Halyard TP

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Halyard Village: North Road(#95525RCJ)

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Halyard Village ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Though the northern road has faired better than the southern road, the damage

to the homes here is still quite significant. Tents and lean-tos have been

constructed in place of the cottages and homes that previously provided

shelter and large fires are kept burning at intervals, to provide warmth

to the woodlanders who live here. Luckily for these creatures, their well has

survived the storm.


                               Visible Exits:

Exits: [F]letchpaw [H]ome, [R]hubarb's [H]ome, [S]mall [C]ottage, [T]o [S]quare

Though many of the homes in this part of town were flattened by the storm, a number of them are still standing. Small clusters of structures, some more well-constructed than others, were damaged by the storm but not knocked over, and so they're still inhabited. This is where a small group of hares has clustered-- Rahier and his patrol, by the looks of it, and some other volunteers, moles, otters, and those willing to aid their fellow villagers. "Alright," Rah begins, speaking to his patrol- in particular, Tyree and Micah. "There's a lotta people still livin' in these homes, an' most of 'em aren't fit t'stand on their own. S'dangerous f'em t'keep inhabitin' them, an' so what we've gotta do is go to 'em an' ask 'em if they'd be willin' t'relocate t'th' tents." He turns, nodding up to a structure which no longer has a roof, just a tarp that's been strung over it. The roof lies about two hundred yards down the road, a crumpled pile of shingles and pine. "We can't /make/ 'em leave, but some will be willin'

..willin' t'go. We gotta help as well we can."

Micah stands to the side and a step back from Tyree as he listens to Rahier's instructions. He's got his usual healer's pack slung over a shoulder, but it is /especially/ laden this eve for the task ahead. He nods in answer to Rahier, clearing his throat quietly. "Fer those that're injured, d'you want us t'do on-sight healin', or just get 'em moved 'n' tend t'them at the tents?" He gives some of the more precarious-looking structures a wary look.

"An'... if they /don't/ listen to us, sah?" Tyree says. "Iffen we don't move 'em out, well..." He too gives the dilapidated and beaten structures a look. "Think it's fairly obvious what'll happen ta' some of 'em." He himself can't understand it. He's never had to worry about his house falling down after all, and it's not like they can't be rebuilt.

Rahier sighs. "We don't wanna force people outta their homes. We can jus' offer.. maybe when things get a lil' more settled, we can see what th'moles wanna do." Knock over and rebuild. "But f'now, les' see what we can do." The major turns his head to Micah, and nods. "We wanna move people outta here if they can at all be moved an' treat 'em at th'tents.. I've watched a couple of these buildin's fall over with no warnin' over th'past coupla days, we don't want that comin' down on their heads."

"Or ours," Micah adds with a small shudder. Buried alive, not an enviable fate. He shifts his pack on his shoulder, then, and nods, standing a bit straighter. Not that it helps his short stature much. "Just tell me where you want me, sah."

"There's a cluster o' buildings on this block I want vacated-- it's a darn claptrap o' wood an' nails and I think it's 'bout ready t'fall over as it is. There's a family o' rats in it an' others.. I wantcha an' Ty t'go see if y'can convince everyone t'leave." He turns and raises his paw up to the structure across the street.. it looks like a two story building ringed by small single-story houses and apartments. There's ominous cracks and splittings running down the side of the two-story structure.. looks dangerous just looking at it. "I'm gonna poke m'head in here," he indicates the handful of buildings behind him, including the roofless one, "An' see what I can see."

"Well, goody," Tyree remarks as he peers at their target. If houses could walk, this one would need a wheelchair. He cracks his knuckles as though he's getting ready for a scuffle. "Let's go see what comes out of the woodwork, shall we?" he asks Micah, taking the lead to the precarious, dangerous household. Only rats would be stubborn about leaving such an unsafe place.

