Lackadaisy Redwall Crash Smash ;) (It's a serious log, despite the title. I just couldn't think of anything better :P)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

RW Abbey: Scullery

This room is nothing more than a fate hallway. Slate counters with sinks and water pumps line both walls, and it is here that the many dishes and utensils from Redwall's meals are cleaned and dried, along with all the pots, pans, and large bowls that are used for food storage and preparation. There is a single window that looks outside, too small for any but a dibbun to squeeze through.

Exits: [Br]eezeway, [Ki]tchen

Mirabella the mouse. LilyMoore the mouse, with a short appearance by Angela the mouse. Lacota the squirrel. Emyuil the mouse.

After all of its famous meals, there are plenty of dishes in Redwall's kitchen. The scullery is just the place for them to get cleaned, and it's here that one can find Mirabella. Before she is seen, she will be heard, singing in a voice that chimes out brightly and fills the entirety of the small space, echoing out into the kitchen. "I shall go, after my one true lover, who waits for me, and I won't have a-nother..." She scrubs away at a large platter with a sponge on the end of a stick.

Lacota steps into the room, hmming. "Afternoon, Miss. How is the job progressing?"

(1)LilyMoore quietly opens the door behind the Friar and silently peeks around him, hoping that he doesn't notice her. She's obviously looking for someone. She tries to gently squeeze past the squirrel, hoping he won't notice. Yeah, because he's TOTALLY blind. *Not.

(2)LilyMoore quietly opens the door and silently peeks in. She's obviously looking for someone. She wrinkles her nose at the other mousemaid's song, but for now says nothing. She sneaks in, trying to go unnoticed.

Mirabella blithely continues to polish up her dish, chirping through the next line of the song, a warm smile of contentment beaming down at the soapy water. How she stays so cheerful is anyone's guess. "And he is out there, somewhere, under the trees or the staaaars!" She changes key upwards. "The /staaaars!/"

Holy--! Loud noises in tiny spaces are not a good combination. Lily covers her ears and goes on. Stumbling on her dress hem, she falls, and unless the other mousemaid moves, she's going to get bumped quite expectantly by a falling young adult. Who is yelling. "AUGHOHMYWORD!!"

Lacota is seemingly unaffected, despite his momentary daze of standing in the corner, staring blankly at a wall.

"What seems to be th-" Mirabella begins sweetly, turning towards the yell, only to be half-tackled, half-bumped by Lily. The large platter she's been so dedicatedly abrading drops onto the floor, shattering into large shards of fired clay. "Oh, Miss Lily, I'm so sorry," she gushes, reaching out to fawn at the other mousemaid before realizing that the floor is now a minefield. "Nobody move!" she cries, spreading her paws wide.

Too late. Lily curls up into a ball, her dress protecting her from the shattered pieces of pottery as she holds her paw. "My wrist is bleeding!" her left wrist is bleeding, and a piece of the platter laying where her paw had been has a red mark on it from where it's sharp corner cut her. She struggles to not cry.

Lacota is shocked from his daze by the sound of something shattering. "Hmm? What? Honestly, how many times must I tell you folks that my dishes are *not* for breaking?"

"How did you-" Mira starts, only to decide that the platter must have had some sort of shrapnel properties that propelled the shard through the air at the other mouse's wrist. "Just don't move, dear," she continues, leaning over and beginning to pluck up the pieces carefully, and then Lacota is chastising her again. "I'm so sorry, Brother Friar, I- she- she... I just slipped and dropped it," she fibs, grabbing at the hem of her dress to use it as a makeshift basket.

LilyMoore sniffs, assuming that the Friar is talking to her. "I'm's bleeding allot...." she pulls out a handkercheif and starts clumsily wrapping her wrist. The blood isn't squirting, so she obviously didn't sever the veins and arteries, but it's still flowing very heavily. She kicks a few pottery shards over to the other mousemaid to make them easier for her to reach.

Lacota kneels, and starts to assist with the cleanup. "Just...please be more careful. A beast could get hurt... Are you alright, Lilly?"

"That looks dreadful," Mirabella comments with concern, gathering up the last of the shards into her skirt and hurrying out. "I'll fetch Brother Healer, or, or someone!" And with that, the mousemaid disappears.

LilyMoore shakes her head as she looks around for a dish towel. "My wrist is bleeding...." the hankie is almost soaked through.

Lacota frowns, nodding. "We need something to stop the bleeding, lass. I should get you to the Infirmary. Your Father or one of the novices will know better how to handle the situation."

LilyMoore starts shaking her head. "No, no, I can get there by myself....ohmyheavens!!" she had stood up, but then she fell over again. She cries out in pain as she jars her injured wrist. She points to a dishtowel and whimpers, "I need that! Please...."

Lacota quickly grabs the towel, and hands it to the mouse. "Anything else?"

LilyMoore looks up at him as she wraps the towel around her wrist. She seems afraid of him. "I.....I....." she looks to the ground, loathe to say this next thing. ".....I don't think....I really can...make own....."

Just then, a strong, young voice comes from the other end of the hall. "Lily, you in here?" Emyuil is here, for an unknown purpose. He sees his niece and sprints forward to her side, trying to assess the situation.

LilyMoore looks up at the familiar voice. "Nuncle Emmy?" When he gets close enough, she goes to reach up with her god paw and wrap her arm around his neck. "I...fell down an'.....cut my wrist....Infirm...." Her left wrist is wrapped in her hankie and a dishtowel.

Emyuil nods, saying gently, "Okay, I'll get you out of here." He picks her up, one paw under her and the other around her shoulders, to carry her. "Oof."

Lacota nods his head. "I think it may require stitches, so you'd best get her to the Infirmary quick, Lad. Hurry."

LilyMoore allows her uncle to carry her. She blinks as her ears begin to ring. "S...s.....sorry...."

Emyuil nods as well. He hoists his niece up against him and jogs out as quickly as he can. "Shhhh," Emyuil says with surprising tenderness for a beast who's usually so angry. "Not your fault."

LilyMoore nods slowly. Angela is suddenly right there, and when she sees her grandson carrying her great-granddaughter, she commands, "What 'appened??" She guides them to the Infirmary.

Lacota follows them to the Infirmary, but remains quiet for now.

"She cut her wrist," Emyuil explains briefly as they walk. "She fell." He wastes no time getting to the Infirmary after that.

LilyMoore is unconscious by the time she is laid down on the examination table. Angela starts roaring out commands to the Novices and Order members (excluding the Friar), and soon they are busy working on the injury. There is hardly any room for the near the table for the 2 who brought the mousemaid in here.

Lacota does whatever is asked of him without question. He well realizes the seriousness of the situation.

Emyuil considers bulling his way through the crowd of beasts, but for once is prudent and decides against it, figuring he'll only get in the way. After a time of watching his niece, concern writ across his scarred features, he departs to tell her mother.

Thanks for reading!
