I'm Sorry Aibne, The answer is "No"

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

~~ On the road somewhere north of the abbey ~~

Silverstorm needed a walk, a walk to think and she was looking around carefully, keeping a sling shot at her side.

A couple tall rats watched her from the side of the road and grins to one another, one black and one brownish in color. The black colored one said “Let’s rob this woodlander”

The other rat nods in agreement “Sounds like fun.”

Silverstorm didn’t see the two rats, then wasn’t really paying attention to too much today, she was trying to clear her head.

The two rats jump out of the ditch, one gets behind her and the other in front of her acting as if he is the one in change ”Ello woodlander, give us your coins and anything of valve and ya get to live another day.”

Silverstorm stops and looks between the rats as she goes sideways, “I have no coins, so your out of luck their rats, I only have a sling and rocks, I be happy to give you a closer look at them.” She keeps a watchful eye on them; it would be pointless to try the sling as it’s more a long distance weapon.

The two rats each smirk to one another, “All well, I am sure your fur is nice, nice for the winter or maybe a slaver would pay big time for an otter maid.” The other one nods.

Silverstorm narrows her eyes and makes fists, “Not without a fight you’re not!”

The two rats once more shrug, and then go for the attack.

Only the two rats don’t get that close, suddenly a flash of brown goes straight to the rats and has a longsword that flashes and slices, a growl is heard from the creature “Your leave her alone you vermin scums!!!Taste my cold steel” Says a familiar, yet icy cold voice.

Silverstorm backs up and blinks as the rats are attacked by someone, she blinks and tries to figure out whom is there, “Aibne?” she asks uncertain.

The rats gasp and one screams as the blade cuts deep into his chest and neck and he falls over dead, the other gets a cut on their arm and slices back at the insane force.

Aibne is that insane force, he shows no mercy as he gets a cut on his side and slices right at the vermin rat who is still alive, he sidesteps a stab and stabs the rat in the throat.

Silverstorm eyes go wide as she watches this, she has not seen any beast killed before and now this sort of makes her NEVER want to see beasts killed again, no matter whom they are.

The lone rat dies as the blade enters his throat and falls beside the other rat.

Aibne breaths in and out and looks at Silverstorm. ”Silverstorm, are you ok?”

Silverstorm just stares “You..Killed a beast..two beasts!”

Aibne seems confused “Two beasts that would of killed you or enslaved you, hello..”

Silverstorm frowns, “You could of knocked them out and tied them up”

Aibne rolls his eyes “Oh so they can go kill someone else, hmmms”

Silverstorm backs off and frowns “I’m..going home”

Aibne steps in her path, if quick enough, “ Please…Silverstorm, stop I need to ask you something, I..I care about you, your well-being.” A hint of a light once in his eyes is there, ever so faint. Something of being around her seems to help this light show more strongly.

Silverstorm turns, “Ok..you helped me, thanks ok” She talks slowly and will let him walk her back to the abbey if that’s what he really wants to do.

Aibne does walk her almost all the way, he feels the need to keep her safe, “Silverstorm?”

Silverstorm nods her thanks and starts to go in when she looks back at him, “Wot do you want Aibne.”

Aibne watches her and manages a smile, sort of a smile, “ You don’t have to live there or…sorry came out wrong…me and you could live in the woods and you can still do your abbey stuff and maybe me and you could even help..some..at Camp Willow..w..wot do you say?”

Silverstorm listens and watches him, “I..can’t..I belong here.” She smiles some at his smile, even if it’s not the greatest smile he could make, maybe she can help him as she walks forwards and hugs him “Aibne..please just..” She looks at the outfit, his necklace and frowns, but she can’t get out the hey take it off words.

Aibne returns the hug and smiles a little more..just a faint little more.” I…Silverstorm…” He looks at her, “Would you…I mean…I love you and would like to spend all time with you…” Ok words came out a little too quickly.

Silverstorm looks at him strangely, "You what?"

Aibne is unsure how to say this, yeah romantic all right, kill a couple vermin then do this..." I....I love you. I don't have anything to give but..maybe later." He finally just flat asks" Would you marry me?"

Silverstorm stands there in sort of shock, " I...Aibne I do..care .." She looks back to the abbey and then him.

