Just One Of Those Days...
( Silverstorm and Bek, then later Lee...somewhere on the dirt road)
Somewhere a little south of the abbey Silverstorm decided on a little walk, she had just helped whom ever had taken over for Keldon Forge and even got a chance to work a little on some armor and now she is just enjoying a sunny, chilly day.
Bek walks up the road, in his cloak and his weapons on as he is not in the abbey. This full look may scare some and most likely some avoid his path.
Silverstorm sees the other sea otter remembering him without the cloak as well as she walks over to him “Ello..Bek.”
Bek stops and tilts his head “You are..being outside the infirm, I am glad I was…worried”
Silverstorm blinks” Worried about..me?”
Bek nods as he walks closer, “Yes..about you. You are almost like me, well not in same way but we both have our secrets and be sort of outcasts of our own kind, neither even having family to call one’s own. Maybe both..adopted yes?”
Silverstorm shrugs “Well I have no family..even adopted, I sort of think of the blacksmith as a..father figure but not told him that yet..see my father was a blacksmith also and was protective of me and always listened to me and I felt so lost when he died and then I came to the abbey and meet Brother Zork..yeah he is a badger but still has become like a father to me…he listens to me, he has taught me so much of the forge and even got a beaver friend of his to help..he even was worried about me when I was in the infirm. He has a daughter and me and her get along great..”
Bek listens to all this, “Maybe he could become father and you can also gain sister too if he has daughter already…”
Silverstorm chuckles and smiles.
Bek tilts his head so she can see him better “You should smile more, it makes you..seem alive and your eyes sparkle like fine jewels”
Silverstorm blushes at this “Umm…no one has ever said that to me, usually other otters would rather I get out of their path, no one liked me at the holt, just father its..a long story but he was the only one who truly cared.”
Bek nods “Well..they should not of been that way.”
Silverstorm shrugs.
Bek hmms, “So..how is day?” He is short on what to talk of.
Silverstorm shrugs as she smiles a little, “I think I will be rather glad when spring comes myself."
Bek says, "Spring is still bit off, besides winter suits me just fine..good excuse for wearing hooded cloak, can just say I am cold."
Silverstorm nods "Well..maybe, you look better without the cloak Bek "
Bek snorts slightly and just adjusts his cloak better and checks to make sure his sleeves are alright, unlike inside...outside he has his blade on his back and an X on his chest of black cloth complete with daggers and he wears his gloves with a thick band on the tops. "I will be judge of that..and have reasons."
Silverstorm rolls her eyes, "So..wild guess you changed your mind on staying for the feast." Some disappointment is in her voice.
Lee steps out onto the road from the Abbey. He starts to head south, raising his paw as he passes. "Good mornin' Silverstorm."
Bek frowns under the hood but nods, "That is being correct.." He looks over at Lee and nods a simple greeting.
Silverstorm starts to say something then turns to Lee, "Oh ello Lee..I was just out for a short while, speaking to a friend whom I guess is...well heading off for now."
Lee pauses, nodding. "Mr. Bek, correct? I 'ope ye found the Abbey welcomin' to ye."
Bek nods "Yes my name is Bek, your abbey is a good place but I do not think it’s a place fit in too well even though you have very nice beasts here."
Silverstorm says, "You know you could of at least stayed for de feast"
Lee says, "Indeed. All beasts are welcome to attend."
Bek says, "Your abbey wouldn’t want a beast like me to stay too long"
Silverstorm frowns, " Why...you did save..in fact you saved two beasts the other day and if you were not there it..well wouldn’t of been a very good day for the abbey"
Bek says, "Was not gonna let a beast drown or almost fall in water like the squirrel maid"
Silverstorm says "But..." She starts and sighs and just turns back to the abbey, she needs to get inside now. "You know it’s getting cold I am going inside."
Lee shakes his head. "The invitation still stands, sir."
Bek watches Silverstorm head towards the gates, "Silverstorm?" He starts to walk towards her. "I know I said I would...stay a few days but..they would not trust me if they knew my line of work so with that I do not stay...maybe can be visiting sometime.?" He answers Lee, "I do not know and around..so many beasts"
Silverstorm spins around and glares at the other sea otter, "Just forget it..once..just once, oh never mind what am I thinking no one cares.." She then heads on inside.
Bek sighs and seems a sad tone to it as he clears his throat and manages a soft chuckle, "Guessing woke on wrong side of bed or how say that?"
By now Silverstorm is in the abbey and goes straight to her room and lies down, she has no plans to leave the room for the rest of the day.