for a moment. "And maybe for another friend as well." She indicates the hidden Byronn against the back wall. She sits down next to the stoat on a stool. " were looking f'peace? Well, if you'd have come atta different time, then you'd have gotten your wish." She smirks a little at Amethyst's comment. "I'd like to know how you got into a fight, too...'cause, from what you're saying, it wasn't really your fight."

Scalen frowns a bit at the questioning, and her feelings seem so down that the pain doesn't do much. "I did when I got here, ma'am," she says, her voice very soft now. "Some of that horde rebelled tonight. I got caught up in it. You don't have to believe me, ma'am. If you don't want to heal me because you think I'm a part of what's going on.... then that's fine too. The one who told me to come here..... well, if I told you that, you'd either really think I was fibbing or you'd think I was crazy. Either way." She shrugs her broad shoulders, closing her eyes, "doesn't matter anymore."

Scalen looks to the squirrel, and smiles weakly. "Yeah," she says gently, then rests her head in her muscled arms. She doesn't look like a peaceful creature, but she certainly acts like one. "Guess I showed up at the wrong place at the wrong time."

Amethyst smirks, "Stop your fussin ya ol treejumper ya aint bleedin t death over there. I'm nearly done here anyway." She can't see where the squirrel pointed but she did hear the mouse much earlier before he fell very quiet. "Eh with ghosts an such things goin on I might be willing to believe an awful lot o things, stoat. Who did send you in ere?" the rat asks.

Treaglo eyes narrow at the ratwife, but she sighs. She knows that one well enough. "I know, I'm jus' telling you that I'm hurt. For reference." She frowns gently with concern toward the stoat. Her eyebrows raise in a sympathetic arch, and she softens her voice to match the hers. "I believe you, too."

Scalen raises her head slowly, silent for a moment, afraid to talk now. "Well," she says gently, her voice hardly understandable, "he was a Champion here, long ago. And yeah, he's dead. Well, I mean.... I guess you could say that. I'd say he isn't exactly dead to me since he talks to me a lot, haunts my dreams." Then she looks quickly to the squirrel, surprised, but nods gently. "Thank you ma'am. My name is Scalen, by the way."

Treaglo squints and looks away to the side for a moment, in thought. Then she gazes back and studies Scalen's face. "Wait, was it Martin, then? He had to be a Champion, I mean, he is the Spirit of Redwall..." She cast a glance at Amethyst, but remembers that she's not really a Redwaller. "I've seen Martin, he talked to me once, and...he's, dead, too...please, uh, don't call me ma'am, heh. It's Treaglo," she adds.

Amethyst ties off the last of the stitches and covers the stoat's wound with fresh bandages. "This'll do you for now. But you'd better check in with th other healers in th infirmary before th day's out sooner if it bothers you any. Infirm's on th middle floor, big room with lots o beds an smells of phisick and other things you'd probably not want t drink either. Th other room up there with lot o beds isn't the infirm and you have no reason t be in there anytime soon unless th infirm fills up again," Amy says nudging the stoat so the squirrel can take the 'hot seat' next. "Now this long dead Champion, Martin, what did he say t you exactly? Tell as much of it as ya can remember. It's important. Martin's not too keen about th hoarde bein ere you see."

Scalen looks amazed at the squirrel's story. "R-Really? The um, the otter.... he said that, that Martin was on the tapestry." The large stoat stands up, looking down at the rat now as she backs up, allowing the squirrel to sit. She sits down on the ground, leaning against a nearby wall. "No, it was someone else," she says. "An old weasel." Slowly, she yawns. "I think, I'm pretty sure...." but then she falls asleep, obviously exhausted.

"A weasel?" Amy shakes her head. Oh well that's a dead end then. "Never heard of a weasel Champion of Redwall in any of th old stories about this place. Thought Flicktail was th first non woodlander t hold th title," she comments quietly once the stoat is asleep. "Now," she pokes and prods the squirrel, "What happened t you and how bad do you think your mouse friend is?" she asks Treaglo.

Treaglo scoots over, noticing the stoat fall asleep. She hms. "Well, a weasel. You're right, I don't know what that's all 'bout. Haveta ask when she wakes I s'ppose." She blinks as she's poked as directs her attention on her wounds. "Um, my footpaws got burned, and my right one still stings pretty bad 'cause it was already wounded...a sword got me in my left arm, and uh, I picked out some pieces of glass from my legs." She unbinds her make-shift dress-hem bandages, and glances worriedly over to Byronn. "And him, um, his paw looked pretty bad, and he got quite a few gashes all around him."

Amethyst nods and mmhmms as she starts to clean the cuts, bandaging the shallow ones and sewing up the deeper ones. "How'd this happen? You two plotting something or what?"

Treaglo lowers her eyebrows in a sarcastic look that says, 'really?' She replies, "No, not was Anba Hor. If you've seem him around lately, you'll notice he's missing a paw. And he /really/ hates that." She studies Amethyst's work, thinking. "Are you good at keeping secrets? And I mean it, Amethyst, or things are jus' gonna get even worse. I assume you're not for this occupation, right? You seem to be friends to us and those with us." She indicates Byronn with a wave of her paw

Amethyst smiles she had seen the fox or rather heard him in the infirmary. It was one of the reasons she'd left. It wouldn't do for her to try and kill him there or to get killed by him either. "I had noticed. Good to see he's not as invincible as he thinks he is." The rat finishes binding the squirrel's wounds and nudges her move. "Show me where th mouse is and I'll get t work on him," she says not yet answering the squirrel's question. After she's a little ways into fixing up Byronn she speaks again, "I want the horde gone and Abbey back to the way it was as much as any beast in th order does. And I can keep secrets. I've done so before when I've needed to."

