Lee Interegates Oak(Marek's Revenge TP)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

RW Abbey: Old Office

The old dormatory office has been cleaned up since its rediscovery, the tanned skins have been removed to be burried and the dust swept away. This small room actualy looks slightly comforting now, small, but not cramped, with its single window looking down on the orchards. There is a lingering feeling of dread here though, accompanied by the unmistable scent of death and leather...

Exits: [O]ut to Hallway

Oak is sitting untied with an unconscious guard in the room, and his feet propped up on another chair eating a very good Breakfast which was obviously stolen. "Hello Lee, these little cakes are quite good wan' one?"

Lee scowls. "Well, I see me guest 'as 'elped 'imself. Why ain't ye flown the coop yet, hmm? It be obvious ye can escape at any time...why 'aven't ye?"

Oak shrugs. "Do I really need 'te? I like it 'ere"  He takes a bite of scone. "Besides, I feel bad 'fer losin' the sword 'te Marek, I'll be 'onest I wasn' gonna GIVE it back, I was goin' 'te to SELL it back, but I would never 'ave let the sword get into Marek's 'ands under me own power, I was jumped and 'ye know it!"
Lee frowns. "I know nothin', ye scoundrel. Yer workin' wi' Marek, ain't ye? Tell me th' truth!"
Oak shakes his head. "I 'ave standards, me friend. I am many 'dings. A Squirrel, A 'dief, but I 'ave standards, I wouldn't lower myself 'te working 'fer Marek. I work 'fer myself, plain and simple"
Lee hmms suspiciously. "Alright, so ye claim. Yer gonna tell me ev'rythin' from the beginnin'. So, start."
Oak laughs. "I 'dought I told 'ye everythin' when I was drunk, but I digress"  He leans back more. "So I steal some valuable items some times and sell 'im to people. I 'dought I could make a profit on Martin's Sword, so I stole it, sold it 'te a rat named 'Alfear, kill 'em, took the sword back and 'de money, and 'ad plans to sell it back 'te the abbey and leave it and 'dat, but 'dats when Marek showed up"
Lee holds his paws up. "Wait, ye killed some beast?" He sighs. "Agh, we'll deal with the murder later, first can ye tell me if Marek said anythin' in particular?"
Oak blinks, as if he doesn't understand what Lee was trying to say. "It's not like 'Alfear was a decen' beast"  He clears his throat. "Marek saw 'dat I 'ad 'de sword, so he attacked me 'wid a group of his 'orde. The last 'ding I remember is Marek sayin' sommat about takin' over Mossflower. But 'dat doesn' surprise me, he kinda does 'dat a lot"
Lee sighs. "Yes, I noticed... So, tell me...Why didn't 'e kill ye? Marek is not ta be trifled with."
Oak nods. "I dunno, 'ee had the opportunity, but I think 'ee owed me one after I 'elped him find out where Nightfur was 'idin. Remember 'dat? If It wasn't fer' me 'ye wouldn't 'ave found Nightfur in the first place!"
Lee turns and stares at the squirrel. "Ye tol' Marek where ta find Nightfur? 'Ow much did 'e pay ye?"
Oak raises an eyebrow. "Nothin', I did it simply 'te rid Mossflower 'o slaver scum. Why 'de you look at me like dat? I was on 'yer side"
Lee shakes his head. "Oak, I think it be pretty apparent by now that the only side yer on, is yer own. Now, think back...Did Marek ever once tell ye why 'e wanted ta kill Nightfur?"
Oak nods. "Same reason YOU wanted to kill Nightfur, same reason I wanted to kill Nightfur, same reason EVERYONE wanted 'te kill Nightfur....'ee was a slaver"

Lee sighs. "I guess yer right." His eyes narrow. "'Owever...I am certain Marek 'ad an ulterior motive... 'E always does."

Oak nods. "I would agree, 'ee wanted Nightfur out of 'de way so 'ee could 'ave Mossflower 'te 'imself, but I wanted Nightfur out of 'de way too, so I 'elped him. And we all joined together"  He finishes his food. "Lee, 'ye don't 'ave anything to worry about from me. I would never be on 'de side of anyone that wanted to take 'oer Mossflower. Sure, I'll steal 'de sword, I'll steal 'yer gold, I'll steal 'de shirt off your back if I think It'll get me profit, but I 'ave standards, and I won't sell out Redwall 'te a beast like Marek"

Lee studies the squirrel silently a few moments. "Oak.. I believe ye, for once. Ye have ta decide if ye'll 'elp."

Oak makes its look like he is considering it, but then laughs. Before Lee goes off worrying, Oak speaks. "Of course I'll help. I'm a good fighter, I'm a Good spy, and I'm a Good Eater....but does 'dat last one really count?"  He pauses. "I'm also good and injured still from 'dat fight wid' Marek, but I should be in good shape in half a tenday"
Lee nods. "Good. If Marek be plottin' somethin' big, all of Mossflower will be in peril. Ev'rybeast will either fight...or perish."
Oak gets a serious look on his face. "Oh yes, I definitely don' wanna Perish". He gets up for a bit, but sits back down. "I'll stay 'ere unless...'yer letting me go, maybe?"
Lee shrugs. "I may as well release ye...I got no reason ta keep ye, so yer free ta go. But I'll be watchin' ye a lot closer in the future."

Oak nods and waves as he walks off and out the door.