Flicktail Can be seen coming up the road, his green cloak fluttering, paw resting lightly on the pommel of his sword, though he is not grasping it as if to draw..more so...perhaps protecting it, keeping it in its scabbard, he keeps a keen eye off the sides of the road as he walks along.

Aibne smiles faintly, he doesn’t see Flicktail which is probably good. "That’s a yes?"

Silverstorm steps back "I..no.." It seems to hurt her to say no as she lets tears flow, "No..Aibne, not till you...you’ve changed Aibne, I mean earlier on the road.."

Flicktail is not approaching closer, he may have spied the otters but he seems to be straying to one side so as not to approach right at them, perhaps he will walk past, as he stays away from the two otters on the road.

Aibne tenses up, tears he dislikes seeing, "But...Silverstorm those things...they were going to kill you, I protected you."

Silverstorm crosses her arms, she looks at him, “Maybe...but you could of like I said knocked them out and tied them up ."

Flicktail now comes within Silverstorm's field of vision, though weather she notices him he does not know, his eyes narrowing, he sees tears...his friend in distress but he resists moving over to her and stays where he is away from the otters still.

Aibne takes a deep breath, the slight bit of sparkle in his vision fading again, " Those...rats, they were going to..and if not you some other beast on this road."

Silverstorm is paying attention to Aibne, she frowns as tears just come and she turns away," Ask me when your....when you’re the otter I meet one day, we laughed ...we fished...then maybe we can..." She walks to the gates leaving him alone.

Aibne watches her, he frowns and seems to have a flash of concern in his eyes, then he sees the fox and narrows his eyes but he doesn't go towards him.

Flicktail is not looking at Aibne at all as he has a look of concern on his face as he sees Silverstorm head for the gate, and he pauses....someone in the abbey will help her, his back to Aibne, he is not looking at Aibne, he keeps his back to the otter and looks at the abbey gates.

Aibne snorts, he goes to walk on up the road and goes to pass the fox, and he doesn’t draw any weapons "You’re lucky, you could of ended up like the rats on the road earlier..." He decides to let the fox decide what that means and disappears up the road as he wants NOTHING to do with the fox, he just wants to get quickly away from this area and back to Camp Willow.

Silverstorm walks on inside the gates and heads over to the pond.

RW Abbey: Pond

The abbey pond is practically the place to go for relaxation. The orchards that settle onto one side of the water hole provide decent shade for the more heated months to come. Various types of wild flowers grow about the edge of the ground that lightly overhangs into the pond. The pond seemingly invites one into its cool depths, which holds its fish life and multiple species of shrimp and other water dwellers.

Spring has come. Due to the rains, the abbey pond is just gently lapping at the edges of the ground. Soon to overflow lightly if the spring rains don't let up soon. Plant life seems to explode here in a variety of colors, sizes and aromas.

Exits: [F]ire [P]it, [R]edwall [E]ntry, [P]ath by the [G]reat [H]all, [Dive] in the pond, [O]rchards


South Wallgate

Silverstorm sits by the pond and watches as a rock makes rings spread out across the pond.

Flicktail walks to the side of her, a little ways off "Need a friend to talk to? I can leave you alone if you want “

Silverstorm frowns and shrugs, she throws another rock, "You can be here..I don't care"
Flicktail says, "That was not my question though."
Silverstorm says, "Wots ta talk about?"
Flicktail says, "I dunno, I saw you  were  upset and you don't normally like the pond"
Silverstorm sniffs, she still has tears in her eyes as she looks at the water, "I'm not..getting in the pond, it’s just..when you throw a stone it, it’s sort of relaxing"
Flicktail says, "aye...I am here if you...need anything is all"
Silverstorm says, "You can't help, I mean what do you do when you lose a friend and you still care for that friend, but they also scare you"
Flicktail says, "well...wot you do is, help that friend...that’s wot friends do"
Silverstorm looks at him "He...helped me, these 2 rats were on the road, but he..he didn’t have to slay them like...like he did, he could of knocked them out not..."   She sighs and shakes her head and then heads inside the main building “Just leave me alone for now, I’m going to bed early goodnight” She quickly heads to her room to maybe cry herself to sleep.