Ink and Chalk

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Characters: Orph, Racky, Flicktail, NPC cook and Aikuen

Locations: RW Abbey: Library, Great Hall, Gate House, Moledeep, Moledeep: dibbun hole, Berke's rose garden, kitchens

RW Library

After the other beasts had one by one left Great Hall, William was left with nothing to do. Bored he wanders into the library.

Racky is sitting over near a pile of books that seam to be from the Stories, a fluffy tail appears every now and then over the top of the books like a flag waving, who ever it is, they are small. The sound of a page turning echoing in the room, before a rather audible crack, crunch, crunch, crack is herd.

Hearing the sound William figures either this other beast is eating something or tearing up one of the books. The ratling walks over and peers over the books at the fox dibbun curiously.

Racky is in fact eatting something and for that matter getting crumbs from the candid chestnut he seams to be enjoying rather messely, getting it on the pages as he seams deep in reading before his head suddenly lifts and he stares right into your eyes, like he knew you where there. He blinks just staring for a few moments before he offers up a spare candid chestnut from his bag, smiling.

Orph blinks a minute before taking the offered chestnut, "Hi," he cocks his head at the little fox, "I'm William. What's your name?"

Racky ear folds and spins on the spot scribbling someone on a blank piece of paper behind him, he holds it up the letters R A C K Y written on it at the top.

Orph reads the writing out loud, "Racky? Your name's Racky? Too busy to talk or can't you?" he leans against the pile of books.

Racky flexes one of his ears as he pulls his pen and ink closer writing once more, No talk. It reads this time, he opens his mouth as if to talk and only lets out a screech, thankfully soft and not really loud.

You say, "That's too bad. Least you can write." he pulls out a square clay tablet from his pack, "I made this to write picture message for my Pa cause he can't read. He's learning though. Have you always been unable to talk or did something happen to ya?"

Racky looks down with his ears flexing softly before he looks up pulling the collar down from his neck reveling the large scar down the middle to the shoulder blade. he quickly covers it back up. Writing some more words, "It was accident." he writes showing the paper once he is done.

Orph nods. "You live at the Abbey?" he asks.

Racky nods his head, as he climbs up the books and sits atop the pile, he is just a small little fox dibbun.

You say, "From the looks of it that accident coulda been much worse, least your still alive. Your family live here too?"

Racky tail twitches as he shakes his head no. The look on his face tells it all they are not around anymore.

Orph nods, I used t be an orphan for a long time, but now I'm not. Aikuen the otter is my family now and sorta a lot of the Abbeydwellers. Though I should warn ya that there this big white fox named Flicktail and he don't like there to be orphaned dibbuns anywhere so he's now father to who knows how many dibbuns, hehe. Flicky's a good beast an likes dibbuns very much. He's kinda like my uncle an his dibbuns are kinda my cousins. If you want a family he'd be happy t have ya or I could ask my Pa if he'd take ya if you'd rather, not that you have to pick either being on your own ain't /all/ bad. I spent about two seasons or close to that on my own out in the woods before I came here. Of course I don't live at the Abbey myself, me an Pa live at Moledeep about a half days walk from here if ya know the way, at least a full day if ya don't."

Racky ear flicks and nods at the mention of Flicktail the recognition means he has meet Flicktail. He wiggles his ears and nods his head, he grabs his paper and pen again writing quickly. "Not had family for long time." he frowns as he keeps writing, "It lonely here sometimes." he frowns again, showing the paper.

Orph nods, "Yeah, it does get lonely when your alone. I guess here there's always the Sisters and Brothers but they're often busy with somethin' ... Flicky ask t be your Da yet? He seems t ask every orphaned dibbun sooner or later. He's nice, but -" Wiliam's big ears swivel around as the sound of a beast coming in, "Hi, there." he calls out not bothering to look and see who's there. "Where was I? Oh, roight well Flicky's nice an all but he can't be father to everybeast an he has a lot of dibbuns already. Up t you really on what ya do."