The rats probably think their home much-improved! Mike is a bit slow in starting after Tyree and so he jogs to catch up, falling into step beside him. "Yessir," he agrees. He eyes the structure a bit nervously. Rats. Why did it have to be /rats/? "Rats," he mutters, aloud. Humph.

Rahier nods as they turn to go and turns himself, taking two of his other junior patrollers to walk on over to the house-with-no-roof... he knocks at the door, which falls flat inward. The hinges aren't really even there anymore. "Uhm," he ventures, looking to the private on his right, then back into the dark home. "Anyone here?" Well. So, Micah, Tyree, and the couple patrollers under /his/ command are following them toward the cluster of precarious structures, murmuring among themselves as to its dubious look. They barely even make it halfway across the street, fortunately for them, before a loud groan issues from the tall building, and a large plume of dust rises from where its roof used to be, rising into the air. The walls start to fall outward, two of them first... the one facing Tyree falls directly onto a house, flattening it in an explosion of noise and dust.

"EEEEEEeeeyaaAAAH!! YAYAYA!!" A shriek rips from a nearby tent. A creaking snap sounds out, followed quickly by a dull thud. A grunt and a smack answer, and in a moment, Dagda tosses back the tent-flap, clad in a white apron, spattered with gore and rubbing his eye with knuckles clasped around a saw, slick with blood. The buck casts a glare back at the tent, tossing the hacksaw down and pulling off his apron. Only to be greeted with a cloud of dust washing over him.

"Wwwwait," Tyree says, holding up his arms to halt those coming up behind him, peering at the building as it begins to collapse in on itself. He blinks when the roof is done falling, but doesn't let the others pass just yet... all well and good since the wall comes tumbling down. Tyree closes his eyes calmly as the dust cloud billows out and envelops him and the others at the front of the group. "... Pfft," he says, spitting out some grit that got on his lips. "Ahem. Right! Looks like this just turned inta' search an' rescue, chaps!" he calls out, turning around to show the front of him covered in dust and wood flakes. Half clean, or half dirty? "Let's get to it!"

Almost immediately after Tyree speaks, there's a plaintive cry from within the newest pile of rubble. "Help! Please, someone..! Help me!"

Micah brings his forearm to shield it across his eyes and face when the cloud of dirt hits them, turning his head to avoid the worst of it. He lets out a few choked coughs, shaking his head. "... bloody heck," he mutters. And then, at that plaintive cry, his ears stand up rigid and he gives Tyree a glance and a nod before he starts forward at a quick jog, jostling his pack on his shoulder. He steps over the threshold, which is now just a pile of mess, and immediately slows, going carefully as he moves over the debris. "Keep talkin'!" he encourages the victim. "We're comin'!"

The debris is unsteady, shifting and shuddering as Mike moves among it. "Here, I'm here!" The voice is female.. maybe even familiar to some of them? "Please hurry, please, get me out!" She sounds a bit frantic and tearful.

"Spread out! Ears open! /Watch your steps!/ If you see a pile that /looks/ like it may come down, it probably will!" Tyree orders as he follows closely behind Micah. It's a wonder anyone's still alive in this wreck, let alone conscious, but that's what they're here for isn't it? He perks his ears to get a fix. "Right about... here, I'd say!" Tyree says, standing near a pile of rubble. He bends down and puts his paws to it, beginning to claw away at the wreck. "Keep talkin'! Are we close to ya, me gel?"

With a sigh, Dagda drops his paw from his eye, the fresh bruise already evident. His large ears hone in on his comrades efforts. The healer snatches up his satchel and heads towards the wreckage, carefully wading in. "Comin' in with healin' supplies, sah!"

Rahier turns to watch the commotion with his ears back, and begins to move across the street. The building, still standing but sheathed in dust, starts to rumble again, and the boards of the south wall squeal as nails are pulled from wood. "Watch out!" Rah warns, and the two-story structure comes to pieces completely, each set of walls falling outward to crumble down onto the houses surrounding it. It makes a dull *thud* which is easily felt in the chest of each present. The second floor falls down into the first, which falls into the basement, creating a great obscuring cloud of dust.

