How Do We Get The Bager To Shut Up!(Redemption Of Marek)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

At The bandit camp somewhere in Mossflower Woods by the River Moss

Zee is still tied up, still has the gag on his mouth for now as he manages to look around the camp where he is tied to the tree.

Coldclaw walks up to the badger and takes off the gag as he smirks “Well well, you were easy enough to catch weren’t ya, do you know why you are here? I will be happy to tell you stripedog”

As soon as the gag is off Zee starts talking and complaining “You know what I want ta know lad, why ya don’t use some sort of breath fresher. Why ya want me fer huh ya fur bag vermin. You should go soak your head in the river, I think it’s nearby here and I don’t care why I am here you should think clearly on your lots in life and maybe try another hobby than going around and grabbing beasts and taking them into the woods and tying them up and such, why I can tell ya a story I heard while I were in Send, it’s about..” At this he falls asleep for maybe 5 minutes before he goes on “About..oh yes about this hare that was lost and didn’t listen to any beast on how to go ta the left path not the right but oh did he find out de hard way to listen to beasts sometimes.” He tells another tell of a fox who didn’t pay attention to the flooded river and so the fox drowned and he starts to tell another story but falls asleep .

A rat looks at the badger and then Coldclaw “He umm..fell asleep boss, what do we do now or do we let him sleep?”

Coldclaw glares at the rat and slaps him in the face and then slaps Zee across the face rather hard and waits, if this doesn’t wake him he will just slap him harder.

Zee eyes snap open as he is slapped and a redden area and bruise forms on his left cheek as he glares at the weasel, “That was very rude lad, a gentle shake is enough ya mother needs to teach you some manners, manners are important for any beast, even fowl vermin types.”

Coldclaw gets right in his face, “Shut up and listen you’re here to make us weapons and armor do you hear me stripdog and your do it here soon, very soon. The beast who hired me to find you will be pleased, but we want weapons and armor as well and if Redwall tries to find their Blacksmith, well we don’t always stay in one place and the forge we use is fairly well hidden and well-guarded.”

Zee looks confused at this, ”Make weapons? Blacksmith…now me nephew is a blacksmith, I mean I know the details and can tell you all about it if you like but I can’t make the weapons and armor. You would need to find metal and ore and that’s not always easy to find when you work on your own but it’s findable. Also then there is getting the bad stuff from the ore so it’s pure you know so weapons and armor don’t break. I know as I have watched a lot of blacksmiths in me family and outside me family, both good and bad blacksmiths and grumpy ones and not so grumpy ones now Soot..oh Soot was one not to interrupt when he made weapons, I can tell ya about that now…” He goes on and on and on and on about the basic idea of blacksmith, some details that would probably hurt your brain on just how metal is finally turned into a blade or maybe some chain mail and most have fallen asleep listening, in fact he fell asleep 4 times as he has talked almost nonstop for the past 3 hours and he doesn’t seem done yet.

Coldclaw slaps Zee again, harder and purposely slices at his arm and glares at a rat nearby, The rat looks on..”Umm what…” The rat words are cut short as his head falls off and the weasel screams into the air,” This is the wrong badger!!!”

Zee tenses up as he is hit again, a line of blood forms from the claws glove and some blood forms on his arm, he snarls at the weasel and struggles to get free, ”Foul rotten minded beasts ya for sure need manners you pains ! Wrong beast you need brains wot you mean by wrong..” It dawns on him what they mean and whom they are after and he glares, “Ya touch me nephew it be the last thing you do, your feel pain beyond pain from my..well from somewhere and your live to regret today you flea bag, you..” He is angry and basically says a lot of names and cuss words and doesn’t look like he is going to shut up any time soon. “I can use where me staff?” He frowns but that doesn’t shut him up “Release oh, Oh I will teach ya some manners..”

Coldclaw covers his ears “Make him shut up! Make him shut up!” An answer to a prayer maybe as the archer cat fires off one of his more powerful knockout arrows at the badger and it’s not like the badger is going to move out of the way since he is tied up.

