These are the logs of the Long Patrol, beginning in July 2015. For prior logs, visit the Archived Logs.
What it Used to Be - 7/14/15 - Tyree, Dagda
The Arrival of a Badger Lord (pt 1) - 7/23/15 - Dagda, Sersi, Tyree, Felicity, Windrose, Thecla, Ciocan
The Arrival of a Badger Lord (pt 2) - 7/23/15 - Dagda, Sersi, Tyree, Felicity, Windrose, Thecla, Ciocan
An Impromptu Feast - 7/30/15 - Sersi, Ava, Dagda, Felicity, Ciocan, Windrose, Tyree, Rahier, Atlanton, Darcy, Baatar
Across Three Coastlines - The Epic Pursuit of Tyree and Corbeau ~ 11/15-1/16