Halyard Tav

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Halyard Tavern: Main Room

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Halyard Tavern ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Warmly lit by torches along the walls and lanterns set upon the many tables

scattered around the room, the main room of the Halyard Tavern is an often-

populated area. One corner of the tavern is taken up by a stage, about a

foot or two higher than the rest of the floor, where live entertainment

performs, while circular tables, both large and small, are set up in front

of the stage, spreading out into the center of the room. Meanwhile, around

the perimeter of the tavern, booths are set, and, of course, the obligatory

bar rests against the far wall, a bartender or barmaid always on duty.


                               Visible Exits:

[K]itchen [O]ut to [E]ntrance


[DYN] Sidney

[DYN] Zeraph

[DYN] Keita


It's a slow evening for the tavern! But for once Keita doesn't mind that. The doe is sunk behind the bar on a stool, peering off at a wall in an absent fashion. Her fingers taptaptap on the countertop.

Since Aralyn about 'lives' in Halyard as much as one can without actually being in the patrol, it's not hard for her to drop by the Tav every once in awhile. Delphi's not with her which is unusual, the pair being somewhat omnipresent around the seaside town. "Hey Kei," she greets with a warm smile, stepping over to the bar.

Lately things have been a bit more awkward. Keita is getting bigger - though it's actually not all that noticeable due to the small size of the baby bump. Zeraph is quite aware of the expansion of her stomach, however, and he is only adding to the quiet of the evening. The buck is making himself useful, sitting off at the corner booth with a bucket of sudsy water and mugs. His shirt sleeves are rolled up to his elbows.

Ahh look, it's Rahspawn! Keita straightens when the young doe approaches and she returns the smile in kind, nodding to a stool. "Lin," she greets. "Where's yer othah half?" She's used to supplying two drinks. Instead, she just pulls out the one mug! "Whatcha have?"

Tyree is only here because he's on a mission. Sort of. Kind of an impromptu patrol. And everyone else on it is either drunk or asleep or something, instead of searching like they should be. If it were up to Tyree, he'd kick down every door here, but that wouldn't be, what's the word... civilized, yes. He's just sitting back in a corner of the tavern, arms crossed and watching the door. As if waiting to just... *pin* someone who's a suspect and play bad cop right there in the tavern.

'Young doe', ahaha Keita's old! "Oh, she's at home. Got all wrapped up in paintin' somethin' or other. A still life? Bowl o' fruit?" Lin's cracked a grin now. Never known Delphi to do a still life, but it sounds funny. Ah, ribbing. "Gimme an' ale."

An old classic, Keita likes that. She pours the drink for the doe and presses it across the bar to her with a nod. "On the house, eh?" She glances up and around the bar, briefly, to take note of the other inhabitants. As she is wont to do. All the quiet broodiness, it's thick!

Broodiness? Perhaps. Or maybe Zeraph is just involved in his dishes. His forearms are completely wet, fur stuck up at odd angles. He pushes one hand into the suds to pluck a mug out of it, his other hand barely fitting inside as he scrubs the glass with a rag. The buck's head is ducked to his work. From major to dish washer!

The broodiness isn't likely to go away any time soon. Tyree only flicks his gaze over to the discussing does for a short moment before he goes back to watching the door intently. I've got my eye on you, door, he seems to say. Nobody's getting through you without a thorough questioning. Or at least a vague sense of harrassment.

Sidney's broodiness isn't so quiet! Well. If snow in your boot even really counts. "Mother.." he mutters, standing in the doorway with one hand on the frame of it, working his boot off and shaking it upside down. Then, with the other one still on and this one dangling from his hand by the laces, he walks a bit unevenly toward the bar. Grumble. "I am really fed up with the damn winter. .. gin? Gin would be great," he directs at Keita. Theeen, "Hey Zer."

It is an old classic, isn't it? "Well, thanks," answers the Rah-lookalike. "But why don'tcha gimme a couple shots so I can use this ale to chase it down?" Her ears perk on up as the other familiar faces drift on in, particularly catching the attention of Tyree. A wave is offered. "Hey Ty!"

Keita grins at Lin's request and nods, glancing up as she grabs a couple of shot glasses to acknowledge Sid. "Aye - sure. Just a sec, mate!" she calls. She pours out the shots for Lin and then turns, limping to the opposite wall to sort out some gin for Sid. When it's prepared she returns over to Lin, pushing the glass across towards Sid as he approaches.

"Eh? Oh. Lin! Hello, pleasure ta' see you, wot," Tyree says, only somewhat enthusiastic about seeing the pretty healer. They have yet to share another cup of tea, don't they? But then someone comes through the door! Oh, no. It's only Sidney. He's *probably* okay. Tyree was already halfway out of his chair. He sinks back into it with a sigh. He should be *out* there. Busting heads. He drums his fingers on a table instead. He hates sitting around when there's a job to be done.

"... you know. Make it two. Hey, three? Why not three," Sid says to Keita with a slightly gruff laugh, and sinks onto a stool, rubbing at one of his eyes with his hand. "Man."

