Launch! (The Amazing Race: Redwall Edition: Finding the 6th piece of the map)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Camp Willow: Dibbun Tree Fort

             <----> Camp Willow -  Dibbun Tree Fort <---->

This is the favorite place for dibbuns to play at. A tree fort built by the grown otters to keep the dibbuns happy and content while they do their work. The tree fort is made in a circular fashion. The center of it, being the enclosed area, and the outside being the deck, which is railed off. On the inside area of the tree fort it is quite roomy. There is a small box that contains an assortment of items that dibbuns would consider treasures. A small bed is at one side of the room, incase some dibbun gets tired. In the center of the room is a small table, with chairs pulled up to it.

-- Travel: Play Areas: --

-- [B]ack [T]o [P]lay [A]rea --

-- --



Chud doesn't come here often anymore, but the map pieces have drawn him back, and the tall young otter stands out like a giant among the few otter Dibbuns here.

Courage follows a little ways behind Chud. He is unaware that he is following the other otter, but he is on the same mission: Find the scrap of map! He ends up standing a few feet away from Chud and looking dazedly over the seemingly millions of little dibbuns, wondering how in the world one piece of small paper can be found in such a crowd.

Chud turns around a few times, then stops from dizziness. " 'ow in...'ey! Was that it? No..." He shakes his head in frustration.

Courage's ears perk a he hears Chud and he looks over with a wry grin "You searching too?" He goes to stand by his friend as he speak again "It seems nearly impossible"

"Naught's impossible bu' flyin' hedgehogs, an' I've seen a few o' those, too," Chud says, half-smiling. "C'mon, mebbe two pair o' eyes'r' better than one."

Courage laughs and shrugs "You have a point there." He looks over the dibbuns, but seems to be looking in all the wrong places at the wrong time for when he looking at this dibbun that dibbun has the paper. He frowns in aggravation.

Chud goes back to back with Courage so neither of them misses anything. "Wai--is tha'--no...Rrrrgh..."

Courage looks over the dibbuns and sighs in annoyance "We could try and file them all out of the tree house and check each one of their paws?" He says this as a suggestion.

Chud shrugs, in the midst of dislodging a Dibbun from his footpaw. "Get /off/, already!" The pest runs off and Chud says, "Maybe it would be a good id--Wait." He stops.

Courage tries to shake off three dibbuns that have found his rudder as a very nice seat. He growls at them, but as Chud says this he looks hopeful "What?! Did you find the little trouble maker?" He looks out over the otter children, trying to see if he can see what Chud saw.

"Where'd he go, where'd he go, where'd he /go?/" Chud mutters. "Th' one on me paw--he had the map!"

Courage slaps his forehead "You've got to be kidding me!" He looks desperately over the dibbuns. He suddenly gets quite annoyed at the otters on his rudder and her swings it up and then sharply to the left, flinging all three giggling dibbuns away from his precious tail. "Now, where did the little stinker go?" His eyes rove the crowd.

"heheehe-Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" The dibbuns go hurtling off in all directions from the otter's rudder, while Chud is meanwhile literally swarmed by them, and topples. " '" he gasps out hoarsely to Courage.

Courage looks around and suddenly sees the dibbun with the map piece! He is just about to go after him when he hears Chud's plea for help. He glances over and looks completely torn. "Bu-"He comes to a decision while trying to avoiding the clinging dibbuns. "One minute mate!" He yells to Chud as he dives at the dibbun who holds the map piece.

Said Dibbun giggles and bolts out of the tree fort, very fast for a beast with such little legs, and is soon lost to view in the camp. Chud has managed by this time to free himself, and the Otterscout groans as he dusts himself off. "Ah, great. Now what?'

Courage growls again, this time at more dibbuns who are accumulating around his rudder, begging him the 'launch them too!'. He takes a quick step away and stands by Chud, giving the dibbuns a fierce glare. He shrugs "We should probably follow the little beggar, so that we can stay alive! Let's go!" He leaps toward the door just as two dibbuns try and seat themselves on his tail.

Chud dives out of the tree fort. "Oops..." echoes from outside as the young scout realizes that he probably should keep in mind that while rules are bent and 'made to be broken', the law of gravity doesn't count as such. WHUMP.

Courage hardly manages to keep his feet as he lands near Chud. He almost just starts running, but he realizes that his friend is down and quickly offers a paw to help him up. They had better hurry for the dibbuns and starting to pour out of the tree house.

Chud accepts the paw gratefully and rises. "Thanks, mate--" His eye go wide as he sees the approaching mob. "Oh. Gawd." He freezes for a moment, then..."RUN!" And he does...

Camp Willow: Dibbun Play Area

             <----> Camp Willow -  Dibbun Play Area <---->

This area was made specially for the otter and other dibbuns in the surround area. There is a large wooden swing set, that has a two slides on it. It also has three swings hanging across the main beam. One of the slides leads down into a shallow part of the river, and the other lands into a pile of sand. Set in a tree is a good sized tree fort, where the dibbuns can play games and such. A large wooden box is set to the side. The box contains different kinds of things, ranging from toys to wooden swords and shields for the dibbuns enjoyment.

-- Travel: Other Places: --

-- [B]ack [T]o [P]ool [I]nto the [T]ree [F]ort --

-- [Ti]ller's Cabin --

-- --

Courage keeps pace with Chud; even though Courage is a bit slower, the dibbuns seem to be spurring him on. The dibbuns are not gaining, but they are not falling behind as they run after the two fugitives, chanting "LAUNCH! LAUNCH! LAUNCH!"

Chud keeps running like a beast with no hope. In the middle of the sand pit, he skids to a halt, however, sending up slow, majestic plumes of dust and grit. "I think..." He sniffs the air.

Courage reluctantly stops running "Why did you stop?!?" The mob of dibbuns is starting to gain "They are right behind us!" Courage almost yells. Then he calms down enough to listen to Chud "You think? Think what?"

"Hang on," Chud murmurs, barely opening his mouth, but quietly approaching a large, and, now that you think about it, suspiciously otter-shaped pile of sand, slowly extending his paws, then--"Gotcha!" The pile disintegrates as Chud snatches a small otter Dibbun up, holding him several feet above the ground as his 'catch' wriggles and writhes, struggling to get free. "Alright, y'little perisher, where's th' map?" Chud demands.

Courage looks quite joyous at first than frowns and jerks his head to the pack of dibbuns that are starting to close in. "Umm, Chud? Could we take this somewhere else?"

But the Otterscout doesn't hear him. He's embroiled in a somewhat embarrassing argument with his captive. "Woddyer mean, ye swallowed it?" he asks the younger one incredulously. "Spit it up, I say!" But the Dibbun refuses, and finally, without thinking, Chud says, "My mate Courage here'll launch yer if'n ye give it to u--OWCH!" He yelps and drops the beast into the sand as a soggy wad of parchment nails him in the left eye, but he still retains the presence of mind to snatch it up. But there's another problem...They /all/ want a launch now. The mob squeals and whines for 'their turn.'

Courage looks despairingly at Chud "Why did you go and say that?" He sighs and being the stickler of honesty that he is *cough hack wheeze* he gets in a position to launch all fifty or so dibbuns, yelling at them to line up otherwise he would launch them into the lake full of eels. He is going to be here for a while.