Racky ear swivels some himself eyes watching the vistor a few moments before nodding to the comments, he writes again, "No answer to Flicktail." he nods wiggling his tail as gets a new piece of paper and writes some more, "Flicktail seamed really busy." he ear folds, "not sure if goning to go that way." he writes out.

Orph nods again, "Well no matter how many dibbun's Flicky has he's always glad to get another, but he /knows/ not /all/ dibbuns want him for a father, friend usually. ... What ya been readin' Racky? I don't think I've actually read a book myself fore. I heard stories though ... you heard about Mariel from long long ago what fought the searats an all that?" The irony of his fondness for that story is usually lost on his friends.

Racky nods his head, and picks up the book he was reading and holds it up so you can read the cover, 'Great Adventures of Martin.' he nods wiggling his ears.

Orph reads the title to himself his mouth moving a little as he does so. "Been readin' bout Martin wot's on th tapestry in Great Hall, huh. Flicky said Martin visited him once. I heard some about him fore ... he made th Abbey or somethin like that right? Everybeast round ere likes Martin. That book tell any about th mouse thief or Denny wot became the first Foremole for th Abbey? I used t have a cousin named Denny ..."

Racky ear flicks and head shakes, seams he is only on page five of the book. he ear folds. Putting the book back he reaches in his bag for another chestnut, and lets out a small sudden screech as his bag is empty.

Orph, who had become very quiet, is still holding the chestnut Racky'd given him. He'd gotten so carried away with talking he hadn't got around to eating it. The ratling is chewing on his lower lip lost in thought.

Racky giggles out very softly in soft screeches, wiggling his tail, he writes on his paper, "Will get some more from cooks later." he smiles and tail wiggles, "You want bag to?" he writes as well.

Orph is still lost in his own thoughts and doesn't responded. He sits down on the floor not noticing that he's now dropped the chestnut he'd been holding. /Damn memories ... wish I could forget sometimes ... no can't get drunk, not worth it ... sides Pa's mad enough without havin' t throw me in th pond .../

Racky ear flicks and blinks just watching you before he lets out a loud screech, loud enough the great hall surely is to hear it as well. He looks at you with wide eyes, lost and confused.

You room-page, "Sorry if the language seems strong. Orph/William is thinking and ignoring you as a side effect. I am going to make and eat dinner but I'll be back after."

Orph looks up startled, "What was that for?!" his large ears are laid back from annoyance and the loud sound they just suffered.

Racky tail flicks and jumping and slipping down the back of the books landing on his face and belly, with another startled screech the paper hits the air and slowly floats towards your lap. The fox dibbun looks a bit startled as he looks up with huge eyes.

Orph looks down at the fox, "You ok? ... Uh, raise a paw if you're alroight and um, both if you need help."

Racky slowly raises one paw, blinking up at you, as the paper lands in your lap, the words written clearly on it. "Will get some more from cooks later." "You want bad to?"

Orph reads the paper to himself and hands it back to the fox. Next he take the chalk from his tablet and writes on it before holding it up for the fox to see.

You write, No thanks. I'm fine. Thank you. on the clay tablet.

Racky ear flicks and peeks over the books looking at the tablet blinking as he reads it.

Racky nods his head and scrambles back up on top of the books, flexing his tail as he lets out a soft screech, seaming to be cheery all the sudden.

Orph says, "It saves having t carry paper an ink with ya. Well, so long as ya got chalk or somethin like it to write or draw with. You can use it too, but you can't keep it, cause I need it ... though I guess I could make you one if you wanted me too."

Flicktail comes rushing in from Great Hall, "everybeast be o.k.?

Racky takes a flying leap back behind the books with another loud screech, seams very spookable fox, as he peeks out shaking some his eyes wide and open.

Orph cocks his head at the fox dibbun, "It's jus Flicky he won't hurt ya, trust me if anything he'll ... well you know."

Flicktail blibnk blinks " be you screechin oi eard?

