Love and Anger- Part 1

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Charcters: Aikuen, Orph/Will, Kentar, Fira

Location: Eastern Shore

Eastern Shore

(Note: This is a Repost of a log that was previously put up, but will not show. The only way I made this show, is because I split the whole log, into three parts)

After a long night, and that whole talk with Aikuen last night about the beast he loved, Kentar had nightmares. Horrible nightmares. And after having woken up, he sat and cried for a while. But now, the early morning caused him to sit upon the beach and watch the morning water and sky.

Aikuen, even after his talk with the Stoat, he still couldn't get too sleep. He went for another swim, up until the dawn broke over the sea. He broke the waves off in the distance, and soon his driping self makes for camp. He sees Kentar, and waves, "Oi!"

Kentar didn't hear the otter, still staring into the sky, taking something out from his pocket, and looking at it from his paw, looking at it then to the sky again.

Aikuen tilts his head, and walks over to the Stoat. Plopping down next him he says, "Hello mate! What's a matter? got a bit of sand in your ear?"

Kentar blinks and jumps a bit, looking to the otter and taking a deep breath. "Don't...scare me like that" he mutters. "Nothings wrong" he closes his paw around the object to hide it from sight.

Aikuen looks to the Stoats paw, just getting a glimpse of what it was, But not quite sure what it is. He picks up a small rock and chunks it at Kentar playfully, "You cant hide it from me! Tell me what's going on!"

Kentar blinks. "Can't hide what?" he pauses. "Fine..." he pulls out a ring, tarnished gold. "This belonged to the beast I loved...the one I told you about" he says. "Nightmares last night. Figured I'd come out here to think for a while" he says.

Aikuen ahs and nods some, "Must have loved her deeply..." He sighs, and looks to ocean for a minute or so, before asking, "Nightmares... of what happened the night you... lost her?"

Kentar nods somewhat and looks down at the ring. "Aye, I did. More then myself" he hehs a bit before nodding. "Aye...I'd forced most of everything from my memory so I'd never need to remember. It worked until last night, and now I remember everything clear as if I was watching it right now"

Aikuen says, "Those dreams are the worst...and why our minds try too make us relive the moments... i will never know..." He hmms, and picks up another rock letting it roll around in his paws. He sighs, and tosses the rock as far as he can toward the ocean, "Sorry... for trying to get you to look for someone else... Your still not over her... and you probably never will." He hms again and picks up another rock.

Kentar sighs and shrugs. "I'm over her..." he says quietly, standing up and giving the ring a toss, a few feet in front of him, into the water. Its not far out, in fact, its still gettable if he wishes to take it back. He sighs and looks back to the sky.

Aikuen watches the plop of the ring into the sea. He then looks back to the Stoat and shrugs, "Its not a bad thing... to be still in love with her... I mean... Never mind..." He shakes his head, and drops the rock back in the sand.

Kentar sighs and looks over to where he threw the ring, obviously not agreeing with what he just did. He glances to Aikuen and hrms. "Stop doing that, saying something then stopping, either finish, or don't say anything else"

Aikuen gets up and points to his ring on his right paw, middle claw, "This was given to me my mate long ago... the spring she died, twelve seasons ago, to be in fact... I still love her... and i will never forget her... and if i went, instead of her... i would have wanted her to move on. Like i did...But too never forget, what we had..." He grunts and plops back down on the sand.

Kentar's ears twitch a bit before sighing again. He stands slowly and goes through water to where he throw the ring, slowly bending over and picking it out of the water, drying it off before sitting back on the beech, next to the otter. "I just don't want to lose anyone else"

Aikuen nods, "Aye i know... no beast wants that to happen... But its a chance we have to take... so we need to protect those we cherish" He sighs, and plays with his ring, now that he mention it.

Kentar nods slowly, placing the ring in his pocket and sighing. "I want to find another. I have for a while, but I don't think I can go though the pain again if it happens" he sighs.

Aikuen smiles, "Well, do you think its worth it?"

Kentar sighs quietly, staying quiet for a bit. "Yes" he replies quietly.

Aikuen nods, "There yah go mate!" laughing a bit, the otter slaps Kentar on the shoulder, "That's what i wanted to hear!" He smiles and continues, "Life is meaningless without someone to share it with!"