It's possible that whoever's trapped can't really hear what's being said to her, what with the rubble and the next building that goes crumbling down. Or maybe she's too frantic and scared to make conversation. Her hitched voice comes at short intervals, though. "Please, /please/ hurry, please, oh.. I'm here, here, please, get me out!"

"We're /coming!/" Tyree yells in reply. He can judge himself to be approximately where the unfortunate is trapped, and several other strong moles and otters are helping by now, a wide area in which the victim can be found. Tyree continues to toss away wood and brick, heaving up a large piece of timber and dropping it to the side. "The rest of you!" he calls to the others. "Start formin' a chain and move some of this... this junk away! Quickly!"

Rahier makes it across the road, coming up behind Tyree. He hacks a cough, and pulls the collar of his tunic up over his nose to filter out the dust. He blinks against it, and grabs one of the pieces of wood that Ty hauls on up. The otters move forward at his bidding, barking to each other as they start grabbing up fallen timber and throwing it into the street.

"Aye, sah!" Dagda hefts what looks like a piece of rafter, or perhaps a stud, and drags it backwards, then advances towards Tyree, casting about in the mess for signs of the survivor.

Micah coughs and chokes as he takes a breath at /just/ the wrong moment, the thick cloud of dirt catching irritatingly in his throat. But, taking Rahier's cue, he pulls his tunic up in the front to cover his muzzle, wiping the backs of his paws across his face, smudging the tears that work free from the irritation to his eyes. Fuh. That doesn't keep him from clearing the smaller debris to clear it while the others focus on the timber. "Keep talkin'! How're you injured? Tell me!" Mike calls to the survivor below.

The girl's voice is interrupted by short coughing fits - there's dust down there, too, and maybe not so much air either. "I. I'm okay.. I hit my head but I'm okay, but. But--" She makes a short sound of upset and discomfort. "My baby... Please, please just. Just get me out of here..." She's not as loud anymore, either.

"We're comin', miss! Just keep calm! An' keep talkin', will you? Can you hear us above you?" His tearing at the wreckage grows a tad bit more frantic as the voice begins to fade. "You need ta' keep tellin' us things! Is your baby all right? Are either of you bleeding? Anything, come on!"

"No.. no, um, I don't know," comes the response, and a few more coughs. Then a whimper. Please help. :( "I haven't.. haven't had it yet."

Rahier puts his paw on Tyree's arm as he begins to grow frantic, and clears his throat with a cough against the dust in there. "I'd wager she's under this," he says, pointing along a wide beam that probably was once the apex of her roof. "Probably protected her from the fall! If we dig under that, maybe you can grab her." The major waves to the otters behind them, bringing them up-- they grip at the long beam, and start to push, raising it up just a bit.

With a grunt, Dagda jerks some kind of hollow pipe a few feet long from the rubble, then moves over to Micah's position. "Miss," he calls, "'M gonna push this 'ere pipe down inta th' rubble. If y' see or feel it, grab on! Y' c'n breath betta, as'well." The buck does his best to work it down through the wreckage under the beam.

Micah squats down beside Dagda to assist with the pipe, adding his strength and directly to carefully push the pipe inward. His ears are flattened back. "D'you feel the baby kickin' still?" he asks of the girl below with a note of worry in his voice.

Moving that beam shifts all the rubble still against it, and the trapped girl whines with fright. "Oh, um. Um! Be careful, the-- the... Oh, I see it," she mumbles, and then there's a bump on the other end of the pipe when she grips it with her hands. There's silence, then a frail answer to Micah's question. "Not right now..."

Dagda nudges the younger buck with his elbow. "She doesn' need ta be worryin' abou' tha' righ' now," he murmurs, brow furrowed. "Alrigh', miss," he calls again, "we know where y're at, an' we're gonna get y' outta there righ' fast now."