Lin adds a grin to the wave she gave Ty, pausing only to give a grateful smile to Keita. "Come on over," she urges, turning the wave back toward herself, bidding Ty over. The healerdoe turns back to her now-waiting shots and scoops one up, downing it quickly. Mm! She chases, as promised, with a drink from her mug.

At this point Zeraph is past feeling restless and like he should be more active - cooped up as he is in the tavern most of the time. Luckily the mug he is scrubbing at is sturdy, well made glassware because he gets is hand stuck in it at an odd angle for a second and proceeds to get it off with a chopping motion of the confined limb. It hits the ground hard with a clunk. Zer tilts to the side, halfway out of the booth to take in where the mug comes to rest at a slow spin. He only looks up when Sid's voice catches his attention and his eyes lift. ".. hey." Then he goes to climb out of the booth to recollect his escaped glass.

"Three? Sure." Keita chuckles at Sid, turning to prepare the second and the third drink as well. She returns with them and extends a paw for the coinage. /He/ doesn't get it on the house. Can't be giving everything away, you know! "Here ya go, mate." Grin.

Tyree seems reluctant to leave his post by the door. But if he's being hailed, he may as well. He stands up and begins to move, still watching the door for any signs of movement. Watching. You. He fumbles his way to the bar next to the others, raising an eyebrow as Lin downs her shots in short order. "More'n a tea person, eh?" he asks with an extremely small upward quirk of the corner of his mouth. He doesn't order a drink. No money, no desire.

Sidney turns to lean his back into the bar, grinning at Zeraph as the bigger buck flings the stuck mug off his hand. "Good going," he teases, then fishes out a small handful of coins to pay for the drinks. Lin gets a glance, and a smile. Don't know her! Didn't pick up on the on-the-house thing, either, because he gestures at Lin's shots and mug of ale while grinning at Keita. "Hey, I got hers covered too.. haven't already paid, have you?" he asks Lin.

Keita's muzzle twists wryly and she glances at the younger doe with an arched brow. Have you? But then her attention gets drawn to Zeraph and his mug dropping. She offers him a small smile, just a twitch of her lips. 'Hi', in other words.

Lin laughs, reaching out with her elbow to poke Ty in the ribs. "I didn't feel we were at the alcohol stage of our friendship. Though," she says, moving one of the shot glasses to him, "Perhaps an advancement is in order." Lin's eyes fall to Sidney, and she gives him a humoring smile. "Thanks, but I got it." Or Keita's got it, whichever.

At least he's doing the doe a favor by cleaning up the glasses. Even if they might end up on the floor for a second! The tease goes ignored and Zeraph inspects the mug for any new imperfections. As he turns to move back to his booth his eyes cast towards the bar only to catch the half smile from Keita. It is returned vaguely and he stops at the side of the table to rewash the glassware, setting it upside down with the rest in his second basin. This one is hefted easily with one arm, rested at his side as he carries it over to Keita, settling it onto the counter with the clinking of the dishes within as they shift.

Sidney shrugs in a what-can-ya-do manner, giving Lin a smile still and then scooping up one of his mugs in his hand. "Any of you seen Mikey the last few hours?" he asks the.. general bar-area populace. Anyone who might know! Then when Zeraph comes over, he steps that way after a swallow of his gin. "Hey, man.. how're you holding up?"

"Thanks, love," is Kei's semi-smiling response when the dishes are set on the counter. She moves over to them, pulling the basin across to her side and then turning, taking it over to the opposite counter to start stacking the dishes in place.

"Nothin'. I assumed he was asleep somewhere," Tyree reports to Sidney. "Poor guy's takin' all this pretty hard." He looks down at the glass offered to him by Lin. "You sure?" he asks, knowing all this was paid for by someone other than himself. "Well. Maybe just the one," he remarks, picking up the glass and sniffing at it.

Sidney grimaces a little at Tyree, and takes a swig of his drink. "Yeah, you're not even kidding," he mutters, "if he's asleep somewhere, what he really is.. is passed-out drunk."

"Truthfully I'm in pain. Other than that, holding up well enough." Zeraph glances towards Sidney, pushing the basin across so that Keita can grab it more easily. He smirks at the doe, ears settling back. ".. you're welcome." Slowly the buck steps back from the bar to move towards the booth again, collecting the sudsy water that is the remainder.

"Still? Hope it doesn't end up chronic," Sid mutters, frowning slightly at Zer.

"'Scuse me," Keita mutters to the bar, then limps out from around it to head after Zeraph. she reaches a paw to rest on the back of his shoulder. "D'you want somethin'?" Pain easement! It's her specialty.

Lin's not involved in the disappearing act much beyond gossip, so she remains quiet, but for turning her eyes up to Ty. "Have a seat," she offers, patting the stool next to her.

The bucket of water is held at chest level for Zer as it is hefted from the table, which means he has to be careful to not bop Keita in the muzzle with it when he turns. He tilts his head down to the doe, nose twitching. ".. No. No I don't need anything." A glance is sent towards Sidney. "It should ease."