Kentar chuckles a bit and erfs at the slap, shrugging. "I just don't think I'll find anyone at the abbey, that's for sure" he shrugs, yawning, and laying back.

Aikuen continues to sit up and talk, "Well i do have to give you that..." Nodding, he picks up a rock, he tosses it again, "But at least you have the rest of your life to find her... That's always a plus in my book!" He laughs a bit, and looks for another rock.

Kentar sighs and closes his eyes. "If I look. Honestly, I'm content with sitting in the abbey and dying an old lonely beast" he sighs.

Aikuen shakes his head, "That's good for some... but are you sure you want to die lonely? That's a long time to be lonely..." He finds another rock, and looks at it intently.

Kentar looks over. "I don't think I have a choice, honestly. Do you see any female stoats around near the abbey? The best place to find one would be Ruingate, but I am telling you I'd rather hang myself then go there"

Aikuen pockets the green piece of rock, and looks over and says, "True, Finding a Stoat out of Ruinedgate... is like fishing for a single particular shrimp... Its hard... but not impossible or you could go... um" Thinking better of it he stops, but realizing that Kentar would push the issue he says, "Could always go on the western ocean... till you get to me ole' home... there nothing like the beasts here... there is no 'Vermin' or 'Woodlander'. Just beasts..." He shrugs.

Kentar Shrugs some. "I don't want to go west unless its to go home" he says quietly, closing his eyes. "I really think I might as well just set myself to be alone. There's no way I'd find a single stoatmaid near the abbey"

Aikuen shrugs, "I guess your right... but i would never set your mind on something like that, Cause what if a pretty young stoatmaid walks through those big abbey doors! You wouldn't know what to do with yourself!" He laughs loudly and pounds the sand.

Kentar eyes and watches Aikuen for a moment. "Well, I wouldn't attack her" he mutters, rolling his eyes a little. "For crying out loud, I'm not that...desperate" he hrms and flicks his tail. "The old village was crawling with them when I was there the other night...I might...stay on the shores, rather then go back"

Fira has snuck on out to swim again, sea's an interesting place to swim when so used to lakes and rivers. She can just about be seen coming back to shore now, swimming near the surface to make the most of the waves for entertainment.

Aikuen shrugs, but cant wipe that smile from his face, "Hey, whatever makes you happy the most, i've realized that now..." He swipes his paw on his pants, and sand goes everywhere. He sees Fira near the shore, and it feels like he was punched in the stomach. Smiling weakly, he says slowly, "Oh jeeze..."

Kentar closes his eyes and doesn't notice Fira. "I don't...really want to stay though" he says. "Wouldn't see Will or you again"

Fira is quite relaxed so far and she's spotted the pair a while back, headed vaguely that way. Getting as far as she can before it gets too shallow and she finally has to start walking again, get onto the beach and shake some of the water out of her fur quickly "Morning"

Aikuen nods, but he keeps his eyes glued forward, he mumbles out, "Well... Like i said... before... Whatever makes you happy... Because me and Will, can always... come to visit you... Or... you can come visit us..." He smiles, or least he hopes it was a smile, to the other otter, "Mornin'... eh... Fira..."

Kentar looks up to Aikuen and eyes him. "No...You'd not be able to visit me" he says. "You know what that place does to woodlanders?" he asks before hrming and looking up to Fira. "Morning"

Fira plods on up the beach towards them, a brow starting to raise "Going somewhere Kentar?" doesn't sit down just yet, let fur dry out or she'll have sand all sticking to her.

Aikuen says, "Oh, Kentar over here... Well he better tell you... better then coming from me..."

Kentar Blinks and sighs. "No" he says simply, closing his eyes. He doesn't want to say anything to anyone, but is sort of hoping Aikuen tells anyways.

Fira looks all the more confused but nothing to be done with it, she points vaguely back down the shore "Have I, erm, walked in on something?...Do you want me to go again?"

Aikuen tilts his head, "Well then, im going to tell her... were all your friends and were just trying to look at for you" He looks to Fira... twisting of the stomach, but he gets over it, and smiles warmly, "here..." he gets up and dusts the sand and mud from his breeches, and says to Fira, "Lets go down the beach... and ill tell you all about it...Since the ole' Stoat wont say nothing about it."