Racky ear flicks as he settles down and clambers back atop the stacked books he was sitting on, wiggling his tail as he bobs his head in a nod, his tail sweeps the floor slowly behind him. He picks up his pen and paper again, "Making sure William was ok." he nods his head again showing the writing to Flicktail.

Flicktail says, "well that be verra noice o ye Rackey, oi see ye be be agood things"

Orph leans close to Flicky to see the writing. "That why ya was so loud all th sudden? What'd I do?"

Flicktail can't read by the way

Orph whispers what the paper says to Flicky.

Racky turns the paper over and points at the other words the one about the bag of candid chestnuts, he scribbles and writes again, "You just looked blank." he nods, showing the paper.

Flicktail says, "oh aye,....yes....well oi just heard a screech, oi didn't knwo we ad a Racky visitin"

Flicktail asks, "wots it say William?"

Orph reads the paper looking puzzled, "I did ... hmm, that all ... was I doin' anythin'?"

Flicktail says, "speak up Orph..oi doesn't unnerstand, ye knows oi can't read" he smiles"

Racky nods his head at Flicktail, always being around just not always seen. Racky points at the dropped chestnut on the floor then to William, he picks it up and drops it mimicking what was done.

Flicktail asks, "ye dorrped some nuts? well we kin just pick em up gins...."

Orph looks a bit peeved but repeats himself for the white fox, "Racky can't talk so he writes messages on paper. The first one said he screeched loud cause he thought somethin' was wrong with me and this next one says what it was he thought was wrong with me. An now ... he's ... I'm not sure what he's doing now ... but it's not writing so you can figure it out without my help. So Racky, ya say I dropped thet? Anythin' else?" the rat asks.

Flicktail says, "thank ye William" he smiles and snugs the rat "

Orph allows Flcky to hug him, though he's more interested in what Racky's trying to tell him.

Racky nods nods and scurries closer, pointing to Williams lip, his tail sweeping across the floor as he does some and makes like he is chewing on something, before pointing back to the lip.

Flicktail says, "oi thinks oi gets it Rackey :)"

Orph doesn't get it. He does know that he tends to chew on his lip sometimes, but he's not putting two and two together at the moment.

Flicktail says, "just write if ye needs to Rackey and William willreads it toos o.k. wi you William?"

Racky ear folds and grabs his pen and paper scribing quickly he writes, "You chew on lip, and drop chestnut."

Orph reads the paper, "Ok ..." he starts chewing his lower lip again. /What's that supposed to mean. Yeah sometimes I do chew on my lip but so what .... wonder if that was when I was .../

Flicktail smiles "oi be appy to see me friend wot ye all doin ere in e Lye-berry?

Racky ear folds and looks annoyed for the moment looking at William, before he leaps back and holds up the book he was reading, a few crumbs falling out. One thing is sure the book keepers are not going to be happy with chestnut crumbs in the books.

Orph looks over at Flicky, "Huh? Ya say somethin Flicky?"

Flicktail repeats himself

Racky closes the book and puts it with the others stacked near the isle, seams someone has been reading stories all day long. He sits and watches the two quietly, his tail sweeping the floor softly.

Flicktail moves to sit by Rackey and give him a snug "at'sm'boy, oi wont's talearnsta reads too

You say, "Oh, that. I ... I think I figured out what ya was tryin t tell me Racky, I'm sorry iffen I was ignorin ya, I was jus thinkin bout things is all ..." turning to Flicky he says, "All th beasts in Great Hall left, well mostly an I was bored so I came in here an got t talkin with Racky."

Flicktail says, "rackey be a fine fellow it be true"

Orph writes on his tablet and shows it to Racky.

You write, Flicky know you haven't decided to be his dibbun yet? on the clay tablet.

Racky nods as his ears perk up and nose goes to the air sniffing, after looking at the tablet, his tail sticking right out behind him.

Orph erases the writing a writes another line.

Racky ear flicks.

You write, Or have you talked to him, I forget. He did ask ya? on the clay tablet.