Tyree does so as Lin bids him, and takes a long gulp of the drink in the glass. He coughs and drops it back down onto the table, blinking rapidly several times. "Hmm. I think I needed that. Thank you," he decides. "How have you been, Lin?" He looks to Zeraph and raises an eyebrow. "You sure, bucko? Workin' with pain is the worst kind of work. I'd know," he says, glancing down reflectively at one of his paws.

Raph would know! He's had enough injuries over the seasons. Keita nods a bit, then gives his shoulder a light squeeze. "All righ'."

"Hope so," Sid says to Zer with an encouraging grin, then takes up his second mug.. and tucks the third into the bend of his arm. "Hey, Keita, I'll bring the cups back after," he says to the doe with a chuckle, and heads for the stairs.

The major's attention flickers momentarily to Tyree and both of his ears start to lift almost thoughtfully. Zeraph speaks with a casual tone when he responds. "It's time to get over it." He offers, before tilting his muzzle to bump to the side of Keita's - eyes closing. There is a slight movement of his lips as he murmurs to the doe, staying close to her.

Lin watches Tyree drink with a little sideways grin of her own. She picks up the third and last shotglass and drains it, barely pausing before she chases it with some ale. Assuages the urge to cough. "Been pretty good, pretty good," she replies. "How're you? Your head seems t'be better, I see."

Keita's eyes turn up to Raph's face at his murmur, and they crease a little at the corners. She nods and reaches up to touch her fingers to his cheek. "Okay," she answers, subdued, and turns her muzzle to deliver a brief peck to his cheek.

Zeraph ducks so that he can receives that kiss to his cheek, actually half-smiling now as he leans his weight a little towards Keita. "I'm sorry." Then the buck hefts the container more up along his chest to head towards the bar so he can move behind it. He's aiming for the kitchen.

"It... er... well. I suppose one must eventually," Tyree replies, slightly bewildered by Zeraph's comment. Fortunately Lin is there ot distract him. "Yes, my head is... mostly better." There's other things wrong with him than just physical injury after all. "Been helpin' with the investigations in town... wish we could just storm the place and find 'im in one swoop," he murmurs, ears drooping just slightly from their perfect erect posture. "It'd work, too, we have the numbers." No, instead they just do it piecemeal, like this. "Should be out there now," he adds darkly, shifting restlessly on the stool. Tam's alive and needs help. Like now.

Keita follows after Zeraph at a slower pace, limping as she does, watching him as he heads for the kitchen. She's got to stay out front, so she's there to catch Tyree's words. She arches an eyebrow. "... I find myself feeling rathah fortunate you're not in charge."

Lin would do something like reach over and scruffle Ty's hair but, she knows how Ty is with the whole, touching thing. "Well that's good," she returns. "Wouldn't do to have you wandering around with a shiner still. It doesn't suit you."

"No? I thought it would make me a little more rugged," Tyree replies wryly, looking down at his glass. "... M'sorry I haven't really had time ta' visit like I said I would," he apologizes quickly, curling up on the stool. "Things, you know. Things happen. And you can't do everythin' you wanted to at first."

Lin laughs. "Isn't that what I said? Ruggedness?" She inspects his nose, and tsks. "Not nearly enough scars t'be properly rugged." The doe waves a paw while she drinks. "Ah, y'know, patrol life. Figured I'd catch up to you eventually and here we are!"

Sidney has left.

"Not enough scars?" Tyree balks at the notion that he hasn't enough ruggedness in his face. Did she not *see* him snarling in a corner? That was kind of a rugged thing to do, wasn't it? "And, pray tell, just what kinds of scars will I have ta' acquire ta' meet your stellar standards?" he asks with a tiny smirk.

Snarling isn't rugged, it's juuust snarling. "Not enough," she says, her own face a-smile instead of a-smirk. Lin sups at her ale. "Oh, you know. Big ones. Like all the old hares have." She's grinning now. "You just haven't seen enough fighting." Poke prod.

"Big ones," Tyree says, a little unconvinced. "Well. You do know that gettin' scars usually requires one ta' face quite a lot of death an' havoc," he notes, looking down at her prodding paw critically. Touching alert! "I hope you'll be ready ta' patch me up when I come back with all those open wounds." Because, Tyree is definitely going to go and find a sword to throw himself on just to get big scars just because Lin told him to.

"Big ones!" She insists. "I'm talking a couple inches at least. Not the ones that disappear after a year either." She only prods lightly, still. The doe turns back to sip at her ale again, grinning. "I promise not t'date you until you get a nice scar."

"Ah." Tyree seems to think she's joking, both about the scars and the dating, and takes it in stride. Or at least, he hopes she's just joking about that. Tough sell, if she expects some kind of bodily harm to come to him! "Well, here's hopin' my training doesn't keep me too safe, then." He continues to stare at her poking paw. Does she not know how to take a hint?! He brushes at the offending appendage with his own paw. "Stoppit."