Kentar peers at Aikuen. "I didn't know what I was going to do was a private matter that didn't involve me...go ahead and tell her, but I don't want to myself"

Fira may not get tone but she can tell something's happening and she raises her paws to stop them "Alright, sorry I asked, question withdrawn"

Aikuen eyes the stoat, but then looks back to Fira, "No its alright... nothing really major... sort of..." He hmms a bit and sits back down, "Its just that Kentar was thinking about moving back to his old home... not quite in the village, but near the shore anyway..." He pokes the stoat, and was going to say more, but its a don't ask don't tell sort of situations.

Kentar eyes the otter, sort of sighing and closing his eye. "Tell her the rest if she wants to know I suppose' he mutters quietly.

Fira ohhs quietly then catches Kentar's mutter and frowns slightly, puzzled again. She glances back to Aikuen, there's more?

Aikuen suddenly realizes what going on, and mental punches himself in the face. He sighs and begins, "Look Fira... The reason why he wants to move back... is because he maybe wants to find another mate... Says the only way he can outside of Ruinedgate... and what got us discussing that... is because... er..." Here goes nothing, "I... Really like you..." There he said it. He winces slightly.

Fira looks sceptical until he gets to the last part. She really shouldn't still be surprised but does seem to be. Snaps out of it quicker this time though and runs a paw uncomfortably through her hair, faint smile "Ah, yes...Um, Kentar mentioned something about that"

Aikuen wish he could be somewhere else right now, but he tries to say something, "Yah Kentar told me last night... But i guess it got it rolling... Oh boy... heheh... its funny... ive never been nervous about anything in my entire life... until you came along" He tries to hug his knees, but he lost that ability a long time ago. So he just crosses his arms, and smiles weakly, "So... um..." Oh no, Something in his throat, cant talk now.

Kentar looks up. "As he's trying to say, So, um, is do you like him back?" he grins, trying to make it very complicated for Aik, still laying there in the sand.

Fira is very uncomfortable now, specially with Kentar right there making stuff worse. She sends a tiny frown at the stoat and turns her back on him, ha, can't work out what he's saying now "Perhaps a walk" she suggests to Aik, away from certain stoats.

When Fira turns, Aikuen lightly punches Kentar in the shoulder. He smiles, and hopes that cringing feeling goes away soon, "Er... yah" She cant hear, you stupid otter, he thinks to himself.... so He gets up and walks a little to her side, then waits for her to turn before nodding, and saying "Yah... sure"

Kentar grins a bit and nods. "Sorry...I wont say another word" he says before he closes his eye again.

Orph is wading in the shallows by the clay bolder wishing he'd brought a bucket with him so he could bring some of this clay back to the Abbey with him. At times it looks like he's trying to climb the slick mass of muck.

Fira is keeping eye on Aikuen, she did ask him a question, makes sense to see the answer. Still, smirks a little, amused and impressed when he actually moves and repeats "Come on then" walking on down the beach. Purposely can't see Kentar still so entirely misses the words.

Aikuen Nods a little, and keeps pace with her. He tries to not seems nervous, but this otter cant help it. He waits a bit before turning to her and asking, "Ahem... eh... so... um...Well do... do you..." Thought he could make it, but dang it, cant even make a coherent sentence.

Orph hadn't been close enough to hear what's been going on but he looked over often enough to figure out Kentar was bothering the otters /again/. He decided that should the stoat return to the Abbey with them after all he would not be allowed to say things to a certin edge-maid without punishment, worse if he dared to upset her. With these thoughts the ratling waded back to shore with his arms full of wet clay to play with.

Kentar slowly and yawns, looking to Will and gives a bit of a smile. "What are you up to, Will?" he asks, smiling a bit tiredly.

Orph frowns a little, "You should leave them alone of once." He plops down on the sand laying the pile of gray clay in his lap so as not to get sand in it.

Orph has started to work on the clay, a first since loosing his eye. "You keep on bothering em," he says, "You should just leave em alone."

Kentar blinks again and frowns. "I told her he likes her. If I didn't do that, Aikuen never would have told her. I just gave them a shove in the right direction. And it worked" he motions off in the direction the otters went.

