I Hate Today...Seriously Hate Today!(Marek's Revenge TP)
This takes place a couple days after Leon send the message by sparrow for him and Melibella and they are forced to walk through the woods during a really bad thunderstorm!
Leon almost trips as he is pushed forwards, “You’re going to regret today vixen.”
Aithne smirks “I am? What a pity I will have to remember that mousey.”
Melibella frowns as she is not able to move as fast and tries to sit down.
Aithne looks around “He has got to be here somewhere?”
Leon shakes his head “Who does? Friend of yours?” He looks around finally getting a look at where they ducked in and frowns..”Nooo”
Hudson steps in and smiles coldly, “No? You mean you don’t like my home, it’s a bit run down now, see it needs fixed and I know how to fix it up real nice.”
Aithne bows “Ello sir, I am so glad you are here, I found Brother Leon and a rabbit, it had a dibbun but I know not where it is”
Melibella frowns she is not about to say where her baby is.
Leon looks up at Hudson and glares, ”You…should have figured”
Hudson smirks and draws the sword he has, Martin the warrior’s sword, “The blind badger couldn’t ID this, then he is blind but you can ID this, can’t you?” He places it almost in his face.
Aithne grins and steps back.
Melibella frowns, “W..what he mean by ID it?”
Leon’s eyes go wide as he clearly recognizes the sword, “But..how?” He starts to ask about Oz but doesn’t, he heard from Lee that Oz was in the Redwall infirm, not how he was but he seemed ok or least better than he would have been, “That’s not your sword vermin”
Hudson smiles “Yes it is, it is now. I found your brats and the other brats, I have that Lee’s mate and some hedgehog maid..and the old blind badger, probably dead I am sure Marek wouldn’t raise a claw to help it inside..what do you think of that”
Aithne tilts her head, “The badgers dead?” Hey it’s the first she has heard this news.
Melibella frowns more and looks at the ground.
Leon frowns, he knew the dibbuns and others we found, but other things he keeps to himself and taking a deep breath tells a lie and makes it sound fairly real too” Yeah..Oz is dead.” The next part he looks Hudson right in the face, “But it doesn’t mean you won’t be hunted down and those dibbuns freed.”
Hudson chuckles coldly, ”Yeah they won’t find me, I have my ways, they could easily follow a wrong path”
Leon makes a fist and aims to punch Hudson” You are slime! You have no right to carry that sword!” He goes to get out a dagger he has and goes to stab Hudson, “That is the sword of Martin the warrior and not yours!”
Aithne gasps at this sudden change over the mouse.
Hudson growls and goes to slap Leon with his clawed paw as the mouse’s fist connects with his face a couple times and the dagger sinks into his arm once and side once, lucky for the cat a non-vital area of his side. He then will lay the sword at Leon’s neck!
Leon takes a few deep breaths and tenses as the claws go across his nose and eye patched eye, about the only thing that saves his eye from serious damage, but it worsens the already formed scar, he looks up at Hudson and glares at him.
Hudson only laughs and smirks “I would love to slit your throat but the collar is in the way, I Think..” He grabs the mouse and lays the sword tip on his chest, moving to where his heart is and grins, “This is better….”As he is just about to shove the sword into Leon’s chest a loud K-BOOM is heard as lighting hits the house and destroys the chimney and starts a fire that further weakness the old house.
Aithne screams and dashes outside before anyone else does, she is not being trapped in there!
Melibella gasps and looks around in panic as fire starts to spread and smoke fills the house.
Leon coughs as some smoke gets in his lungs and tries to pull away from Hudson best he can as the fire spreads more,.
It is still pouring rain so it helps some in the scene that it starts to put the fire out but the wet, fire damaged wood starts to cave in around them and the wildcat Hudson growls and shoves Leon into the wall and rushes out, ”I say a much more fitting way to kill you!”
Melibella barely gets out and gasps “Leon!” She tries to go back inside as the place turns into half smoking, dyeing fire ruins and tries digging and burns one of her paws, “Owww”
Aithne sees the rabbit and grabs her by the slave collar “Oh NO you don’t woodlander!” She goes to catch up to Hudson “Boss wait for me!”
Melibella struggles “No no let me go, he’ll die in there!” She tries to get loose as she is dragged off.
Leon hits the wall and groans, he looks around and dives to the cellar just as half the house crashes down and traps him inside, he then loses consciousness in a dark cellar with very little air and smoke seeping in from smoldering embers of wood.
Hudson laughs insanely as he watches it cave in and grins at the rabbit ‘That’s the idea! See they don’t even have to bury him, when the rest of the house goes he will have his own grave made!”
Aithne laughs and goes to follow Hudson and the rabbit.
Melibella has tears down her face as she is dragged off.