Racky nods pointing to the last comment, his tail wiggling, he shakes his head at the first comment, or at least he doesn't seam to remember, he is forgetful at times.

Orph erases the writing again and writes again on the tablet.

Racky ear spins and points his head at the door as if locking onto a sound, his nose going to the air some sniffing clearly, his tail sticking right out behind him, as if he senses something he wants to chase or perhaps something coming this way.

You write, If you didn't talk to him yet he'll talk to you sooner or later. More sooner if he knows you're an orphan. on the clay tablet.

You ask, "What ya doin Racky?"

Flicktail says, "oi thinks Rachy be in a pouncy mood"

Racky wiggles his nose a few times before he takes off at full speed, the light echo of trays hitting the floor a short wile, before he comes darting back, dogeing a frying pan as it flys after him, hitting the door and ricocheting of the door as a cook follows him in. Racky slides to a halt behind William, and Flicktail, hiding it seams. The cook looks rather put out, "I wish someone would teach that dibbun, Least i made two batches of chestnuts." he stomps off shaking his head.

Flicktail says, "well if ye brought im a batch mebby e wouldn't go pouncin"

The cook frowns, "Those just finished, hardly ever have time to bring him any, he is always all over them when he needs a refill." the cook, wonders off, mumbling "darn orphan dibbuns always causing trouble with no one to keep them in check or teach them." he goes back to the kitchens.

Orph tries hard not to laugh, "Racky, I think ya need hear somethin my Pa told me an the Abbot Nic too. At th Abbey ya don't /have/ t take things, ya jus ask an most times they give it t ya. An lot beast don't like those wot take things," he cocks his head at the slightly younger though larger dibbun, "Ya understan'? Nod fer 'yes' an' shake yer head fer 'no'."

Flicktail begisns neaking aroudn behidn a book case to get behind and pouncethe 2 dibbuns for a wrestlin match

Orph pushes the tablet to Racky, "Too late, but I did try an warn ya. If ya hadn't rushed out there ... well you can read it yourself."

Racky nods his head as he's stuffing his muzzle with chestnuts, one would swear the dibbun is addicted to them or something.

Flicktail moves behind..and suddenly POUNCES them both, tickle attack!

Orph smiles, "Least ya understa-a-a-and! Hey!"

Racky ear flicks and shakes his head, before he is pounced, letting a gosh awful screech, paws scurrying wildly as he wiggles all around curling into a tight little fox ball. Tail wrapping around him in a vain attempt to protect his belly and sides.

Flicktail uses one paw each, he seems to have a maddening way of getting to the ticklest spots, with Racky in a ball he can hold off William as he tickes both

Orph pins his ears back, the ear pulling from Zen taught him well, and lays as flat as he can shutting his eyes. It's been a long time since he played games like this with his cousin Denny, a /very long time/ and Flicky is much bigger than a mole dibbun anyhow.

Racky keeps curled tightly but still screeches softly as he is tickled. Seams his sides aren't that well protected as he rolls around some, his bag of chestnuts shakes some from his hip as he squirms, kind of like some maracas or something.

Orph grits his teeth against the tickling, but so he's unable to keep from laughing, "D-damn y-you F-flicky! No-o-o-t fa-air sne-e-hehe-k up on a beast loike thet!"

Flicktail says, "well if ya think so..fighst back" he chuckles curlling both dibbuns warmly up to his side so he can tickelmore"

"J-jus re-remember you asked for it," the rat grins catching his breath before lunging at the white fox.

Racky flicks out his tail suddenly and uses to tickle Flicktail's belly if he can reach it, soft screeches echoing in the air.

Flicktail begins he struggles with teh 2 dibbuns gently rolling around on the floor

Orph tickles Flicky's ribs, "use yurr paws too," he calls over to Racky.

Racky uncurls and uses all of his paws to tickle Flicktail screeching softly.