Fira is out of ways to stall it seems, keeps walking on though, looking over to Aik. She runs a paw over her hair again, nervous "Well, um...I..." ah, evil lack of words. Does she even know what she thinks? Not really. Moment more silence and with a small sigh she gives up trying to understand her mind "Yes, maybe...Never actually been in this situation before, heh" probably just as nervous as him.

Orph is focused on the clay and having a little trouble adjusting his methods for his limited vision. "You could have been a bit nicer about it though. If you do come back to th Abbey with us /don't/ try an help me like you have with Pa or I'll do more than just throw blankets at you."

Kentar laughs and chuckles a bit, shrugging. "I promise...but I don't think I'm going back" he says.

Aikuen smiles when she does that thing with her hair. An then she said a maybe yes... he could have just done cartwheels all the live long day when she said that. But thinking that it might look odd, he moves against it. Speeding his gait slightly he says quickly, "Really!...well its not quite a definite yes.... But ill take it! Hayoo!" His nervousness is beginning to flow away, and gives a big fat hug to Fira, twirling her slightly. Putting her done, he realized what he just did, and smiles awkwardly, "er... sorry"

Orph smiles a little and works more on the clay molding it into the shape of a mouse, a mouse-maid with a sun hat hanging down her back. It would be nicer if the clay were black but gray will just have to do for now.

Kentar watches and chuckles a bit at the ratling. "You'll need to teach me how to do that someday" he chuckles a bit.

Fira eeps, surprised at the twirling, paws automatically holding onto him for fear of going flying. Fear barely lasts longer than a split second before she starts laughing though. Still laughing a little even after she's put down "No, that was actually kinda fun"

Orph says, "I was easier before. Benar at th Abbey was teaching me how t use th kiln which is nicer than this way but it takes longer to go out there and get it going then t just do this instead. Stuff made with the kiln turn out nicer though."

Kentar nods slowly and just watches the ratling work, falling quiet as not to bother him.

Aikuen s heart is filled with joy, when she laughs. He Smiles evilly, and says happily "Then better hang on again!" And then embracing her, he twirls around. This is one happy otter!

Orph work a while longer on the figure before clearing a flat spot on the sand to sit it so it will dry and harden in the sun. Soon he's working on another lump of clay and from time to time he goes to the edge of the water to dampen the clay he working on more before going back to sit by the stoat. "So you're staying her then? Since you said you're not going back t th Abbey an all," he asks.

Kentar watches and sighs at the question. "I...I really don't know" he says quietly, the stoat looking to the seas then to the sky. "Not sure if I could stand to live on the shores again...I gave up the life of pirating, and I don't really want to go back to it."

Orph nods rolling the clay around in his paws, "You'll find somewhere to live ..." He glance over at where Aikuen and Fira had been walking and grins nudging the stoat, "Look over there."

Fira eeks again! And more twiiiirling, she laughs, arms properly going round his neck to hold on "Crazy otter!"

Kentar looks up and hrms, chuckling a bit. "See...told you she'd like him" He grins a bit but then sighs, grin fading as he goes back to looking at the waters.

Orph doesn't like to be lied to but he understands somethings are hard to talk about, "If you don't want say that's alright."

Kentar nods slowly. "Sorry" he says quietly. He'd talk to Aikuen about anything, but he's really not that sure about talking to Will about things.

Aikuen puts her down slowly and breathes lightly, "You've made me... the happiest i have ever been in a long time..." He gives the biggest grin he can possibly make with his face. Pulling something from his pocket he says, "Every night that i couldn't sleep thinking about you... i wanted to make you something... and last night i got my chance..." He opens his paw toward the other otter. It what looks like a necklace or maybe a bracelet, having four small perfectly matching pink-reddish shells. With Fira spelled out, with each letter on each shell. He smiles, "I know you already kind of got one... but... I made it for you." He holds it out.

Fira is grinning too and chuckling a bit after she's put back down again. Yet again she's surprised he's been loosing sleep, aww, she feels a little bad for that. Tilts her head at the paw though and the grin slowly reappears when she sees the necklace "Aw, it's lovely, you didn't have to do that" for all she says she's still moving to take it.

Kentar watches them, the stoat unable to keep back a small smile.

(Continues with Love and Anger- Part 2)