Leon slowly starts to come to, semi- conscious now and opens his eyes as he coughs, this isn’t good.
.....................This part in this closed off section happen on the road while Leon was slowly coming too, maybe an hour or two’s time……. ..I got this part off the logger but it has important info in it!................
Whisper has walked a while and now stops frowning some "Well..was around here."
Lee keeps his sword levelled at Whisper. "Oh? Is that so? 'Ow do I know ye ain't lyin' an' leadin' me on a wild goose chase? I want proof, Whisper... An' I be impatient."
Hudson walks along chuckling insanely about something as the rain pours down, "Oh no..I'm a murder..oh well wake up ta the real world...you can keep the rabbit Aithne, I could care less." He smirks and turns as he hears a voice a little ways up the road "Well...darn"
Whisper says, "I swear I no clue where she is now.." Her ears perk up some."
Aithne nods "Whatever.." She blinks "Hudson..it’s an otter up the road a little ways"
Melibella is shivering, spotting Lee slightly she doesn’t care if this gets her stabbed "Help Help Some one help!!!!"
Hudson glares at the rabbit drawing the sword he has as some lightning flashes. It’s clearly not his and the writing, wait writing "I am That is" all in fancy lettering." Your on ya own Aithne, do have fun I on the other paw am getting back to my slaves"
Lee frowns. "Enough excuses! Take me ta Leon, NOW!" However, he is distracted by some kind of cries for help a short ways down the road. "Oy, wot's that? Another friend, Whisper?" He turns away from the pole cat to peer through the rain. "'Ello? Is somebeast in trouble?"
Melibella tries to get loose from the vixen, "Me!..Help the cat has Martin the warrior’s sword!" She doesn’t know too much about it but what she was told of it.
Whisper looks down the road "Hudson?"
Aithne frowns "Wait..what!!" She watches Hudson as he starts to rush off "Boss don’t leave me alone!"
Hudson smirks “Sorry.." He purposely yells "Lee! We fight another time, I am sure ya friend is just -dyeing- for you to find him!" Insane laughing and if the otter looks fast enough he will see Hudson as he rushes into the thick woodlands, he will purposely go the wrong way and backtrack to where he needs to go later.
Lee makes sure Whisper is still firmly chained before running down the road toward where Hudson was. "Come back 'ere an' face me, coward!" Whisper is left quite alone in the middle of the road, rain pouring, still chained up. The chains will certainly any escape into the forest very difficult indeed.
Whisper eyes go wide as she can’t believe her luck, she goes to try and run and slips in the mud face first and spits out the mud in her mouth.
Melibella is beside the vixen paws behind her back as she struggles to get free. “Let go of me.."
Aithne gulps and holds onto the rabbit, "Ok let’s get while the otter is distracted"
Lee is bearing down on the vixen, yelling, "Redwaaaaaaallllll!" His sword is drawn, and he looks ready to fight.
Whisper tries to crawl out of the otter’s way and gets maybe...a couple feet, but least he isn’t coming after her yet.
Melibella kicks at the vixen trying to get loose still.
Aithne shoves the rabbit out of the way so she can fight the otter and draws out her cutlass and barely blocks the blade and then goes to step back and swing her own blade at him.
Melibella tumbles and just about goes into the flooded ditch and gasps, it’s still raining fairly hard and mud is everywhere now.
Lee staggers a bit as his thrust is blocked. He twists to avoid the vixen's swing, bringing his own sword up in an attempt to block her.
Aithne growls as her blade is blocked again and almost loses her balance in the mud, "You can't..win"
Whisper still has a chain around her legs and it makes it hard to move, she has no weapon either and looks at the vixen "I need one of your daggers Aithne!"
Lee's eyes narrow, and he tries to push the vixen down with his sword against her own. "Is that so, eh? We'll see 'bout that...vermin."
Melibella scoots away from the ditch and watches the two fight, she still has Aithne's slave collar on her neck, she makes it to a tree and leans against it.
Flicktail comes down the road with a shrew and a vole.
Aithne growls as the sword is pushed down and jumps backwards as the blade cuts into her arm. She lifts her cutlass and glances up the road as others come.
Whisper tries her best to stand and slowly move, as she sees Flicktail she frowns and cusses under her breath.
Lee ignores the others, his focus entirely on the fight. He takes advantage of the vixen's momentary distraction to attempt a thrust at her abdomen.
Aithne gasps in shock as the blade cuts into her middle, she grips her blade and makes a slice at the otter’s leg, she manages to get a dagger and slide it to the vixen before holding her middle now as blood pours from a wound.
Whisper grins as the blade is slide to her and quickly goes to use it to pick the locks, she gets one free and can stand a lot better, She then sends in flying towards the vole right as he lets loose the arrow that hits her deep in the shoulder blade
Melibella frowns, she looks at the shrew and vole but seems scared of the fox and shivers."I...there was another beast she had too..."
