I Found Out Your Evil Plans...Only To Soon Forget Them Again

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

RW Abbey: Great Hall

The Great Hall of Redwall Abbey. Countless paw falls have echoed from these stones, and untold numbers of feasts and merry gatherings have been held here.  A table, not nearly so grand or large as its predecessors, but quite functional for mealtimes, rests near the center of the hall. Chairs exist here aplenty, and they are all of a matching set. High above, the stain glass windows give the Great Hall a beautiful appearance.  The glasswork is exceptionally done, crafted by a skilled artist.  The floor is clean and swept. A fire is kept burning in the fireplace at almost all times of the day and night, and there are several more comfortable chairs and cushions set up here, of varying sizes. One looks large enough to easily accommodate a badger.

The Tapestry hangs proud and tall, and while the rest of Redwall may still bear the scars of natural disaster, this most famous of Redwall's relics remains unharmed by beast, time, or the elements. The figure of Martin the Warrior seems to be watching over his own with an unchanging, kindly gaze.

You can make out nothing through the large windows except the faintest glimmer of stars above the smudge of dark that is the Abbey's walls. Soft blue moonlight is trickling down from the windows above.

              [K]itchen    [St]airs   [C]avern [H]ole
              [Li]brary    [En]try    [B]reezeway



a message (board) with notes tacked to it

Zork makes his way down the stairs.

Flicktail says, "My Son will figure that out the first time a Beast gets harmed because he was too tired and missed something simple"

Lee frowns, wondering what Safana is trying. "I won't get any restful sleep till Starlight be safe."

Safana nods "Yes we don’t want anyone harmed, maybe you can get Lee to get some sleep" She frowns "Yes but your be so ill you won’t be able to see her"

Zork looks between them "Wot be goin' on now?"

Safana looks up as the badger speaks but says nothing

Flicktail says, "Well son if you see Leon he can give you herb to help ya sleep"

Lee sighs. "'Ello, Zork, just a little chat."

Zork asks, "Chats are good, ya ok Lee?"

Flicktail says, "Lee you should listen to Safana she is one smart cat"

Safana smiles at this, "Yes rest is good for all beasts"

Lee says, "Hmm, I may go nap in yer Cottage, dad. I will need the utmost privacy, provided by a locked door."

Zork asks, "Are you really going to nap Lee?"

Flicktail says, "that can be done, maybe Zorker beast makes iron locks"

Safana raises an eyebrow, "Iron locks...why would that be needed, he could always have a guard so he is not disturbed"

Flicktail says, "I just like Iron locks :)"

Zork listens "No one goes into Flickys home much, besides someone may need Lee if its real important"

Safana says, "Besides I heard some good news and seems things have calmed some, which is good, still rest is very important to get"

Zork asks, "Wot sort good news lass?"

Flicktail says, "My Cabin and bed always be open"

Safana smiles "The dibbun was found, seems by fellow otters and is in safe paws for now, still making sure roads are safe for a safe return is good"

Flicktail says, "I don't believe that"

Lee hmms. "On second thought, I may go to the Gate 'ouse instead." He figures the reason for Safana's interest in his nap, but keeps it to himself. "Is that so? An' where did this info come from?”

Zork chuckles "That’s good news indeed,...hmmms I could help with de makin sure roads be safe...and why not believe it Flicky...ya will have ta ask Leon on de gate house lad"

Flicktail says, "I haven't seen it, no one I trust has seen it, just someone told me..doesn't make it so"

Safana says, "A messenger came to the abbey." She listens to the badger, “Yes you could..and see what Flicktail, the messenger, I think a lot seen it"

Flicktail says, "the missing Dibbin, her father etc"

Zork asks, "Maybe they are elsewhere?"

Lee nods in agreement. "Aye, it just be rumor from a messenger that I don't particularly trust.”

Safana says, "They are...waiting to come here, waiting till it’s safe, and not like a bird could carry otters here that be silly"

Zork says, "I could look for the swan, maybe he can show me where the otter clan is, it’s an idea"

Flicktail says, "Good show Zorker"

Safana says, "A good idea yes, not all woodlanders trust a fox Flicktail, you must understand this, they could be afraid of you, Nightfur after all is a fox..and your a fox"

Flicktail says, "I trust cats..cats have intrestin tails"

Flicktail says, "I am an OTTERfox"

Zork blinks at Flicktail "Your odd Flicktail but yes she had a point, de otters may not trust ya"

Lee says, "*I* will go try ta confirm the rumor..."

