Leon Arrives In and Then Leaves Ferravale (Marek's Revenge Tp:) :OOC note: This happens a couple days after Leon escapes Hudon:
Outside a sign swings on a rusty creaking frame above the doorway of the tavern depicting a faded painting of what appears to be three rather rich looking skeletons slumped over a table around a black chalice, perhaps such a thing could be taken as a warning but it doesn't appear to work on the locals. The noise within on a normal day is usually heard before the door is even opened and only rises in volume when one actually steps inside.
There are the typical qualities of a tavern within, from the bar to the chairs and booths and the odd drunk who never seems to move it's the little details which encourage a patron to pay his tab if he likes his fingers. One look at some of the staff or customers might give the impression but the room is decorated to the fiercer tastes with bones, mostly skulls cropping up here and there to fill a gap on a shelf or decorating the walls above the doorways, fireplace and bar, a pair of axes joining the one over the fire with some signs that they've been yanked off to join in a fight a couple of times. Some of the comfier chairs are lined with fur and very rarely one might be found with a few pointed bits of bone to decorate the back. Despite the looks there is entertainment and fun to be had, some form of music usually played on a small stage in the corner and at least one bouncer usually tries to keep the peace while beasts gamble, drink and be merry.
A small door behind the bar leads out the back to the kitchen and cellars while one wall has been opened up in a wide arch to increase the space off into the next room where what seems to be a wooden fence with gates on either end has been set up as a fighting pit as further entertainment and something to bet over.
Exits: [UP] Stairs, [K]itchen, [F]ighting [P]it, [Out]
A cloaked figure pushes open the door and slips in quieting and seems to make sure it's not too busy and also that certain beasts are not here before breathing a sigh of relief as he adjusts his hood and walks over to sit in a chair, he groans as it’s been a bad past almost 3 days now, or is it 4 days now.
Pipkin is here, of course pick pocketing like his brother said to do and he is good at it also as he scans the tavern and heads to the front.
The tavern always seems to be open to one degree or another. This morning it is pretty slow, filled with those breakfast seeking beasts and a few morning travelers, or those who just cannot start their day without ale. Off in the far corner a brown fox is eating a modest breakfast, finishing up a plate. His fur looks unwashed, and has leaves strewn in it. His clothes look like they are in need of a good tailor as well. Bandit leans back and begins picking his teeth.
Pipkin spots Bandit and rolls his eyes, "Good grief.." He grins and walks over towards the fox, maybe he has valuables.
Leon adjusts his cloak and frowns, he is near Bandit right now and sighs, a ferret asks "Well what it be?" Leon mutters something along the lines of no coins and gets glared at, he only frowns as the only thing he has had the past almost 4 days is a little water and berries he found in the woods. He sighs again and shrugs as the ferret walks away.
Bandit doesn't recognize the mouse at first. Not with the eye patch or the cloak. He also doesn't pay the rat any mind. The fox is carrying very little, perhaps a small knapsack to his side and a rapier leaning against the table in its sheath. He flags down the ferret as he walks by, "Hey mate! More water please. Some beasts are dying of thirst here!"
Pipkin looks ready to pick pocket Bandit while he isn’t watching and he sees The cloaked Leon, course he thinks it’s someone else "Razo!" And of course he rushes over to most likely knock him out of the chair.
Leon chuckles dryly and his ears perk "Bandit?" He then oofs as he falls backwards from the chair and onto the floor with an ooff, he groans as he is a little dazed and rubs his head as that hurt. His hood manages to stay somewhat on as he frowns and blinks at the rat dibbun and quickly starts to slowly get back up.
The fox can't exactly ignore the sound of the mouse being pounced. He instinctively reaches for the saber, his paw grazing the hilt before he realizes there is no danger. At least yet. Tilting his head to the side Bandit peers at the mouse. "Leon?" His eyes widen and a large smile crosses his face, "LEON!" He pounces on the mouse in much the same manor wrapping him in a large bear hug, "Leon! I can't believe you are still alive! I thought I was the only one left!"
Pipkin frowns as he backs up “Your not Razo! Where is Razo...I should stab you." He goes to grab one of the daggers that is clearly Razo's and narrows his eyes as the fox interrupts him “Hey fat fox move!"
Leon frowns "I.." Then Bandit grabs him and he is tightly hugged and coughs, "Bandit..shhhhh, please, not..so ..loud" He glances at the dibbun and frowns then it dawns on him, the guard back at the abandoned home as he gulps slightly remembering.
Releasing his grasp on Leon the fox pats him on the shoulder, "Oh man I am just so happy to know that I am not alone! I though everyone else was stuck in Redwall. I hardly recognized you with the get up." The fox purposely doesn't address the rat for the moment. "I'm glad to see your alright...more or less. You look like heck ran over you with a wagon." Finally Bandit turns to the rat and waves, "Oi! look at that. A wee dibbun with a knife, isn't he cute? And for your information I got fat from eating annoying little rats with knives." He flashes the miscreant a smile, showing off his teeth.
Pipkin grips the knife and goes to stab Bandit, no warning, no anything just a stab in the gut if he is lucky, "I am not cute..I ams warrior and you is mean!"