Flicktail is quickly pinned giggling and tee he does his bestto tickly back

"We got him!" He grins over at the fox dibbun, "We make a good team, huh?" "

Racky nods and giggles letting go as his tail wiggles back and forth behind him, it suddenly comes as the muzzle comes wide open with a huge yawn.

Flicktail stops ticklingand hugsthe 2 dibbuns warmly "oi be one appy fox!

Orph looks over at Racky, "Ya tired? Where ya sleepin'? I know a good place ... if ya can wait a while an follow directions. ... Ya can sleep in my room at my tunnel if ya want, course it'd help more if we was there ..."

Flicktail says, "oi made a bed fer everone....but ye kin sleeps where yeloiks."

Racky blinks looking lost for the moment as he sits looking at William, with his weary eyes. It is clear he is tired though he is fighting it.

Flicktail says, "come one ye beasts lets be ta bed..."

You say, " ... or we can sleep here, don't think you'd make it there on your own if your this sleepy, an I sure can't carry ya."

Flicktail says, "oi carryin, ya sleep ere and somon be trippin over ya...."

Racky ear flicks and chews on chestnut, his eyes still open, mayhaps the cool air outside may wake him enough.

Flicktail carries the dibbuns to the bunk room and goes off to tend to his chores.

William not being tired and Racky not as tired as first thought slipped from their bed once Flicky had gone and quietly made their way back down the stairs.

Racky follows quietly as always, the fox so silent, though he is supposed to be sneaky and sly by nature. He moves behind william making sure to keep him in site.

Orph pauses at the library to retrieve his tablet. He'll need it even more now. "You still have those chesernuts?" he asks Racky softly.

Racky nods and holds up two bags, seams he thought smart this time he nabbed him some, his tail flicks out as he attaches them back to his belt quickly.

Orph scrawls a picture note on a sheet of paper and after signaling for Racky to stay hidden, he slip back up stairs for a few minutes.

RW Abbey: Great Hall

Orph comes back a bit quickly, "I think I mighta woke him, but I left a picture note for Pa so he won't worry about me. I got stuff t make soup with in my pack an you got the chesternuts, so ... ya ready t go?" The rat's ears swivel around at the sound, his eyes follow his ears and he wishes the otter could read so he could do as the directions had said. "Damn," he hisses under his breath, "Ya mind him comin' along?" he asks Racky apologetically.

Racky blinks and looks confused before he shrugs and just falls in behind William again, his bushy tail wiggling around.

Aikuen comes from the down the stairs, a paper clutched in his paws. He looks very confused on what it meant. He yawns a bit and looks around, he smiles at everybeast absentmindedly, as if not seeing them. He stops halfway across the room, and scratches his head.

Orph looks over at the otter innocently, "Hi Pa. This is Racky, he doesn't talk. We're goin' t Moledeep an he's gonna sleep there. Are ya feelin better? Sorry there was so much writing on my note, wasn't sure how to draw it all ... I'm fine." he talks quickly as he leads Racky toward the entry.

Racky ear flicks and waves with his tail as he keeps behind William, just a small little fox dibbun he follows right behind.

Aikuen begins to walk again, when he hears Williams voice. He catches himself from falling to the ground. He looks around and sees William. He holds out the paper, and smiles, "Im guessing this is your work eh?" He looks at the paper and squints, "I don't know, guess it means..." He see the little fox, "Oh... That makes since now..." He crumples up the paper and pockets it, "Going to Moledeep eh?" This otter is a master of picturegrams.

You ask, "Yep, you coming or stayin here?"

Racky wiggles his nose as he stuffs a chestnut in his muzzle and sorta sucks on it savoring the taste it seems.

Aikuen scratches his chin fur, "Well i know you enough that you can take care of yourself without problem, on the other paw..." He points a claw at the fox, "Can you take care of him too... In case of bad things..." He smiles, he has already made his decision just seeing what his son would say.