Treaglo sighs. "Ok, I s'ppose that's good enough in this situation. I feel like I need someone else to trust 'round here." She pauses and smiles meekly. "Well first of all me an' Byronn are hiding in a tunnel back here, away from Anba and his insanity. He was pretty intent on killin' us last night. Um, and that marten Grey helped us...I don't know what's up with her. She's part of th'horde, but she...helped us," the squirrelmaid repeats, with slow thoughtfulness. She continues, "Plus she told us that if we can get outta here, we should pro'lly warn Camp Willow. 'Cause apparently Hactor was planning on sending some o'his beasts over there once he found out that there're refugees." She opens her mouth as if to keep talking, but closes it and furrows her brow in thought.

Amethyst continues to work on the mouse, talking as she works, "I'm not surprised. Anba likes to kill. Almost as much as he likes to torture. My husband and a friend are among the few that have lived to tell or not tell to be more accurate about the things that fox does. Grey said she was once in th order here a long time ago. Didn't say why she left it. ..... What you're saying is you're leaving to get help." "Do ... are th little ones alright down there?" she asks after a while turning her head to 'look' at the squirrel or where she thinks the squirrel is, "You should go soon as you can. You an th mouse here. ..... I might let you sing with me at whatever feast they have once this is over and you get back." Amy is smiling as if nothing were amiss at all, she knows there's a chance the squirrel wont come back, but things will be far worse if someone doesn't go."

Treaglo smiles softly at this last sentence. "Heh, thanks. I'd like to play that broken thing again one day. And 'bout the young uns...there's none left in our hiding spot, I'm sure they were eventually escorted outside th'Abbey." She sighs again deeply. "Eh, I didn't know Grey was in the Order. Well great seasons, that explains a lot. Wonder why she couldn't jus' tell me that..." Treaglo stares at the floor. "Life yould be so much easier in black an' white, if y'know what I mean. some ways it's better this way, 'cause after all you seem kind enough." Another warm-hearted smile.

Amethyst nods a little finishing up with Byronn, "He's done. Should wake up soon too. Hope he doesn't make too much noise when he does. .... My life wouldn't be easier in just black and white. Ones too dark and th others too bright. I /need/ the in between parts," the rat jokes putting her things back in the kit she's wearing on her belt. "I can't afford t be pure evil in my condition. You're not that bad yourself, for a squirrel," the rat is still in a good mood with Anba's injury still fairly fresh in her mind.

Treaglo grins lop-sidedly and stands up, testing her footpaws for pain. "Well goodness, thanks. I hope you don't change you're mind 'bout that evilness ever, also. Err...can I ask you a question?" She walks slowly over and slumps down next to the sleeping Byronn.

"The not seeing tends to prevent me from turning fully to the 'dark side'," the rat says making a face at the squirrel. "And pushing my luck too far could earn me a death sentence." The rat stays sitting beside the mouse. She'll get to those carrots the cooks wanted eventually though she knows they only sent her in here to get rid of her. She doesn't really mind as at home she'd be sent for the same thing but expected to return with it and do work. Garnet could be quite the task master at times if you entered her kitchen at the wrong time. Of course that stoat is off with the others sailing somewhere so there's little reason for Amy to dwell on what she would do to her as she's not here. "More questions?" the blind rat asks sighing. She's never going to leave this room is she?

Treaglo fidgets with her paws a bit, crinkling her nose distractedly. "Sorry, I jus' have so many unaswered questions racking my brain, I'll try t'keep it simple...if that's even possible." She looks up. "Hehh, what's your definition of a bad beast? Or, eh, really, your definition of a good beast? Do y'think goodd beast are allowed...big mistakes...? Gosh, sorry f'the questions. It's jus'...I 've only been brought up 'round purely nice beasts, loyal ones, and then purely evil beasts. short, I can't quite get m'head 'round it." Gah. Too much babbling.

"That question is far from simple. Eh I don't know. It's just hit and miss and trust your instincts I guess. Most woodlanders are what you'd call good and fair number of them assume everyone else is just like them. Some non woodlanders are evil and some are just normal .... don't know a better way to put it. They're no worse than the woodlanders ... just brought up different. Different rules and things," Amy says trying to explain before giving up for the present. ".... How big a mistake are you talking? My father-in-law nearly killed me once but we usually get along alright most of the time now."

Treaglo yawns, then frowns. "How 'bout taking over an Abbey of innocents?" She sighs, once again. "I think Hactor knows he made a mistake, deep in his heart he never wanted to hurt anybeast. And he's killed innocents too, obviously. During battle. But...there's /something/ 'bout him...I can't help but dislike him, but then again I pity him. Somehow."

Amethyst shrugs, "It can happen when a beast gets old. One that fights all his life for whatever reason. And sometimes beasts just change .... not sure why."

Treaglo strokes her binded arm absent-mindedly, her eyes focused on Byronn. "Yeah...well it's been keepin' me up at night, but maybe I'll get some better sleep now that I don't hurt as much as las' night. Thanks a lot, I don't think we could've gotten anyone else to help us out down here." She smiles tiredly with drooping eyes, but remembers something. "We should pro'lly get back in the tunnel. Um..." She pauses and looks Amethyst in the eyes. "I hope t'see you soon, ok? I'd appreciate havin' a friend over here, if I end up escaping t'Camp Willow. Y'know, let me in on the gossip." She winks light-heartedly, of all things, and takes Byronn underneath the arms, gently tugging on him as she climbs into the secret little door in the wall.

Amethyst nods, "I need t get back up t th infirm before they really start missing me. I'll save a spot for ya in Great Hall for when ya get back." The rat waits a while after she can't hear anyone else in the room before grabbing some carrots and heading back out to the kitchens.