Leon frowns "I..was till this hawk and.." He gasps as he watches Pipkin and some long forgotten defense move he has in his memory comes out, the other dagger is pulled and goes to block the one Pipkin has and a clank is heard as he looks at the dibbun, "What are you doing?...You’re a dibbun and you have a dagger..." A few stare at the three now as the cloaked mouse frowns and looks at the dibbun, "I know..where Razo is but you have to..be quiet."
Well that was unexpected. The fox steps between the two to separate them. Attempting to put a paw on the rats head to hold him at bay and out of reach, "Whoa whoa! Hold up here." The fox doesn't seem 'too' fazed that a little kit just tried to stab him with a sharp and deadly knife. "No need to kill each other...and who or what is a Razo?"
Pipkin snorts "Razo is my big brother, he works for Hudson, your nosy" He glares at the cloaked Leon "Why you have his stuffs for?" He doesn't drop the knife, in fact he keeps a hold of it.
Leon adjusts his cloak and makes them both move to a table further in a corner "Long..story ok, I can't have anyone know I am here..please." He sighs as he places the dagger back in the case, the thought of using it brothers him now, "Hudson sent his bird, Deathtalon to grab me and, took me to his, this abandoned home in the woods some cellar, he wanted to know where Oz and the dibbuns are, I didn’t tell him and he locked me down there for a couple days. He came back and asked again, I refused, in fact I stabbed him with my surgical knife." He frowns again as he goes on." He said he was.w.as going after..."
Pipkin goes to try and kick Leon "Let go of me!"
Bandit keeps his paw on the rats head to keep him out of reach, "Ok...one problem at a time, so I take you two know each other?" The fox lets go suddenly in an attempt to grapple with the little vermin warrior, reach for his knife in an attempt to disarm him while he is still talking with Leon.
Leon frowns from under his cloak "I..don't know this dibbun, the guard was..Razo, yes Hudson called him that." He watches the dibbun and sighs, he will answer the question later of Razo, "Hudson is after Dorarose, he thinks she knows where Oz is..I never told her where they went, I just told her the dibbuns were safe where they were going, she doesn’t know where they are at all, and he will have the bird..I managed to knock out the guard, this Razo and switched clothing with him..keep my herbs but that’s.." He shows the faint hint of the surcoat under the tunic and cloak, "Then Hudson came, yeah he was fooled the..the.." He shivers," The hawk went right for what he thought was me he..killed..a.a.te...." He decides to not finish, he saw it in detail and wished he didn't.
Pipkin tries to wiggle free as the fox tries to get the dagger , he most likely gets a couple stabs to his paw before the dagger is dropped. He looks at Leon and his face changes to shock, "what?..Deathtalon..ate..my brother?" Tears now flow as he just slumps to the floor and seems to suddenly act more like a dibbun would as he shivers, "Razo's..d..dead" He hic up sobs.
Bandit is forced to let go of the rat simply to address the stabby stabby wounds to his paw, shouting out curses that would make a sailor blush. Yes, the taverns population seem to be avoiding them all by now. Clutching his paw the fox begins to snarl at the rat. He's tempted, oh so tempted, to make a reply to Pipkin, seeing the beast cry he swallows his anger before tossing the knife angrily into a wall. "That is...just peachy." He says through gritted teeth
Under his cloak Leon looks near tears now himself, "I..didn't plan for that to happen, just knock him out and slip off, Hudson find out later it was his guard..not me. I didn’t think the bird would..be told to..eat me and see ..Razo as me and.." He looks down at Pipkin unsure what to do and sees Bandits paw where the dibbun stabbed it, he gets out a couple herbs and a bandage, " It’s..ok Bandit, let me fix your paw, look..sadly beast need to think..I am dead and that I am this..Razo or just some vermin rat, least for now." He says this as he goes to fix up Bandits paw.
Pipkin sniffs, he seems to care less if one of his brother’s daggers went flying into a wall, he curls up and starts sobbing.
The fox growls to himself while he lets the mouse bandage his paw. This is...this is a bit much to handle. And once again he is left to comfort some beast, something that he really should never be left in charge of. "Er, well...it sounds like if you didn't do what you did we would be having this conversation from the inside of a bird's gullet. So...don't feel bad." Bandit cringes more at his horrible attempt to comfort him rather from the pain. "Now you mentioned something about Oz? Did he escape too?”
Leon nods "Yes. Martin came to him and told him to go to a place and take the dibbuns there and go, he left only a few hours before the horde came. I plan to go check on him and hopefully all is ok...not sure how soon as I can’t be followed, have to be careful..Hudson has to believe he succeeded in my.." He gulps "Death" He finishes tending to the paw and sighs as he looks around " Feel so..tired and, hardly ate or drank in 4 days, no coins or anything to really get anything."
Pipkin sniffs as he looks up at the two as they talk and just lays on the floor, he then mutters a "Sorry" to the fox.