Orph says, "L'see ... I got my tablet an chalk so he can write to me cause he can't talk an I got /food/ packed an there's a kitchen an bed already there an ... I'm no healer an the infirm there is probably so old that nothin in it is of use anymore, even if the cupboards weren't locked so ... I think we got everythin ... side I took care myself for a long time in th woods. Course if you want t come I won't stop ya."

Aikuen smiles and rubs his paws together, "Tell you what, ill come, but you can lead the whole thing. Ill be there simply as an observer. Wont say a word about anything. How does that sound?" He is going to go anyway, but he is asking 'Do you want me to follow with you, or from the bushes?'.

Orph looks over at Racky for his opininon on things, handing him the tablet and chalk.

Racky just kind of looks between the two and yawns some his tail flicking in the air some he looks as if he doesn't care at all what happens.

Orph shrugs, "Racky if ya do want say somethin write it on the tablet cause I don't have any paper or ink, alroight?" To the otter he says, "I suppose you might as well come, since if ya didn't follow /close/ ya'd get lost."

Racky ear flicks and nods still sucking on that chestnut quietly, as he scoops up the tablet and takes it with him as he follows.

Aikuen Stick out his tongue, and laughs at the comment, "I was planing too, sides Flicktail would have my hide if i let you go by yourself in charge of a little one. Even though he don't know yah well enough to understand..." He gets close and knells down. Holding out a friendly paw he asks, "Im guessing that this is Racky... Hello my name is Aikuen...nice to meet yah..."

"Flicky's busy an thought we should be sleepin' but we thought otherwise as ya see, an Racky don't talk with words, he writes with letter ... bad thing is you can't read what he writes," the rat explains as he heads out to the gate house to get his dagger.

RW Abbey: Gatehouse

Orph grabs his dagger from the locker and puts it in its sheath on his belt. He nods as Aikuen and Racky enter, "Jus a minute can't leave this here." he pat his dagger.

Arkadee has left.

Aikuen grabs his sword that is out of the locker for some reason, He twirls it a bit, and sheaths it. He winks at the Rattling.

Orph smiles at Racky, "Ok, now we'll go, ya ready?"

Racky nods as he chomps down a crunch emiting from him as he chews up the nut happily wiggling his tail behind him as he moves for the door.

Orph takes the lead in front of the fox as they leave.


Orph leads the otter and fox down the dirt road, through the grounds of St. Nininan's and into the woods. He stops in the clearing that makes up Moledeep, "We're here."

You room-page, "er after some twists and turns he stops ..."

Racky stumbles a few times with a huge yawn, still awake though as he doesn't stop right away closing on William with out paying any attention, his tail wiggles behind him.

Orph grabs at Racky's paw, "Come on, I'll show you where I sleep. It's nice ... I hope you can fit in there ... I know otters can't, but not sure about foxes."

Aikuen nods, "Well you young'uns have fun... I'm going to stay out here for a bit... take a walk in the gardens or something..." He walks off toward the gardens.' Just in case.

Storage Chamber

"In there," William points at the dibbun hole, "not sure if you'll fit though ..."

Racky sniffs the air first before giving it a try.

Moledeep: The Dibbun's Hole

You say, "Yay, you fit."

Racky sniffs for a second looking before laying down on a pillow, pulling a blanket over himself making himself comfy already.

Orph lays the bags of nuts by the fox so they'll be near if he should want them, "I'm gonna see what Pa's up to in th gardens and maybe make some soup."

Racky lays his head down nearly falling asleep as he nods, the little fox sure is sleepy as he starts to drift off alrady.

Orph chews his lip a little, "Um if ya need somthin screech real loud so we can hear ya."

Berke's Rose Garden

Aikuen is practicing with his sword. Taking it and swinging around and clipping off the heads of the many plants that reside here. The way the sword moves look like its just an extension of his arm. He laughs as he clips them.

Orph walks into the rose garden or what used to be a rose garden anyway ... he stays far out of the way when he sees Aikuen, "Hey! Ya think ya could help me clean up the kitchen a little so I can make some of that soup like I made at the Abbey?"