Tyree stands up and watches the otter's go to work on the former roof, and Dagda with his pipe trick. "Good eye, there," he compliments the other hare. Wiping dust from his fur, he stoops down and helps lifting the heavier debris off. "We've found ya now, m'gel, we're on the way!"

Micah glances briefly to the side at Dagda, lowering her voice. "It's somethin' we'll need t'know," he mutters, but leaves it at that. He stands out of the way, then, as the larger bucks and other creatures clear the mess.

Silence for now from the girl under the rubble. As more and more of it is cleared away, dust and grit rains down onto her, making her cough a bit raggedly.

The otters grunt and strain as they push at the beam.. Dagda is in a good spot to insert that pipe, while the others work. As Tyree and Rah pull up piece after piece of broken, snarled building, eventually they reach a small cavity in what was once a nice little house, and there's the doe, holding onto the pipe. A mole edges his way in and after a few swipes of his big digging claws, the hole is wide enough for her or one of the smaller patrollers like.. "Mike, think y'can help her outta there?"

Tyree makes room for Mike. Smaller bucks to the front please, your unique size disability is needed!

Micah glance over in surprise, but quickly nods and drops his pack so he's not encumbered by it. He moves quickly forward and kneels down at the edge of the hole and then ducks down, going in head first. "Someone get my ankles," he instructs, starting to lean down into the hole to her. He reaches his paws down to the doe, but he still needs a foot or two more to reach her. So, assuming they will dutifully catch his ankles, he pitches himself further in and stretches out for her. "Grab hold," he grunts out as he slides further into the hole.

Dagda is more than happy to grab on to Mike's ankles. They're reasonably clean, considering.

Delphi edges closer in the little space she's stuck in, and reaches to grasp one of Mike's hands in each of her wrists. After another little cough the first thing she says is, "Is Lin out there..?"

"Hold on t'him, Dagda," Rah says, and then turns his head to Tyree. "Ty, go'n grab one o' those stretchers so we can move her outta here. They're there on the road." He gestures, then turns his head back to crouch down and peek down the hole- Mike occupies most of the space. "Y'got her?" he asks.

"I was actually gonna star' pullin' him out, sah," Dagda comments, leaning back slightly and bracing his feet to ease Mike back out of the hole.

"On it," Tyree says. He takes two steps to the right. "Stretcher!" he calls, and one is swiftly delivered to him, already assembled. Ah, the joy of being a lieutenant! He and a burly mole hold it out in preparation for the doe's arrival.

Micah grips tight onto her wrists, in turn, so that their arms are suitably locked. He gives the unfamiliar doe a reassuring grin. "It's nice t'meetcha," he greets her with a slightly cheeky tone. Tam's rubbing off on him, clearly. And then he feels the tug on his ankles. "Hold on," he warns her, and redoubles his grip.

Delphi coughs again, squeezing her eyes shut. "Yes, it's. It's nice to meet you, too, but is Lin out there..?" She clings onto Mike's arms, lopears wilted down to the sides.

The tug is gentle and gradual, to be sure, as Dagda alternately leans back, then scoots backwards and repeats. His pace is not excessively slow, simply cautious.

"Thank ya, lieutenant," Rah says, moving a step backwards in his crouch as Dagda starts to lean and pull. "Thas' it, lad," he says, more encouraged now that Mike is starting to slide out. When Dagda has pulled enough of Mike up for his torso to be visible, Rah bunches his paws into the recruit's tunic to help pull him on out of the hole, him and the doe.

Micah grunts with the effort of holding onto the doe. I mean, after all, she's pregnant and he's not a big buck! In answer to her question, now, all he does is shake his head wordlessly, because in part he doesn't know and in part he doesn't want to drop her. XD Once he's up enough that he can plant his knees on the ground, he starts to help himself, pulling up to try and help lift the doe out. "Help," he grunts out with the exertion in his voice. The muscles of his arms strain. Small, it's a double-edged sword.