Lee grimaces as the vixen slices his leg. He pulls back, and swings his blade in an attempt to knock her sword from her paw to disarm her.
The Vole has to barely ducks the blade dropping the bow as he scrambles, the shrew looking around for this "other beast"
Flicktail swings the blunt head of the battle axe at Whisper , if she has no blade she is unarmed and he seeks to knock her down
Aithne is losing the strength to keep the blade up and goes to kick the otter weakly as she barely blocks his sword and falls to her side panting and losing more blood, she tries one more slice but could easily be disarmed of her weapon.
Whisper tries to use the chain to trip Flicktail and then feels something hit her and she blacks out
Melibella frowns, she doesn’t feel too safe right now.
Lee easily dodges the weak kick, and he blocks the slice from the vixen, knocking her sword from her paw with a flick of his blade. "Give up, fox. Yer defeated. Yer also losin' a lot o' blood there, ye know. If ye want any healin' help wotsoever, yer gonna tell me now where ye 'ave Leon 'idden."
Aithne frowns as she breaths in and out weakly. “abandon house...off clearing..."She passes out now.
Lee nods, waving to Flick. "Quick! Need a healer out 'ere, now!"
Flicktail and the vole go make sure no more vermin are around, the shrew runs ahead of them to find a healer.
Melibella frowns "That place is dangerous, it caved in some.."
Lee leans against a tree trunk. "Whisper didn't escape, did she?" He then sees Melibella. "Are ye ok? Ye weren't 'urt, were ye? Wot be yer name?"
Aithne groans weakly, a healer ends up not being needed as her wounds proved to be fatal and with no healer there, like right now there, she closes her eyes and slips into the dark forest.
Melibella frowns "Its..never mind my name Brother Leon is in trouble, help him first please..he..he helped me, I don’t want to hear of him..."
Lee frowns. "Can ye remember the way ta where Leon was, Miss?"
Melibella nods and manages to slowly get up," follow me"
and now Back to my part below this
Leon is in the cellar where he retreated when half the house caved in around him and coughs from the dust and tries to push bits of board out of the way and off the trapdoor and stumbles down the steps with an oof and rubs his neck.
Melibella frowns, "He's..in there..oh no"
Lee enters the clearing and surveys the ruined house. "Was it this collapsed when ye left earlier?" He walks around the ruins, calling in a loud voice, "Leon! Can ye hear me? Make some kinda noise if ye can!"
Leon coughs a little and sits down to think, he still has a collar on and it’s getting annoying" Hate.." He holds back the urge to say vermin, "Lee?" He tries to shout, “Lee!"
Melibella frowns "Some when I was dragged off and that wildcat laughed...the vixen caught me and..." She frowns "My baby..my Asha she was supposed to be taken to..where is she?”
Lee hears his voice faintly. "Leon! I can barely hear ye. Try ta find somethin' ta bang, make a loud noise. I can't find ye in all this rubble!" Turning back to Melibella, he shakes his head. "Do not worry yerself. The child is safe in Ferravale. I promise ye."
Leon frowns and tries to find something and finds a long board and pounds on the trap door, "Lee!" He coughs and bangs on the trap door a couple more times and frowns, he has some air so he is ok for the time being.
Melibella nods "I..ok.." She goes to try and find the trap door and moves a couple loose boards and eeps as one falls, least it’s away from the trap door.
Leon frowns at that thought, he steps back "Then what do I do!"
Melibella frowns "Don’t you know anyone that could help?"
Lee shakes his head. "There isn't enough time. This place is fallin' apart. I just gotta be careful..." He starts to slowly move the beam. "Oy, Leon, be ready ta make a mad dash outta there when I get the door open!"
Leon answers "I can try, just you try not to get hurt!"
Melibella frowns, she will help best she can as she feels she should at least try and help.
With Melibella's help, Lee carefully shifts the beam off the trapdoor, being sure not to move too quickly. Before long, the door should be able to be opened carefully.
Leon goes to slowly and carefully move the trap door and on word of advice quickly get the heck away from the trap door and to the side as far as he can once he is out.
Melibella helps Lee , she will only let go when he gives the ok to let go
Lee quickly let’s go of the beam as it does indeed crash through what is left of the floor into the room Leon had just been trapped in. "I think it be best if we all get outta here before we all fall through into a new grave!"
Leon nods as he carefully edges around and to a safer area of the floor and then quickly on outside to the path.
Melibella gulps "Sounds like a good..plan" She too goes to get out
The three friends meet up on the road and slowly, carefully make it back to Ferravale where guards help them to the infirm and they all fall asleep from exhaustion.