Aikuen becomes startled when he hears a voice, but gaining his composure quickly, he throws the sword into the air. Turning around he bows to William, and holds out his paw. The weight of the sword hilt, forces it to come to ground first. The otter catches the hilt easily. Giving it a quick twirl, he sheaths it. He laughs aloud, "Course matey!" He walks toward William.

You ask, "I scare ya?" the dibbun asks hoping he hadn't it would be awful if one day he didn't catch the sword the right way."

Aikuen shakes his head, "Not really, just wasn't paying attention to my surrounding... Lead me to the Kitchens!" He already walks off, not caring one lick that he could have just killed himself.

Orph goes off to do a little work in the pantry and larder (the larder was empty last he was here).

Orph brushes some dust away as he lays out the ingredents for the soup. He brought plenty and sorts the extra in the empty bins, like with like. He keeps out only what he'll need for the soup tonight.

Aikuen starts to set up the kitchen. First by starting the stove. He places logs from a side cabinet, he places them into the hearth. Then taking his sword, and his trusty flint, he starts the fire. They have gotten to a good burn, when he goes off to do other things. He takes a big pot from another cabinet, and places it on the table. The table is quite dusty, so he takes one of the towels an wipes it off. He hums to himself.

Orph isn't in there very long and is soon dragging a small caldron out of the pantry, "We'll need a fire and water an ... need t clean this first an maybe lot of things ... don't really use this room much do we? Well, we will from now on."

once where all the local moles lived ... I'll say there is ... saves me a lot of trips to the well that way."

Aikuen nods, "Sure we will, Master Chef William! I got the fire a-goin... as for water... " He blows on what looks like a small pump, He gives it a few test pushes, and a slob of mud comes out. After a few more pumps, fresh water come out. "This will work fine!... He give me the cauldron and ill clean it... and you can start getting ingredients..." We wets a cloth till damp.

Orph nods that the otter may, though he's tired of dragging that caldron around, he finds what had once been a broom in the corner and near that a cupboard with mixing bowls and a drawer full of wooden spoons and tarnished silverware. The drawer next to it he remember as the one holding the kitchen knifes. The things in the cupboards aren't as dirty as the kitchen itself was. He lays out his ingredients on the table along side a long handled wooden spoon and one of the knifes. His dagger would work too, but the knife is easier to use for this. "Is the caldron clean yet, Pa?" he asks.

Aikuen grits his teeth, there was a bit more rust then he would have liked to be on the cauldron. He scrubs the final bit off and places it on the table. Wiping a paw across his brow, he smiles, "Its all ready!... Need me to do anything else?"

Orph smiles glad he didn't have to clean it, though he probably will once the soup is all eaten, "Well, it needs t be filled part way with water an set on the fire, but I think that's all for now, less you want t clean more."

Aikuen takes the cauldron toward the sink. Removing the bucket and placing the cauldron in its place, he begins to pump water into it. He grunts as he pumps, "Once its filled, ill set it on the fire... The ill go about looking for anything else... cleaning along the way..." He hopes to find something that might be here.

Once the caldron is set on the fire Will starts to chop up the leeks and mince the garlic and so forth dropping each item into the water.

Aikuen is generally looking around the room, with damp cloth swinging in front. He wipes off tables, and peeks into cabinets, "Nope not here..." He takes a deep smell of the beginnings of the soup.

Orph Mixes in the second lot of hotroot seemingly oblivious to all else.

Aikuen gets to one end of the kitchen, and looks in a cabinet that is out of the way and unnoticed. He laughs he he reaches in pulls out a flask full of a black liquid. He looks at it thoroughly. It is quite sealed and looks undamaged in any way. He places it on the table, and pops the the cork. He takes a big whiff, and smacks his lips.

Orph dumps the potato cubes into the water along with more hotroot (he packed a lot and isn't using as much as he did the first time). "It's almost done, Pa." he turns to look at the otter, "What's that? What'd ya find?" he asks curious.