Zee has stopped to gain some breath and then goes on “Your have Redwall and that champion---“ He shuts up as the arrow hits him in the arm and he groans slumping forwards, out cold for the next few hours most likely.

Couple hours later after Coldclaw and them left and came back to Camp

Zee is awake with one major headache, he looks around as he hears voices.

Coldclaw comes storming in and straight for the badger and draws one of his blade and lays it at his throat and gets right in his face, “I should end your life and leave you somewhere where your friends will find you.”

Zee looks at the blade, “Not that I have THAT much life left in me-coughs- your breath stinks, breath fresheners would be nice ya know lad.”

Coldclaw slaps him across the face again and looks truly ready to kill the old beast and walks away to gather two rats, a couple weasels left at camp and a couple ferrets, a small group yes but he hopes to gather more beasts soon, “Listen men, we lost a good archer, one of the best and I am far from happy about it do you understand me?” They all nod as he looks at the badger and back to them, “The badger here is of no use to us, he is taking up space.”

A ferret grins as he comes up “We could move camp and leave the badge here r by the icy river, the snow is starting to melt and that means some flooding of cold VERY cold water, his age he surely couldn’t survive long in such you say..fate?”

Zee looks over at the beasts trying to make out what they are saying.

Coldclaw grins and walks back to the badger, he slaps him across the face again and kicks him hard in the side, using the clawed glove he has on he purposely claws his arms and legs and attempts to claw his throat.

Zee may be old but he can still move his leg as the rope is not on his legs, when the claws go to his throat he kicks rather hard at the weasel and snarls deeply.

Coldclaw gets hit right in the gut and falls to his knees. He draws his twin blades and lays one behind and one in front of Zee “Stand now stripe dog!” He looks at the ferret, Sims, “Sims..we move camp now and the badger is going to stay here.” He forces the badger to move closer to the river and goes to shove him forwards.

Zee is forced to stand and chuckles as the weasel doubles over in pain, he finds it a little hard to stand as he is still tied and falls forwards and lands in some of the cold water and shivers. He moves a little away from it and glares at the beasts. ”Yeah you cowards, lot a good it will do ya.”

Sims the ferret nods and looks at the badger “Shall I kill him sir?” He waits for any orders.

Coldclaw kneels down to Zee and a cold smile forms “Do you know what happens to a beast in cold water too long, even if one isn’t fully in it, oh and look..” Snow starts to fall, “Snow and the cold icy water rising just slightly and you all tied up, gonna be hard to move stripedog” He sends another kick to his side as he stands “And I will get the blacksmith one way or another old fool”

Zee groans as he coughs, he frowns “Staying in the cold too long is not a good thing you ill brained foul weasel, and you lay one hair on me nephew your wish ya were not born you will. Ya gonna feel so much pain you just wait and see if I am not telling the truth, pain all over and your die, trust me if I can’t then another will or some beast!”

Sims stays close by as he waits for a reply. He mutters something bout loud badgers.

Coldclaw just chuckles coldly as he makes sure the fire is out and smirks, “Enjoy your last night stripedog, your friends will not easily find you or..” He places a gag on his mouth “Or hear you..which may be a blessing who knows” He walks over to Sims, “Make sure no one finds him Sims, some beast gets too close..kill them.” He then walks over to the badger again and sends a kick again at his side and slaps him across the face a couple times, he grins and uses the hilt of a sword and slams it into the back of the badgers head, hard enough to knock him out and then walks off to the rest of the group “We leave now..” The rest follow him, to where ever he leads.

Zee mmmmmfffs as the gag is placed and then tenses a couple times as the kick connects and the claws leave some marks on his cheek and his eyes flutter shut as he is knocked out and he lays by the cold waters edge, water lapping beside him and he has bruises and cuts all over him, not that they are that life threatening but seeing he is unconcious and half in the icy river on a cold evening and there is no fire now, and add in his age, well…he could very well be in bad trouble if not found soon.