Safana asks, "Go where?"

Zork says, "You need sleep Lee"

Flicktail says, "Aye you need sleep Lee"

Safana says, "Yes Sleep..the badger can speak with the swan for us"

Lee frowns again. "I will get sleep when I'm ready, but only in a room I can lock from the inside."

Zork asks, "You don’t want disturbed that bad Lee? Hope ya not to deep a sleeper, then again if something comes up we can tell ya later"

Lee says, "Aye, I want *no* interruptions...from any beast..."

Safana shrugs “If you say so"

Flicktail says, "I won't interrupt ya"

Lee says, "Yer not the beast I'm worried will interrupt me, dad...its other beasts. "

Zork says, "I won’t either"

Safana speaks "Nor I..as rest is important to have"

Flicktail says, "So I will put more Guards on ya outside"

Saxon walks up to the main door and hears voices he opens the door going to stamp the snow from his footpaws. He gives a nod to those in the room going to quickly moving to the fire taking a set by it.

Safana says, "I am sure he don’t need guards to make sure he is not disturbed, we can pass the word around do not disturb the otter"

Lee says, "Yer right, rest is very important. I think I may rest in the Infirm wi' me wife." He watches the others, looking at Safana a moment longer, thinking. He smirks. "No beast dare intrude on the peace of the Infirm..."

Zork says, "Yeah guards should be elsewhere Flicky like the gates or walltops"

Safana says, "Well no that healer mouse be all over them for the noise"

Flicktail says, "They will makes sure you are undisturbed if that’s wot ya need Lee"

Lee nods. "The noise...an' other things. One might say Leon would *kill* any beast that disturbs Infirm." He chuckles lightly at his jest.

Zork says, "Yeah infirm be fine and no guards Flicky that’s a bit over doing it, "He chuckles" Ya don’t want him angry if something in infirm is out of place or moved either or ya wounded and leave too soon, hee"

Safana rolls her eyes at the otters joke and yawns as she looks around.

Saxon looks over his shoulder at those in the room." Sorry for being rude I take it this is Redwall, the place one hears many stories of."

Lee narrows his eyes a bit. "All I know is I could kill for some peace and quiet meself...I'll be fine, though."

Flicktail says, "But Lee you need sleep"

Zork says, "Trust me ya get it in the infirm Lee" He nods to the mouse" Aye this be Redwall lad"

Lee says, "I said, I'll be fine wi' some rest..."

Safana says, "Oh I am sure he will get some sleep soon, very soon as he needs it badly"

Lee nods, finally noticing the newcomer. "'Ello, sir. Welcome ta Redwall."

Flicktail's ears perk toward Saxon "Ello there....this be the place alright..." he points at the Tapestry "That be the mouse"

Zork says, "I am sure all will be well"

Saxon nods. "Then I guess my travels be over for now." He goes to look at the tapestry.

Flicktail asks, "Where did ya Travel from?"

Lee nods. "Aye, it will." He looks at Safana, "I 'ope ye sleep well, too..."

Saxon looks at the fox." From thy sea spent pretty much my life on a ship, while till a few seasons back."

Flicktail says, "oh my a Seafox..It looked like there were some salt in that fur"

Safana says, "I always sleep well"

Zork asks, "Wouldn’t that be seas mouse Flicky?"

Flicktail says, "Hmmmm Yer right I must a thought e were a foxmouse :)"

Flicktail says, "I guess *I* need sleep"

Saxon tilts head." Seafox no and as for the salt yes well need a nice warm bath to wash that out."

Lee nods

Safana looks over at Lee and Zork as she is quiet for now.

Lee is quiet as well

Flicktail gently prods lee

Lee glances over. "Wot?"

Flicktail smiles "Just proddin ya

Zork stands "Well I think I will look fer de swan, get any other news from him"

Lee says, "Ye tell that swan I require proof of 'is claims."

