Interlude 1 (Talking about the Kidnapped Abbot TP)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

RW Abbey: Cavern Hole

This room is slightly smaller than Great Hall, but still of a size large enough to accomodate a great number of gathered beasts. A large fireplace is set into one of the walls, and there are a series of small tables and chairs near one end for beasts who are eating late, or simply prefer the smaller tables for their meals. Cushions and blankets have been set in one corner. A short flight of steps leads up to Great Hall, and along the walls of the stairs, going both ways, the word 'Redwall' has been carved into the stone.

                  [G]reat [H]all

Rayen the vixen. LilyMoore 'Lily' and Angela da mouses.

Rayen is in the cavern hole and has a snack, or waht she calls a snack, in front of her. Some bread with honey and onions on top. Also a large bowl of sliced apples and cheese, and a large mint tea to drink. Also beside this is a couple berry scones.

LilyMoore comes into Cavern Hole, looking stressed and frazzled. She crosses the room and sits across from the vixen and buries her head in her arms. Angela enters shortly after this and comes over. "Lily?" The young mouse groans and peeks up at the fox. "She keeps asking if I'm alright. It's driving me nuts."

Rayen blinks as she chews a mouthful of scone and swallows as she speaks "Well it has been...stressful around here, but all seems ok, well around the abbey anyways and think some beasts are over saying how many...well...what ever they were showed up."

Angela stumps over and nods. "Aye, I just 'ope that the rescue party gets everybeast back 'ome safely." Lily nods and sits up, rubbing her right eye. "I've been helping keep the Dibbuns inside, and it's literally one of the most irritating things in all of Mossflower...."

Rayen smiles a little "Dibbuns can be...intresting sometimes...ohhhh" She blinks and lays a paw on her stomach area and chuckles some as she smiles "Very intresting.." She says again and eats more of her snack.

LilyMoore, having never been a mother, looks at the vixen worriedly. "Are you okay??" Angela, on the other hand, is a great-grandmother (and, hence, a mother) and a healer, and so she just smiles. "It's due any time now, ain't it? Do you think 'tis male or female? I'm bettin' on female."

Rayen nods "Yeah...fairly soon and I don't know till the baby is born and I am fine it just kicked, it does that sometimes"

LilyMoore relaxes and smiles. "It....must feel" She's trying to be polite and ask an awkward question all at the same time. Not working very well. Angela sits and clunks her staff onto the table. "Come right to the Infirm when it's time, and if I'm not there, a Novice will know to come get me or Leon."

Rayen nods "I have felt fine lately, maybe some stress." And when she is stressed she eats allot like the large bowl of apple slices and cheese, she sighs and finishes her tea, and goes to get more tea and sits back down, "I even take walks sometimes. I may take a walk to collect some colored leaves as they would look nice on the tables for the feast"

LilyMoore smiles, but then it fades, and she gazes at the table sadly. "If we even have a feast......I hope Momma and the others are able to bring the Abbot and the rest who were kidnapped back...." Angela sighs. "Aye, I 'ope they are all alright. We 'ad a few injuries from beasts fallin' into the collapsed tunnels."

And then Rayen had to leave, and then I was running out of time :( Thanks for reading! :)