Bandit rubs at his eyes with his free paw. He looks over to the rat and makes an even deeper sigh. Yet another beast to try and comfort. He pauses for a long moment and opens his mouth to say something to Pipkin but has second thoughts and instead says to Leon. "The important part is that Oz made it out. I've been scouting Redwall for the last week looking for a way in to rescue or..." He sighs again, "Ah who am I kidding. I've been pretty much useless out here by myself. If we could find people to organize a group...what about Scioto and the town here? We helped him out once!"
The cloaked mouse nods " I am unsure who is all here and can't stay and no, no way to get in or out of the abbey, well could always be bird napped!" He sighs and shakes his head "Scioto is trapped in Redwall, so is Lee and Lorimis, Flicktail may be here I don’t know. I know Dorarose is here somewhere and I saw sparrows flying away from the abbey so if can gather them back up, I mean there is ways to form least a small group and the long patrol will hopefully come" He frowns "Unless the ones who went there got found or lost or...no I won’t believe them possibly dead, I can’t"
Pipkin has cried himself to sleep
Bandit clutches at his paw again after the healer has done his work. "I'm not one to put hopes in long shots. I wouldn't count on the long patrol showing up. Sparrows would be...rather handy. I've met their queen a few times." The fox stands up, looking down on the form of the rat he feels a pang of pity. Picking Pipkin up and laying him across his shoulder the pudgy vulpine says to Leon. "Until proven otherwise I guess it's just you, me, Flicktail if he is here and Dora." he chuckles, "It's up to a pirate, a champion, a healer, and a warrior to save the day."
Leon frowns "I..Can’t stay here..they" He lets tears go down his face "Bandit, I am serious you can’t tell any beast I was here, no one! Hudson will be here and he believes me..eaten by his bird, he has to believe that please I..was never here, right now I am this Razo and." He watches Bandit "Where are you taking the dibbun at?" He asks the fox as he stands "I also have to check on Oz and the dibbuns...if needed warn him, Hudson has 27 vermin under his control, he wants Oz dead and wants to use the dibbuns as some sort of..make the abbey listen..Hudson also is after.." He falls to his knees, he best get some needed rest and food or he really will be dead, "He..Hudson said was coming find Dorarose...he's going to kill...her.."
The fox rolls his eyes. Leon looks just as traumatized as Bandit was when he was captured by Nightfur. He can understand his feeling. His home was taken over. His people captured. His wife threatened. But Bandit doesn’t have time for that nor does he have time to coddle the beast. Picking Leon up by the scruff of his neck with his free paw the fox shoves the rat dibbun into his arms, "Enough! Now you listen to me Leon." Bandit says in calm but no nonsense voice, like a school teacher scolding an unruly dibbun. "You don't get to fall apart. You have a job to do. Take this dibbun and get him somewhere safe. Find Oz and let him know what's going on. And most important, get some rest." The fox pulls out a small bag from his belt, "I have some Ferrin. Use it to buy yourself a meal, get cleaned up. I'll look for Dora."
Leon blinks as he is picked up, he is lucky Bandit is a friend and not a foe, he nods slowly and looks at the rat dibbun and the coins "I..thank you Bandit, your a good friend, I hate to..make Dora think I am dead but it’s for the best, till..also Derean is supposed to be around also, somewhere, he can also help. I will take the dibbun to Oz and I will stay...stay safe best I can. I have a feeling Hudson may try and harm the dibbun, he tried to kill one that was still in the abbey. It about 4 were elsewhere when they all left, course a couple are near the age of just barely a dibbun"
The fox keeps his face calm but inwardly wonders about why he must always be the sane person to keep this crew together? "I'll see what I can do. We can't do anything about Marek...yet. But maybe we can eliminate at least one of our problems. I've never met this Hudson beast but once I find our people we will come find you and Oz."
Leon shakes his head "Don’t need to come find me and Oz, we will be fine just help beasts here and what for the Long Patrol...Benar, Zinnia and Anomen went to get the Long patrol....I just hope they get there with no problems it’s over 3 weeks there and then back, I mean for all I know they could of been found by the vermin or some other force and killed, but hoping they are alive and bring the help needed"
Bandit nods his head, "Alright. Like I said. I'll see what I can do. In the meantime. Rest up. This is only going to get worse before it gets better and we can't afford to have you go to pieces." Bandit turns for the exit then pauses, "I'm glad you are ok Leon. I'm glad I am not alone."
Leon nods as he places the dibbun down for a shirt while and then suddenly goes to hug the fox, "No..your not alone, others got out of the abbey too, just keep the fact you saw me a secret please, if your don’t Hudson will stop at nothing to hunt me down and slay me for real. Hopefully things don’t stay bad for long"
Bandit doesn't know what to say. Social interaction is NOT his strong suit. He cracks and smile and pats the mouse on the shoulder. "That won't happen Leon. We will stop this...Hudson before he ever gets to you. Until then yer secret is save with me. I'll let only Dora know you are alive... Now you have some rest to catch up on. Me I have a job to do."
Leon listens and steps back "I am unsure if she should know or not..it could endanger her" Tears go down his face, he will have to redo that charcoal dust.."I..can't endanger her, I love her.." He walks away after this, he picks up the sleeping Pipkin and heads out of the tavern slowly. Yes he will get some food, yes he will get rest but not here, he can't risk it...one last look towards Bandit before he turns and is out the door.