Halyard Village 2006

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

All information found on this page has been gathered from Halyard's index page on the old MUCK site, redwall.muck.limitless.org, via the Wayback Machine, which was last updated on January 26, 2006. As such, all information found here is outdated.


The scent of sea spray hits you as you travel up a cobblestone road. The buildings of wood and brick loom up around, though cheerful in architecture and color. All sorts of creatures roam the streets, pushing carts and selling wares.

Welcome to Halyard Village.

Portal - PWL - D - HV - VS


The residents of Halyard Village
Name: Standing/Job: Species
Keita Owner of Halyard Tavern Hare
Lily Small Cottage Resident / Bartender Hare
Arlec Importer for Halyard Tavern Hare
Brom Sheriff Otter
Sieve Shop Owner Squirrel
Middy Resident Sea Otter
Rothal Bartender Hare
Hatch Carpenter Beaver
Ashdir Tax Collector Squirrel


If interested please page mail Keita or Lily.

Law Office: Desc: Ava.:
Sheriff Head of Law. Makes and enforces law, keeps order in Halyard. Brom
Deputy Assistant to Sheriff, carries out arrests, and helps to patrol the village. Open
Tax Collector Collects taxes and manages village finances. Ashdir
Warden Watches over jail, and keeper of the keys. Open
Trades Beasts: No Limit:
Cobblers / Tailors
Carpenters Hatch
Fishers / Sailors
Halyard Tavern: Ava.:
Bartenders Lily, Rothal
Cooks Open


Halyard is open to all beasts. Good, nuetral, and even some badies lurk in our midsts. The village is completely neutral as far as good and bad go. So vermin or Woodlander, we welcome you!

To join please page either Keita or Lily on the MUCK.
Then please type +skills apply HalyardVillage

    • Positions of Power such as Sheriff and Shop Owners will be given after a request and a review. Please page Keita or Lily if interested. **


Just the typical sort of thing:

Like any place, criminals will be punished. Though we are a neutral territory, this does not mean a character can steal, cheat, or kill without consequence.

Though not a rule, members are encouraged to post their logs on the logs page listed above. Since Halyard is a small town, gossip easily flies, and logs are a good reference.

The rest of the MUCK rules apply. This is a medieval-like setting. No magic, guns, ect.

Most importantly, have fun!