Aikuen dips a claw into the liquid and pulls it out. The liquid is very syrupy. He takes a lick and nods approvingly. "This my son, is molasses. A product of sugar cane from the west. What its doing on this side of sea i will never know. and if treated right, it can turn into the greatest of all drinks... RUM!" He takes another lick, and pushes the flask toward William, "Here try some!"

Orph eyes the otter warily, "How 'xactly does fruit and sugar and things turn t stuff what we can't drink no more? This stuff," points at the flask, "is /really old/ ya sure it's alright t eat?" He'd made the mistake of eating from the larder before, that is before it was cleaned out.

Aikuen says, "Sure im sure... I used to make this kind of stuff with my Dad... see we grew sugarcane. This stuff will live longer then me or you..." He takes another lick.

Orph sighs /no use trying to argue against that reasoning I suppose/. He dips a claw into the sticky stuff and licks it off still wary of this mo-las-us stuff. /It's thick an sticky, but good. It's sweet, hope it doesn't make us sick though./ He licks it all off his claw rather slowly, "So ... yurr pa uh guess sorta my grandad now, maybe? He'd make stuff like the cellar edge pigs at th Abbey do?"

Aikuen takes the flask and recorks it. He then places it on the table behind him. "Yep, made all sort of drinks... Our family were brewers you see. We made mostly rum, which we put on ships and have it delivered to the other islands." He nods toward the bubbling soup, "Tis ready yet?"

You say, "Hm, oh yeah, probably should take it off the fire for a while or somethin ... it don't need to get hotter then it is ... eh, don't think it can get much hotter with all th hotroot thats in it, hehe. Dish out some an we'll eat ... I'll check on 'im but I think Racky's sleepin'.""

Orph leave briefly to check on the mute fox dibbun.

Orph returns and says, "Yeah, Racky's sleepin in my room, so we can save some soup for him t have tomorrow. ... He's an orphan like I was ... Flicky hasn't took 'em yet .... he don't know iffen he wants t be Flicky's dibbun or not yet. Course Flicky can't have all th orphan dibbuns now can he?""

Aikuen takes two bowls from the cabinet that he saw them in before. Then taking the bowls he dips them into the soup, and fills them. Taking the towel he wipes off the bottoms, before setting them on the table. He shrugs, "Well he has a heart as big as the out doors, and it makes him happy..." He takes the bowl closest to him, he begins slurp it down. Then taking it away, he nods, "Still as good as ever"

Orph nods sipping at his own bowl, "I don't mind iffen he picks t be my cousin, jus that he hasn't pick yet that's all. An it would be hard t have another dibbun round pecially Racky seein as he can't talk and you can't read what he writes ... though I /did/ say iffen he wanted to I'd ask, though he hasn't said one way or th other yet ..."

Aikuen finishes his bowl, "Ahh... That'll grow fur on ye!" He places it on the table, "Hey i've learned a few words, the sister has been helping me... I can even right my own name now!" He mentally thinks about it before continuing, "Well maybe Racky can talk, but just doesn't want too... Im sure if he got to know you, he want to be your Cousin..."

Orph shakes his head, "Don't know if I'm supposed to tell ... he didn't say I couldn't but I /know/ he can't talk. Maybe he could before I don't know, but he showed me a big scar on his throat and down t his shoulder, wrote that he got it in an accident. It looked like it'd been there a while so, though I'm not sure how long a while jus that it wasn't real fresh. Ya probably shouldn't say nothin bout it incase I wasn't supposed t tell."

Aikuen taps his nose twice, "Mums the word William...Wont say nothing about it!" He yawns a bit and asks, "Its getting kind off late... think its time you head off to bed..."

Orph sighs, he rather not, but best not to upset pa unless he has a /good/ reason too or at least a better one. "Alroight ... Night, Pa." he hugs the otter before going off to join the sleeping fox dibbun in the dibbun hole where otters can not follow.

Aikuen Smiles at the departing Rattling. He heads off toward the entrance of Moledeep, to sleep