Flicktail says, "I like Swans"

Safana watches the badger “Sounds like a good idea"

Zork nods "Will do Lee"

Flicktail says, "after Lee rests he should go to see the dibbun that’s the Only way to be REAL sure"

Lee nods. "Aye."

Safana asks, "See de dibbuns? That most likely wouldn’t be relaxing"

Flicktail says, "I like Dibbuns"

Lee says, "I'm not on an 'oliday, ye know."

Zork says, "Your feel better after rest Lee"

Zork heads outside and into the Abbey Entry and on to the gates to start his quick search of the road, woods and nearby areas for the swan or anyone else.


Zork looks around the woods, sword at his side as he studies the area for movement or anything else he sees.

Storm is flying and lands nearby, he studies the large badger and stays silent.

Zork blinks and walks over to the swan, “Ello?...Are ya de swan whom had a message of an otter dibbun??”

Storm bows his head “Yes indeed I do, the dibbun Starlight is safe with her father and the otter clan of her family, no more need to worry of her”

Zork grin, “That is good, but thing be notta all believe ya I was told ta get proof of this, just ta make sure ya know, maybe see the little one me self and her father, notta worry I can keep it a secret if the clan is hidden”

Storm nods “Yes it is hidden, hidden well where they are and I have spoken with the father and some others, they wish to be left alone and be in the life they are now, after the winter a visit may be possible but for now they wish peace and quiet after so long without it, surely the abbey understands this.”

Zork says, "So ya did speak with the little lass father, this is good news, though some seem ta think ya didn’t, been lookin' ta see if it be true tis all"

Storm starts to get a little annoyed at the badger, ”I have told you your wants, not I need to head off.”

Zork asks, “Do de otters need some help, thar be an otter named Lee whom was close ta de little lass”

Storm sighs “Of course of course” He looks around as some rustling noise is heard.

Zork arches an eyebrow, Wot be that noise?”

Storm speaks, “It is nothing, perhaps the wind, it will be cold tonight.”

Zork nods,” Also been thinkin..Nightfur, a fox could be around, wot of that as could be a danger still ta de otters”

Storm nods, "Of course" He tilts his head, "As Nightfur could still be around or those whom work for him, the dibbun be with her father yes this is true"

Zork nods, he is still somewhat alert as it is getting late, not that he hasn’t been out when it’s late.

Storm nods "Yes" He studies the badger, it was a badger mentioned that fought, this one looks like could fight, a couple rats show up and stop when they see the badger. The swan sighs at this.

Zork blinks, "Wots goin on ere? Ya up ta something..so ye got proof of where de dibbun is, or ya could show me maybe and I hope de rats are not friends"

Storm shakes his head. "Sadly not they are morons and stupid" The rats blink.."Hey that’s not nice"... "Yeah"... The swan hisses and yes swans can hiss, "Oh do quiet down!" He flaps. "And attack the badger or better yet take him to his..Friend" The last word said coldly.

Zork glares and draws his sword as the rats go to attack, "Ya wanna play..ok" He smirks and stands ready.

The rats attack without warning, also behind the badger is a couple ferrets and a weasel that also attack, the swan watches" This IS most fun indeed!"

Zork swings at the two rats, killing one instantly, the other gets a small nick in, he oofs as the weasel knocks him down from behind, he swings the blade up to block one ferret and kick the other ferret.

Storm watches and flaps upwards, there is still one rat and the two ferrets and weasel, the weasel goes to make a slice at the badger and one ferret is badly wounded, the swan flies upwards and then goes to attack from above.

Zork sidesteps the weasel and gets a slice on his thick cloak, he finishes off the badly wounded ferret and pants as the fighting goes on, he was not looking for the swan to attack from up above and is knocked down onto his back, he slices up and across in hopes of injuring the bird at least somewhat, but falling makes it easy for the one rat to stab his arm, he yells out as blood goes down his arm now.

Storm flaps up, a line of red forms on his chest, not deep and another rat dies, this leaves a weasel and ferret along with the swan, which honks loudly and tries to hook onto the badgers cloak and slam him into the ground, "I changed my mind...no taking you to the otters"

Zork growls low and gets a lucky shot in, beheading the ferret, he slices at the swan as he is lifted a moment and then falls with a weak off and coughs some.