Dagda has let go those well-cleaned ankles when Mike pulled himself up onto his knees, and now moves to assist the younger buck with the... heavy lifting.

Delphi's feet scrape the side of that little hole she was stuck in, her muzzle twisting with discomfort as she's pulled, her arms straining as well from hanging from them. Her head appears out of the hole Mike went down into, floppy ears to each side of her head, hair all unruly.

Tyree figures that helping might crowd the hole, but Micah looks ready to just let his arms fall off. He drops the stretcher and moves on over to the pregnant doe, latching on to her personally as enough of her appears for him to get a good grip. "An' lift," he says to the others. Lift!

Rather than drop her back into the hole? Most definitely! He will the Armless Wonder. Mike grunts effortfully at the order to lifting, pulling up to his feet as the others assist in the extricating of the doe. When she's clear of the hole, he lets out a relieved sigh.

"There y' are, miss." Dag brushes his paws together, clearing them of some dust as he gives her the once-over for visible injuries. The buck steps around behind her to check the other side, circling back to the front.

And the stretcherbearers are there for the bucks lifting the doe-- they manage the transition from hole to stretcher well enough, resting Delphi down on it on her back. Rah recognizes her easily enough as Lin's friend. It actually makes him smile. "Hey you," he greets. "Didn't leave y'waitin' too long, I hope."

Delphi sinks onto the stretcher with a sound of relief, hugging her arms around her stomach. She is very, very pregnant. She rests a little on her side and her ears perk slightly at the sight of Rah. "Oh! Rahier! .. have. Have you seen Lin? Where's Lin?"

Crisis averted, Dagda settles back into his normal modus operandi. The buck notices the blood still on his paws. He glances down at Mike's ankles. Whoops.

Tyree pats Delphi on the shoulder, and looks around at the rest of the wreck. Some creatures are starting to stare. "Allll right then!" he tells them, already moving off to the next disaster area. "Nobeast told ya ta' - *cough!* - ta' stop workin', eh!" He brushes away more dust. There's still a supposed rat family around here somewhere. If they're not making noise they're probably... well. Dead. But they still have to find them. He perks his ears and glances around, looking for Lin privately. He hasn't seen her since this whole thing started... he turns an ear back to Rahier, listening for his answer.

Not so clean anymore, are they, Dagda you fiend! Mike doesn't notice, though. He glances from Delphi to Rahier, then, surprised to find they know each other. "Lin... Lin, that's yer daughter, righ', sir? I could go look for 'er. Is she in Halyard?"

Well they don't really 'know' each other, they're just casual acquaintances. "Yes, Mike," he says, raising his nose. "Her patrol is in town, not sure where. If you could do that, that would be excellent." And so he rises along with the stretcherbearers. "I'm goin' t'take her back t'th' tents f'care." He reaches out and puts his paw on Ty's arm, giving it a squeeze. "G'job, lieutenant."

"Well," Dag begins, shifting his feet in the rubble, "I guess 'd bes' be off t' the med tent again." The buck steps off towards the door. "Thanks f' the change a' pace, sahs." He gives them a grin and a parting wave. "Iff'n y' get stuck wi' a nasty healah, miss, ask f' Dagda. Although I c'n't promise 'll be much betta." She gets a smile, and then he's off, picking dried blood from his pawfur.

Micah nods to Rahier and quickly salutes, offering Rahier a grin and turning on his heel. Off and away he goes!

( Tyree privately rolls his eyes. Dagda is the one who tried to impersonate one of his own patients after all. And we all saw how /that/ turned out! X3 He turns back to Rahier and nods once. "All in a day's work, sah," he says, and cuts a rather stoic image, all covered in dirty stuff and still squaring his shoulders against what they still need to do. Sleep? Rest? They are for the weak! )

Delphi is carried off on the stretcher.

And so Rah does grin at the stoic image. "I'm off. I trust y'can handle this well 'nough." The major turns and true to Delphi's pose she is carried away with him in tow, ready to deposit her into a tent.
