Herb hunt ends badly

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Leon is walking along the road looking for herbs, he found one in the woods and some he knows is by the riverbank and so he looks there.

Desotoe smirks as he sees the mouse and walks over to him, "You’re an abbey beast, aren’t ya mouse?"

Leon places an herb in his pack, some dock leaves and looks up at Desotoe slowly and then speaks, "Umm..I am, did you need anything sir?"

Desotoe grins, "Then you will prove useful to me, see I have a problem with their champion, course the cause of it was, heee, taken care of but I still want him dead as well."

Leon frowns as he backs up, he slips out a knife he keeps with him for self-defense and watches Desotoe closely, "So why telling me, I would just warn him about you"

Desotoe chuckles coldly, "See that’s it, nice to be warned and maybe he already has been." He pulls out his cutlass which is much bigger than a knife, "But he needs to know I mean business."

Leon stays in a defense position and keeps an eye on Desotoe, "You don't scare me." He stays calm.

Desotoe smirks, "I don't scare you?..Well that so, you know what that’s just fine with me, makes it more interesting." He walks closer, "I fought a badger couple days ago, she was not much a fighter more the yell and threatens type and she WAS afraid of me."

Leon keeps a good grip on the knife and watches as Desotoe starts to circle him, he backs up to the riverbank and stops.

Desotoe says, "Not too many options on where to go, is there mouse"

Leon remains calm “There is the river, I can swim very well, like an otter"

Desotoe edges closer, "Oh, like I care you stupid mouse, I care about revenge and I will get it one way or another"

Leon looks at his knife and then flicks it at the vermin’s foot paws and dives into the water quickly to swim to the other side, he can swim fairly fast.

Desotoe growls as the foot paw is hit and goes after the mouse right away, he may not swim as fast but he is probably stronger than the mouse is.

Leon is currently trying to fight a swift current in the river and is forced to stay in one place and think on a possible route, he was not thinking the ferret followed him.

Desotoe reaches out to grab the mouse by his foot paw and try and pull him towards him.

Leon gasps as his foot paw is grabbed and his sandal comes off, he goes to kick backwards best he can in water and glares at the ferret.

Desotoe only holds on tighter and tries to pull the mouse backwards, he eeps as the current of the river gets the better of him and on instinct keeps ahold of the mouse's foot paw.

Leon cusses as he feels the current pull him and the ferret downstream, he is a good swimmer but not with a weight on his leg and it about makes him go under the water.

Desotoe growls as the river wins this battle, he almost sinks and that means so would the mouse, he starts to panic some "Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!...Can't swim, can't swim! Help!!"

Leon takes a deep breath as he goes under and coughs as he resurfaces, he glares at the ferret, "Then why even jump in after me stupid!"

Desotoe growls and coughs, "I am not stupid..Woodlander.!!", He tries to get to shore and goes under again but let’s go of Leon and coughs.

Leon feels his foot paw released and swims a couple feet away from Desotoe, he goes to swim in a half X like pattern path to get to shore.

Desotoe spits out water and gasps , "Hey!...Hey don't swim away, help me!”

Leon starts to do just that and then sighs, he swims back and grabs the ferret by his robe and slowly drags him to shore with the help of a floating branch.

Desotoe coughs up a ton of water once up on shore, he keeps his eyes closed and listens

Leon looks the ferret over and checks vitals, he lays a paw on his back and gets into healer mood.

Desotoe grins and quickly uses his chance and grabs the mouse tightly and coughs up water on him, he smirks "Your my-cough- captive now mouse boy-" He acts quickly and goes to slam Leon into a nearby rock.

Leon eyes go wide, he was not looking to be tricked like this and before he has time to react his head hits the rock and he slides to the sand passing out .

Desotoe chuckles and coughs, he goes to drag the mouse further down the river

They walk a fair distance and find some abandon ruins where they stay for now.

-Some ruins somewhere-

Desotoe drags the mouse in and finds some ropes, he ties the mouse up and snorts.

Leon groans, he has a headache and now he is tried up, he frowns and looks over at Desotoe.."I help you and this is...how you say thanks?"

Desotoe grins, "Oh do shut up mouse, your fault for trusting me, and that you didn’t run instead of checking on me.”

Leon coughs, “You were half drowned and I am a healer, guess you were not as bad off as I thought.”

Desotoe just grins, , “Never trust a vermin mouse.” He coughs and still has a little water in his lungs maybe but not enough to kill him, “Just get cozy, ya gonna be here a while.”

Leon watches the ferret and shakes his head.