Storm honks, he gets another wound and some missing feathers, he flaps upwards and heads off, he can finish this later, the weasel gets smart, he runs! Leaving the badger wounded on the ground and to give a report to their boss.

Lee has been conducting a final search for the evening before sky is totally gone. He approaches the knoll, having thoroughly searched St. Ninians.

The bush rustles to the left of the otter. A small shadowy shape slinks out onto the grass behind Lee. The shape is in fact Vannon. How the fox manages to appear and disappear like a whisp of smoke through the brush is disturbing to say the least. "Boo." he says with a gleeful smile.

Zork has been here around 20 mins. now as he groans, he tries to stand and looks at some sort of small claw marks on his shoulders, he also has a stab wound on his upper arm and a cut on his leg, he gets up and yells out in pain as it shoots threw him and falls forwards again tensing up, the rough fall from the swan seems to have crack a couple ribs and maybe broke or serious sprang his footpaw, he lays down and pants coughing roughly a little and mutters "Ohhh..that hurt, don’t cough-cough..ouchie"

There is also, oh boy..a headless ferret, a dead weasel, a dead rat and some..white feathers nearby?

Lee jumps a full inch. "Great leapin' lizards named Jehosaphat!! Don't scare me like that, Vannon, I could've stabbed ye!"

The fox would normally revel in his ability to cause general mischief, instead his ears twitch and he sniffs the air. "Hold that thought." The fox takes off like a dart past the otter and stops, pulling his bow from his back as he crouches low. He gestures to lee without turning to him, "Lee...I think you should come take a look at this..." Vannon says in reference to the carnage before him.

Zork again tries to get up, he again falls and frowns, normally good in a fight but this was an ambush, yes he saw the rats and swan, not the three beasts behind him, ferret and weasel, he rips his cloak and painfully wraps his leg wound tightly and applies pressure to a wound on his arm, he breaths in and out slowly and has yet to know anyone else is here yet, he glances at his sword that’s covered in blood from the fight and sighs, he coughs a little again and shivers, yeah cold is not good right now and he knows this but can’t stand well right now on his own.

Lee nods quietly, drawing his hidden dagger. He glances at the sky. "We shouldn't be out after dark..." He spies the death all around.

Vannon nods with his head toward the wounded badger. "You go check it out. I'll watch your back from here." Notching an arrow to his bow string the fox adds, "Be less worried about the dark and more worried about that badger. They tend to get really mean when they get hurt."

Zork hears voices and grunts, he looks upwards lucky the bird is nowhere, least in sight but he knows it couldn’t get to far being wounded some, he reaches for his sword, yeah if more are coming he is not going down without a fight, he will take some more with him. He grips the blade and sits up dizzily, he sees Vannon, its dark and makes his vision more blurry.."Ya..not gonna..."He growls low and then groans getting a better look at the fox, he has seen him before, he stands and sways...he sees a fuzzy blurry Lee.."Lee...ya..lad..looki out" He groans weakly and falls forwards grip a little loser on his blade, it’s off to the side at least

Lee frowns slightly, recognition dawning. "Zork? What the heck 'appened 'ere?"

The fox scampers closer then off to the side, scanning the area with his bow drawn. Convinced that no one is going to put a sword in his gut or arrow in his back he loosens up. Vannon fights the urge to immediately loot the bodies of the fallen vermin. Instead he says, "Bleeding heck!" he says when he sees the badger fall. He just KNOWS he is going to have to carry the black smith back to Redwall.

Zork looks around.."Ambush...the..two rats, ferret..w..weasel.." His voice a little slurred as he has had some blood loss, "He..he was..found him" He coughs and shivers some and closes his eyes tightly in pain before going on.." Said..truth of..with father...also..." His vision starts to swirl as he starts to pass out, he frowns as his grip on the sword is weak now, his one paw still in a sort of fist, he opens it.."Lee...." He passes out, in his open paw are two tall white feathers.

Lee frowns. "Wot is 'e sayin'? Father? Wot? Vannon, we need ta get 'im ta the abbey, an' by we, I mean ye."

Zork is now unconscious on the ground, so he cannot answer their questions. If Lee looks closer, he will realize Zork still has the two white feathers in his paw, looks like they’re going to need to get him to Redwall...quickly.

Vannon throws his head back and whines, "Why did I know you were going to say that?" the fox puts his bow away, "First I help you search for your daughter...for free. Then I help you search for Bandit...for free. Not to mention I'm helpin you catch some crazy assassin cat...for free! Now I have to drag this flee bitten badger back to Redwall...for bleedin free!" He picks up the badger's arm and wraps it around his shoulder before saying, "You are not very profitable to be around...you know that right?"

Lee picks up the feathers. "Hmm, could this mean wot I think it means." He then stares at the fox. "Ye know I got lots o' gold, yes?"

Vannon smirks, "Well until it’s in my own money bag it's not doing me much good. Bleedin...he's heavy."

Lee nods. "Yes, too 'eavy for me “

Vannon whines again...this is going to be a long night...

The next morning, a very small chat in the infirm, looks like Zork may not be able to say much right away

RW Abbey: Infirmary

Several beds are lined against the red sandstone walls of the Abbey's Infirmary. An examination table, separated from the rest of the room by hanging blankets, rests against the far wall. Tucked into a small alcove is a sizeable workbench with various containers for mixing and preparing medicinal compounds. Against another wall is a desk for use by the Infirmary Keeper. A curtained off alcove behind the desk hides a locked door to the Infirmary's supplies and linens.

Exits: Infirmary [Rec]overy Room, [H]ealer's [D]ormitory, [O]pen [G]round, [Hall]

Zork lies on one of the cots, first looked at by a cat and then luckily Leon came in and made sure his wounds were tended to. A tightly wrapped chest for a couple cracked ribs, a bandaged shoulder and wrist on the left side, a small bandage on his right lower arm, a bandaged right foot and some bruises and cuts as he groans slightly and comes to just a little focusing on where he is.

Safana slips in as she has been helping in the infirm, simple stuff like change the bandage or give this mixture to that beast and she has not done anything out of place, she has even read some books, least nothing out of place till now as she walks over to Zork with a mixture in paw, "Drink this..Leon said it will help you feel better."

Zork groans, he does drink some of it as he focuses on Safana he then coughs a little and looks at her, "Wot ya doin' in here?"

Safana says, "They trust me and I have not done anything out of place..well one thing" She smirks slightly" Oh not to worry, nothing bad your live your just..sleep a while, and I lied Leon didn’t mix it.." She gets closer "I did..a little knowledge from the books and some from a group my boss has old files from, they are around still I am sure..no danger to anyone but knowledge can be in the wrong paws, a small liquid version of a sleep potion from the Flitchaye..know to also make a beast forget things that’s happen in the pass day or so, and to sleep for long periods of time, great way to move slaves place to place."

Zork eyes go wide as he growls low and then groans as his vision swirls..."You..not gonna get away.." His voice is low as he looks at the cat.

Safana smiles "Shhhhhh...me and you are the only ones here, see your on the far side of the room" She speaks quietly as all others are asleep, maybe 3-4 beasts in here and she only wants the badger to hear her, "Just rest..your live and your wounds will keep you out of my fur and others fur, you may get..little ill, but then your be fine in couple days, wound wise well don’t know...you won’t remember how you got wounded or why, your forget the swan and vermins...and your forget this little talk"

Zork tries to stay awake, "Your..not gonna get away with it, will tell Flicky..and Lee..and Leon bout ya"

Safana smirks "You will? Like said your forget this morning and last night, thanks to the herbs..which is good and oh if I have it my way when you wake in a..oh 2-3 days, your have a surprise waiting see..a brother in the order will be dead, oh how sad..so sad will the death of Brother Benar be..who will do it, I will tell you as you won’t remember being told anyways" She whispers to him, "Me..."

Zork tries to get up to slap the cat and finds he is too weak and sleepy.."You..won't.." He then slips into a deep sort of faint.

Safana smirks and stands up better," Have a nice nap badger" She walks over to the door quietly, yes she has her plans and needs to act soon, with in the next day or two in fact, she goes to the hallway as if nothing happen.

Zork stays on the cot, in his deep faint and wounds slowly healing.